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Example Three - Warm Lifestyle

Lesson 30 from: iPhone Photo Editing Using Lightroom Mobile CC

Sean Dalton

Example Three - Warm Lifestyle

Lesson 30 from: iPhone Photo Editing Using Lightroom Mobile CC

Sean Dalton

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30. Example Three - Warm Lifestyle

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Example Three - Warm Lifestyle

right now, it's time to edit a warmer lifestyle photo. This is a photo I took in Auckland New Zealand um absolutely lovely photo. We have the light coming in from the window creating a nice kind of gradient on the backside of this dish here, we have a nice contrast. Just a really cool photo. So starting things off with the crop. Um maybe I'll just straighten it just, just a little bit but I think it's it's pretty much where I want it, so I'm not gonna edit that too much. They're moving over to light here. Um exposures in a good place, I'm gonna lower the highlights a little bit, just a lot, a little bit and then increase the shadows a little bit. Um and then we're gonna move that white point up, remove those blocks down. Nice. We've got some nice contrast in the image, We went onto the tone curve, making the three points here, dragging that down, dragging that up just a little bit and then we're gonna soften those blocks. Like usual, it's not too much, maybe right about there is pretty...

good and then we can come back out here and make those blocks a little bit more pronounced there, do the same thing here, drag it up. Alright cool, that looks, that looks pretty good for now. Now I do wanna, I do wanna add some colors in the tone curve here, so let's go to the red at our three points and then I'm going to drag this down a little bit just to add some blues in the shadowed areas. This is something I like to do with all of my uh food or cafe photos is add that blue. Um we have a lot of oranges in the image and those, those colors look really good next to each other. So out of that blue come back out to the light. I'm seeing our highlights a little bit weak. So I'm gonna boost those up a little bit, increase the contrast a little bit. Now let's move over to color. We want to do a warmer image. So we're gonna drag that white balance slider to the right and that's going to create a lot of weird colors in our image. But that's not to worry because we have the color mix here first I'm gonna do is go to green, I'm gonna saturate that kind of tone down those trees a little bit and then I'm gonna go to orange. I'm gonna saturate that a little bit because we have a lot of oranges in the image and we also have a lot of yellows in the image. De saturate those just a little bit just to kind of make it more of a natural look. So here we have the before and there's the after. There's the before and there's the after so we can continue to kind of mess around with it mess around with the colors and get them to a place that we like them. I think that looks good where it is yellow hue. Don't want to mess with that too much either in the blue, they bring that blue over a little bit. I like that shade of blue just under that glass there looks pretty cool. Alright I really like this blue here outside. I think it really complements um the warmness of this image here, I think it looks pretty cool. So now I'm gonna zoom in on this food and I'm gonna add a selective filter just on top of this food. And this is something I do with food with coffee just to kind of increase um the detail of them. Sometimes I'll sharpen them, sometimes I'll add clarity just to really make sure that you see that food, make it look really appetizing. So that's really gonna make that food stand out on the table. Um So there's the before, there's the after what I'm gonna do now is just go in and just maybe adjust what's a little bit blocks, a little bit. Just kind of fine tune the exposure and then I'm actually gonna open this photo, I'm gonna save it because I like where it's at and I'm gonna open it up into R. And I films. I'm gonna do the same thing, I'm gonna add some grain. Actually this is a really cool way to add some warmth as well. You can add some nice warmth in the R. And I films up to if you want to make it a little bit warmer, something like that. And then we can scroll over here to the dust and we can add maybe some black dust here and then we can also add a little bit of grain. If you want to do something like that you can also fade your photo. They have a really good fade function here. You can also do this with the D. A'S. In lightroom or if you just want to do on instagram before you post. Um So there's there's the before there's the after. So you can you can go a little bit overboard on this but um I do like to add maybe just a little bit of grain sometimes but not a whole lot. Some people do it a lot but once you do that you just tap this button here on the right camera roll and you're good to go. So let's go back into lightroom and just see the before and after one more time. Before and after. This is just a quick edit. Um Like I said I would I would usually come back and kind of adjust things and make sure everything is where I wanted it to be before I went ahead and posted the photo but I hope this was helpful for you guys um And let's move on to the last example