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Measuring Impact in Google Analytics

Lesson 37 from: Instagram Ads Fundamentals

Sharon Lee Thony

Measuring Impact in Google Analytics

Lesson 37 from: Instagram Ads Fundamentals

Sharon Lee Thony

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37. Measuring Impact in Google Analytics

Next Lesson: Campaign Tagging

Lesson Info

Measuring Impact in Google Analytics

you've created a campaign for your client and it's doing well or so you think, how do you really know? You look at google analytics, Google analytics tracks user behavior on a website. We can see where visitors have come from and what they're doing online in relation to instagram. Google analytics will tell us not only what content a user interacted with on instagram but what he or she has done when they landed on our website, how many pages they saw where they visited and what actions they took online. The four main reports in google analytics our audience which tells you who's going to your website. You'll also get to see demographic information about them, location information, any kind of interest in other characteristics. An acquisition report which shows you where they came from. This is where you can look deeper into everyone who visited from instagram and then behavior and conversions. Which will give you a sense of what they're doing when they get to the website.

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Md. Rashel Howladar

The content was incredibly valuable, and the delivery was both engaging and informative. I look forward to applying what I have learned in my future endeavors. Thank you so much for this truly outstanding course. Highly recommended!

Shahin Alom

Awesome Class

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