Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
Why don't you come on up? Let me get a microphone there. You're already miked up, so you're good on your awesome. Um, we're gonna get started here in a second. You have your script with you? Yes. Do you have any questions to Siri? Have any questions before Before we get before we get started? Okay. Uh, so here's how this is gonna work. What we're teaching you how to do is something called the jump cut. And right now I'm showing you how to do the on camera part. We'll talk a little bit this afternoon about what to do with all this footage that we're gonna create. Um, this is gonna be your que right there that that's your little market for your feet. So make sure you right up there on the line. Um, so you're looking pretty good and you're gonna leave this thing in the shot. Is that cool? Is that what you Is that what you want to dio Look at that. Awesome. So here's what we're gonna dio. I'm gonna take your script from you. Is that scary? You don't have no your words in front of your here...
, so I'm not worried. Good. And so what we did, if you're just joining us, is we worked on everyone, including Randy's script. So he's got about a page and 1/2 planned out, ready to go. But you didn't memorize this. You're not gonna try and do it all in one take. What we're gonna do is I'm basically read each line to you, and you're just gonna record that line into the camera. And then with the magic of editing, we're gonna jump cut it together, and it's gonna look like you did it all in one take and its gonna look amazing and professional. We might have to do a few lines, you know, a couple lines over again a few times. Um but I think you're gonna be awesome. My advice and and and encouragement beforehand is hears you This is Randy bringing up there. You're gonna feel like an idiot. Thes people might laugh at you a little bit, but what did I say yesterday? The camera takes away, like, 50% your energy when people are watching that edited together this life. This is a normal guy. Even though you're like, hey, Randi here, guys, and thank you someone you know a little more. You know, you don't have to be my style. It's your style. It's just give it 110% and I know you're gonna do that. So, um Okay, So your first sentence is, um hey, Randi here with, uh, inventor of the mill amount, and I'm gonna give you this whole sentence and I don't know if we're already recording. We already recorded. Good. Okay, so first sentence that I'm gonna have you say is hi. Randi here with the mill amount. Inventor of the mill amount. And in this video, I'm going to show you three simple ways that you could make. You know what? Let's just do that first part. Doesn't make this really easy. Hey, Randi. Here, inventor of the mill amount. Ready here with the mill amount, or inventor of the due amount will give me. Give me a second, so I'll let you pause so that I don't get caught up on their So your second year to say, Hey, Randi here, inventor of the mill amount. That's all I need to say. It's like, easy, right? Anybody can do that. So go ahead and say that. Say that first line form a A ready here. Inventor of the mill Immelt. Um, now, we made a note about this. Can you add a little like, what is the mill amount thing? Like? Like you know, what can you say about the mill Mountain? Five seconds. So say the whole line again for me. A randy here, inventor of the mill amount, your versatile smartphone, tripod windshield mount and stand for pretty much any smartphone. Awesome. And in this video, I'm gonna show you three simple ways to make money with your smartphone. And in this simple video, I'm gonna show you three ways to make money with your smartphone. Awesome on. And it says under tentative you have this. I didn't I didn't see what your changes. Here s o help me out cause we made at its guys. So bear with me cause I gotta read handwriting. Um, you tell me what your next what? Your next. So why am I doing? Why am I doing this? Because I wanted I want others to share their knowledge and have success in sharing. Okay. Can you do that in one line? Yeah. OK, go ahead. and let me hear it. Let me hear you say it. Go ahead. So why am I doing this? Because I want others to share their experiences and have successes in sharing them. Awesome. I want to see if you can say I get a line in there about how you want to inspire others to do, you know, to to make their dreams about their products or inventions of reality. Say so. But first a little bit. My myself, I'm on. I'm on a mission to inspire others to make their dreams about their products and inventions a reality. But first, that's OK. That's OK. I know because I pulled it out of my head. But first a little bit about me. I'm on a mission to inspire others who have an invention or an idea and want to make it become a reality. Something like that. I'm gonna let you just flow with that. Okay? But first I want to share. But the first I want to inspire others to share their ideas to create their own products and services and have successes in sharing their journey. Okay, I'm gonna break it up, and I want you to stay looking at the camera the whole time. And don't worry, This is your doing. Great. So don't really just the behind the scenes stuff. Um let's see Zohar guys, I'm looking at no teammate. Um, so it's just do this line, but first, but first I'm on a mission, But first, I'm on a mission. Good. Uh, I want to inspire others like you to take their idea or invention and make it a reality. I want to inspire others like you. You know, you point them to make their idea or invention of reality. Go ahead. I want to inspire others with their ideas and their inventions. That's okay. You're gonna get it. Yeah. Um, I want to inspire Are the others to share their ideas to create their inventions? I won't inspire others like you just say that part. A woman's. I want to inspire others like you one more time. I want to inspire others like you to create their ideas. Are your ideas you're gonna get it? During all I needed was that first parting inspire other. I can inspire others like you gonna expire, expire. I'm gonna expire. I'm gonna I want to inspire others like you. Good. That's the only line I needed. How to make your idea or invention a reality How to make your idea or invention a reality. And make sure you enunciate There's no rush. You don't need to. You're not. You're not sprinting this. There's no rush how to make your idea or invention a reality. How to make your idea or your invention a reality. Beautiful male meant. Okay, eso help me with where we are right now. Um, so now to put this in perspective of a grand now, to put this in perspective, here are the way. Here are three things you can dio with your smartphone right now. So firstly, the first line. Now, let's put now to put this in perspective. Now, to put this in perspective, here are three ways you can use your smartphone to make money. Here are three ways to Okay, here are three ways you can use your smartphone to make money. Here are three ways to use your smartphone to make money. Good. Okay, um, help me with this line number one. So? So number one share what you knew share what? You know. And they're gonna say that line stone in your profession. Have you ever? Okay, so say number one share what? You know. Go ahead. It's the number one share. What? You know, in your profession, have you ever shared your knowledge publicly in your profession? Have you ever shared your knowledge publicly? Why not start now? Why not start now? Use your camera phone to showcase your ex, and I'm gonna see if I can actually add a line here. Um, use your camera phone to showcase your expertise. James. James would my if you could save both names. James Wetmore, Marie for Leah, Lizzie Alto are all great examples. Can you do both of those? That's okay. If you can't just say this line, use your camera phone to showcase your expertise. Use your camera phone. Okay. Use your camera phone to showcase your expertise. James, would more Marie for Leo Lit and Liz de Alto are great examples of how someone with experience can start building a subscriber base. James Wetmore, Liz D Otto and Maria four Leo are great examples of how you can grow your It's a gang member base. We'll get this on James. One more Marie for Leo and Lizzie Auto are great examples of how someone with experience can start building a subscriber base. James Wetmore, Liz de Alto, Maria for Leo they're great examples of how they've shared their experiences to build their base since Marbury's That's okay. Um James, One memory for Liz Delta. You got that part? Great examples of how someone with experience can start building a subscriber base. So great examples of how someone with experience can build a subscriber base. Great examples of how someone with experience can build their subscriber base. That convention turn into sales that could then turn into sales this way. Did I want to get that can then turn into sales that can then turn into sales? Just start recording. Just start recording. Good. OK, so number two what you have here? What? You're what you're learning? Sure what you learn. Share what you're learning, okay and number to share what you're learning. Go ahead. Number to share what you're learning in pursuit of your dream career business or any venture. And for in your pursuit of your dream career business or any venture in your proofs in your pursuit of your career, your dream job, your business, any adventure or any venture. Good. Say it one more time in your pursuit of your dream career business or any venture in your pursuit of your career business or any venture, you say it again. I wanted to be James. We have a few comments from the Internet audience that might help you. Also, if you wouldn't mind just standing still while you're talking E. I think your comment anyway. It's just that I hear that out there. That's great. You got this. Don't don't don't worry, you're you're rocking and we only keep keep the good parts right? So all the fun mess of stabilization in your pursuit for your dream career business or any venture in your pursuit of your dream career business or any venture lessons learned in each step are not only invaluable to you. Lessons learned in each step are not only invaluable to you one more time. Lessons learned in each step are not only invaluable to you but anyone having the same desire, but anyone having the same desire. Just think business coaches are paid to advise you just think business coaches air paid to advise you where do you think they get that knowledge from Where do you think they get that knowledge from? So document your journey. So document your journey and number three, what do we have here? Finally, just here. Finally share. Okay, that Zoe. OK, so that's the first time. And number three finally share the number three. Give it a second, and then go and number three finally just share. The main reason I use my smartphone for many of my videos is that the quality is great for the Web. You got that line. It's a long one. The reason I use my smartphone is because the quality is good enough for the Web. I don't need a three HD 9000 or whatever to make a video presentable. I don't need a three HD 9000 or whatever to make a video presentable and sharing takes just a few steps and sharing just takes a few taps. Oh, I said steps like, What does he say? Taps. I'm sorry. Say that one more. One more time and sharing takes just a few few taps. No, simple and sharing takes just a few taps. Um, so here's the last one. Do you want way. You do have some notes here. I wanna make sure you include that. So again, on the so again, I'm the creator of the mill amount. You're versatile. Tripod, Mount for your smartphone smartphone. Go ahead and say that line. So again, I'm the inventor of the mill amount, your versatile tripod Mount smartphone stand. So again, the inventor you're gonna say until you get it. So take your time. There's no there's no rush. So again on the inventor of the mill amount Reversible smartphone, Tripod, Mount Windshield Mount and desktop stand. Say it again without looking away from the camera. So again, I'm Randi tenacious. Let me try that again. So again, I'm the inventor of the mill amount. Universal Tripod Mount stand windshield mount. You name it. Um So again, on the inventor of the mill amount, your versatile tripod mount the windshield mount. Okay, I'm gonna help you out, Okay? Because we didn't have this line written down. He wrote it, so it's a little tricky. So again, I'm the inventor of the mill amount your versatile tripod mount for your smartphone and want a down before your smartphone. Okay, go ahead. So again, I'm the inventor of the mill amount. Your versatile tripod. You're versatile. Tripod amount for years. So again, I'm the inventor of the Mila Melt Your your versatile tripod started in your versatile You're versatile. Tripod. Mount for your smartphone. Beautiful. Tell me what you want is the next next line we got here basically ends with eso. Get started. Visit our store to pick up. Pick up your money to pick up to grab your mill amount to grab your Miller. Now enter cook, Click the link below An answer Coupon code Creative life Click the link below point with your hand Click the link below and enter coupon code Creativelive Click the link below and enter coupon code Creative life and all Send you a free tripod and I'll send you a free tripod But not just any tripod. Oh, sorry. Let me grab. Here we go Groups. I'm gonna go. But not just any tripod, but not just any tripod. I want to see the whole line. But not just any tripod. A miniature tripod. But not just any tripod. We keep your hand down. I'm gonna come to you through this Takes a few times. There keep your hand out. Okay, But not just any tripod. A miniature tripod. Good. One more time. But not just any tripod. A miniature tribe. I That's great. Okay, give it around. Now, here's the deal. This is bad as it gets. Okay, Not you that experience, right? You're like sweating bullets. You're like, Oh, my gosh, you're seeing the same line over and over again. You had a hard time. Members memorize it. It's because, you know, like everyone's watching me. Okay, when you do this yourself and like, you know, maybe someone you care about in the room, and that's it and you feel comfortable with them and you can mess up all you want to look back down. You're like the male amount on the but, you know, you got to do what you want, but play with it until you like it. And did anybody else notice how much better he progressed as we went through the script? Here is he's never done this before. And first line was, like, you know, like challenging, but by the end was just like, Okay, I'm just gonna repeat this and you repeat this now, the good part is that we got the best that you could do. You trying to do this whole thing in one take would have been 10 times more challenging for anybody. Not just you. But the good news is we got the best of Randy in these little clips of this like, and we can stop. We can stop recording if we haven't already. Um, we got the best of Randy in these little clips. Now, the bad news is that now we have to go in and pick those out. And we're gonna be talking about how to do the jump cut will be helping you guys and helping the Internet as well. Do you have feedback for yourself? Like you want to talk a little bit about the experience of that way? Because I know people are washing. Kind of like, what the heck is going just like reading the line and saying it. It will work. And tomorrow people are going to see the finished product. So no, just ah, no. I need to solidify the script more and make it more, I guess, concise and a little cleaner to read. But basically, I need to spend more time on Yeah, that was That was I think the biggest challenging thing is I gave Randy some notes before the break. And, um, and those notes now, like the pages, all you know, And so that's why having a script where I know exactly what word for word I'm gonna be saying makes it makes it even easier for both of us. But I think I think he did a great job. Was a great first video for that s o, um, awesome. You guys have feedback for Randy, cause I know the Internet does. The Internet is giving you a big, huge round of applause and cloud cadence and congratulations on your first video. No, that's hard to do. Lie. I've in front of everyone, and they're totally rooting for you. And a couple of people have already gone over to purchase your product. Lenny did yesterday. So thank you guys for supporting Randy and everyone else here. So listen you now. And someone made a really good point that the funny thing is, K G. Says funny thing is, if we fast forward a few months or Andy will be completely on top of this and fine, so there was compliments for you now and then. Obviously. Huge expectation for great growth. Did you feel yourself getting better as you went through? Did you feel a little bit like of the nurse? Kind of went down a little bit, and the only thing that dragged me back down was the structure of the notes there. Sure. I'm, like, mixing. Hey, guys, make a video on the fly. You guys have here yesterday with nothing by tomorrow the videos in the online with a ton of views like we're moving fast now, Marie mentioned Ah, word yesterday, which I love Batch ing or chunking. Where if he got he went, If he went from here to here by the end of his first video, imagine if we did five or six more videos. Imagine if you have five or six more scripts and you have someone here coaching you every single step of the way. How good you be by that last video, how much better would be you get on a roll, you go. I got this. And you forget that there's 50,000 people watching you and all the eyes are on you and you just get into that group, and that's where I try to get with all my videos. I really don't do as many videos on the fly is more is like this is video Day and I'm gonna recommend that for everybody because that's that's the system. That's where the system comes into place is saying I'm gonna dio a Z many videos as I can at one time. If I do six videos today, guess what? I have six weeks worth of content. I have to worry about it ever again. OK, so that was great. I appreciate it so much.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.