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Picking a Color Scheme

Lesson 3 from: How to Bring Your Text to Life in After Effects

Oliver Randorff

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3. Picking a Color Scheme

Lesson Info

Picking a Color Scheme

So to pick a color scheme, we're going to be using the website called dot C. O. We'll press the start generator button and the way that this website essentially works is that it gives you five different colors and every time you press space gives you a new color scheme. So if you like one color in particular, let's say this brown, you can press the lock icon and when we press space again it will keep that color and find colors that match that one in particular. So let's say you like this one. You can go to export PNG but you can also go to the explore tap and here you can find a selection of the community color palettes. And if you want to see the best rated ones, you can proceed best button up here in the right corner. So here's the top rated color palettes by the community and I have actually gone ahead and picked one already. So if I go to my profile, I can see my color palette right here and if I go to export PNG, I can right click this image and press save image as and I can choos...

e to call this color scheme. So when I get to after effects, I can double click the projects up, choose the color scheme and open it now, I can just track and drop it into my composition and I can actually drag it down so I can just see the top of the colors. So whenever I want to use a color, I can use the eyedropper tool and just pick it really quickly from down here. If I don't want to see the color scheme while animating, I can just go down here to the eye icon and press it to hide the scheme.

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After Effects Project File - Text Animation Using Shapes

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