Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Hot Seat: Script Writing
did you? How you doing, by the way? Do well so that Ah ha moment kind of changed my whole video idea. One key word for video I was coming here with knowing that I just recently did are taking clients in October. So wanting to build a business. So I was thinking that I would just do some, like, kind of welcome intro video covered. I do a lot of things, though. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, facials, vaccine sugaring, lash extensions. So the one keyword per video kind of has people learn searching for all those things at the same time, they're only searching one of them. So just so I can still do like abroad. But then now you have, like, 50 different ways, like we're to draw wheel with all these different keywords. They all point to you in the middle, and they're gonna find people that Onley wanna wax and only want all those funny words you were using and and they're gonna They're gonna find you from one of those. Okay? I can see, like a welcome. You do whatever you want on your webs...
ite like Oh my gosh, It to my website. You're awesome. When you see this video and you come into my store and even 15% offer a free hand massage thinking I don't want to mention the video. Absolutely. Give them some sort of discount. You start to transcend the local stuff and go, I'm gonna show you in this video how you can go into Whole Foods, and I'm gonna show you stuff that you can use, you know, from your local supermarket to do this stuff at home, your own facial, blah, blah, blah. People love that because that's what I want to do is build Teoh connect clients rather than typing out a newsletter. You know, delivering it through video, doing product recommendations. And, you know, I know that it's huge, just like that initial video, because I'll be launching my website here soon. So I just wanted to be kind of different, cause, you know, I do a good mark analysis. And who's out there doing the same thing that I dio and a lot of them? Um are you nervous at all? Be in front of camera? Yes, because you're doing great right now. Is she doing? Is she doing amazing? Okay, it's the same exact thing because we're just having a conversation right now. So just 11 I'll be fine. I can I ask if she's, like, really never done a video. So this is exciting. What's your keyword? What are you gonna start with? What you gonna do? What do you write your script on the night? And if you haven't decided, that's OK, but I don't know. I will say that my largest services right now are lash extensions and waxing, So it's going to be one of those. And I know I can't just be waxing. I do a lot of brows, but Brazilians are right now. I know. So it could be that as well. Okay, so let's say you're gonna do the Brazilian waxing. So this is our keyword, and it's also gonna be the title. When you're gonna make a video and in the video, you're gonna start out. What would you do? Would you teach like what it is? Or or I think a lot People just have fears of what to expect. They're interested, but they don't really know what's going to happen. What to accept, Expect from your first Brazilian wax. Okay. And is it Is it really that painful? Like you can even ask that. Like, is it really gonna hurt that? Three Answer is yes. Okay. But that's fine. Like, you have fun with this. Yeah. What? You could Dio we'll have to talk to creativelive team, but because, like, we obviously don't want you live, like doing in Brazilian wax live or some of us don't probably get mad at me if I give you that idea. But one option would be like photographs or something that, like, just show what it looks like. Um, you know, as you're talking about it and could be, like, simple voice over, but yes, what? That whole topic of what to expect and how to know what you're what you're getting yourself into and benefits and results of it is a great start to have questions on any of any that cause I don't want to talk about your but I'll include a call to action, which I do, um, have online booking available, which is huge. A lot of people don't have that and for us, so we can mention that and then probably just a phone number. A lot of people still liked So let's say we just watch your video and I want you to start with. Thank you so much for watching this video. Go ahead and give me your call to action. Tell me, Tell everybody. Look, your appointment now call in order today. I think about that. I'm not. You're not gonna think about it. We're gonna do it right now on the spot. So it's OK. I'm gonna That's why we're here. So we're doing this. Why? It's called creativelive. Passive life, not procrastination. Life. Um So thank you so much for watching this video. Now, if right now it's just local stuff, right? Say, I'm so sorry, but say your time. It's the I'm not. I s a qu h. Thank you so much for watching my Brazilian Brazilian waxing video. Now, if you live in or near Issaquah, the good news is is when you click the link below to my website and mention this video I'm gonna give you Ah, 15% discount on your next order when you come in and visit me. So go ahead. Right now click the link below. That will take you directly to my website where you can schedule your first appointment with me and I can answer any questions about a Brazilian wax or anything else. You want a wax on your body. Thank you so much. I don't talk to you soon. Your biggest competitors watching. Here I come. Is that work? That was awesome. Cool job. Would you guys have clicked on my link? It works. It works. What else? Guys feedback ideas for other videos. Ideas for things to do in her videos. Like how? If she's gonna do a Brazilian wax can't have new the on YouTube lash extensions might be better, cause that's kind of the big thing right now. I have them on right now, so no makeup. You just wash and go. That's really regimen. SPF lashes to be able to show that right, to be demonstrably to show, like how that works Black years. They don't really know what to expect and what's involved and how much it costs or how long it lasts for How do I take it off exactly? Yeah, And you kind of like sort of home even in your bathroom and like, a little time where and be like, Hey, you want to see what my morning. Looks like. And pilot of a flash. Thank you. Good. Cynthia Costa photo is saying that she says I will say something to being Brazilian. That is not what real Brazilians use. So maybe an idea is like, What about the history where the Brazilian like goo term came from and what Brazilians really use? Maybe that's what they changed it. A Hollywood wax I history And like waxing would merge. Teoh. Cool. This is great. You have a clear picture for what you're going to be creating. It's getting there. I'm thinking of it. Wheels for creating a script tonight. Do you feel like you can do that? Yeah. I'm gonna go check out. That's all that matters. Yeah, that's all I need you to do. So far, so awesome. Great job, Brooke. I'm excited for you. Thank you. I'm excited too. Come on down. Christa, you have a key word that we're gonna use. You know, I would love to look at the tool, but I imagine that I would try to do, um, a topic like, similar to what I normally do, but incorporate a lot of what we've talked about today. Okay, so for example, if well, I did a video about any calculus topic, Let's call it integration by parts or whatever. Um, so that would probably be my keyword. I'd look for integration by parts, and I try to figure out what the best similar keyword would be and then create a topic around that. So I'll look at topics that I, like, had on the list to Dio and try to find a good one. And do you know of anybody else doing what you're doing? Yes. Are there a lot of people? Um, the follow, uh, by heart. Yes. He's awesome. She is awesome. I know. I'm sorry. We're getting We're live. Uh, um, you can go to these competitors channels, right? And look at their most viewed videos. Yeah, and check out their stats to see where. What keywords? Air triggering for them. Yeah. You can basically ethically steel or keywords. Did that make sense for people? I go to competitors channels you already have established channel. I can see what other most viewed videos and why. What is the key words that people are searching for defying them? It's an endless supply of video ideas for ethical stealing ethical feeling. It seems like the biggest oxymoron, but right. Yeah. Um OK, so do you have an intro bumper? Do you have the little No. I used to have one, and it was awful. And I did it right at the beginning of my videos, which I don't not supposed t o yeah, way. Uh, we can get those made really quick. It's OK if you don't have one for for this time, but, um, I'll share one other thing I've ever used. Keynoter power points. Yes. Videos Here's, like the easiest way that you can make yourself a do it yourself intro bumper to have a logo. Yes. Or even some, like simple font that you use this here stuff. You literally open up your keynote or your power point. You put your logo in there and you can animated and choose any animation you can have like an anvil where drops in like smoke and have it like flying like a butterfly. Anything in between And you can make that into a movie and then just drop that aim with a little bit of music or, you know, you singing obviously is what we want, right? So it makes sense. Yeah. Um, on that's your intro piece. No more. Six seconds. Yeah, and then I get people really excited. What? What's with this? With your first hurdle of the YouTube stuff of this being like this the boring topic. How can you get a great attention grabber at the beginning of your Yeah, So I've been thinking a lot about that, obviously, because I feel like it is kind of a hurdle to get over that, like, this is a boring topic thing, but I think at the very least, and I want to think more about this. But at the very least, um, I can give more of an attention grabber instead of just saying like, today, we're gonna be doing an integration by parts problem. Like you said, Like, why is this important that kind of thing? So what I want you to do is when you say something like that in this video, we're gonna do blah, blah, blah. I want you just always ask yourself So what, right? Like why? Why does that matter? Right? You know, And if there's any type of so we can blood a lot like I don't know what that would be like. Why, that's important, you know? So learning this will help you solve 90% of other calculus problems or something like that, then, yeah, it's a reason to keep watching. Yeah, I think it can really change up my tone in terms of, like, talking to an individual and say, Like, you need to know this. You need to know what? Along with this other topic and this other topic. Otherwise, you're not gonna be successful at in a girls. And I don't want you to fail your integral test because you do have an integral test, anything. What you called action. I think I called the action for me. And where I see my products, my business going like you talked about earlier, the webinars and the products. I really want to start pushing people towards a newsletter. Sign up page. So I think the end just, you know, you have something you could give them for free. Maybe it's a past product that you created some other training video. Yeah, sure, I could do that. That's what I love to love for you to do. So thank you for watching this video on how to create your own flux capacitor with spare parts lying around the house for more information on how to grasp calculus or you remember. That's why I said, uh, survey, right. Really understand who these people are? Let's say they are people that don't like calculus. Let's say that's your audience, but they need to do it. Calculus for non calculus type of people Here is my sign up for my free video. Siri's taking you through the fundamentals of calculus for non calculus. Something like that. Go click the link below. Get your hand on those free videos Now They're gonna often give you name and email address your capture, that information. And when it's time to do your live boot camp, you have a big pool of people ready for that boot camp in here in a cell. The crap totally. Yeah, awesome. Awesome. Anything guys from from her, we have to keep moving on. All right, Chris. So you're amazing. Thank you so much. Next, I'm not allowed to collapse that you guys have to club vamping from clapping Rainy. What's the video you're gonna make? You have so many ideas for different videos. What's the video you're gonna make for us is this week. Mine is going to be how to make money with your IPhone five or Samsung Galaxy s three. And you found that is a key word. All of those air. Biggie. I love it. So Ah, my intended our audience is Ah, I guess anyone that has a profession where they're sharing information, demonstrating what? They're what they're doing. Uh, so, Charles, you could take the mill amount on site with you to someone at their job and interview them and then sell that video. Um, Brick, Same thing. But you might do ah, house call and actually do a waxing at at someone's home. And you can actually show it being done and sell that video. Oculus aren't Maybe put this over your your ah, um, drawing board into a time lapse of your art being created and then show show one of your coaching sessions as well. So you don't have to be in studio. You could be at the beach with James. I really like this idea. And I like how it's like kind of presenting it. Remember what I said. Tell him what you're gonna tell him and tell him why it's important before even Tom, You can be sitting there saying, like every day you walk around with a money making tool sitting in your pocket something that you, if you use properly if you use the right way, can actually help you make additional income. If you have a business and I'll help you market and grow that business, what is that thing? Sit in your pocket. It's your smartphone, your IPhone. It's your galaxy. It's your blood. A lot. So how do we use it here in this video? I'm gonna show you three, you know, put a number on it. Always a fan of numbers with your videos. Here are three ways that you can use your smartphone today to market your business or to make income on the Internet or blah, blah, blah. You know, whatever that topic is and teaches three ways because then you have another video on three additional ways. But people will its commitment. Inconsistency. You tell him one. They need to know what the second in the 3rd 1 is right. What, you're called action to do that right now. Get yourself a mill amount at Mill amount dot com overnight. Want to? I like I said, with Randy, people want that thing they're gonna be especially if they're typing and keywords like Tripod Mount. Um, you could also think about down the line, creating a report that's like 10 ways to make money with your with your mobile device. And it's, you know, gives great value, great content all the different ways that you can, or even just like 10 different videos you can shoot with your mobile camera are mobile phone, um, and the whole time it's like sponsored by your your mill amount with the links to buy it. One thing I will mention Good buddy of mine jewels, walk ins, Uh, which I'll introduce you to. Ah, teaches the whole program on how to use your IPhone to make professional videos and stuff like that. And so this would be a great thing for him to promote. Like I said, there's a lot of people that you could just create synergistic relationships with leverage. There's that word again, Uh, any questions? Feedback. Do you feel like Do you feel like you go home tonight? You could write out a script and and like while me tomorrow. Cool, guys. Feedback form. You any type of video you want to see audience? Internet. We probably should move on. Cool. Cool. Rachel, you want to come on up here and we'll you have a keyword. Released a concept for a keyword. That's what I wanted a little bit of help with. So So a lot of the things that we looked up on mine, um, we're having trouble finding concise keywords. So I guess maybe it could be a trato Auriol on how to do something. Okay, I'm or talking about concept, art or game gaming art, but I'm just not quite sure. I mean, the concepts of how toe powder build the script or clear? Yes. Where we need to get you from is here's your customer. We need to get him to your website. Yeah. How do we get him from here? Stumbling around the internet. Maybe they're wasting time on Facebook. How do we get him to your website? And when you know who it is if you want. Like I said, we drew this line here. This is if you want to this this completely different income stream creating courses and stuff in a huge sums up for that. So you first have to make a decision. Where am I? Where am I gonna make a video and I'm gonna make it in my freelance illustration business? Or is this my I'm the Rachel professor business teaching what I know. Let's start there. I think that Rachel, as professor, is probably the going to be the easier thing from you today because I think that also doubles as getting clients can. You can. It's It's like a perk of the right, right? People come every day. Okay, well, you do our YouTube videos for us. I know it was gonna do mine then. So, yes, I think that that four, especially for this week, that that's probably the better avenue for me to be able to know. What type of topic do you want? It will be the first thing you want to teach. Um, I think that there's a lot of my experience talking with artists and other people who are trying to learn about these things. I actually teach at a community college as well, and I teach how to drop people a lot. People don't understand that or how to dio, um, things for gaming Have a lot of people are asking me about that. Like to actually do it. But like they're working at video game companies. Yeah, like how did how to design characters, how design props, how that's for their job. That's for what they'd love to be doing. Okay, that's what they'd love to see. That's great, because what you're really doing there when you start going after things like that, I get excited because those are people that see a financial r a y on like this qualifies me. You could actually go as far as saying, I'm going to certify you. It's official like, you know, I dub thee a professional in drawing, Ah, game characters like people do that. Certifications are everywhere and people love them. People like to have permission to do things that they don't need permission for. So here's one way you could do video because you're awesome in front of the camera and you're doing awesome up here. Hey, Rachel. Here and today I'm gonna show you a simple process for creating cool characters for video games. So if you're looking to get a job working, doing something you love. Like working for video canes and designing blah, blah, blah. You can do all that. So stay tuned. Here's your little intro Bumper death in 5 to 7 seconds and then you can literally just be on photo shop or illustrator on. They don't need to see you ever again But I love the fact that, like, hey, you're gonna see my face and I'm in front of you and we're going to connect on that level. We can see eye to eye. Yeah, you don't have to do that. You could always start with I'm I think that being comfortable on camera things are the things that I'm not worried about, which a lot of people do worry about. I think that's okay. It's the, um, getting all the pieces online industry. I'm getting over the just Oh, I'm doing this now. Okay, I'm doing this now. I could do that. Thing is new part of my life, guys all in the deep end, but it will catch up Teoh like, Oh, I am doing this. I've been doing it now, Um, because by this time tomorrow, you'll have done it, um, and then obviously called the action. Now you're not going to go sell your course? You're gonna say that's why I used to do with my bartending beating us. And, um, you easy men. Right? We do traffic toe leads to conversion. So you're going for the lead. So if you can come up with something, watch this, guys, this is my What is it? It's Yeah. Does that look like that's not again. That looks like a president, but it's sideways. You have a gift. A free gift or No, it's Mickey Mouse. No. Okay, wait. Hold on. Really? Get a perspective. No, I got this. President, President, if you have a free gift, more tutorials, more training, a starting guide, a Ah, template. Something of value. E um, you're gonna get people. You're gonna start getting names and email addresses. People don't want to hear more from you. That won't bring where your content. That's it. Questions, comments, suggestions for Rachel from in studio. Our Internet. We have one from the Internet from Rovio. How about drawing? Excusing, he says, Have you ever wanted to draw your own game? Characters follow me on my YouTube channel and I'll show you how to get started. Well, very o clock right there. Raising. Excellent. Um, yeah. A lot of people are doing it, but it doesn't mean you can't. Who's doing it best? This is Thank you. Yeah. Kate, are you ready? All right. So I think I want to do my video on, um, manifesting money, cause that was so fun. Don't know that people search that. So I think it was actually manifest money. Cool. Okay, so you're gonna go double check that. Whatever. Um and then I thought maybe the concept would be manifest money like, is it really possible or can you really do it? And then, like, four things you need to know? There's cool things I want in your video, and I want a quote. Doesn't have to be a Kate quote. It could be like, Oh, this was said by some cool guy like Albert Einstein or something. And I want a story. I want you to take me through a story like, you know, I used to be skeptical, so I totally understand it. And here's where I first understood. Like what? How this works. And blah, blah blah. Because this is what happened to me. You're weeding all of your stories, Everything. You're doing some of a story. Start with that question at the beginning, you know, like, Is this really? Can you really do it? Find out And I'll tell you, you know, something like that, questions on any of that. And we're gonna talk about called action. No, that makes sense. If I'm doing a quote in a story, probably to keep it short, like I probably just can only do, like one or two key things you need to know. Like, yeah, and maybe because we have to keep our video short. Um, you know, either it's a short story or say I can't fit it in, But in this video, you want to give people in action item, okay? So if the story can then reflect an action item like so what I did is you know, I wrote I wrote this down and I just did this every day and blah, blah, blah. So that's what I and it worked. And that's what I want you guys to do. So you write this down, you do this step and then you do that. Stop and let me know. You know what leave a comment in the chat box or the comment box. Bullets video. Is it working for you? Do you have questions on this house? How's it going? You know, um, that's a great way to start it called Action. Awesome. Si ta. What's your call action? Ah, great to go to my website and download the free quiz to find out how your relationship is with money. Awesome. That's right. What do you call the quiz? The money? Love Quist. The money love quiz? Yeah, like, yeah, I did scored 100% awesome. Any questions? Um, I mean, and for these videos, we're gonna be actually shooting them here. Okay, We'll talk about, like lighting, you know, don't. But if you have an idea for something, we're like, you would want anything. We're just gonna have to run it through the crew to make sure. Um, yeah, we We want to keep him pretty basic in the same for you guys here. Controlled environment. Um, you guys have any feedback for Kate? The ideas. Suggestions? Maybe for other videos and internet as well. Quizzes. Really good. Okay, So what's the benefit of taking the quiz? The benefit of taking request is finding out what are the key areas that you need to most pay attention to, and it gives you customized action steps based on your score. Find out where you're getting stuck. So that's good. Find out what's keeping you from achieving financial, whatever that is. Abundance. Freedom. Take the money Love quiz and see where money hates you. You could see why money just getting that's awful. Anything from from the Internet, let me save Linger of a couple for her it here Everyone's loving the quiz idea. You over over thumbs up there. Um, they love all of the on the fly ideas in the action items, so they're learning as as you're learning. Aloha, Christie says. I would watch a money video to teach kids on how to money manager. I will totally do that. Thank you. Alone, Teoh and then awesome. Similar to I forget who else we were talking about? What different topics? Someone said that you could do different topics as well. Kind of sub like manifesting this X y z Yeah, like manifest in your car. We'll find I thought was a good idea. Thank you. Sit down. How was that You guys, I feel a little bit more clear. You guys feel like you guys they're gonna be able to write me a script for tomorrow. Um, there's are There's our templates. Hope you guys wrote that down. Um, hopefully I'm on the right slide. Hold on. I think I have, Yes. Our action items. Your homework. It is mandatory. Some people don't like the word homework. So it actually says action items you guys find Find at least 10 keywords. I want to see those keywords. And if you can actually write out, like the three sections, the keyword, how many searches and how many YouTube results that I can sit there going? Oh, no. You should be doing this. This keyword next, Not that one. And then I need a complete script from you guys. You guys tomorrow are going to be filmed on camera with me as your coach, which will be really fun because any fears limiting beliefs were gonna bus pass through that it's gonna be really fun. We need a script in order to do that, and we'll go over the script as well, but do as much as you can give a complete thing. Follow that template. Have a great hook. It's OK if you don't have an intro piece yet. Don't worry about that. But have great content and a great call of action. Uh, the goals to keep the video under, Not the goal. The requirement is to keep the videos under three minutes. Um, so I'll let you know if I see your script and it's too long, I'll let you know if it's too short and that we can always add and adjust. So we will go over script tomorrow and then make that video. Um, I'll leave that homework up for you guys. You have any questions on this, Brooke? Yes, I do have a question. So we did a little chart. Where? Said keyword, which he taught us how to dio. You know, click. The phrase didn't show the monthly searches. Where do you find the YouTube results? You need to go to youtube dot com, Take that exact keyword and just type it in OK And the results? Well, it'll say up at the top. Like if I type in like you know how toe how to do a Brazilian wax, it'll say. Returned 3700 video results, and it just right up there at the top. You have questions. Probably get a hold of me. Um, cool. Yeah, Charles, do you have good? Oh, you just taking and taking life at K. Did your question. Yes. So when you say script like just an outline, I don't have to say word for word. What? I minutes. That's up to you. Okay, that's a great question. And I appreciate you bringing that up. Well, the question was, we need to do this word for word, and it's really up to you. You heard married, started doing like a It wasn't it was more of an outline. And now it's like, literally word for word. Here's how it's gonna go in a nutshell tomorrow is that you were gonna do some called the jump cut, were literally line by line, can be read to you, or it's like, you know, Hi, I'm James. One more, And then it's like, Hi, I'm James Webb. Mornings, like in this video, we're gonna show you how to make a jump cut. And in this video, we'll show you how to make a jump cut and literally every line can be read. If you don't want to do that, that's fine. You can kind of chunk it. It's gonna I'm gonna work either way. But if if you have a little bit of that fear of the memorization of doing the impromptu And I know I know you're already great with all that stuff. So you're you get to make that personal choice. Um, you can do word by word, line by line, sentence by sentence, and we're gonna make it work so you don't have to feel like you're memorizing anything. It's a really cool, simple strategy to do this. And I actually think it's more effective than the like. I'm just gonna pull whatever words are coming into my head. It is very moment, and hopefully it sounds really good as I'm recording because I don't wanna make another video ever again. And that's what most people end up doing. Instead, this is gonna be clear, concise to the point and engaging
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.