Instagram Marketing
01:53 2Why Instagram
03:03 3Types of Content
01:58 4Quiz - Instagram Marketing
Instagram Promoted Post
00:51 6Promoting a Post
02:20Choose an Objective
01:09 8Budget
01:11 9Insights
01:42 10In-App Campaigns Summary
01:16 11Quiz - Instagram Promoted Post
Instagram Campaigns in Ad Manager
12Ad Manager Introduction
00:23 13Ad Manager
01:19 14Selecting and Objective
05:09 15Creating a Target Audience
00:51 16Placement on Instagram Only
01:24 17Budget & Schedule
02:33 18Create an Ad
03:27 19Quiz - Instagram Campaigns in Ad Manager
Targeting and the Facebook Pixel
00:45 21Facebook Pixel & Targeting
06:38 22Targeting and Audience Insights
13:36 23Custom Audience
07:56 24Lookalike Audience
02:22 25Retargeting
03:22 26Targeting & Pixel Summary
00:18 27Quiz - Targeting and the Facebook Pixel
Creative Best Practices
28Intro to Creative
00:46 29Research & Insight
02:13 30Creative Best Practices
02:53 31Instagram Hall of Fame
02:10 32Creative Summary
00:38 33Quiz - Creative Best Practices
Measurement, Reporting and Optimization
01:57 35A-B Testing
07:36 36Reporting in Ads Manager
07:13 37Measuring Impact in Google Analytics
01:05 38Campaign Tagging
05:10 39Summary
00:30 40Quiz - Measurement, Reporting and Optimization
00:52Final Quiz
42Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Reporting in Ads Manager
reporting in ads manager. Ads manager is reporting mechanisms outweigh what you can see in the instagram app itself when you're running a promoted post you'll be able to show your clients exactly how much they spent per interaction. The relevancy of the content and whether or not it generated the conversions that you were hoping to see. A best practice here is to revisit your client's objectives and KPI S. What did you set out to impact and how did you actually do on those specific measures? Let's say you were trying to collect leads did you and how many did you get or if you were driving traffic to a website. How many landing page views did you receive? What I love about ads manager is the ability to customize what you're seeing in the reports to do this. You would go to columns and select which metrics are important to. You. Select either the default setting or come up with your own combination of columns that are right for your client. And lastly how do you know of an ad is performi...
ng well. You look at it, you look at the campaign goals, the budget sent and the return on that investment. Some best practices here for reporting and ads manager is you want to clearly have labeled your ad sets so that you know exactly which of your ads ran on instagram again this is facebook ads manager. So all of the ads that are running for your client in various social media channels specifically for facebook and instagram are going to show up in this dashboard. What I like to do is to clearly label an ad set for instagram if I've placed it there so that I can just narrow in on those results itself. As mentioned for customizing columns. You'd be able to do that within here. So you can either default to a performance view where you can take a look at how things are performing overall for things like reach or impressions or amounts spent or you can customize based on what your client cares about. So let's say they were trying to generate leads. You can choose that as a column that you would definitely want to see in the report or if it was website traffic, you can take a look at that as well and that's all there and flexible for you to another feature that I really love about ads Manager reports is the fact that I can customize these these columns, sort sort my view in a certain way and then send my client a link directly to the report that we're all looking at so that they also see what I'm seeing in the report itself. Another thing that you could look at if you wanted to create even more custom reports is going into ads reporting here. You can literally create a customized report of every single ap or metric that matters to your client and even dig into the people who have interacted with the report as well. So you'll get to break this out by perhaps people within a certain age group and see exactly how they responded to the ad or perhaps you only care about how people in Chicago responded to your ad. You could target um or filter the view to only look at responses from that demographic. It's a pretty cool tool. Other things that are worth noting are looking at results. So there's a lot of different metrics as you can see in a lot of different ways that you can splice and dice, slice and dice the data. Um Different ways that you can look at the data. So here's a quick handy chart that I've made for you that will hopefully make it a little bit easier if your goal was awareness for example, that would be measured by impressions. So if you wanted to generate awareness, you know whether or not you achieve that by the number of impressions that you've achieved right going down to the bottom. If your goal was catalog sales success of that campaign would obviously be measured by the amount of sales that you saw through this campaign. So this will hopefully help you and your client to align to not just the goals, but to also look at these reports and figure out whether or not you actually achieve them and whether your campaign was then successful. Another tip, a pro tip that I'd like to share is that not only should you be looking at the results that you're getting in ads manager, you should always compare them against a secondary data source and that can be anything from in house reports that your client has. So if they have their own way of tracking leads collected whether that's email leads or phone calls made, you want to compare that what ads manager is reporting is actually what happened. Another thing that you might want to look at is revenue. If so if you were running ads to generate conversions and sales comparing that with your clients source of how much revenue, what amount of sales, how many transactions actually came in would be a good practice as well if your client has an e commerce platform like Shopify or magenta. Usually that's a pretty easy way that you can look at those dashboards and just compare against the the ads manager to make sure that that the two reports are tracking accurately. I've had a couple of experiences in my time when the ads manager was over reporting some of the results that we were seeing on the brand or the client side and I had to then talk to my agency at the time about the differences that we were seeing and it turned out that it was just a glitch in the way that the pixel was set up. So you just never really know and it's always good practice to have two things. But probably most importantly when it does come to revenue sales and conversions the best thing to look at is your bank account or your client's bank account. So despite what ads manager says or google analytics or any kind of Shopify platform says if the money's not coming into the bank then the transaction probably didn't happen. And so looking at those things are really important to sometimes these platforms don't take into account refunds or cancelations or um credit card declines that might be happening within the purchase process. And so again you'll be getting reports that are not accurate with what really happened but a helpful tool that has proven to be relatively um accurate when it comes to some of this stuff is google analytics. So if your client does have google analytics installed onto their website and it's all tagged properly and it's all integrated properly with the way that they are measuring conversions and measuring their goals. Usually google analytics is a nice supplement. Two ads manager and I'll show you how you can take a look at how instagram campaigns have performed in google analytics
Ratings and Reviews
Md. Rashel Howladar
The content was incredibly valuable, and the delivery was both engaging and informative. I look forward to applying what I have learned in my future endeavors. Thank you so much for this truly outstanding course. Highly recommended!
Shahin Alom
Awesome Class