Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
The Video Aftermath
how we do this stuff. What I call the video aftermath, how we get the views, how we keep the views coming, how we can see results from this. So that even if we did have a few hours of frustration and editing and only gosh, we can keep doing it. And I say this to the end cause this is my favorite stuff and it's so it's so cool on. Um, I think you guys are gonna you're gonna get a kick out of it. So if we have any questions on this, I'm gonna go a little fast cause there is a lot of stuff, if any time, the rare Mallory, you want to interrupt me with a big question like I win over sign people have no idea what is I'm talking about. Or if you have questions, stay with me. Make sure you have a clean piece of paper. Randi, that looks like you're gonna fill that up really fast because we've got some stuff. This is step number three of our three step YouTube marketing process, which I like to call the video aftermath. It's called the video aftermath, because the big mistake is that people spen...
d all this time and effort doing what you guys did, and then they walk away. They think their job is done, and this is where I laugh and say It's only just begun. If we spent this much time making the video, I want you to spend this much time promoting and marketing it because broke your video won't do you anything if no one sees it. I mean, even though it's like I don't want people to see me, it's like you do want people to see you because that's when you get results, right? So that's we're talking about massive promotion. I showed this slide on day one, and so we're bringing it around again to show you how we did it. If you were to go to my YouTube channel, you would and then check by most viewed videos, you would see these are my top five or six videos that I have by most viewed. One of them's my bartender video that was put there years ago. But if then we did a little research, a little investigative research put our little Sherlock Holmes hat on. We would find out that, um, the videos that based on their keywords, The title there, there at the top, Right? And I showed these earlier where if you type in something like YouTube custom thumbnail Hey, what do you know? My video, which has a title called YouTube Custom thumb, now comes up number one when you do the analytic search. It says 9613 people found this video because they performed an action of typing in YouTube, customs done there or some variation like, uh, people went into Google and typed in YouTube Custom thumb now. Or they went into Google and typed in YouTube Some now or they typed in custom thumbnail for your videos, and they found me that way. This is why we spend an entire day figuring out your keywords, cause if we could do that once and if you guys have 10 to 20 to 30 keywords now, it's all about just doing this magic stuff over and over again with an endless supply of videos. Um, here is, um when you type in overcoming procrastination. Marie for Leah's videos number one and she has tons of videos. Jeff Rose, someone we're gonna be showing ah, one of his videos in a little bit. You type in mutual fund. What you know is videos, not number one. It's number two, but it has 7500 views. Ah, and he's a great example. Will show someone yesterday at us to question. And it's a kind of recurring question. About what If I don't want to be funny. What if funny isn't What's right for me and I and I apologize that I came across is like the only way to be successful to YouTube is to be funny. That's just how I like to do it. Jeff has a video that when you watch his channel is he actually has to channel, so I believe his other one is good financial sense. Youtube dot com For such good financial sense, we'll talk about him in a little bit, but when you watch this video, you've like you do tear up when you watch it, Um, and and um, it's it's called the the debt movement, where he was in a lot of debt. His his you know, his tells the story of his father being in a lot of debt his entire life and, ah, the mission that he's on to help others get out of debt. And it's just like what? Everything we've been sharing. It's not about being funny. It's about evoking an emotion that of ocean could emotion could be humor and laughter. It could be, you know, sadness. It could be something else, but it isn't about just being funny. It's about using video as a tool to, ah, bring out that emotion. Um, house tour. What happens if you go to youtube dot com and type in house tour? You get Alejandra Costello. Hey, we remember her from day one, not even at the first spot. But she still has 800,000 views on that. You don't need to get to the number one spot. I'm gonna show you how you can, um, And then you remember oven a Tron. What not to do on a date? Sure, some people are searching that every day. Apparently they are because that video itself has 969,000 views and she's still not even in the first spot. Right, So that's what we're trying to do with all of our videos. One of the first things I said on Day one is YouTube is a search engine. It's considered the second largest search engine right behind Google, which owns YouTube. And you could get your videos ranked inside Google's. That's what we want to do, and that's what we're gonna do today. It's all about ranking your videos on Google, and there are three things this definitely needs to be written down. Write it down. Write these things down. This is what YouTube looks for. This is how they determine if your video gets up to the top for your keyword when people search it or bury down on Page 75 so no one will see it die. A horrible virtual death, relevance, quality and clout. Relevance is why we spent an entire day talking about keywords. Is your video relevant to the key word that people are searching for? What is calculus? Well, title your videos. What is calculus? You even start out. What is calculus? What is calculus that's pretty relevant. And that's pretty parent. And you, too, will go. Got it. And I'm gonna show you how to optimize your video. So you're telling YouTube in Google? Yes. My videos relevant? Yes. This is my keyword. I want you to rank me. The next thing is quality. Quality has to do with why I spent an entire day two of instead of just saying what a lot of people like to do is just just make the video. Doesn't matter, just get something up there. And I said, You know what? YouTube actually will rank your video determined by the quality engagement, which means if people stay on your video longer if they like it, if they comment on it, if they share it, if they embed it all, that type of stuff helps to determine if you have a good video or not in YouTube's eyes. And if it's high quality, they rank it higher. The 3rd 1 is cloud. Now, don't worry, I'm going fast, but that's cause I'm gonna talk about each of these, but I want to make sure I gave everyone time to write these down. The 3rd 1 is Cloud Cloud has to do with your your numbers. YouTube has admitted that they do look at how active you are on your channel, so someone who hasn't posted a video in four years is gonna have less clout than someone that's uploading on a consistent basis. That's why it's all about system systematize ing and automating this as much as possible because that will help you if you have more subscribers if you have more activity. If you're commenting and engaging in subscribing to other people, if you're hanging out in the community what YouTube is a community, they give you more clout. And these are the three things. And I think in my opinion, I put him in this order. This is a This is the order of importance. I've seen where they want to make sure relevance is right there at the top so that people get what they're searching for, right? Someone types in how to tie it high. They're not just gonna get like Thai tricks, you know, like it will be a video called How to Tie a Tie With that in the title. In the description, relevance is gonna be extremely important. So what I want to do is walk you through one of my favorite case study videos that I love to share. And this is a video I did after lists. It was not paying attention, but for months my students and audience was asked, What about royalty free music? James, you never talk about that. Can you tell us where we were? The best sources. How do we use it? What's the best way to use music? And I was like, I don't worry about that. Let you get your video up there. You know, do these other cool things. And finally I said, You know what? I'll make a video about royalty, Free music Listen to what my audience wanted provided value for them. And I went ahead and I went to the Google keyword tool, and I found out that royalty free music is searched. I believe it's like 110, times a month, and I was like, It's got a good keyword on our hands. So what did I do? I made a three minute, nine second video about royalty, free music and doing the tricks that I've shown I'm going to share with you today. If you go to YouTube, that video is ranked like number four number five, not even number one. But it's also it is ranked number one for copyright free music and royalty free music for YouTube and copyright free music for you, too. So it's like, all right, And it's gotten me 33,000 views in four months. But that's not even the exciting part. Exciting part, is it? Every day between 12 and 20 new people sign up giving their name and email address to say yes. I'm interested in more information from James. Would more each and every single day with this video. I don't spend money on this video anymore. I don't promote it or do anything that has been sitting there since October of 2012. Bringing me in between 12 and consistently is and a warm walk you through the entire process right now. Does that have you guys excited? Yes, but not the camera. Does that have on you guys excited? Yes. Good. Okay, so first question, right. What is it? What are three things that YouTube looking for relevancy quality clout? Is your video relevant here? The few things they did to this video number one I started with the title. The title is gonna be really important. And I optimize it for my keyword. Always start with your primary keyword phrase at the beginning. Royalty free music right in the beginning. A lot of people will say my keywords. Royalty, free music. So my title is how to use royalty free music? No, it's royalty. Free music tips. Okay, You see the difference? Lizzie Altos Video is her keywords. Armpit fat. Her video name is weird title. It's armpit fat. Be gone. Why? Because I wanted to put armpit fat at the very beginning. And hey, what do you know when you go to Google and type in armpit fat? Her videos number one? Not a coincidence. Optimize the title. And yes, some of you guys started figuring this out. We can overlap some keywords. I said. Oh, copyright free music is pretty good. And royalty free music for YouTube doesn't get as many searches, but I'll throw it in there. But you start with a primary key word and get that in pretty pretty simple. You guys got that? Let's go to the next one. Optimize your description. Your description. Want what I want you Look. Look at your description. As you guys probably don't even add a description to your videos yet. I wouldn't have expected you guys to because I didn't teach you yet. I'm teaching it Now it's a mini block post. OK, you can just think of it as you could Basically start describes why saying in this video I talk about or this video is about, that's basically what it is. But the longer you can have it, the more content you can put in there, the more you can tell YouTube like I'm taking my time here to put some extra value in here the better. But you also want your keyword phrase right at the top as soon as you can say it. So I actually have here royalty free music for free here. And then I have have a link, which we'll talk about the Lincoln a little bit. But I go ahead and I throw it in, like, three more times, right here and then down here. And it even says I even have copyright free music in here and level of a little of the block. Okay, so I optimize my my description. Don't take this for granted. Don't don't say I'll do this later and never do it. Spend the time here to put some text in there and use your key work. The other thing I'll say now, and I'm gonna have to say it again. But you also want to make sure your link to wherever you're sending people. When you say click the link below, you better make sure there's a link down there, and the the best way are the only way that you can do it. So it's clickable is you have an Http in front of it. Okay, so if we're going to Kate north of dot com, you don't write Kate north of dot com. You don't write www dot kate Northrup dot com You right, http colon ford slash ford slash www dot north of full link. Otherwise it won't be clickable, and people do not copy and paste putting their browser or do that. They're lazy and they just wanted one click. Okay, do we have questions on title or description? Pretty, Pretty simple, right? These things not to be ignored and these are these are the basics. Tags is another option. They've disappeared from public view, but it doesn't mean that they don't still exist. And for people have no idea what I meant. Don't worry about it. When you're uploading video, it'll ask you what your tax these air just keywords additional keywords that you can put in. What I would do here is don't go crazy overboard. Don't write, don't keywords stuff it don't put like royalty. Free music Royalty Music for you to roll to music for your YouTube videos. Royalty music for videos that you want to put on YouTube like don't go overboard. What I did for this one was like royalty. Free music, video marketing. James would more and YouTube marketing. I just added a few basic Once some people like to go overboard and they stuff it and gets a little spammy. You don't need to do that. You'll be fine. OK, now there's another thing here that I mentioned yesterday, didn't I? Do you remember when I reviewed your guys have scripts? The last thing I did that's a look down at your script. Look down at your keyword and make sure your keyword comes up within the first 15 seconds already. You guys remember when I said that, Yeah, you have the ability to sink your entire scrammed transcript transcript or the typed written words of what you say in your video with your YouTube video. So just like the little bouncing ball that goes across the screen and reads the words YouTube has that all set up for you, and I share the example yesterday where I type in if anybody wants to try it, as I'm passionate about kettlebells video of mine that has that it doesn't say passionate about Kettles doesn't say it anywhere here shows up. YouTube and Google are reading word for word your transcript and index in your video, based off the words that you are saying in your video, that is huge, that is powerful and 90% of the people that upload videos, which is why you guys are gonna outrank him, don't bother to take the extra moment and prepare and sink their transcript. So you're gonna do that and you're gonna out rank them, and that's why they've been there for three years. You come out of nowhere with no views and beat him. How do we do this? There's two ways. First off, YouTube's getting kind of good at having a re a ready made transcript for you, but like you'll read it like it's way jumbled. An awkward looking there's misspelled words and they thought you said this. But you totally said that. So you can go in there and edit. We're gonna go over the details. You could just do a Google search for it. How to upload a transcript. I think I have a video on it. If not, I'll go make one of those air detailed stuff. You just need to know how that you need to do this. You can go to Fiverr dot com. You can find a friend, someone who's ah, work at home, mom and say, Will you for 5 10 bucks a video transcribe my videos? They give you a little text document of the words and you sink it with Google with a click of a button our YouTube with the click of a button. Hey, James. Yes, I asked a question about the description, actually question from the Internet shrew. Me is wondering if a description can be too long. No, I don't think so. No, just don't just don't like Du duplicate content, you know, don't don't say like, Oh, here's someone's block posts. I'm just gonna copy and paste and throw it in there, which is kind of where I went with that. Maybe that's why they're gonna, like, take a novel of someone else's and throw it in there. You're taking the time to write in there, and you want to write whatever you want to write about. I keep going. There's probably a limit. I think there is like a maxim characters, but once you hit that limit, it's not like that's gonna hurt. You just can't type anymore after the same question for the title. Yeah, you know, too, too long of a title and you don't get your full message in because there's a limit on characters, obviously. But when you're in the search results, if you're like typing past here, they'll stop showing your title. So obviously the shorter the better. I think this is the perfect length, and even I could have done without this without the copyright free. So this is 123455 to 7 words 5 to 7 like full length words, not including, like the UBS and the the fours and the when this is my kettle bell video. This was really cool because when I taught my, uh, course video traffic Academy that launched in I use this video from start to scratch The same thing you guys have been doing. Where showed people who took a keyword, made a script, made the video, and this is we didn't even do the jump cut. It was like I literally just press record on a tripod said, Hey, I'm gonna do a kettlebell workout Blood Babylon and was horrible and awful. I were a goofy pink shirt in it better than the red pants and and until recently, I mean I mean full transparent. But for close to two years, that video ranked number one for the term cattle about routine and has close to 20,000 views on a channel I don't use. I don't I didn't do anything else with a I just uploaded it and did all the stuff I've just showed you on. It's pretty cool. Um, so I've already gone over this, optimize your your keywords, upload a transcript, make sure the girls and description that should be totally clear with you guys. There's a few other things we're gonna we're gonna talk about. Um, up until recently, I've been excited to share something called the Call to Action overlay, which is these little banner ads that you actually have the ability to to control is your own. See, up until now, you've had them be some advertiser for, like, a calculus prep course or some big company that has nothing to do with calculus. And they are taking that space you actually have the ability to make. I don't know if you ever knew this where you could make this your banner ad type in your own sub. That could be a picture. You on the side and people could click on that. I've actually decided very recently to stop using this because this is up until, like within the last two months, this was the only way someone could click inside of your video and leave you to which is our goal. By the way, right? Get people off the YouTube. And so I was like, I was pretty excited about this, And people, when I share it, go like that's awesome. But now which I'll be sharing with you in a little bit is we have something called an external link linking annotation so we can put these little graphics or square images inside our video, and we can tell someone click right here and they can click their and we can leave you, too. And I'm much bigger fan of those than this, so you don't need to do this. You don't really need to worry about that. If you have them, you can leave them. You get rid of him. It's it's not a do or die thing, but we'll talk about the clickable annotations in a little bit. Two other things I'll talk about mostly just won't talk about this Number five here. One trick that has worked for me for a long time to really assert my dominance. Is that a good word? Use Assert my authority with my videos on tellin YouTube YouTube Eyes is to have video responses. Your video becomes like a little mini community within the community where people can have a conversation. If you want to talk about something, is controversial. Is drug testing people can say? I agree. I disagree. I think you should do this. I think the little book and now YouTube loves out there like look at this engagement. Look at this comments like they're just hanging out on our site. We want that's yes. Let's put this guy's video on top because that other guys not doing anything is not generating any buzz. So leaving a type written comments one thing like, How long does that take us right this much time. But what if I went to Charles Video and I left a video saying, I disagree completely with whatever you just said and blah blah, blah, blah, blah. And that's my two cents, and I uploaded it as a video comment or ah, video response. Now all of a sudden, YouTube's going. Holy crap. This viewer took the time to film themselves and upload a video just to this guys actual video itself. And they're called video responses. And they go, Well, that must be something this guy's doing right in this video. Let's rank it higher. So what we like to do is do anything creative and unique to generate video response. It sometimes will have contests or special call the actions that ask people to do that. Other times I will do things like this is one of my favorite ones. I'm always encouraging testimonials. Um, not for my sake at this point, but for when people see someone else in a similar business doing results with YouTube. It inspires them to take action. So I'll upload the video responses to another YouTube channel and Adama's video responses below my video. And this literally someone gives me the video. So they did the work 32nd video saying how they got ranked number one for some keyword. I take that video, and with a click of a button, I can turn it into a video response and that could drastically help in YouTube dies push up our video, so having video responses is a great way to push that up. And what starts to get really exciting here is if you have a great keyword and a great video and you're determined to get to that number one spot, there's enough stuff and I'm just scratching the surface. We'll have more coming. Um, there's enough stuff that you can do and continue to dio to help guarantee and assure that it's going to continue climbing up that ladder. And what's really cool is, um, we've been able to do that on gets really exciting. So that was that was basically relevance. Okay, we just talked about the 1st 1 There's two other things I really want to look at. So the second thing YouTube is looking at me really quick before we move on. So, um, if you can reiterate again, why not? Why? You don't recommend having a ton of tags, The only recommendation I have And you guess I There's so much content I'm consuming on a daily basis, like part of my job is to stay on top of this stuff is possible. And I'm fortunate. Like I said, Day one with my with my program video traffic academy at 6000 members. And there's so many people there way smarter than me doing some really cool stuff in there. And I've had people tell me that people that are keyword stuffing, as we call it, where it's like the same variation of a key were just like 50 times in There, actually starts to set off red flags to YouTube for, like, spamming and stuff like that. And if you just come from a place of like this isn't spam like I'm not trying to beat the system. I'm playing with the rules, like, you know, um, I'm not, you know, you're not providing any value by saying royalty free music for you, Dear old music videos. You know, blood. A little bit of like that. Just it's a little too much, so I don't know. I can't prove that in any way. I've had different people from different directions come to me and say, That's one of the things. They kind of look at it like a little bit of a red flag and so don't risk it. That's what I like to say. You were more absolutely. We have lots more. Ah, one from Evo Underscore SD Regarding clout. My band has a channel that has been inactive for some time. How quickly will YouTube respond after we began uploading regular content again? Is there any regularity to their re of of elation of clout? No, was it will be immediate. Absolutely. It won't be. It won't be an issue at all, especially because you have the subscribers you have passed videos. It's kind of like one of those things were like if you had a video I've even seen were like I'm doing This is the best part. I mean, this is what gets so exciting where I keep track of all my videos and it's so fun of such a nerd. Words like here's this video I'd uploaded two years ago, and I can still see because of what I'm doing. And this is really what gets me excited about YouTube. The most out of everything is like What I'm doing today has affected what I did two years ago were like, Oh, I went from number three to number two on a video I did two years ago like That's awesome. You know, it's like everything continues to elevate as you grow as Mawr Channel views. We're gonna get to that in the cloud, but that's like the most exciting part. That's why people like Marie see a tipping point where all of a sudden they're like, You know, we're getting views and all of a sudden it's It's just like, Oh, whoa, because all their videos start ranking. And for those heavy keywords like the one we showed earlier, I felt with that keyword was, But we also really quick have a few questions related to the video responses. So how do you keep track of who does a video response and how do you upload the video responses? Thirdly, does it matter? that all the video responses come from the same account channel, and I recommend the video responses coming from different channels. You can do it from yourself, but it's it's better clout when it's someone else's channel. So we even do things in our video traffic Academy group, and this is when you guys could be doing where you could make video responses for each other on. We encourage that with our members. Like I'm gonna make a video response for you. You made one from a sweet let's do a little swap like that, but as long as it's like real value, like just like Hey, I wanted to leave you e I think he did a great job in that video. Wanna thank you for that? How do you keep track him? I don't really know how to answer that. Um, I don't know. I don't really know what they're asking their. How do you below the video responses Some people. It's really tricky, but it's actually super simple. There's a comment bar that you type like right below this where you type in your comment as soon as you click your cursor in there. Not until then you have to put your cursor in there. A little button appears that says, Add video response, and it's pretty tricky. And if you still have figured out type and how do I add a video response on YouTube, you'll find an answer rather quickly moving on. Uh, quality. What? What? What else YouTube is looking for? Because if that were it, I'd be up here saying like, Let's just make just crap videos all day long. It doesn't matter. We can just make whatever we want, throw it out there. But this is a big factor. And that's what gets exciting with that where when you start getting that community, you start getting people engaged like YouTube loves that, and they're going to rank you up because of that. So questions that kind of ask yourself, Do people stay to the end of your video? Do to be rape. I know I changed that typo in it didn't get updated, I swear I changed it. Do be right. Your video. Do they rate your video just like I've asked our Internet audience to you. Rating your guys is video. That was totally intentional. If you guys thought I just like, pulled out of a hat. I'm helping you guys to see rankings quicker. You're welcome. You think, um, I brought this up yesterday? YouTube analytics is one of If you're a left, Rainer. He's one of the coolest things you can geek out on. There's so much data and valuable information about who your audience is, how they're finding you and what they're doing. Once they get to your video, it's just it's invaluable. Like these companies charge thousands of dollars to tell us. I put information. It comes for free with a free YouTube account like, I don't think they should be giving that away for free. It's amazing, but one of the things they talked about briefly yesterday was something called audience retention, where you can start to see what happens as we play this video. Are people leaving? They did they? Is there a spike? Did I say something that actually was funny, that people liked? No. So they just keeps going down, you know? But I can see and we can learn. We can see not just how I want to improve my videos, but how does my audience want me to improve my video and the higher that audience retention, the more quality score that YouTube gives your video. But they're also looking at things like how you rate it here. Is that like or dislike? Now, I don't necessarily think I don't have the answer here. So if I'm already gonna squash those questions if thumbs down video means that it's going to lower your rankings, I don't think that's the case at all. Like, Oh, no, someone else dumbs down my video. That means that's gonna hurt my rankings. No, I think they want thumbs up and thumbs down. Rebecca Black, the girl who did the Friday video. You guys all know by heart, right? That was considered. I think it still is. No, no, I think Gangnam style, like, totally blew out of the water the most. She did break the record for, like, most of you YouTube video of all time Friday. Friday, right. Those good video Thursday I totally lost my train of thought. No, her video had, like, five thumbs up and 50,000 unlike, but when you type in the word Friday, her video comes up. Okay, so don't look at it as like something to freak out about. You should just be excited that people are doing it, okay? Just whether they're liking it or not. Some of you guys have gotten thumbs down. I get thumbs down every single one of my videos. Don't let that stop you. I know Brooks looking like what? There There is this guy or girl out there who, literally within they don't even watch the video within seven seconds of me uploading it. There's a thumb down. I'm like, there is someone that hates me out there on dumb. Don't worry, I don't hate you, though you'll come around, Uh, one day, I'll get through to you with a good video. Are people commenting on your video? I brought this up earlier that when you can create a community within your community, YouTube's gonna love that. How can you engage your audience whether it's, you know, someone so brilliant Marketer told me this at a conference years ago, and I've always I've always asked myself that question with everything. I do it. Hey said, be polarizing and I actually we're reflecting on this the other day to start this conference because people were so like, What if I get What about the haters? What about the trolls? And I was like, looking back like, I don't have a ton of, uh, you know, views. Nothing crazy, but I feel so blessed not have, like any crazy haters out there that are saying, you know, mean nasty things. Um, and I'm so lucky that I have that. But that might be not a good sign, because the people that are polarizing have people that paid him who disagree with them. You see, you're an idiot. You don't know what you're talking about. But then you have the people that are like, Thank you. I needed someone to say what I was thinking. And I appreciate that you did that. And, you know, maybe I'm too vanilla, bland and boring, and I need to be, like, taking a stand and maybe offending some people that don't have the same view point. I don't know, but I'm gonna encourage people to be polarizing. That's one way to increase engagement. People saying I agree. I don't agree. And you being able to have a call to action in your videos saying you let me know what you think. Leave your leave Your comments below is always easy to dio on the video responses already brought up. Okay, but this this one really falls into the quality. Does this make sense? How it's like these are all the things that people can do, YouTube says. Hey, if you put a video up, people can like it. They can comment on it. They can share it. They can. Unlike it, they can leave a video response. I can do all these things. If no one's doing those things, we're gonna think that you don't have a good video, so you always want to encourage. That is in things. We started with relevance. So your keywords always important there times that I'm had pushed the comments heavily. There's times I don't so just keep. Just keep an eye on those. Ah, great way you can do this outside of what you say in your video is have called actions elsewhere. Um, when I sent out an email to my list, which will be talking about things like that, how I get like a view blast like a fire hose of use, and one day is when I'll send like, let's say, sent an email out to my to my list. And I'm like, Hey, I just create a new video on the top 10 tools that you can use in your business or the top 10 tools. I've been using my business last 12 months that have made me money. These are just the top 10 tools I use. Would you do me a favor when you click the link below? See the presupposition when you click the link below to watch the video, we leave a comment sharing your favorite tool if it didn't make the list so we can share it with other people. And that wasn't in YouTube that I did that that was in an email. I sent to them. And guess what? People listen, Teoh, when you ask them, they do it because they want to. They want they want to share is Well, um, so that was pretty cool. Ah, I went already over that, um, so questions on the quality. Yes. Okay. My question is actually about tracking, which maybe you don't want to talk about, but how do you even know that when you have a video of getting you 12 people like, how would you know that? Um, yeah, we're gonna talk about I'm thinking if I should talk about it right now, So the simplest way we can do tracking, Um and I'll show it hopefully in a second. I'm trying to think what slide it is, but there's some really cool stuff I duty to do tracking because I have infusion soft. Um, it allows me to track where all my leads air coming from. So you create unique you RL's. I'm not gonna go into the detail detail of this. I'm just gonna say it's possible, but I create tracking murals that send people to a unique page based off of the video. For me, that's extremely important, because there's some videos that don't do anything for me. There's some to do a lot, and it's about creating mawr of what? Working less of what don't. But I'm able to track them into certain funnels and lists based off which video they came on. There's a site that does this that I can think of the only one I can think about the top my head hyper tracker dot com. This is like an old school say so even if they're like still around but I use infusion soft. Um, hyper tracker dot com is something we're checking out. There's a ton of other. So, like, how to track links how to track conversions. You could just do Google searches for those, but I create unique either unique URLs or unique opt in pages based off of the video. Um, does your video have clout? Clout is the 3rd 1 Unless we had a question first. I'm sorry. The questions are rolling in, okay, I don't want to go too fast, people. I know I'm like, thank you very much. Things like the meat of this whole place is like right here. And so people just are really curious about specific details. One fashion TV in Singapore. James of our videos have controversial or violent content. Do we need to classify them? And if we do, do we get penalized during the searches? I don't know the answer to that. Um, maybe maybe there are videos where people say like you. You know, this is like parental guidance. Be advised type thing. Um, I think there's a guy. Oh, I think what his name like mad Russian. And he's got, like, 100 million views like shooting like a K 40 sevens. Like blowing up Stephanie's This guy in Russia and you just like watches just like this is a This is a really gotten and you're just like Oh my God on I think you had to like like a prove that you were 18 or over for for that, so I really don't know the answer on. That's a great question. Kind of a follow up one, also from the same person. Fashion TV Should the YouTube videos require log in and the advantages to having to log in or require password to see those see the videos, like from from someone else? Um, no. The whole point. The whole point of the YouTube video is for everybody to find it and and stewing. Dean brought this up, um, the whole idea of like you to being these little videos that get people's attention so weaken send them off to our products or services. Other stuff that's like the longer, detailed stuff. So when we're looking just at YouTube, the whole goals traffic, the whole idea is fine people. So in order to do that, we need to make it as easy as possible. Any hoops? People have to jump through anything they have to do first in order to wash your constant they're not gonna dio. So you go. Here's my free video. I'm gonna give it to you as easily as possible. And then if you actually like it and watch it, I'm gonna show you some hoops you can jump through to opt in, sign up and buy for me. Here's a great I thought this was a great question from Layla. Um, as a start of strategy, should I keep uploading videos for one month before actually putting the video? I want to go viral. Well, there's that darn word again. Viral. Um, I'm gonna show you on 1/5. All of you. A, um official known artificial artificial, um, viral strategy that I use that I think you guys are gonna get a kick out of in a moment. Um, but I I said this on day one that going viral isn't a strategy, and I wouldn't be the only thing I hesitate with. That question is, I wouldn't be putting all your your marbles in one jar or your eggs in one basket waiting for this viral video because you're you can get your hopes up. Like here it comes, were launched and nothing. And I'd rather you just be like, I'm just gonna keep putting these things up because this works. I want more videos, like royalty free music because I think we can all have videos that give us 10 leads a day every single day, have 10 videos doing that we're making. We got 100 leads coming in today. That gets me excited. I'd rather you do that then trying to make a viral video. Cool. I'm gonna continue. We're talking about cloud clouds, Everything else, like be Are you on authority? Are you attracting an audience? Are people actually doing things with your video? So are people linking to your video to your bid? Um, this is this is back. Linking this is the whole thing in and of itself. What should be like huge for people. And I'm only gonna talk about it for half a second. But back linking is when someone links to your YouTube u r l from their website there. Blawg Ah forum whatever and says Hey, this is a great video. You should go click on this link, and it links back to your video. This is like old school s c o days where when they see the back links to a video, they go, Well, people must like this. We're gonna push it up. So that's one of the things we dio, um, is we get back like so there's There's probably a slew of questions. I can hear him being typed right now. How do we get back links? So I'll try and answer it as best I can. There is a lot of different ways and strategies. There are courses just on how to get back links. Um, I always try and use my own blog's and, like Friends Blog's. I'll do guest posts where we embed the video and included Back Link, which will talk about guest post in a second. Um, but there are services that you can hire their software you can use. You could do it automatically. We're talking a little bit about things like press releases, Andi, stuff like that. But I don't want to get too technical on that, Um, but know that that can really, really help to get back links for your video even if it's just a couple from like your Blawg and like a friend's blawg, you know, once your videos live, what did I say it spend this much time making a video? Spend this much time promoting the video, asking other people to showcase your block. For you, using a link as well can really help and then our people embedding it. This was really cool. I get to write for a couple publications, including Entrepreneur magazine and Social media examiner and social media Examiner. There are amazing because they every day they post new content and they get, like 1800 retweets on on an article every single day. And it's amazing. So whenever I write for them, I say, Let me include a video and I will write Make a video just for them as well with text in an article. And that video skyrockets. And I think my video how to get more subscribers on YouTube was the reason it's number one instead of like number three or four. The reason is beat out a video that has 250,000 views and was there for three years, and mine was there for three months was because it was featured on a high profile, high trafficked website, slash block social media examiner. And any time we could do that, that's what they're looking for. They're looking for that clout they're looking for. The is that. Does this video have legs? Is it something that other people like and enjoy? Because there they are looking for, like, what will go viral? And when people are embedding the video when they're sharing it, when they do a back link, those air like recipes for or signs of a potential viral video? Not that that's what we're trying to create, but But that's what happens. So being able to create synergistic relationship with people where you do a guest close for someone, they do a guest post for you finding authority bloggers and websites to write and create content for toe leverage. What they've already got is a huge way to do it. And I'm like I said, I'm just throwing all these things on you on there. 17 total different strategies I teach Normally the good news is because I make a video so consistently and I have so many subscribers now and I keep doing what I'm doing. I don't have to do half of this stuff like all I have to do is what we showed you the 1st 1 which is like, Make sure the titles good and that's great, You know that I haven't done anything since we uploaded the video on day one. I'll be showing you a few days or a few days. Few slides seemed like a few days. Um, where that video is. It's already ranked on the first page for its keyword, and the key word is jump cut. I think on YouTube, that's gonna be a pretty competitive keyword. I'm already on the first page for it. I'll show you how I did that. Subscribers. YouTube subscribers is huge. That's why half you guys, at least I said, tell people to subscribe to your channel. Subscribers are like automatic views every time you upload your video, because every time they go to YouTube, which they go all the time, the average person this is so sad spends 25 minutes a day on YouTube. The average YouTube user spends 25 minutes a day. What do they do with the rest of the day? I spent like three hours a day on their on. That's probably on understatement. Um, so getting subscribers gonna help because these your closest friends there, your fans there, your supporters, they're gonna comment on your stuff. They're gonna like it. They're going to share it. They're going to take action on your stuff. And so you always want to have that in the back of your mind for a long term strategy. Getting a good subscriber base Any time you can have that simple call the action, it's just like having a fan on Facebook. A friend on your personal page, a follower on Twitter or, you know, a friend on MySpace. Not just getting here Time using MySpace. Uh, Friendster. Um so So subscribers on Are you active on your channel? One thing that we started doing, which was really cool. And I think you guys are gonna get a kick out of it because I have a whole team that works for me and I have virtual assistance that helped me out from all over the world. I have. I have them locally in Southern California, and I have, um, all the way in the Philippines. One of the things that they dio for me. Talk about automation and systems is I have one person who logs into my account every day, someone I trust with my information. Obviously, you don't just give your info to anybody so they get your account deleted or something. They subscribe to five channels every single day, and these are people that are related to mine it so they'll go toe another video marketer, and they'll go through the comments of people that are active and they'll subscribe. Using my channel will subscribe to those five people, and as soon as I started doing that, I noticed it like 50% of those people subscribe right back. So it's like you're just every day you're getting a couple more secure, and I could probably go nuts with and be, like, subscribed 20 people a day. But I don't cause I'd rather five a day, and it's like a more natural organic things. I don't want it to be a spammy thing where we're just clicking a button all day. That's not what I'm trying to dio, but I've gotten so busy. Marie's even talk about this where she wants to disable the comments because It's just become so big that it's bigger than her team and her. You know, we don't want to go overboard, but that's a great little strategy, Like something little like that every day that someone could do like when they wake up every day, subscribe to five channels that someone related to my niche. That is my ideal audience. And you could do that by going to your competitors. Channels just always looking at your competitors. What videos of there's air getting ranked? How are they getting ranked? You can check their analytics by clicking this little button on my video. You can see exactly how this video got views, and you could create a video on royalty free music yourself and try to compete with me. Um, but that's, you know, that's what we do. That's what I recommend other people doing. It's it's working, Model it. So there's a ton of there's a ton of strategies for getting the subscribers, um, the YouTube subscribers I'm going to share with you one called Trick that I like to use. That did get me about like, 200 subscribers in a period of 24 hours. But there's a thana different ways. Obviously easiest ways to ask for it and tell people why they should subscribe. And I gave you this one. The script writing session like this is why this is all coming together. Make sure to subscribe to my channel cause I got more great videos like this coming out soon, and I don't want you to miss him, right? So always the simplest way is to do it to just say, make sure do it. Oh, and click this button. You tell him how to do it wide. Why to do it, etcetera, etcetera. But here's a cool trick you guys gonna like. This is where I slight to cross pollinate with other social media platforms. And I'm I'm so late to the game on the whole Facebook fan page. I just created my Facebook fan page in, like, end of December. I think it waas Thank you. So be my fan. Um please. So what? I did a zay said I don't really care about fans. I still want subscribers. I You can't be the greatest at every social platform. You gotta find your place in my places. YouTube, obviously, Um and for a lot of you'll think, Oh, this is really my My place is Well, eso Here's what I did I went to my Facebook fans and I took a step. This is not a video. I took a screenshot of this ridiculous clip of a video that has not come out yet. And I said, and I uploaded as a picture. This is a picture. This is not a video, and I said YouTube marking and other nonsense coming soon to James. What more TV? Click the link to subscribe and prepare yourself. Then I have this magical link, which you can Google This called the direct to subscribe YouTube Link or YouTube directive. Subscribe Link Direct to subscribe. And it's this long link that when you put in your channel your l. A. The end. Something really magical happens when people click it. It takes them to your channel and has this little hover of over box. This little light box that says subscribe confirmed subscription and I had between 150 to people within, like a 24 hour span. Do this just by posting it on my fan page, and I do stuff like that all the time to make sure that all my friends and fans on Facebook see me on YouTube and then they find me on Twitter and my space. No, I'm stuff with the MySpace. We don't use that anymore. Okay, this is, like, really easy. I think that took me, I don't know, 27 28 seconds on. We can all do that. And that's not the first time I've done that. Every time we do that, when I'm anticipating like new videos come soon, I get Aton subscribers, and it's so easy for them to just click that link. Okay, so there's a ton of other things I dio. You can put that link in the footer of your e mails, and when you're conversing with people they can like click to subscribe, you can put him in your block post. There's something called that used to write this down the YouTube subscribe widget, and this is a little well showed. I think I have a picture of this in a minute, but it's a little thing you put in your sidebar of your blog's, where people can see your latest YouTube video, how many videos you have and they can literally click a button and subscribe. It's pretty cool. And every little bit like that helps. Um, so let's see what I've got here. Yes, I showed these earlier. Um, I've gone through a lot of these, and because of time, I'm not able to go through everything. So I do want to make sure for our in studio audience and everyone who purchases today or whenever you do decide to sign up, you're gonna get visas. Well, this is gonna take people through. Basically seven steps have had uploaded video properly. And then 17 different things that we can do from getting back links to cool annotation tricks that can get kind of nerdy and techie, which I'm not gonna get into today. Embedding your website guest posting press releases, um, things you could do with your channel, the video responses, even social book marking that you can dio in order to get those videos of yours ranked. No, we have a few questions before we move on. Is that have No, that's totally fine. Thank you. Can responding on a channel with a lot of traffic help move you up as well? Drafting. Responding on a channel with a with a lot of traffic. Okay, so there's a really cool trick where, uh, we talked a little bit about back links and Google has this thing called page Rank where they basically rank pages. I think from a scale 1 to 10 with like, no one has a 10. And but, you know, people like a normal website, it's like between a zero and a two or three. And then as you get more traffic and back links and authority can build up and get higher and higher. YouTube channels have their own pay drink as well. Um, and so what you can actually do, which is pretty cool. This is like one of those little nerdy tricks that you can do is you can go to someone else's actual channel, your L. And if you leave a comment on the channel with you logged in is your user name, it actually creates a back link back to your channel. And if someone's like got a big authority channel, yeah, it actually helps you. So do I do that? Of course, Ideo. You'll see me go into other channels Bigger channel, especially like big YouTubers and leave something cool that all helps. Little stuff is that the most important thing is it's like Is that what's gonna drive everything? No, but that's what I like to call stacking the deck. If I have, like, 20 different things, Aiken Dio, you know, like three go to strategies and then all these little fun things I can do when I really want to ramp up my views and I'm bored and have nothing else to dio those type of things. I dio what else you got to be called the strategic algorithm. Well, I'm sure he has a question. Do you get credit for videos when someone downloads and copies your video and then uploads it again on their channel? Do I? What was the first part Do I want credit for videos where someone downloads and copies your video on applique? Uploads it again to their channel? You've seen some of those videos where it's put up there like five different times. But there's only one originator and people just keep adding it. Yeah, we have someone in our group right now. That's a little upset because someone has downloaded, ripped their video and, like uploaded as their own. They're really upset. And I don't think they should be that upset. Here is the solution. Put your you are out in your video the whole way through. So James would more dot com is in my video. You guys can take it and do what you want all day long. I don't care. I really don't. So there's ways around it. I don't think like you're talking about. Like when you've already been pushed out of an airplane. You don't have a parachute. What do I dio? Nothing. But next time I would say we're a parachute and that parachute would be your you are at the bottom was not a good analogy.
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I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.