Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
What Happens Beyond YouTube?
external annotations. I didn't even really explain what annotations are. But the only really cool way I use annotations is now toe. Have my viewers click inside my video, which means when I go like this like you can click right here. People can literally do that. So this is my video directory. We talked about this yesterday. Kristen used this in her so fantastic job. What we absolutely know that is I mean, not even stealing that's that's years even look better than mine. But you can go on a you tube and click this and that's gonna take you somewhere. You can go here and click this and it's gonna confirm your subscription. And so that's really cool, because not now, you know, I didn't have you guys do this because it's something you have to set up. And I didn't want it to be one more thing. Like James, I can't get this thing to work and global of all. You have to, like, confirm your website and there's like, a three step process to it. But you only have to do it once, and I think I have...
a YouTube video on that as well. I do, actually. Um, so that's really cool. So what that means is, we can start. I'm broke. I'm gonna get your question. I promise. Um, we can What we can start doing is saying, like, click here or click right here or belittle. And we can send people off of YouTube to our website straight to Brooke salon dot com. I forgot you would say, Go ahead. What would you question? I have tried even on yours from my phone. And it does it not work on mobile because I don't believe in it. Work. I don't believe it works on mobile, which is kind of a bummer, but that's why I always put it in the description box as well. So I don't know if they're gonna fix that. Change that whatever something new that was with the mobile like mobile is getting so big with views. Like I would say, 30% of my views come from mobile devices. That's amazing. Were people doing on their phone all day watching YouTube videos, but, um, that's what I do. OK, so there you go. Um so always have the link below as well, because people can get to your link that would but only knew that they did. Recently, they started putting in video ads on the mobile device. You'll start seeing that now, not on my videos. But when you Krista's and you see those annoying commercials, you'll see him on your mobile. That that's a pretty fairly new thing. Yes, how could we have James Wetmore dot tv and James Wetmore dot com? And do they go to the same place? No, I screwed that up. It's not They're not supposed to be a dot there. I think we're getting the dot Yeah, we have the dot TV, but yeah, it was just like my graphic designers, like we're called James. One more TV, You know, I don't think everything so there's no like, Oh, let me see we split. Test is awesome Crazy thing, And this is what we found out. I wish I had that to share, but I don't, um so that's pretty cool, and it's pretty easy to set up, But the easiest way to know how to do it is to Google. How toe set up external annotations or watch one of my videos that just came out on it like I said. I want to show you here today as a peer business owner in a business on our entrepreneur, entrepreneur, entrepreneur to entrepreneur. What to do? Don't laugh at me. What to do. Not necessarily how to do everything so you can walk away with the clear picture cause the answers are out there. And that's partly why YouTube is there to help people with those how to use this is the beneath the surface, the rest of the iceberg. The what happens beyond YouTube This stuff that Crist is definitely ready to be doing, like immediately because you've got the videos and it's like, How do I make my own money instead of this Google AdSense AdWords stuff? This is where it all starts coming together. This is a very simple funnel I've put together, and this is how I get 12 to 20 leads a day with one video. I'm gonna take you through step by step with three step funnel that we walk them through. First is what we've been talking about the last three days. Making your YouTube video. I made a video on royalty free music. It's keyword relevant, and it has a call to action. What was my call to action? Well, it's really simple, and this is this is powerful if you're willing to take the time. And I was, that's why the results, you know, it paid off the r. O. I was there for my time investment. At the end of the video, I said, actually said at the beginning as well. But at the end, I said, um, if I'm gonna give you I have master resell rights to royalty free music that I use personally in my videos and I want to give you five songs, absolutely free five songs that you can use in your videos to make him or engaging more entertaining and get your viewers toe like your stuff and take action with you. You can get those sought five free songs absolutely free by clicking the link below. That was my call to action. Okay, where I sent him to, I sent him to a lead Capture page or squeeze page. This is not that exact one. This is actually one that we're using for something else. I just like that picture. Um, it's a little goofy, but I actually like the software we're using For that, I share the resource earlier. It's lead pages dot net. This is the easiest way I know how to make these types of pages squeeze pages, lead pages, pages that are beyond YouTube. So instead of just necessarily sending them, here's a website like Here's where My Header is in my About Me and blah, blah blah like. Here's a very specific page with one intention. Submit your name and email or just your email lead pages. .net creates these tons of these style of pages on the flight. I literally this entire thing I had to do is upload the video and sink it with my auto responder and change the title. It took between six and seven minutes to create that and was live. Okay, all the hard work's over. You did the video, this stuff's fun free offer called the action. They opt in here. Here's where this is going to get really exciting. Here's where if you guys don't get excited and think this is most awesomest thing you've ever seen. I've this If this is an awesome fest 2013. I don't know what it's, um, it's welcome. Um, this is where they go after they often This makes sense so far, right? They at the end that they click my link and the link sends them here. If they decide to give me their name and email address, which 12 to 20 people would do for this A day for this video do. Here's where I send them. I sent into a thank you page a download page where they can get what I promised them. And they go five songs. These they're great songs. I like thes I'm downloading these air Awesome. And then I do something really cool And I say, Well, if you like those five songs, I have five more just like him and I want to give you them absolutely free. All you have to dio is click this tweet button right here to tweet out and share this video and I'll unlock those 55 additional songs for you. On average, about 45% of the people that come here click this tweet button. And if we check the views on here that that don't don't wait, Okay? These are royalty free music views. I've got an additional 1322 views just from Twitter 500 for Facebook and even Google, which I think that's Google plus because I actually had a Google plus in a Facebook share on there as well. So that's why I kind of like manufactured this fake viral necessity is not fake, but it's it's, it's it's manufactured. I'm telling them to share it for incentive, and it's someone every single day. I because I put myself in the tweet tweet is, uh, check out this awesome royalty free music video by at James Webb. More. Here's the link, and it sends them back to the YouTube video, and it says, Wow, James is getting all these views from Twitter and from Facebook and from Google. Plus, um, and that's on top of the views that are coming from when people search royalty free music free music for YouTube, copyright free music, etcetera. OK, and at the end of the day, if you it's like maybe this is a little bit of work. But I haven't touched this thing since October, actually built this whole video in the whole process with people live. It was very exciting through a workshop. I did, and it's still getting those results every single day. And that's what I love. I don't ever have to touch this video again. Um, just keep creating Maura These little mini funnels and lead getters. Um, so how is that is that? Is that Is that cool? Did that makes sense for everybody? I'd love to see if there's questions on that first from you guys. Did that go over your head was a too much, does it? It's simple. Do you get the thank you page from lead pages? Dot net? Lead pages will make your thank you page. It's amazing they'll make sales pages, opt in pages and ton more different pages that you personally probably wouldn't ever use. Like webinar pages and stuff. But they're great. Resource. Um, you know, there's a lot of information about this on the Internet. What would you recommend? A, um, pleased to get email list, like please, to keep your email list. Does that make sense? 00 yes. I dio Thank you. Rachel is asking about email, marketing software and email management systems. I referenced the one that I'm using personally at the moment called Infusion Soft. I don't recommend this to about 90% of the people out there because most people call it confusion soft when something has more options. This is with anything in life, the more options and possibilities, the more confusing it can become. And for most people, if learning infusion soft is a full time job, and it has been, Ah, two month process of me master, which I've mastered, and I love it, and I'm totally obsessed with it what I recommend for those other 90% of people who are either just getting started building their list, they're really not. The tech savvy type is a weather, so a weber dot com and I think you get started for his little is 20 bucks a month and you know what it's like. It's one more thing I gotta pay from my business. It's just like, what, what, Sue said. You look at these things as investments, and when you are paying that money, you're committed to building a list and making money with that list, and it's possible from month one to be generating income. If you have a list, you have something to sell. James. I don't have anything. It's home great. Well, There's something out there you can sell them and recommend it through an affiliate link. I do that all the time. A lot of the money that I bring in the income that comes into my business comes from the tools, the software, the recommendations that I have for people. Here's the camera recommend. Here's my link, my feeling for a Weber and those come in and those gender and there's nothing wrong with that. I tell you right now this is my affiliate Link. Great. So you're making money? They're making money and I'm gonna be making money. We're all happy, right? It's word he's happy Go lucky business owners. And so you know, even if you have 20 people on your email list and you're paying that 20 bucks, you can literally sit there and say, Here's the tool. The month lead pages dot net Because it was recommended to me by James Webb. More creative life. There's my foot affiliate link. I really recommend this. If you want to help build your list, here is the link. Hey, I made to sales and it's Ah, I think it's $200 a year or bucks a month and you get 50% of that. Now you're making 25 bucks a month off this thing, and you're like, Oh my gosh, I just got to get more people in here. It's a whole another. Change it we could go into. But did that help? Good Internet questions? Internet. We've had a few questions. Most recently, Marco Mo is asking. My personal channel has a lot of history. Should I use that history to help on the S e o optimization for business videos? Or should I create a business YouTube account? And would it be okay? Would it do okay, regardless of it being a new account? And a lot of people have had those questions Personal starting? Yeah, you know, it's a It's a personal decision you still have to make on a case by case basis. Um, it's it's, it's It's tough because it really is hard to manage more than one use of channel. And it really if you have, I would say if you had over 1000 100, views on one YouTube channel and you're in a good enough overlap where it's like not something completely different, like here, I'm talking about unicorns. And now I'm talking about business marketing like, yeah, we need to divide that. That's totally something different. I wanted to see what the first thing when popping my head was, apparently was unicorns. Um, you guys don't know what else pops in my head right now, So just watch my easy videos. Um, so But if they're close enough, where? Like I pulled it off because my bartender videos around my James one more account. The only reason I kept them two reasons. One reason was because it's my name. My YouTube account is James one more, and I didn't want to create another like James. One more to don't go to games. Number one. Go to games Number two. I wanted to keep it simple, and I just kind of buried them with some new content very quickly. People still find those bartending videos eventually, and then I tell that story. It's a That's how I got started. That was my first business was I was teaching people how to Barton. That's how I made my money. That's how I paid. My way through school is part of my story now. If it can be a part of your story. Awesome. If it's something that it would could actually hurt you like a hurt, your brand, you got to separate that wondering, are lead pages, screen pages, squeeze pages and opt in pages all the same thing they are. What a great what a great question. Or as I like to call him hug pages. I invented that term when I went Teoh Lewis houses Creative life. The hug page and I was like, really hoping that it would stick. And so one day we'll see somebody who's like. So when you're setting up your hug page, the first thing you're going to you know that was mine. I did that so we'll see. Yes, a squeeze page, a lead capture page, even a landing page, technically or a hug page is all the same thing, and the main you use is completely irrelevant. Which is why I made up a goofy name called a Hug page. It's all designed to do one thing. It has an intention, just like your video, as an intention to get people off a YouTube, it's traffic. Click the Link squeeze page. This page right here is designed to get people to submit their contact details because we don't. Unless we have a product that sells itself like the mill amount. We don't want to put our products right in front of people's faces after they've been searching for free content. If they clicked on this link and it was like by my 97 workshop, they'd say no go to help. So I put an often page there. Okay? And then once they go, whoa, More free content, more more training, more videos. Oh, blood, level of law. Eventually ago. I actually want to learn more from you. Who do I pay and how do I do it? And that's what happens. And that's what I'm trying to teach here. People come to you, you're not having to force yourself on him just like Don proposing to someone on the first date. You take him out for coffee and yeah, well, you guys know the steps from there. The very first day, we uploaded a video of mine called Doing the jump cut. No, I named it that, but it was on how to do the jump. Cut the style of that evening that I taught you guys today is a three minute video or something like that. Real simple. My intention with that video was to optimize for the word jump cut, but really show people how it really simple it can be to get in front of the camera, make yourself look like 10 times better than you ever thought you could be on camera, Um, so that I could inspire more people to be making videos. I want to check in on it a little bit if you guys don't mind so and really show you what has been happening while we've been here. Because, like I said, I haven't opened my laptop other than to work on the slides. You're actually looking on other that I've been here or asleep eso in about 36 hours. This was last night. I checked it. 797 views. That's not a lot. That's nothing to be like. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. It's really not. It's 800 views. I'm so grateful for those views of 800 people or maybe 10 people, reloading it 100 times. But those air hopefully 800 people that are watching my video and that like is the most amazing thing for me. Um, and in a day, 1/2. And when you type in jump cut, I'm on the first page already of of YouTube, which is really exciting. And there will be doing some stuff that we've been showing like some back links will make a block post about it. We're talking about video blogging after the break. Some really cool stuff on video blogging. T push it up even more. Okay, so that's really cool. But here's what I was doing. And this is this other woman update today. In fact, I think the video has, like, over 1300 views today, So that was just in the 1st 36 hours. It's still getting views. It's gonna continue to get views. I send people to this squeeze page, which you guys air by now very familiar with, and I was able to generate off of 800 views 187 subscribers, not YouTube subscribers. I want to be very clear on the distinction. These are leads names or just email addresses. I didn't capture name to be specific, but their contact information their primary email address the thing that they check most people a couple times a day. I now have, with their permission to send them my newsletter and additional content and my new videos that come out every week, which will be talking about how we how we do that in a little bit. So that's pretty good. The conversion rate on that from views toe leads is 23.5%. And that to me, makes me so happy. Because if you can get 10% if 10% of the views that you get convert into warm leads into your business, you're on fire, you're kicking. But okay, But then what? I did, uh, which I haven't really shown you. And this is we're just going deeper down the rabbit hole strategy. Once people submit their name are their email here. I did something a little different this time than the royalty free music example. This squeeze page basically says to discover what everyone else is doing to get real results on YouTube, they opt in, and I show them a short little video. That kind of gives them a brief overview. Like I said, I teach them what to dio and then we sell them how to do it right? Just with our calculus videos, we show him what to do. And then when they go into your membership site how to do it, we'll show them exactly what I do. Which I just showed you guys exactly what to dio on how to get 10 leads a day and actually wrote a report all around that hole. Royalty free music. Example. And I sell for seven bucks. Okay? Really, really inexpensive. Want to keep my prices low? And I sold 12. I was like, That's awesome. It's like nothing amazing or your eyes aren't like Oh my gosh, this guy's a 1,000,000. Yeah, that's awesome. I sold 12 but I'm not really trying to sell the $7 report. I don't make my living off of the $7 Reporter anything like that. I actually have a membership program called Real Market Inside. I've talked about it a few times. Were members pay $50 a month, and we we talked about everything video strategy, this which I could, and beyond which I could turn into like 20 creative life workshops, everything from webinars to video sales letters and stuff like that and I was able to take 12 of those people, which, by the way, that converted 6.4%. Take 12 of those people and get them signed up into my membership program, which was my ultimate goal. And the most exciting thing about this is our retention rate is about 90% after the first month on the average customer or membership lifetime value for me, they they stay about about six months, and it ends up being $300 per person. And all I had to do was this simple little process with one video, and I have a ton of videos on there, and they're all doing this 24 hours a day. This video has 800 views. A lot of my videos have up to 30, views, and you could start to see the math about how we can take this scale. It make it bigger, better batter and more awesome. Er, right. So that's what I get excited about. It's starting to show you guys really behind the scenes of the strategy of how this all comes together. Did this makes sense and has been helpful, has tied it all full circle good. I wanna go to the Internet unless you guys, you guys are gonna give you preferential treatment. If you have any questions, no one's jumping on it. Wait. The awkward silence is amazing. Go ahead. Let's see what questions. Tiny telecast. Tiny Tim's back. I read a log, and it is linked to a feed burner account where I collect leads instead of a squeeze page. Should I link it to my blogger, or should I create a squeeze page? Yeah, that's great. We'll talk about the pros and cons of both when we get back, whether we should link to our blawg or a squeeze page. I do both, and I'll show you after the break what I do with my blawg to turn that into a lead getting machine so you can send people to your block instead of doing squeeze page every single time. As's faras, the whole feed burner thing. I've never used feed burner, and I've heard things where people say, like, stop using that to collect leads. I don't know why, but I would recommend, like a really email marketing software such as mail chimp, a Weber Eye contact, constant contact to name a few to collect that contact info. Our Internet audiences really rad. And we have such a range of beginners to advanced members out there and also people in different age categories. On one is Jesse Foi. I'm only 18 years old. And will people take me serious in my videos when I'm advertising something? Yeah. As soon as you stop saying I'm only 18. Like what? I mean, What do you mean? You're only 18. You're 18 years old. You're an adult. You can goto war like course. We're gonna take you seriously if you take yourself seriously. So that's the simple answer. Absolutely used to start with. It starts with yourself first. I mean, so, uh, yes, we'll take you seriously. I like that. I don't believe in the words on Lee or just Yeah, let's get on. And let's be honest. No one takes me seriously. Take it seriously. It's irrelevant. Nicole asked, How do you create the video directory page at the end of your video? You How do you create the video directory page? Which is that little cool red thing? I had Chris to use it as well. You sign up for the course he purchased the course and that we've provided here for you. And you use the pdf template that I created for you. How awesome. That's why we have these templates. So you don't have to waste time making them. We made them for you, Teoh A to D or tutti asked us following a 1,000, channels lower your clout. This following a 1,000, being dramatic but right of channels, is that No. No, I wouldn't think so. Not that I know. Um, I'm following new people every single day, so I hope it doesn't. I haven't done anything to hurt me yet, so there's always gonna be that secret allure, that mystery of like, there's always the unknown of like, there's probably stuff that YouTube and Google do not like. So we always like to say, Like, if if your mother found out that you were doing it, would she be ashamed to have made you? And if that's the case, you shouldn't be doing it. All right, That's my answer. You've been talking a lot about, like, engagement in getting comments on your videos to raise your clout, score or, you know, your cloud on YouTube and everything. Marcoses wondering. Hey, James, I can't even get my students to comment on my videos. How do I encourage more comments? Awesome. Um, well, how would we encourage more comments? You can always incentivize them. And one great way to do that is to look through one way that people like to be incentivized is they like to be recognized. They like to be, um, highlighted and showcased. And if maybe you found a comment from someone who had a great question and I've done this before and people go nuts, they love it. And you turn that just like what Marie for Leo does. And you say, You know, you know, just like what we're doing right here. Like Tiny Tim had a question blah, blah, blah, and I could sit here and say eso I got a question on my I r A comment on my last YouTube video from Tiny Tim who? You know, I saw his website and he's got this great stuff on, you know, tiny tim dot com, blah, blah, blah. And he asked this great question about X y Z. Well, Tim, that's a great question. Let me answer that here. So just by like, Oh my gosh, someone said my name and it's out there on the Internet like they're talking about my business, my website, like people love that and other people are going to see that. But, well, maybe I should ask a question. Let's see if you can get me on there. So it's one great way to do it, obviously, other ways that ask Ah, and in any other way you can incentivize people. What's in it for that? Why should they be doing it is gonna help.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.