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6-Step Video Creation Process Part 2

Lesson 6 from: YouTube Marketing

James Wedmore

6-Step Video Creation Process Part 2

Lesson 6 from: YouTube Marketing

James Wedmore

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6. 6-Step Video Creation Process Part 2

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6-Step Video Creation Process Part 2

like many, many transformations. You guys had something that kind of clicked or even maybe your favorite part of the day. And if you hated all of it, keep it yourself. Kate. Go first. I was just thinking strategically at all about doing you do videos like Oh, yeah, obviously, I'm trying to get traffic and converted to Leeds and ordered get leads and then convert that and actually thinking about that before I turn on the camera is huge. So actually thinking before doing Yeah, I like I think my results were going Teoh just, like, goes through the roof because I've had good results without thinking about anything, So it's gonna be awesome. Good. The thing that had never occurred to me was the Google words. Yeah, that it never made sense to me how people got on Google. How how these air things that just never had occurred to me that Oh, you can Oh, there's evidence for why people do things. So that was a moment. Good. Brandy. I like your food pyramid triangle there. Of all of the basic ele...

ments that I need to put into my videos and how I structure my videos as Well, as more importantly, the scripting at this point, cause I've never done that before. I just turned on the camera, started jabbering. So now I have some structure with your food pyramid. Right now Wait a second. Go ahead and share with me a little bit about what you shared with me at the break about the the sales that have just come in here since, Ah, since turning airplane mode back off was able to see all of these inbox messages, and all of it were just from the top down sales for for the mill amount. So that's so awesome. Yeah, way can only imagine that that's coming from the creative life community. So thank you guys for supporting not just creative live with the people that we get. Teoh help. So that's so awesome. I'm so stoked for you. So, Chris, to go ahead. I think for me, the biggest home today so far has been the video sandwich and just sharing like the attention grabber and then the buffer and the content, the buffer and you know, the the out takes to really encourage engagement. I think it's so easy, especially in my space. But for all of us to make boring videos or bad videos that don't, like, captivated tension. And so I'm really excited toe leverage the heck out of that system to try Teoh, create videos that keep people more engaged and make them want to watch, even if it's a math video. I'm really excited about that part. Brooke, how you doing? Did really Well, thanks. My ah ha moment was the one keyword per video. I had no idea I would have been loaded. Um, what also echo what Krista said about thea Attention the intro, the content and al truly out takes. But I go a little bit further and go over the I think the content part where you had your 10 steps about the, uh, tell what you're gonna tell them, you know, tell them you know, reiterated part? Yeah, exactly. In the called action, of course, being very important. Excellent. Thank you guys, is awesome. We have some people that want to share what they've learned today from the internet. We do. We have a handful of ah ha's, she rickon says, uh, their ah ha moment was people get what they're searching for, really, really good. Um, Jan, like to mostly keyword search in the sections of the videos. Siege speaks, says my aha was keywords batch ing and talking to the mic like I'm talking toe one person freaking genius intelli tiny telecast is mine is knowing I can change my previous keywords and making a plan and goal for each of my and a sin cows coast of photo. My, ah ha Mama's were the key word and batch ing saving so much time. Now here's good news about all this stuff and the fact that almost over today this was all the left brain stuff. And for all of our creator's out there, all the fun stuff really starts from here on out. We have to start with that foundation of why are we creating this video? Why do we need to come up with the keyword? Because that's just how it works. That's how YouTube works. That's how they get. They choose videos. Once we get past that, we get to throwing all this creative stuff and have a really fun process. So we're gonna wrap it up today by talking a little bit about script scripting taking. Now that we have a key word in an outline and starting to put stuff on paper, and we're just kind of interesting. I'm gonna kind of wing it with you guys today. Maybe I'll have you guys come up and, um and we'll start, you know, putting the pen to paper. We'll see how that goes. I don't know if it's one of those things like washing paint dry, but this is creativelive, and we want to see your scripts and your ideas come to life as much as possible. So I wanna be able to help you with that. Because when Liz the alto came with me and she goes, I want to make a video about armpit fat. And here my four exercises, I was able to sit here and going to do this thing. We're like when you say you need a dumb about, I'm gonna give you the dumb bell out of the screen. Like all these creative things. I didn't come up with those myself. I've seen other videos like that, and I literally do spend a lot of time watching stupid YouTube videos that I can come up with great ideas. I wanna be ableto give you some of that. Here's some simple rules for, uh, you want to call Morales guidelines, tips, whatever for forgetting your ideas on paper or their scripting out that great video. The word of the day, you know, isn't necessarily even though Marie said it should be sure, be a short as possible. That's true, but I I used to say that, and now I say, Be concise. There is difference between being short and concise. It's Don't say it in two minutes. If it could be setting one. Don't ramble just because the cameras on you, like I've been doing all day, be concise. Say it as all you need to do to get the point across. And once the points across, you can move on. Because YouTube is a different format than, say, podcasts. Any guys subscribe to a podcast or anything like that. When do you listen to a podcast when you're driving, when you're cleaning your place or going for a walk? Right. YouTube videos require 100% of your audiences. Attention, audio visual kinesthetic, all of its 100% engagement, and that's a big investment for people. That's a lot to ask someone When you have a 10 2030 minute video, you're asking a lot back to me. In my opinion, it's kind of route, like I just expect you're gonna watch for. You're gonna give me 40 minutes of your time and you're not allowed to anything else. In the meantime, you better be willing to deliver in your video if you're gonna 40 minute YouTube video when it's a podcast. Which Charles? I will have another conversation. But I would love to see your stuff is a paw. Gases. Well, people are dry and driving to work, listening to your stuff there, walking the dog. They're doing all that stuff. So Cate E. I learned from Marine just from experience, because some of my interviews air, like 30 minutes on is people will keep watching it as long as it's good. So just like what? You said that value, Like I did an interview with Daniella Port and it's gotten bazillions of views, and it was like over minutes long. But it's because it was good stuff and you're right. It's good stuff because you get to the point, you get to the meat and then you move on to get to the next point you get to the next point. If it took you 30 minutes to share one thing, people will be like This is a little ridiculous. Provide value first. That's also been the word of the day value value by when I really like some of the Burbage. Charles, bring it, Pull you back out of her. Second, is that you're really starting what you're doing based off of what you want to do for your audience, your mission in a passion first about I need to get this information out to people. And for me, it was more when I first started. Was like, How can I make money like, How do can I support myself? How can I actually not live in my parent's place anymore? And when you come from that type of desperation, you know, what kind of like results can you get when you're in a place of that? When you flip it on its head, it's like, How do I provide the most value for people? How do I get this message out? How do I give them these many transformations every video? How do I provide value first that's when it seems like everything else falls into place. So I really want everyone to step with that foot forward, Aziz much as possible. And my, Is this a commercial? Yes, even though I talk to people like like Brooke and Randy and said, you can make commercials because is a no brainer someone someone is typing in locally. How toe get a waxing like the value you're providing them is to say, I'm here, I'm open. Here's my price. Come on and I'm giving you discount That is value. But for someone like me, I don't go make a YouTube video where every video starts out saying, By my course, by my stuff, by my stuff, maybe I'll tell you what to do. Want you pay painting money? Guy value first, Conversational Marie said This. I'll say this 100,000 times will say when we're talking on camera tomorrow, when you guys would be filming your videos alive and everyone's gonna be watching our six in studio audience members creating their video. You want to imagine that camera as that person on the other side of the table at a coffee shop. You're having that natural conversation you want to imagine them as that one person, not, as Marie said, like you're talking to an audience of 50, people. What I've been doing this entire time while these cameras have been on me. You know, I say things like, Hey, Internet! Because that's what the creative Life teams I literally imagine there's one person sitting there on their laptop. I can see it right now. They're on their laptop in there, sitting out there doing something else. But they got their laptop open and they're hearing me in the background. And every time I say Hey, Internet, that means you, too. I can see them, actually, What is he saying? Now? I can see that I'm talking to one person, even though I'm talking to you guys as well. And you want to be doing that as well because if you start making videos where it's like, Hey, guys, you all out there, have this. And if all of you everybody Belova block there isn't like a group of like 10 20 people that gather around your laptop like or their laptop. Come on, guys, this watch this video together. It really is just this one person individually watching your video. 24 7 That's how we want to talk to them. Charles. Well, I think that's a great idea, because I've read several books about creating personas of who your audience is. And I got a lot of examples from the time that I've talked to people personally like there's a teacher who teaches autistic Children and she's worried to death that she's gonna lose her job because of type of time, the type of things that I talk about drug testing. And I just think that when I imagine a professional like herself having these kind of problems that I'm talking to her, it really helps me when I'm trying to decide how I'm going to explain the information that I have for right absolutely helps me a lot. Um, and even when I'm riding my scripts, I read, um, allowed. That's a big trick, like put it on paper and then I just say it aloud and hear how it sounds. I didn't work out, um, more conversational better, um, teas and foreshadow. People call this opening and closing loops. It's doing things that cause people to keep watching your video, giving people a reason to stay to the end by letting know about sign. I'm gonna give you a specific example in a second on how to do this. Um, but obviously, this is really important because we do want people to say all the way to the end. Um, let's see. Let's see what this example is that I have Here's a great way you could start out a video to simple example. Something like in this video. I'm going to share something awesome, amazing and more awesome er than anything you could ever think of. But first, I have a question for you There. We did that. I said I got something really cool for you, but we're gonna put that to the side, and we'll get to that because I know you're gonna keep washing this video real quick. I have a question for you. Okay? And then you could ask the question, which then relates to that, you know? Are you struggling to X y z? You are you frustrated cause you know, blah, blah, blah. Well, I've invented the mill amount, and it's gonna solve all your problems right now. Um, OK, so that's that some of the great stuff I do. I also and I didn't put this in here. Uh, I do Pattern Europe's is is much as possible on a pattern. Interrupt is basically when everyone looks left and you go right, basically, you just are totally messing with the wiring where they expect you to go here and you totally go there. And I do patterning ups in very different ways. Sometimes it's just like shocking them like, Where did that come from? I helped Derek Halpern with social triggers. Who's gonna be here on about nine or days on the topic selling? And I helped him with his first set of videos and one of things we added to his very first video did, which I so loved was he's talking for about 30 45 seconds. It's like see the bla bla bla on the first thing here. And then we had a second camera right here, and it goes, Hey, are you listening and then goes back to it? And like everyone even said there like I was totally starting to not pay attention, you did that in snapped me back. It resets the attention span, and I've got a great analogy. Um, and story. I was always fascinated by by Walt Disney. Growing up, I loved Disney stuff, big nerd like that. And, um, I found this story that when when Walt was creating Disneyland, one of the things he noticed with other theme parks, amusement parks was that they were messy there, really. There's trash everywhere. They're really dirty is the last thing I want. Is this going to be like this? I want to be super clean and pressed. Eat, prestigious, Really nice. So we would go to these other amusing parks and you just watch people after they bought their Candies and snacks and popcorn and watch them walk, follow behind them, and he would notice that there was a trend. There was a pattern where people, when they were done with their trash, their food, they would they would eventually throw the trash just on the ground. And he would count how many steps from when they finish eating the food. When they decided, drop it on the ground and he realized on average it was 20 paces. So now if you go to Disneyland, there's actually trash can every 20 steps from from themselves. And I look at videos the same way. Where? Because, like I said, you got you have video audio, kinesthetic. All three of the major three modalities that people receive information are hooked into paying attention to you. So you're fighting that for that to keep that attention the whole time. And the longer you go without putting your little virtual trash cans or pattern interrupt or maybe a scene change or something unique or different, the more opportunity you have, the less opportunity to keep their attention, and they disappear forever. So any time we could do something like Alejandra says, be visual, add something unique show, show something in the video, the better. So these are some of my scripting techniques and strategies. What? I think we're gonna dio for the remainder of this. Um, I don't know if we have time to go through. Everybody gonna try really hard. Why don't we just go around the room? Will spend about, were spend, spend about 57 minutes on each person, kind of just going back and forth. And I love the Internet's help, and everyone else is helping feedback. Um, Charles, we're gonna start with you I know even starting a few times. But just because I have your stuff up and help you a little bit develop a script for for a video for you. So do you want Do you have an idea already? A concept that you've kind of created that you want to start with, or at least for the video that you're gonna be creating while you're here. Well, I haven't exactly settled on one. It's such a wide topic with drug testing, but since it would probably make the most sense Plus were in Washington, it would probably be, um, pass a drug test and would probably be something to do with marijuana. OK, so that's kind of your topic, and you gonna find a keyword that's a perfect fit for that. And what are you going to be talking about in that video? Um, are probably talking about the different types of testing that's out there, how those types of tests are utilized in the market. And, um, the concerns you should have, depending on which type of tests that you'd be you'd be having. And who is the ideal customer? Our viewer of this video? Well, the ideal customers really pretty much anybody that's in the job market, whether it's a college student that's getting ready to graduate, Um, I have a lot of professionals that are, um, kind of trapped in their job, and they're worried about changing jobs because they've been somewhere for so long. And since they've done that, the job market's changed around them. And really, just anybody looking for work is, Are you gonna be showing people like how toe cheat the drug test kind of thing, like Not, not really, like during 10 gallons of water or something like that. There's a lot of tips in that type of information out there on the Internet already. I'm gonna go mawr from the actual factual side of how drug testing works at the laboratory, and I might touch upon some of the other subjects as well. There's all kinds of different formats, but really I'm kind of gearing it more toward the person that's not immersed in the drug culture already because people that are already in the drug culture, they're already aware of all these things. And I'm going more for people who you know, they're not hanging out with the guy with the tight I t shirt there, the person that's at home with the family and this is not something they broadcast to the world, right? I feel with with a keyword like that, and I love your guys opinion that you need to have. You need to take it beyond just informing them and give them some sort of action item. That would be my my opinion. As far as like so here's what you need to dio if you, you know, want to increase your chances of passing, does that make sense? So if you're saying to me like Yeah, that stuff's already there's already tons that information That's because that's what people want want And it doesn't mean you can't create that you don't need to. Yes, you can come from a different angle and from a different place. But that content, I would assume, if that's you're going after someone who's like changing a job, and they're like, worried about that type of stuff and you have a way for them to ease their worry. You need to let him know how to do that, and I wouldn't even say go Google. There's tons of other videos like you have the answer. If that is, that seemed like that's right on the tracker you want. Are you trying to go somewhere? That's absolutely where I want to go. I'm gonna have to kind of pick one of them. Because obviously with the three minute video, I can't touch upon all the subjects. I mean, there's hair testing. There's urine testing those differently. So they're different video, all different videos. So, um, I would probably just pick one of them and kind of go with keywords of what gets most traffic and then going to go over how it works. And then some possible techniques that you can do to, ah, to not worry so much about. Yeah. So what would you say is the mini transformation that someone's gonna have when they watch that video? Um, well, I want to be able to give them, as I said earlier, is a peace of mind. I want them to have a much to be informed as possible before they go into the situation. So they're not. They're not as worried because it can be extremely stressful. I think if if that's your goal, with every video or at least those type that little niche right there. Yes, I'd be awesome. Um called action. Called the Action. My plan is to have a weekly newsletter that's going to be kind of around my news angle, which is going to covering news. It's anything drug or drug testing related. It'll kind of give what the story is in an analysis of it, from my informational kind of filter, how I can explain it and also that will help tell them there's a new video being posted. And of course, it will be a platform for other products that I developed. Good. You need help saying the called action or anything like that telling people what to do next. Do I need help? I probably will. I mean, this basically is gonna be come to my website, sign up. You'll get a probably like a white paper type of things, some basic information about drug testing and get immediately and you'll be signed up for the newsletter. And then you'll get the newsletter every week or whatever basis. I decide to do it on something like, You know, if you can get to the core of what is they really want to get Maurin Formacion further education about drug testing and Jari Arianna click the link below to get on my newsletter where I update you every single week on the latest and greatest No, But I always like to say to get more blah, blah, blah Click the link below and I'm gonna show you Robot, you can literally be like Click the link below. Now, one thing we'll talk about tomorrow a little bit is that a recent update is external annotations where we can actually add an annotation in her video. We could be like, click this little thing right here and that'll take you to my website. And that's a really cool new feature. Not everybody has it yet, So I don't want to, like, say, do that and then you go and make your video and it doesn't work, and then they can't click there. So you know, if it works, if you want to test that out tonight, um and we can have a conversation about that later. That's great. Otherwise, I just say, Click the link below and we'll talk about where that link is and how we do that on day two day three. So you guys have any feedback? Um, four. Charles. Who's you were grabbing a mind. You have something? Yeah. I mean, you guys already touched on it already, but just kind of thinking about how we talked about speaking to the one individual on Charles. You even said it earlier, trying to ease somebody's mind. Like I really love to see him say specifically, like, with this knowledge. And if you, you know, follow these steps or you prepare in this way, you have nothingto worry about, you know, like to really try to speak to that one person and make sure that they know that they're gonna be okay if they do this or they have this knowledge or whatever. They listen to your video so that, you know, they can really feel like they, you know, their mind is at ease and just toe to speak to them in that way. And it's so easy to come up with, like, a great hook to start this out. Like so you want to pass your drug test? Well, if you want to keep your job here, the three things you're gonna need to learn and then like don't today, uh, you know, my little intro. And then, you know, hey, Charles here with blah blah dot com where I show people how to x y z and, uh and when this we're gonna show you simple some process of how you can pass a drug traps. But here's the first thing you need to know how I said, like, I'm gonna show you how to do this. But first, let me tell you about this, you know, Here, here's here's what I have to share with you. Here's all the information. Here's how I'm educating you now Bubble, bubble, bubble block eso you can get, you know, started out with like so you wanna keep your job. So you looking to pass a drug test? I got you covered.

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I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)

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I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.

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