Day 1
1What Is Z Health
21:17 2Meet Your Eyes
34:32 3Consequences of Poor Vision
26:54 4Science of Brain Change
28:21 54 Basic Skills and 10 Commandments
39:02 6Prep Assessments for Eye Exercises
15:21 7Hand Eye Coordination Chart
40:49Eye/Foot Coordination Chart
24:34 9Vision Reset
12:58 10Vision Drills
27:43 11Vison Drills Continued
44:36 12Introduction and Review
29:20 13Improving Your Visual Skills
27:45 14Mobility Vision Drills
20:49 15Eye Tracking Vision Drill
11:03 16The Photographer's Eye
25:15 17Vision Disorders
12:28 18Brock String Exercise with Q&A
22:42 19The Case of Arrested Development
15:56 20The Deliberate Practice Model 2
20:41 21Common Breathing Problems and Exercises
32:25 22Eye Isometric Exercises
14:50 23Z Health Vision Training Summary
09:45 24Designing Your Program
10:31 25Personalizing Your Training Program Part 1
33:00 26Personalizing Your Training Program Part 2
28:59Day 2
Lesson Info
Vison Drills Continued
Now that we've done our base compass spots now we actually start adding some movement to it all right? We're going to just be doing eye circles um this is one of those ones that again it looks like it should be incredibly simple you all right? I'm gonna take a target I'm gonna hold it out in front of me stay nice and tall and I'm gonna track it all the way around with my eyes almost almost without exception you will find little spots in your circle that are not a circle like circle than an angle circle in an angle and usually what will figure out is that there's a little lack of coordination in the eyes somewhere within that that's uh somewhere within this field so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start off going to a couple of small circles we do both clockwise and counterclockwise and then we'll begin increasing the size you would come to him with me. All right? We're going to try this when uh we'll have a look that's how you do it standing all right, so go ahead and kind of face j...
im a little bit um so can you guys watch him? Okay? You seem alright now once again do we think glasses on or glasses off? Probably best if we could do it off because we won't don't want him to be irritated by looking past the edge of the frame okay so that's that is a very common thing now go ahead and do this yourself at what distance can you see that nice and focused flip it over so you get too you get the bigger and better and awesome yeah um somewhere somewhere there right cool so it's going to close the deal lolly pops tomorrow see you get to eat the device alright so with that what I want you to do is I want you to just take it directly up follow it with your eyes and then start a circle to your right for your head moving let's go ahead and re set size okay so just kind about right about there okay can stay focused on it in a really good job and you could switch hands if you want a c my nose gets in the way so does that mean I'm out too far um yeah probably means you're out too far okay okay three times yet still breathing try and come up a little higher so they go up up up up up up up up up up up there you got it so we wanted to be a full circle this is one of the reasons he sometimes needs someone to watch you because very often will avoid areas nice and high high high and relax okay now if you were doing that was there a section that felt more uncomfortable feel my nose is getting in the way over here I don't know if I'm further out or just eyes lazier I don't know okay yeah there was a little I can see a little loss of focus on it and in the down left actually let's do in the opposite direction so we're going to start up into your left kind of way up yeah yeah I feel I feel right yeah right your whole body's turning so let's uh let's keep it out here looking okay so uh how's that better keep breathing and switch hands there you go so try and follow that same pattern little higher thank those eyes were not your neck good beautiful and right about not to that too far you keep coming down and relax okay now shouldn't be that much work right but could you guys see he's kind of getting he's starting a little tighter was working hard all right so go ahead and grab your chart again let's see what happened with that and what's funny guys is he's doing this let me just one of the hardest things for people wrap their head around is this looks too simple to do anything almost all vision exercises look like they couldn't possibly accomplish what they're accomplishing because it's so simple like you don't just move my eyes in circles and miss holding him here I'm just going back and forth most really good stuff in terms of exercise isn't magic it's just done it's the right stuff done in the right way it's just good basic work so that's all that we're really trying to accomplish here all right? How you doing on the twenty without the glasses without the glasses with the glasses he had the three, not two okay, should we might need another laser printer? I don't know it's kind of blurry will give me another sheet will feel close. Okay. All right, so he didn't get a huge improvement with that one. Yeah hey, was you know, on the twenty was on the eighteen twenty before so not a big change? Um he actually got better result, I think with the blur drill and just the isometrics they were doing before and that would make sense. Okay, so listen real carefully. We started our exercises without movement, right? We started with isometrics we went just hold. That would be the most basic set of exercises going to the circle requires mohr I coordination. So this is what I was talking about in segment to the minimal effective dose and the appropriate level of difficulty and personalizing right now what that tells me is that muscularly we need to spend a little bit more time making sure because remember it was your left side as well when you're doing your isometrics way need to make sure that the eye muscles are actually strong enough before we start really diving into these coordination drills okay, so this is again helping you identify where do I want to spend my time? What I need to do you're going to questions one is there a relationship between the sexual size and what e r doctors do to see if you've had a concussion? You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah um when we start doing a neuro exam, we do look a tte eye movements a lot um for a lot of different reasons because the coordination of eye movement is a very well, not only is it very complicated in the brain were also looking to see if there's an engender dizziness and a lot of other stuff that we were looking for neurologically but yeah, that's one of the reasons in some of the higher certifications in our system, we talk a lot about the neuroscience of eye movement because how the eyes are moving and what you're seeing in the rest of the body is actually a really cool, easy window until how a lot of the brain's functioning okay? And then a second question, you know, you were saying how their certain points where many of us will will hit a yeah spot where we're not our vision isn't is good is that related to the concept you're explaining this morning about? We all have dead spots when that when that happens are we hitting one of those dead spots? Oh, the blindspot jaimie blind spot you know, actually I think that's a different different category of issue them the blind spot is normal. Okay? It's kind of physiologic blind spot, which means it's there by design got this is actually more we're looking for a movement dysfunction my muscles. Any questions for you on that one? Okay, so far all right, what I'd like for you guys to do going to scoot out you can either stand up or sit and I want you to just work on due to eye circles in each direction um I'd like for you to do it again, but I want you to make it even smaller so really, really tiny and try to emphasize good movement on the left side and while you guys were doing that, I'll take any questions, jim, if we have any that are coming in to circle in each direction to circle east direction yeah, we sure do from one of our just absolute favorite regulars, abby lynn just found out as possible her brother in law may have lost vision and when I do to diabetes and high blood pressure so there's some nerve damage there is that something that these exercises couldn't hope maybe not hurt or what do you what's your yeah whenever we start moving into something where there's some level of visual loss really the only thing I could say appropriately on air is that has to be cleared with with his physician with the physician great because one of the things that we don't want to do is we especially if there's a pressure issue in the eye we have to be careful to not over exert and increase additional pressure so I would just I would prefer to recommend uh did he have that conversation with his physician? Okay, perfect. So how about a little easier question so cat three three three would like to know is it necessary to do these exercises for the rest of our lives to retain any level of improvement? It's one of my favorite questions about exercise how long do I have to exercise? Which I always say well, how long you have to breathe, how long they have to eat it? It's actually a really good question because here's the deal gently what we find is that once you regain or attain a certain level of visual clarity and your peripheral vision depth judgment once your basic skill levels have come up you do not have to train as much. Most people can maintain the benefits that they achieve in their first, you know, four to six weeks of hard training um we have probably one to two times a week so you want you and I kind of if you've ever done any kind of, like biking or swimming when we talk about building an aerobic base so that now that you have your base, you don't have to do it quite as much or quite as hard, same thing with the eyes so to maintain benefit you're gonna have to do it yes, but do you have to do it is often no all right, how'd you guys do after the circles? Did you retest? No. All right starting to remember henry test I didn't have a change, no change it wasn't more difficult or easier. Okay, so just no change on that one. Yeah, I'm in the same boat, they still certainly better than it was earlier, okay? And did you get any different from that? Eighteen? Do not let what I cannot do interfere so with a smaller circle a little less intense and seated right? And maybe not so much focus on me standing in front of the class not so nervous could be a little ok, very good. So like I said, the cool thing is you're starting to figure out what I need to do and what does not need to do if you're not getting a benefit from it you put it on the put it aside and go, I'll come back to that one later you're going to stick with the high payoff drills high performance drills we go forward all right so that was the first movement drill so we did a isometric hold and we did our first movement drill, which is eye circles the one they're going to go to now he's actually one of my favorites um and this is eye spirals okay, now I spirals is exactly what it says. We've got two different versions where we start off and we create an ever widening spiral and can you can you envision that doing this spiral exercise requires even greater kind of fine motor control of the eyes? So from a focusing perspective a teeming perspective the spirals are another step beyond what we've done with the isometrics and with the basic circle. All right, so we're going to spirals in clockwise, counterclockwise direction and then one of my favorites is vertical dimensions alright, all in front of you for now. Okay. Um so let's just have you guys try this er on your own, so go ahead and stand up and we're going to start off with kind of a clockwise counterclockwise version to get nice and tall, find your focal point and just start with some small circles down the main thing that you want to focus on keeping that head still okay, go ahead, stop guys because I want to say something all three of you were doing something that's very classic which is you're avoiding the up part most people again when I asked him to spirals you do it just like this they want to avoid going they want to avoid going up we spend so much time looking down throughout the day that it's actually very uncomfortable for most people to elevate the eyes so go ahead and re start it again and try to emphasize not only the down but also an equal amount of upin your spiral wait a little bit better alright do one more and then switch directions start again it's a small in the opposite direction now where are you getting a little tired just thought relax for a second yeah yeah there's a little you can always you exceeded see if it's more comfortable there we go much better you guys are moving at a pretty good pace um one of the things that we often see people do this is just a really common error on since people are watching I want to show this is they'll do it like this they go fairly fast because whenever you're going fast you know actually don't notice the mistakes you're making so you want to make sure that you're actually keeping it in a fairly slow steady pace so they get an idea if you're really staying focused on the target okay so that felt okay yeah alright retest then again, if you're getting tired of using the multi size chart, grab the convergence chart see if you can convert better and now you get down to eleven on eleven awesome very very good mind is like a parachute it doesn't work this out getting easier that's pretty me so that's from eighteen to eleven yeah without the glasses at near vision okay, so that was one of the better ones for you yeah, yeah look, I should share one thing with you that seems to be consistent with what you're teaching us yes, they didn't handle you know, you have to hit the ball with your hand but in all different positions, right? And I make more hand errors up here then I do it absolutely it's it's this region we're on the right side particularly where I make them I make more handers makes sense with what you're saying the section appears is problematic from people. So how did you respond to the spirals kind of back at the twenty back in the twenties? Okay, so we're gonna really concerned a consistent theme with you that right now, like I said, you probably need to isometrics more thin the movement but it probably will take one or two weeks and then you'll be able to go into the circles and spirals more who knows? Maybe by tomorrow we'll find out we're revisiting you know, it's it's still looking clear and clear on the five five I can't quite get to the four all right? And I just tried doing the conversions tests and it's still difficult, still difficult, very good. All right, so we're still doing good making progress. I'm going to get through the next set, seated on the reason that we're kind of going back between seated and standing. If you remember the first slide I put up in terms of safety, I said you got to choose a safe, that challenging position as your fatigue builds up and as you're doing more and more vision work, you will tend to develop more body attention and so what's very interesting, and I see this all the time, but I'll do a test with someone will do some I work with him standing no benefit, sit them down to the exact same exercise and they improve, and I can give you some rationales around that maybe tomorrow about how the brain perceives all the stimulus that's coming in. But basically, like I said, we're trying to walk that that fine line of enough stimulus, but not too much and sometimes just the act of holding yourself up while you're, uh what you're struggling with balance and doing I work can be a little too much so were to do this one seated we're going to start off with is another spiral but this time it's going to be a three dimensional spiral going up and then working its way back down okay that make sense to you starting starting yeah start small on the bottom and work your way up a lot slower than that you're just trying to get you know what I'm gonna do okay, okay yes it started small losi is sitting up nice and tall your eyes are down and stay focused on that target. The greatest part about all these for me is that this is so low tech you don't need anything you need a finger or any really good they are serves air good I mean that's flying way really shot a lot of money for those for you guys spare no expense to keep good coffee thirst I keep on saying you're falling asleep by him it says you start starbuck should give you a commission you're right on that no do you not agree is difficult really hard you know it's really different do you have any questions while these guys are finishing up you go ahead and do his direction and then go and re test yeah come on I have a question for myself so we talk a lot about you people artists, business people being right brained and left brain does that come into what we're discussing during the workshop um not really not in this workshop ok? And that's that's actually one of those things that from a pure kind of neuroscience guy perspective, we're both were all both brained to some degree now are there prevalence is maybe, but that that kind of concept I think is where we've been moving away from it because what we're starting to look at differently now is actually the interconnectivity of the hemispheres as opposed to having a ton of dominance one side versus the other, right? Yeah. Okay, cool on one more question from evan and cat eyes do you find the people reach plateaus or limits on the amount that they can improve or does more training and appropriate practice generally lead to better and better results interesting that's a great question um and I'm kind of in two minds of this because I've seen it go both directions meaning is there based on the physiological shape of the I? Is there a potential plateau and would say yes that's the biomechanical part okay, given enough training and encouragement, do I think the brain khun do a tremendous amount even with a an eye that's? Maybe not perfectly shaped? Yes, but you didn't wind up looking at longer periods of training now what I have typically seen and I know that in this course I'm talking a lot about four weeks, six weeks my personal bias on this is that a lot of you guys in here people that are doing this at home you'll continue to see progress for two in three years before you actually start to reach any kind of plateau state and at some point if you're you know if you're twenty ten, twenty eight whatever or you can track a ball better while it may be a plateau it's a much higher functioning plateau than what you originally were at, ok, so that would be kind of the general answer that like said the main thing is when you take away from that is progressive benefit we try and get that kind of immediate benefit in our system because I want people to know get motivated and getting engaged and inspired but your brain we all in studying expertise have you guys have heard of the ten thousand our rule you ever heard of that before? So the ten thousand our rule comes from work by any anders ericsson who looked a talent research we'll talk about that tomorrow in how do we, how we maximize our practice of anything but particular vision because remember you're practicing a vision all the time so the question becomes what type of practice or we doing? But his point was that to achieve high level elite status is a musician or an olympian or an athlete about ten thousand hours of practice was required now having spent a lot of time in that world I'll tell you that about eight thousand of those hours weren't good practice so you get about two thousand good hours and eight thousand trying to figure out how to practice and that's my job it's a short cut that for you show you how to practice you get the biggest benefit so whenever I think about building skill for people I'm always thinking in that usually sixteen to twenty four month range where as you do this it's just gonna get better and better and better I think that same principle applies to the arts to the art that ten thousand absolutely yeah how'd you guys do with the vertical spiral that was way harder for a lot of people it's hard to coordinate to do we have any additional changes or you guys about the same as I was about this about staying on the fifteen to eighteen fifteen eighty read that so hey I don't know so are you guys writing those down for yourself you might want to write that down like responded really well to the vertical spiral doctors really happy about this but I found it was particularly difficult doing that spiral when I got up to here yes a just cause I'm looking up b is my depth perception of well how far back do I come writes how far out do I go? Yeah and after I got done with that I still need my stir to do the conversion test or drill, but when I take the sir away, I can actually hold that image for a second before my eyes resettled great and it's still really difficult to do that, you know, I'm ableto put a little bit more stability. Very nice. Okay, so, um, if you think about what we've done, we started off once again with isometrics. Can I just hold the position? And then we went to circles. Can I actually coordinate my eyes in a simple, you know, kind of, uh, it's it's uni dimensional arena? And then we started going much more three dimensionally with our spiral, so we have vertical spirals, we have horizontal spirals. Now, if you're doing this at home, there's so many different ways to do this and make it interesting some of the stuff that we do with athletes, for instance, if they're already really good with eye movement, yes, I could have them doing these as they're walking and moving. Another fun little thing we do is we add some cognitive load someone asked about hey, you know, does this help with cognitive functioning? Well so I might give them a die a dice, and as they're doing this, I might have them rotated and add or subtract s so they could be doing a little bit of math mr doing the eye the eye drills so as I said that some of stuff we'll talk a little bit more about tomorrow and the idea of maintaining novelty and increasing or decreasing the stress of it all but right now said we're just working through very simply hold move simply moving a more complex pattern and as you do that you're making notes paying attention to what's going to improve you what's not going to improve you okay guys good with us so far yeah another question so when we design our own uh exercise regimen yes sir is it okay to not do the same thing every day but maybe to go on a two or three day cycle and alternate that is a wonderful idea in fact that's what I'm probably gonna be preferable for most of you is to not not just do one but to do multiple multiple different drills area by and bury them like over two to three days cycle correct okay all right now we're talking about now uh because I was gonna give homework not really but it's a little bit of homework we have a few more minutes left in this segment but I don't really want to focus on the peripheral awareness now because I mentioned this one as we were going to the four skills right we have we've gotta have good visual clarity we have to have good death judgement we have to be able to move our eyes in the last one we have to have good peripheral awareness so one of my favorite drills and I do this with actually honey because do endurance sports I heard swimming a little bit grass country a long time ago across country could any because run you cycle I cycle okay? And I takes spinning classes once in a while, okay? Um I actually do this drill that I'm gonna tell you about and they were actually put this into context with some of the stuff that we've been doing with a lot of endurance athletes amazing skill set to improve endurance, all right? Because again, I keep going back to this idea that when we are fatiguing when their stress levels going up, our personal vision tends to narrow and if I'm a runner and I'm out, I'm getting fatigued that my peripheral vision is narrowing and my ability to sense where the ground is is actually going down am I going to speed up or slow down? I'm gonna slow down right now, and so one of the skills and drills that I do with a lot of endurance athletes is we have them do what we call peripheral walking or peripheral running our purple awareness walking perfect awareness walk running so it is a really simple idea in that basically you just go you find a place it's very comfortable to walk now you know I'm not going to recommend that you do this where there's a lot of you know don't go walking in the middle of the street in the middle of seattle a lot of cars coming it's nice if you could do it in a park or a setting where there's a little less coming at you because the natural reaction the human brain is fine walking somewhere in something moves is to look at it all right it's just a built in safety mechanism that's how we're designed but what we want to do is go to a comfortable place that we can walk preferably outdoors because remember we want to start working on also looking into the distance and then you just start walking and we start off with standing and you kind of go through a little search pattern all right in a search pattern is what can I see above me without looking up? What can I see below me without looking down? What can I say to my left? What can I say to my right? And then ultimately can I see all that at the same time that makes sense to everybody you mean without even moving your eyes not moving your eyes not don't move your highs don't we're talking about your head not even moving your eye correct? Wow okay, so go and stand up. We're going to try it together already, trying it sitting down and now it's this interesting. Okay, so, um yeah, good. So just stand nice and comfortably shake out any tension because tension and peripheral peripheral awareness kind of butt heads with one another. You want teo to relax as possible so you take a couple deep breaths in and out. All right, now what I would ask you to do is keep your head still and I actually wanted to pick something in front of you to look at. All right? So it says pick a focal points and pick something look at once you have that and you're focused on it. Now I'm just going to ask you to pay attention to what's above you. Okay, see what you can see how much of the ceiling in this room can you see? Remember this one's got light rails and girders and everything else number one can you see it in number two? How clearly can you see it all right now, then you kind of have that idea and you're not straight. You're not trying to do anything you're noticing right now to keep taking those comfortable breast, keep relaxing your shoulders and neck now stay on that same focal point, see what you can see below you how much of the ground can you pick up? You guys are standing on this ah rug can you see the pattern in the rug without staring at it? Can you see the edges of the rug versus the carpet? What else can you pick up in this kind of bottom visual field? It is your standing there ask yourself the question how closely or how close can I get on the bottom to my own body? Okay, now you're still relaxing I would ask you to now think about what you can see to your right all right to your right how much of the room and in in one of the big questions is how far back can you see? Can you see in a straight line out from your right side? Can you see a little beyond that? I know where there's a person to my right good all right now let's do the same evaluation to the left side king as doing good no one's passing him now try to see all four sections at the same time. This is blowing my mind so see above in the sides and below and the way that I tell people is kind of think of a sphere like how much of the world can you see all at the same time without focusing on it? But it's a mental focus it is a mental focus is fine this is called peripheral awareness now as you're doing that and you get an idea of the size of your sphere mentally, try to expand it see if you can see a little bit more out to the right and left a little bit more above and below you you think I'm limited by my classes what's awesome if you're figuring that out that's actually really good huge oval of stuff and I can see the lights the table, the door the stats all at the same time yeah, but I can't get further out than try it without your glasses on even if it's going to be blurry notice what happens? This is one of those really strange drills but this is again an incredibly powerful one. See, now I'm seeing catholic movement but nothing clear that's fine that's fine, you purple system is actually better at picking up movement. Um it's not really designed to give you a ton of detail although that we work on getting some detail it's much better sensing motion that's its safety factor so that's fine. Okay, can you guys kind of can you at least mentally understand what I'm asking to do in terms of expanding the sphere and were you able to do it a little bit at a time? But I felt like it's kind of interesting right rio if I just tell myself hey look a little wider my visual field starts to open up okay now having done that retest retest retest hopefully you guys are getting the theme here let's do it like this though well they're testing you ready? Awesome so evan would like to know what is your personal practice routine look like personal practice routine usually yes mine is actually fairly simple because my eyes like I said I've trained for over the years are quite good um generally about every two or three days I do the full set of isometrics that we worked on I do I spirals um been depending on what I'm working on it in any given time I will typically use the brock string um and what happens with the brocks string as and we'll talk more about this tomorrow but when you're really good with it you don't even need the beads you can just look at the string and get your ex on move the acts up and down with your focus so I'll do that on dh then I loved thee convergence divergence charts I have multiple versions of those I have in my ipad and I just kind of carry those around when I'm sitting around I play with him because I like the three d so that's my basic kind of visual hygiene practice I do a lot of palming in the light I massage kind of throughout the day with them on the computer on and then because I do sports that are a lot of visual challenge that's the additional stuff I get to do cool, I want to throw, throw it a couple more, so you travel a lot. I do do you do a lot of these exercises while you're travelling on the plane in the airports and we need it. We haven't talked a lot about it all that ipads and absent stuff, yeah, we're going to get into that and I'll talk about some really cool little aps and stuff that you can pick up graham for the ipad that are very easy to use. The main thing, like I said that I'm trying to get people to understand is you can do these drills anywhere, any time you don't have to sweat, right? I have a lot of our staff of the office, like we did the little near far testing, right? But you don't have to have the charts to do near far practice, so a lot of our staff tell me that they do their near far work. They pulled to a stop light and they just do near far while they're sitting at the stoplight. You can do any of these exercises almost anywhere at any time, so, yeah, I do I'm on planes. Lots of airports and the big thing for me is I try to avoid and this is stuff that we're talking again about tomorrow I try to avoid spending more than about thirty to forty five minutes on close work without leased a brief visual break that that khun become again from a habitual standpoint I think it's very important so how'd you guys do with after a peripheral vision? I didn't know too much of a change on my my varying font size charton, but I'm able to hold the convergent three d image even a little it's hard like it it'll slip away inevitably yeah, but but a little longer yeah, I can move the stick and just like keep them is their first second miles just give up ok good anyone else changed with a perfect vision? Um I got a little better I can read some of nine I could read a bit of the fourteen but it's so fuzzy but here's what I like I looked up as you guys were to answering the questions and I'm seeing like the smudge on the big screen, the rings on the vase and little white flowers I'm seeing more details so something is going on yeah guess the price can yeah um yeah uh this is this one of my favorite things about doing what I do when you we've spent so much time looking at brain function, trying understand, hey, how do we talk to brains? How do we convince them to do the stuff that we want them to do and generally what happens when we can find the right set of tools? And we, in essence, what you guys are doing with your testing is you're telling the brain what you wantto have change that's one of the reasons that in our system, we constantly focus on this assess, reassess thing because you're the brain, it tends to be very target driven, right? Very goal driven on dh so when I go, hey, keep looking at this chart hey, keep expanding the peripheral vision, improve my ability to hold this convergence it actually given the brain something to practice and brains love targets, and so the assessments are serving a couple different purposes. Number one, you can evaluate your response to the different drills, but number two, you are always encouraging the brain to get better, and that is one of the strangest parks about vision training, but all training, um, one of the things, as I said, we'll talk about tomorrow with regards to deliberate practice, a lot of people go into a gym to do a work out. All right? And one of the things I would love for you to do is to no longer use the term workout because there is no such thing as a workout there is only a training session that makes sense there's no such thing as a working you are always training which that sounds like a little semantic thing but it's really not because when you walk in and you know I am here to train that's very different then I'm here to sweat you're always training which means you're always getting better what you're doing right that's the whole neural plasticity thing so you know, everything that we do in ze health we're trying to give people very specific ideas and targets to shoot for so that there's this constant ongoing improvement idea that supplied across the board whether I'm lifting weights, hitting a tennis serve or working on my eyes all right? So like I said it's a little philosophy built into good vision training a cz well as good gym training all right? So here's what we're gonna do this hard to tie up the day we have a couple of different drills we got our isometrics we have we've got our eye circles, we have our eye spirals, we also have the assessment drills on dh so what I'm gonna ask you guys to do is I'm going to ask you to pick the thing that you're most interested in okay maybe it's you because I know you're working on that you want to get that three d thing held a little bit better so any of the drill so we've practiced today I want you to pick one that's of interest to you and here's what you're going to do you're gonna do the drill but as you do the drill in addition to focusing on performing it you're going to try to maintain awareness of your peripheral field that makes sense so if you're doing the convergence chart you're going converging and be looking at it but you're also going to try and notice all this stuff that's happening out here because one of the things that we've found over the years in teaching a lot of vision work is that if you get so focused on winning the vision drill that you're currently practicing that you lose peripheral awareness it's actually counterproductive most people get a much bigger benefit if they can remember to do some peripheral work while they're doing the other vision stuff does that sound too complicated or is that make sense to you but could you do just like a five second review what air the isometrics I'm getting the isometrics were whenever we took the stick yes and we had our eight cardinal directions and we just followed and held for five seconds five four three two one now if I was doing that and peripheral awareness okay I just I forgot what it was ok, I got it all right so you want to get the idea you're gonna pick one of the exercises do the exercise but the whole time work on expanding that peripheral field I give you about two minutes to do that they're gonna retest and then we'll start wrapping up the day with questions jimmy have any for me and while we're while these guys were experimenting do all right okay, so just a little bit of ah clarification so when and this is from sm sm when you said that you could do this for four to six weeks twenty minutes a day then goto one or two times per week after that you said it could take about one to two years do you mean that the one or two times a week for one or two years or the twenty minutes a day for one to two years as it makes sense? Yes, that makes sense. Thank you. So if I'm being really clear with this, if I if I had someone that was really interested in their vision and they wanted to continually push it, push it, push it, I would actually encourage them to be thinking in that fifteen to twenty minutes a day for an extended period of time what I find a lot of people is that they do vision drills, they're happy with the change that they've made they have been unable to get lower prescription or get rid of the glasses if they are happy with whether currently at one to two times a week of the exercises is usually sufficient to maintain that. Great. So if you're saying you know what I wanna be, I wanna be eagle eye I wanna have the eyes of ah, you know, some kind of herculean god, then, yeah, you may want to think about having an increased amount of work over a period of months and even a year fantastic and one more quick one from matt p m okay, what's, your biggest success story that you've seen in your years of doing this return to twenty twenty have you seen something that was pretty wow crazy? Um uh, I have had ah, a lot of crazy success stories with vision training I'm trying to think of my favorite I think this is a very interesting question because we're teaching a class really on vision training, but a lot of the coolest results I've ever had with vision work had to do with something else. So let me give you a classic classic example, and this will be interesting guy, hopefully because it relates to some of what you're talking about with your vestibular system if you guys don't know what the vestibular system is, that's the inner ear all right? And what most people don't realize is that your inner ear, which is your onboard balance system in your eyes, are intimately tied together. Um, I had a professional he's, a current place in the top tier german soccer professionally, the bundesliga tier one team. Ah, he came to me with knee pain hey had had knee and foot injury, the painted been going on for about three months. He was seeing the physio, their doctors. He had all kind of therapy done. Nothing was helping. It came in, did some basic evaluations. And what would became really clear right away is that he had a little bit of an inner ear problem and a little bit of an eye problem. Um, and so we basically fixed his knee pain in about ninety minutes with vision drills and the reason of this stuck in my mind as he told me he goes, well, the next goal that I score, I'm gonna do my vision drill as my celebration. And so we actually have there he's on the internet with some with some shots of him doing his vision drill is a celebration. So that was kind of fun, a ce faras, just vision improvement, we've had tons of people get rid of glasses, decrease the prescription. Um trying to think I mean we have had people uh most recently the one that I'm thinking about over the space of about thirty days of training went from about twenty, sixty two, twenty, twenty I'm corrected great esso I mean that said I've done this for so long there's a lot of stories so the but what's hard for me and teaching vision is I always think of vision relationship of the rest of the body I love the soccer one that was perfectly that we're looking for thank you cool all right how'd you guys do was there a difference as you had as you're focusing on the peripheral field did the exercise field different that's the most important thing actually I felt different yeah a little more comfortable a little bit more comfortable and did you have any additional changes in your reassessments? What about sixteen really yeah knife ok now I tested the same I've got you know down the night tonight okay still looking cleared five without without the frames yeah and it was a touch easier to just not get so ingrained and the three d thing to just be like okay there's other things going on my eyes didn't want to just go back to normal is quickly very good yeah that's awesome so the reason that I save that for last on day one is if I could give you any initial recommendations tonight is you go home start playing with the ideas if you're doing the charge for doing some of the drills tonight I said in the beginning we want to work hard and relax the focus on the purple field peripheral awareness is the relaxation part that make sense to you because you cannot really maintain this awareness for very long is you get tight, so it is kind of a natural built in mechanism to help you do the drills the right way because if I'm doing the fun doing this chart the convergence chart it's very common for me to get really fixate and I'm trying to hold my eyes here and everything starts to feel uncomfortable. So the idea of don't ever forget this stuff out here helps your brain relax and helps you coordinate what you're working on a little bit more easily, so that's something we're going to focus again on tomorrow. All right, wei have any final questions as we start to move to the end here? No pun intended yes, yeah, but you get that what we're going to focus on tomorrow that was that was I caught that I'm just letting you know, yeah, you know, we got we got a ton of great questions and I really appreciate you guys out there on the internet interacting with us right here in the classroom we're getting as many as these questions answered as possible so from sms, my left eye is weaker than my right. Shall I be trying to target that left eye more than the right one? Yeah, that's a great question. For the most part, if you're doingood, assess, reassess if you have a weakness on one side it's. Perfectly appropriate to target that I'm or now when we say target, what does that mean? Well, in some cases, that means I could do my isometrics in my circles with my better I covered, right. I can actually pass it, I can cover it. You could do the pirate thing, are have a parrot and you do whatever you want. But yeah, it's actually perfectly appropriate if you know that you have a weaker I to spend a little bit additional time on it and make it work a little bit harder. But the caveat to that is at all. Sometimes the weaker I will stress you out more. And so if it's stressing you to the point that you're reassessments are beginning to degrade, then you need to go back to doing work with both eyes.
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Ratings and Reviews
fantastic course. very fascinating connection between vision, body, mind and brain that really applies to everything in our lives. with accurate and comprehensive explanations and practical advice. thank you for such a broad perspective on what our body and mind is capable of doing. i 100% recommend this course to anyone who is seeking not only performance and improvement, but also general (and specific) awareness of what we as human beings actually able to do and achieve . THANK YOU. :-)
This class gave me hope. It turns out we're not doomed to a stronger and stronger prescription every year. For the first time I feel empowered, knowing that I actually CAN do something about my eyesight. And it's because there's not just the eye lens and shape of the eye, but also muscles that can be strengthened and a brain that can be trained. I'm already seeing better and will continue the exercises. Loved the course. Very charismatic instructor. Lighthearted atmosphere. So helpful to see participants with different types of vision challenges doing the exercises on camera and being coached by the instructor. Incredible value here — don't hesitate to sign up for this!
Beatrice Perkins
This course is remarkable. I bought it with the hopes of improving my vision to get rid of my readers and eye fatigue and it has done more than that! I started this in September 2019 with 20/40 vision, and now, about six months later I am at 20/20! My goal is now 20/10. I do the Brock string daily, as well as keep the convergence/divergence charts at my office and start/end my day with them. The routines are simple enough for me to do 5 mins at a time, and the results are outstanding. I'll ALWAYS exercise my eyes from this point forward in life. So grateful for this course!
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