Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Promoting Your Videos
Okay, Um, here a few quick ways that we could be promoting our videos. Remember? I said, spend this much time working on the video this much time promoting it. So here's some few quick things that we can go over. And if there are any questions, you guys let me know. The first thing I always recommend people is when you're setting up your YouTube channel, sink your YouTube account with your social media accounts as well. So your Twitter, your Google Plus and your Facebook and all these saints so that when you upload a video and even things would like you comment and and, uh, and, like videos, it can create tweets and updates to Facebook and Twitter. So now it's all sinking in one place. It's a little bit more automated, but everyone will know as soon as you upload a video on all these other different social platforms. And I'm always unit. When I upload a video sent out a tweet sent out the Facebook, all that good stuff. Um, I showed you kind of an example of this where I will do ah Face...
book image, which is a screenshot. Usually the money shot of my video and I'll be posting that on stuff like Facebook. OK, it kind of showed you an example for that earlier. Um, and and then what I actually do for those you guys who do have Facebook fan pages, Even if you don't, you can actually do the promoted posts. Have you guys ever done that? But when you know your numbers, when you know that you have a video that's collecting leads and those leads have value to you in your business you can spend money, give Facebook 10 to 15 box and create promoted posts, which means it's gonna be seen that post that update that linked to your YouTube video is going to be seen by more people. And I'm all about that was investments. Every time now I upload a video, I spend the 10 to $15 to promote it, to get it to be seen by my friends friends, and that's bringing in more people into my content. Making my audience is a little bit bigger each and every week. Um, really simple to do that. Ah, one of the great things and people have been asking this well, if I'm building on the email list. What am I doing with that email list? Well, then the next step to building an email list is to build a relationship with that email lists, and the best way to build a relationship with them is to continue to provide value to them and the way I provide value. Touma's. I sent him an email every week letting them know when my new content is up when my new YouTube videos up. So using this software a Weber eye contact, constant contact mail, chimp infusion, soft office autopilot. We can send an email to our list saying new YouTube video up. I'd like to put a good headline in there like, you know, like cool new video shows you how to do X Y Z check out this news video. I made a little bit of copy that Click the Link. Now I've promoted my video. Makes sense, right? That's what I like to do. Every single week, I come out with a video I made on my list one of the other things, and you guys should love this when you have Ah, the email marketing software, like Rachel was asking a Weber is a great example. One of the tools that you can use with ease these these software platforms is you can set up something called auto responders. Which means if Charles opted in today for my email newsletter, I can set up an auto responders so that for every single day for the next two years, 90 days, 30 days under 65 days you're gonna get an email from A It's automatically. And then if Brooke signed up tomorrow, she would start that sequence that day. These air automatically set up emails that would get So what I like to do so that my YouTube videos never die is I put them in my email Auto responders. Siri's. So I just did a video on the top 10 tools that made me money in the past 12 months. And now what I'm gonna do it's on my to do list. Haven't done it yet is for like Day three when, when when you guys all opt into my list Day three, you guys are gonna get an email. It says the top 10 tools I that made me money in the past 12 months. Here's a video I made a little while back back in in January of the my list of top 10 tools. Now, every third day, when someone new ops in, they're gonna get that and the views are gonna continue to go and you tips came back. Wow. People keep going in this video, we should rank it up higher that something's going on here. We should show this to more people. Okay, So that makes sense. It's pretty, pretty simple stuff, right? Uh, and then in our emails, in our Facebook messages, instead of just saying one of the biggest mistakes when I say shared on Facebook, people just say new video. Here's my video and no one's gonna want your video when you do that. So getting creative and clever with your videos asking a question, saying this might be the most embarrassing video I've ever made. What do you think? You know, they have to wash the video to give you an answer. But I also like to have a call to action with those posts like especially when I sent out an email. If you guys could PS if you guys could do me a favor and share this video, I actually did this if you guys were already on my list. Uh, the first day after creativelive, I went home and I wrote the email out promoting my jump cut video. And I said, Um, you know something like new YouTube video showing you how to make videos easier or something like that. And I said, Here's a link to this new video. Go watch it. And I said, PS, I'm not creative life doing a live workshop showing this video alive. Would you help me get this out to more people by sharing it with someone that you think would benefit from this content? Hey, what do you know? There's a bunch of shares of the bunch of likes is a bunch of comments and stuff like that because I asked them to, and people do what you ask them to if you ask him nicely and you give him a reason why and press releases is a whole nother thing on its own. But a lot of people do this. I do this every once in a while. Press releases can still work. I'm not gonna teach you a whole process on it, But there are free press release sites. I wish I could think of a great resource on those, but you could do research on your own for those, um, we do this, everyone smile of someone in my team. Do it where you can create a press release about like like the person who created a video on the how to do the new YouTube channel. Art for the new channel Design could make a press release saying Update YouTube change their channel background. Blah blah, blah, blah, blah and the whole press release and bada bing bada boom their videos embedded in their YouTube goes. Whoa, this authority press really also the all these press release sights and publications air embedding this video and having back things to this video, Let's rank it up higher, so press releases can still be very, very powerful. They've been around forever the early days. Internet people are still using them because they can still work. And this is what we're gonna talk about next. They're blogging block and guest blocks. We talked about the guest box a little bit, so these were still very like broad overview things. Blogging Ah, a lot of people are blogging. Let's put some videos on those blogging s. Let's talk about that. And there, the red pants. So, uh, I did a survey a few months ago and I told you guys, I think about this day one asking my list. What's your preferred method of consuming content? I was actually really supplies. Surprised by the answer, I asked him four things. Pick one. I said. Short YouTube videos that are blue video and article combinations. Webinars articles and Blood Post got really bad, but the number one, even though it's only a little bit I was video and article, the whole hybrid video text combination. And I found myself doing this to go to someone else's blawg press play on the video, and I'm scrolling down and reading the highlights. The bullet points the steps as I'm listening. Fully engaged All three modalities audio visual, kinesthetic consuming, both audio and visual. So it's a great I'm gonna make more YouTube videos that have text and video together. I'm gonna do what my audience wants. And you know what? I want you guys to do the same for most audiences. I'm sure they're gonna have very similar results. Maybe maybe not, But these are the results that my audience gave me. So, um, people actually really liked that graphic. This is why I try not to do my own graphics, because then I end up doing stuff like this. I pity the tools that didn't make this top 10 list. This is This is my and that's the video. So you can see this is my video, My my whole post slash video on top 10 tools that have made me money in the past 12 months. You play the video is three minutes. I just list out the tools, but then I go in much more depth on the block, and I provide more value by saying, Well, here's the link to go there. Here's the reasons I like it when they can learn more information so they could be playing the video and got it. Uh uh, Here's some things I showed you guys earlier, like the YouTube subscribe widget. I put this on every page so people can subscribe really quickly, and that's always really cool. One of the other things I'll show you. When we talked about back links, there's my back link underneath the video. I put Internet marketing tools. That was my keyword for this. And if you click on this, this will take you to YouTube. So put the back link right underneath the video using my keyword. That's a That's a sneaky little thing. We're gonna do that. Uh, okay. So pretty self explanatory were using text and video to create the most like, epic, amazing piece of content for people. So we don't have to be doing this every week. We don't doing it every day. We just to put out great stuff. And when we do, we promote the heck out of it. We get other people to share it, and they're gonna fall in love with it. Comment on it and, ah, opt in. And that's the thing. I use my blawg as a lead capture device. If you were to go to James Webb more dot com where this is located, there are four different places at any time where you can subscribe and give me your name and email address. There's one at the top. There's one on the right, which is cut off, but it's like right there, there's one down at the bottom, so as soon as you finish reading it says Like what you read. Submit your name and email for more updates. One of the top one of the upper right hand corner, one at the bottom. And then I use a really cool tool called Pop up Domination. Really cool. Pop up domination dot com And it tracks when people come to the site for the first time. It has this little light box that pops up basically his first time here. Subscribe for updates. Pop up domination dot com Now Kate had asked earlier about tracking like Where do you know where your leads are coming from? And I actually track all three of these often boxes. Do we have any guesses on which one? The one of the top one up over the right, The bottom or pop up domination. Bring me in the most leads. We got one for the bottom, the bottom. Anybody else? You're just saying that cause they're saying it Read all the way through. Yeah, by far. Hands down, No question. The number one lead getting location on my blawg is with the pop up domination Plug in that comes up by far 75% of the leads coming through. Pop up domination. That's that. Now you're writing it down. Yeah, that's what I thought. Eso So we love using that. Now what? I'm going to show you This is kind of like my final thing. This is really, really cool. Um, I don't know how many videos and log post I've created, but I've been blogging on this block for probably about two years and there's a video just about every block post. So what I did is I got a piece of software and I installed it on every single blawg post, which I actually had someone on my team do it for me. It was really quick, and it I immediately saw 400% increase in my, um my daily optimists from this. So I actually added 1/5 place on my block for people to subscribe and give me the name and email address. I'm going to share that with you guys right now. Here is the stats. Just to show you how exciting that this was day one when I put it on all of my block post, even things that people were finding that are like you're too old. But you can see like this is where people okay, like daily. You know, sometimes it's higher, like, Oh, maybe that was the day I, like, submitted a new block post. And then literally from here on out, it was just, like, straightforward. And that's what we like is a very exciting tool to be using. I really recommend it. He let me show you. It's in action. So here's that royalty free music video. This is also what I did. I put it on a block post, but I didn't embedded as a YouTube video. I used a very cool piece of software. Get ready to write this one down called lead Player. And what lead player does is really, really cool. Here's outworks. You come to my blawg, you Oh, I see the play button. I'm gonna go ahead and click play and I'm gonna watch it and you start washing and say, Hey, James, women in this video today we're gonna show you everything you know about royalty free music. And then it pauses on its own freezes and an opt in box comes up inside the video. You can skip it. You totally skipping. I'm not trying to, like, force people at all. Or anyway, just saying, if you want the songs, get five free royalty free songs. Now opt in to play the video. You could skip it totally, Totally can. Uh, and we did that on every single video. 400% increase, uh, just dramatically built up the list, which was really, really exciting. Look, we got a little royalty free music back link on there. We do that on every video. Um, and then it will allow you to have a little button while the video is playing down there as well. Click to here to Down on Your songs are download your down under songs. Now that's lead player. Very, very, very cool piece of software. So, um, those are some great little things. I look at my blogging as a way to capture contact information, provide value on the block, provide value on YouTube with your videos, capture the name and email address so we can continue to provide value with them. Build a list, but build a relationship with that list. How are you guys doing? Have questions? Have been too overwhelming. Too much stuff. How about? How about Internet? How we doing with everybody? Um, this one from Ursula. Do contact with journalists. And do you send them press releases when you have new videos out? Do I have contacts with journalists or do you contact contact them? No, I don't know. Because it's like one thing I haven't done. It's a great idea. Um, and I know a lot of people to do things like that. So great question. Great idea. Um, and I would do that. Absolutely. There's only so much I can do. We can all do, right. So take it away, Ursula, and tell us how goes, um, Kevin s s Would you recommend doing a contest? Like, if we get 100 subscribers this month, I will do a video on X I Z. I will shave my head if I get 10,000 subscribers, but I have to do it by tonight. At midnight. Absolutely. That's actually one strategy I do teach to incentivize people to rally together for a cause. A reason maybe, You know, there's so many ways you could get creative with this, Like the shave. My head is a great one. I'm not saying do it, But it's a great example. Like I've seen people do. Like I'm really close to 10,000 subscribers. I'm away. If I get if I get to that by midnight and I'm gonna shave my head, I'm gonna make a video doing the whole thing you could do. I'm gonna donate money to charity. I'm going to raffle off. Ah, brand new video camera. You could do what you want, get really creative. This is where we get to inject all that creative, fun stuff that we want to dio into our marketing, our business, to get people to take action, to rally around what we're doing on inspired them into action. All rights couple questions. Air coming in regarding audio and specifically, T General says, can James speak a little bit on optimizing videos? Do that do not have audio. And additionally, what about strategies that don't require audio, like, for example, real estate videos? Do you suggest making sure only shooting videos with text so you can transcribe and benefit from keywords in the description except yeah, I'd still try to have audio as much as possible, even if it's a real estate video. Um you can still do the like. Welcome to 123 Elm Street, this four bedroom, five bath luxury mansion located. You know that's you could still have that. And I still recommend that if that's the type of video you're doing, what do you do? If you want to optimize the video that you've already put up? That doesn't have audio, you just Yeah, the transcripts step you skip doesn't mean you're up a creek without a paddle. I have a video that was number one for a while. I think it's like Number three for keyword like video sales letters. And there's no audio. Well, there's, There's a song, but there's no talking. There's no dialogue, there's no transcript. That's just text and and it's ranked up there. Top. So the transcript isn't gonna be your best friend on something like that. But getting back links, video responses, getting people to share it. Put it on your blawg other blocks. Those are gonna make a huge impact for you. Yes, all right. Ah, Question from Naseer. Are there any unique tips that you can give for promoting affiliate products? Yes. Oh, my gosh, I totally can. What a great question promoting affiliate products. We touched upon this a little bit, and I love doing this because there's there is a right way to do. And there's wrong way. I like to say when it comes to affiliate marketing for 99% of people out there, filling marketing is not a business model. Okay, there are people that make a lot of money do, and they don't do anything else. So what I always recommended encourage people because I'm not into the like make money fast, you know, easy, easy buck type things which it can feel like it. Like when I promote a great product that I recommend, like lead pages and lead player, and people buy through my length like you make a lot of money like, Well, that was easy money. But it wasn't easy money because the stuff I had to do to build the trust and report with my audience so that they take me by my word and are buying based off of the trust they have in me was not easy work. OK, so we don't do affiliate marking for easy money. We do it, um, Maura's like it's, it's It's icing on top of the cake of what you're already doing. So what I recommend for affiliate marketing, if you're gonna do it, is come from a very neutral, unbiased, no desired outcome. Stand point where you are providing honest riel reviews of products and services that exist out there on the Internet. That a relevant to your audience. Don't just talk about something because you know it's making people money, and you want to get on it to stuff that you know your audience. My I only talk about marketing related tools and software like lead player, lead pages and video equipment. You're not gonna find me, but like, Hey, here's this really cool product that will make you money while you sleep, and you should really check it out, but a lot that you're not gonna find me doing that. But I recently did a review for a product called Easy Video Suite, and it's a great piece of software. But I did two video reviews, and my whole goal was to make it the best video review possible. Like this thorough and one of the things This is my best advice on this, I said What I didn't like about it. It was honest. I said, Here's here's what it's missing. Here's what's wrong with it. Here's what sucks about it. Here's all the great things, but here's what's bad about it. And people thanks me. They said that was the best review ever seen on that product. Thank you so much. I'm gonna get through your link just because I have purchased through your link just because, have honest you were. So that's what I recommend for affiliate marketing.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.