Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Recap of the 6 Steps
The reason I like to do these six steps is because on actually, I really thought of it making this simple. I was inspired by when I was basically pushed out of an airplane to go skydiving my first time about a year ago today it was It was March of last year. Um, a buddy of mine calls me and he goes, We should do something crazy. And I'm like, I love crazy. Let's do crazies like let's go skydiving. And I said, not that crazy. And I told him, Absolutely not. I petrified of heights is the only thing that, just, like, totally gets to me. Even flying here from Southern California was like, Oh, there's some turbulence. Uh, not a fan. So he decides to put on Facebook. I want to go skydiving, and James is too scared to do that. And 10 minutes later, he calls me and showed shows me, and there's 110 comments on it from everyone we know making fun of me. Onda. Well, yeah, peer pressure caved in and I went skydiving. The 48 hours before I jumped were the most, like, uncomfortably didn't eat. I did...
n't I couldn't sleep. My mind was just rocking around. I was sweating like shaking. I was really nervous. And I have no problem saying that, Um, the on leeway was But I started playing. I started playing a game with myself. Like how I'm gonna do this because, you know, you do face your fate like I got I got a jump. The only way I was able to do it was the day off. I just took it one step at a time. I said, all I got to do is get into that office and sign that waiver That says that if I die, you know nothing you can dio. All I got to do is put on the jumpsuit. All I got to do is step into that plane. All I got to do is get up. You know, I mean, and then it by the end, it was. All I got to do is let let my instructor guy push me out. And instead of focusing on the whole big picture of like, I am going to be falling at miles an hour from 12,000 feet up to the earth. It was just one step at a time. And when we know that, it's been you guys have been so brave. But for so many people, it's so scary to make that video. What if it could just be the simple steps one step at a time? And up until this point, most of you are between steps three and four. So you're, like, more than halfway time with the whole process. Um and, you know, obviously number four is what we're doing today. That's scariest part. So yesterday we covered your intention and your style. Why am I making this video? What's it gonna look like and then scripting? You guys came this morning with a script, and it was they were amazing. And we've been filming today. Tonight you guys are gonna be editing and also uploading in broadcasting that video tomorrow. We're going to showing you what to do once it's been uploaded. So we actually get people to see your video, and that's gonna be the real secret, the real magic. So for everybody else, when you say I want to make a video, how do I get started? What do I do? You follow these six steps you ask? What's my intention? What's the goal? This video. What is it supposed to dio? What's it gonna look like? Step two. What's it going to say? What am I gonna see in the video? You scripted out as much as you can for then step forwards. This is simple is like I just gotta say what I wrote on the script. Step five at it. Trim out the bad parts, Add some music. We'll be talking about that a little bit more and then boom, uploaded. I'm done. You fell out of the airplane, you've landed, You're safe again. And I'm the only person by the way, that has gone skydiving and totally hated. It just did not enjoy the experience whatsoever. If anyone has never been skydiving and doesn't really want to go, just sit in the passenger seat of your friend's car, drive 220 miles an hour and stick your head out the window. That's what it feels like. You're done. You've been skydiving, that's all. That's all really is. So you don't really need to go skydiving. So anyways, okay, um, let's continue how to memorize your script without having a memorize a script. You guys saw two wonderful examples today and we're gonna be doing forem or this afternoon. The answer is the jump cut. Okay, we filmed each line of the script individually, which allows us to focus on what we're gonna do with that line to make it the best it could be. Instead of always having to worry what's gonna come next, we'll have to see next. I can't stumble. They can't have a blank pause. I can't mess up one line at a time here. The four steps to that writing your script. You guys came here with a script, then what we did. And I saw something like Randy did this where he, like, put a line dividing every sentence or each like praise of a sentence that's dividing your segments into our your sentences or segments or phrases into individual shots. And then you're just recording each of those individual. Whether you have to read it or have someone read it to you is fine. But step four now you just have to edit down the dead parts. And because we use the solid white background, it's really easy to be like, Hey, guys, James here And in this video we're talking about how to make a video like and when you when there's no pause, people actually love it. It's way faster pace. There's none of that on the third step. You know what I mean? Like it's boom. You just stay on top of the that engagement level, Okay, so that's the four steps to the jump cut, and I'm gonna show you it in action, a completed video. So you guys can really start to see what your videos will be looking like when you go back to edit them. This video I did in New York and I had a friend they're watching the film and they were just looking at me as I did each line because I'd be like, I would really like And in this video, like, No, that's not in this video. No, now that's still not it. But what you find the right one, right? And then all that the world has to see is the best ones. So let's go ahead and take a quick look at my jump cut in action, which is probably not even the best example ever. But hey, guys. James, one more here with James Wetmore dot com. And I keep getting asked the question. Hey, James, how do you get all that cool text and images on all of your videos? Oh, hey. Well, I'm glad you asked. Because in this video, I'm gonna give you the answer. So if you want to spruce up your videos with a little fancy text and sexy graphics, here is a video to show you exactly how you ready outsource it. Yep, That's it. Just have someone else do it. Cut. That's a wrap. Are we done, guys? Okay, so what do you see how fast it was? I mean, if I would have tried to do that in one take, it probably would have been a lot of my eyes looking up, like and, um and you know, you want to do it like this. The jump cut allows us to have these really fast paced videos. I want to show you another example. Um, this is from an awesome, awesome superstar. This is someone I've just reason to become good friends with. Her name is Renee. Christine. And in August of this past year, she decided to start this new business and New Channel, which can be found over on youtube dot com, forts us rich mom business. And I want every single person on the Internet to go to her channel and make sure to subscribe and supporter, because she has been on a journey where she has made a video every single day since this past summer of 2012. Still, every day and I I just couldn't believe it like I'm like, What's What's your secret? Because, like, I can barely do one a week, and so I get it. Time is an issue, and the best thing she told me is that it only takes 20 minutes a day and she's making a video every single day. And I said, How do you do that? I'm I want to know you should be teaching this creative life because I'm like, Wow, basically, she has developed a flawless system, and you're starting to see the theme Haven't, aren't you? Marie talked about it yesterday. There is a whole all The work that you're actually putting into isn't to making the videos. It's creating a system so you don't have to work most people, which is why in my opinion. I think most businesses fail. Never take the time to do that. Never put a system in place, and all they do is create a bigger job for themselves. They become mawr of ah stressed out employees and the boss at the same time, instead of creating a business that has systems, automation and other people that you're leveraging other software time and people that you're leveraging to help you out because you can't do it all. So she just filmed the video and she has a whole process of giving it to an editor. And they do all the work, sends it back. She looks at it, make this change, but being about a boom and it's up and she doesn't want in there batch to. So she makes you know each one she could do in 20 minutes, which, by the way, Kate, Randy and Crystal, all your guys videos were filmed in less than 20 minutes. I don't know if anyone was measuring that, but you made a 2 to 3 minute video that took you 20 minutes to make. And it was like your 1st 1 So not too shabby. Let's let's take a look at some of her stats. She just started artist to 2012. She's just about, if not already, because these slides were made a couple days ago, hit 100,000 views and 1600 subscribers. And the reason I want to show one of her videos is because she has the epitome of the jump cut. You're going to see hers and, um, I think she does. Her videos are better than mine. I think she's phenomenal in front of the camera. And I think she's a great person to model and, uh and and emulate as we're making our videos, because I think she is just super high energy and over the top. So this video on how to dress like a sexy nerd thes and they, along with many other items, can help you go from nerd, huh? And just a matter of seconds. Big double check them out. They're also 50% discount code for for members. Big deal. Link down below. Love you all. So don't do drugs. No kidding? Yes. So her stuff And is there a little outro piece in that? Cool. Um, I think it's still playing. OK, so that was just a short, little quick clip for you guys. But you can see it's like, What about the phone? I do a pretty good impression over Hey, that's these. She makes fun of me in her video, so that was payback. But she's awesome. Rich business mom dot com as well. She's a great person. Fall and I love like I like I said to you yesterday. I love showing off other people, um, to give you other sources of inspiration, creative inspiration as well. So let's let's continue and we'll talk about one final thing I like to do in in all of my videos. And that's to put something a shot in there or some element in there that we call the money shot. The basically the that creates a share ability factor. I think I think Krista hit hit the nail on the head when we were reading her script this morning, and not too many people watching on their Maybe, maybe there are, but maybe not too many people here really get jazzed up about calculus. Yet somehow you made a video that was enjoyable for anybody, and I think that's the real goal. Where even if someone isn't your ideal audience still watches your video. There's a great example. I forget his name and apologize, but has a huge amount of views on YouTube, like in the 5 to 10 million range. And he teaches people everything about saltwater fish tanks. And that, to me seems pretty boring. Just like my buddy Dave Powers, who does remote control airplanes, I watched one of remote control airplane videos, and I'm just That's so cool that plane go because he makes it enjoyable to watch this this saltwater fish tank. I has a video on his channel about how to pick up girls in a fish store, and it's a whole, like Pun like It's a whole joke, like he's not really teaching how to do that. But he makes his videos enjoyable for people that don't even have or desire to own a saltwater fish tank, let alone fish to go inside of it. And that's always something that's like, fun to strive for. And so, in every single video I do, I try to have something in there that makes that video unique so that people can go. Oh yeah, that's the video where you baba, right? Here's some quick examples of that. This is Lizzie Otto again. We're showing we're showing her off. This is another video where she came to me and she says, Here's my script. Here's what I'm doing this time Instead of arm pit fat, we're going to talk about how to get sexy thighs or something like that. That was another great keyword, and she did the work out. She had some cool stuff. OK, but there's no, like, wow effect in the armpit fat video. There's a part that we didn't show where she's. She's dancing to music across a football field, like 50 yards away, just like dancing for like, 30 seconds on. People cracked up. Loved, great pattern interrupts. We wanted another pattern erupt in this video. I didn't have one, and it looked at the last line of the video, and she goes, and don't forget to hydrate. You know you to clean, clean and healthy diet and don't remember. Don't forget to hydrate. And I said, What if you allowed me the extreme ledger to pour a freezing cold bucket of water on your head while you said that, and drink into a water bottle. She's like, Let's do it! And it was so much fun because we had the music, like from Ferris Bueller's Day Off with the Ferrari like like clain in slow motion like Don't don't as it's just like like falling down. It was like and don't forget to hydrate and it just like covers air and water And it was great, like That's the part people, of course, remember which had nothing to do with getting the thin or toned thighs or anything like that. But that's the point. Always be creatively looking for something that makes your video share, but like people are going to see them go. Oh my gosh, you got to check this out like this is hilarious what this girl's doing pouring water on her head. What a weirdo. Who came up with a stupid idea like that s Oh, that's a great example. That's one of my where I did a video where I was talking about like, uh, maybe a real estate agent trying to sell that perfect home and you want to use video and I cut to a shot of me in front. I found a crappy home that's torn down and waving a sign. The sold sign actually is like swinging down as I'm doing it. Andi, it got some laughs. This is This is Derek Halpern of social triggers dot com, and when he first started doing his videos, I came over and kind of did what I've been doing with you guys, that coaching you on your videos on. But he was obviously a natural because he's he's definitely a character if you've ever watched him. Youtube dot com Ford slash social triggers is Derek Halpern's channel, and he's gonna be on Creative Live in about eight or nine days. But he was talking about a study that ah fitness apparel company was doing where they like, eavesdrop on their their customers while they're in the changing rooms and where they like, would actually like, put their year up to the changing room and listen in to get feedback from their customers. And so I said, Why don't we do that with a glass? Like he was just gonna do it would like its hand. I'm like, Why don't we do it? And I had my hand come out. The glass was full of water, he dumps it out on the cameras. He sells waterfall, and he just puts it up like little things like that that we can add to our videos to make him a little bit more fun, unique, different, creative. Stand out. Terrible. So and I love that still shot of him. So I thought, I include that. So that's the money shot. That's just having something in there. And I always like to go back and look, what can I do that makes this video super unique? There's a video of me in Denver, Colorado, feeding a chipmunk where I like put on the you know, the like safari axe. And I'm like here we are deep within the Denver Colorado Forest feeding the native chipmunk. And, you know, I put out a little peanut and he actually comes up and eats it, and there was literally someone who came up to me at a conference was like I watched the end of that video like, seven times. That was amazing. That thing actually took it from your hand and just sat there and ate and was like, Yeah, a lot of people are asking related to the jump cuts. Um, axeman in particular. If you're planning on jump cuts, is it a good idea to deliberately change your position in the frame, or how close you are to the camera for each shot? I like to do that. I like the question was from doing these jump cuts were like every single sentence, something different. I like to be like over here and then all of a second I'm over here and then I'm like, a little bit forward. I'm a little bit back. You could get away with it being the same shop, but when as you're doing more of it and getting more creative, you can move yourself around. And when we have a solid background, I was telling Kristen this you can actually in editing, move the whole shot around yourself and just fill the blank space with like white. So we'll be talking a little bit about that. Like I said, I don't wanna to. You guys are overwhelmed people with, like the horrendous details of added demons, which it can be a little boring, but what else we got? So you know how like being a little bit more animated and like be is really good and videos and video today is asking in any examples of business owners that are also expected to be more serious and tone. Yeah. What? I'm trying to think if I have someone great that I think I don't know if I have an example off the top of my head. Um, of someone who is like, like, deadpan serious. I think everyone has to have that personality shine. And it doesn't have to be. You'll have to be funny. You don't have to be goofy. You don't have to be wacky and silly. I think Renee Christine is like a extreme example of someone who is just like on We don't have to go there. I think the only thing that does matter is that we have passion, enthusiasm and energy when we're doing it, um, and avoid the dry monotone of I don't really want to be making a video, but someone told me I had Teoh guy on creative life said I did So Um, yeah, I don't have someone like that off the top, my head, but can be done, make me done right
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.