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Class Overview

Lesson 1 from: iPhone Photo Editing Using Lightroom Mobile CC

Sean Dalton

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Lesson Info

1. Class Overview

Lesson Info

Class Overview

Hey guys, what's up? And thank you so much for taking the time to enroll in the course. Really excited to have you here before we really dive into the content of this course and trust me, there's a lot of it, I want to kind of overview everything just so you know, um kind of how everything is laid out and how everything is organized in this course. So starting things off, we're gonna start with a mobile editing overview and we're going to start talking about the power of mobile editing. And then we're gonna move on to talking about the digital anatomy of a photo. So the things that actually constitute a photo digitally, and then we're gonna talk about the ever so common raw versus jpeg debate as well as the um adobe DMG file and what that means for you if you're shooting with your smartphone. And after that we're going to move on to section two, we're going to be talking about editing an emotion and how that emotion can translate into storytelling. So we're gonna talk about how exposur...

e affects emotion, how the lighting affects your emotion. Things like, you know, having a bright photo versus a dark photo or high contrast versus low contrast. Um and then we're gonna move on to color and how color plays a strong role in emotion. Um Talking about things like color theory, you know, the anatomy of color, really, really diving into it, That's a really cool lesson if you're interested in color um after that we're gonna talk about how those things affect the story telling. So what kind of story you wanna tell with your image and how the edits can affect that story. So from there we're gonna go on and talk about different editing styles, how to find your style, things like inspiration where to find it. Um As well as other tips for you know finding your own unique editing style which I think is very very important. So I included that lesson from there. We're gonna talk about some apps. Um Of course we're gonna be talking about Adobe Lightroom Mobile CC the majority of this course but there are a few other apps that I think are really awesome and I wanted to include them in the course just as a added resource. So we have a video on that from there. We're going to start diving into Lightroom Mobile C. C. And we're going to really dive into it. Starting things off with a general overview of the entire app and all of the different tabs. Uh And then moving on into specific videos um regarding the actual editing process. So importing, you know, prepping the photo editing, the exposure and the color and the affects everything you need to know basically about the program from there. We're gonna have a few supplementary lessons. One of them is on presets. The other one is on common editing mistakes that a lot of young editors make. Um And how to avoid those mistakes. And after that we're going to tie everything together um into actual real life editing examples, with no pausing just editing the photo from start to finish and incorporating various lessons from the course. Starting things off with a moody portrait, kind of an epic travel landscape photo, um a warm lifestyle photo and then finishing things off with a kind of a gritty black and white street photo, which I really love after that, I'm gonna give you some tips on how to become a better editor. Uh And these are things that I've learned over the years that others have taught me, um and I think are absolutely central um for you in becoming a better editor in the future. And after that, we're gonna do one last lesson on some of the things up, just going over a few last things about the course before the course finishes. But that's basically the course, that's the overview. Um and now it's time to dive into the content. So without further ado, let's do it