Lesson Info
4. YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
some of you guys might have been like, When are we gonna talk about YouTube stuff? That's right. Okay, so that's what you are thinking on. That's like the big thing is I kind of tricked all you guys. I lure Jan thinking This is just about YouTube, and it's really discovers it's not, uh, it's really much bigger. And, um, we're gonna get in that 40,000 foot view airplane bird's eye view shot and take a look at how this strategy all this YouTube stuff works for my business. And then we're just gonna continue drilling down, get really specific. In a few moments, though. In about 15 minutes, each of you guys are gonna get five minutes to sit up here in the hot seat. And all of us, including the Internet, are going to be creatively brainstorming and strategizing how this will all work for you because you're all very different in your approach in how we could be using YouTube and everything else on the Internets. So we're all gonna give you five minutes, so we want to keep it short, but I wan...
t you to start thinking the back your head like what is really the big, big struggle I'm having. But what is the big strategy? What is it? I need the most. Do any more sales or any more customers anymore. X y z, We're gonna solve those problems as quickly as you can. But first, let me show you how I run things. Um, Cash. I know this looks like a I'm about to sell you into a pyramid scheme. I promise you, I'm not, um if if we want to keep things simple, simple Czar magic. Word of the day. We really only need to focus on technically three things. I said two things earlier, but they kind of overlap three things in our in our business. If we have a business and we're on the internet, traffic leads and conversions. Little TLC for your business. Um, we need traffic. We need people to find us. We need people to visit our websites or a blogger or our Our home on the Internet are virtual stores. We need to get people there. That makes sense. We know that, right? Ah, website like my 1st 1 didn't have anybody there, so I couldn't make any sales if no one came there so that should make sense for people. The final step sees conversions and conversions technically convene sales. But even if we were talking like a nonprofit, ah, conversion is an action taken by someone who's on your website. That's all matters. That's the simple definition. But in the middle we have leads, and I think the people who we could just say t and see you just need a little traffic and get that trafficking converted. But if we take the time and put this middle step in here, I think this is really the magic ingredient. This is leads and saying, going around, not know everybody. Randy's different because you have a product that you pull it out of your pocket. Everyone goes, I want that and we don't You don't need to like, you know, baby, the sale. It's like they want. It's a no brainer. Is 25 bucks like done right? But for most of us, especially if we're selling something very high end, or maybe it's expensive or it's a lot of work, people need time to process, you know, it's the analogy of you don't ask for the man or woman of your dreams hand in marriage on the first date, right? There's a there's a process. There's a step. So it's a lot easier to ask them out on a first date or for a cup of coffee than it is to get down on one knee. And that's really what asking for the lead is or the contact information. So I like to take people through a process saying, Well, first, we need traffic log, website, a squeeze page, lead, capture page, something like that. And then we collect their contact information, name, email, whatever. Also we want from them. And then from there we can follow up with them to make the sales the conversions. Um, I take that out one step further into five steps. I really wish I had some cool acronym or something. It's just like random letters put together TLC and P C. L S F, which has no meaning whatsoever. But if someone wants to come up with one, that'd be amazing. Promotion, content, lead sales and follow up. Basically, what I did is I took traffic and I divided it into a two part process. I kept leads. The same cause leaders that leads is still like. That's where it's so important, this whole list building thing and then conversions I put into two steps. Let me show you how this all works and you can see that this is what Marie is doing. This is what all hundreds doing, and everyone else that we're gonna be showing you who's a superstar in the next three days are doing the same thing. They're starting here with content, creating great original content that their audience wants, that they're hungry for. Like Marie, it's our Q and A Tuesday. How easy is it? It couldn't be any easier to come up with content than choosing to answer the questions that your students and followers already asking create content. And instead of promoting or selling your products, your services there promoting the content, they're going up the Facebook to Twitter to their email list to other channels. Insane. I got a new video. I have new content and doesn't have to be video guys. This doesn't like I said, if hologram videos are coming out next week, just watch them, like on her hand or chips in our head. Its's gonna be the same thing. It's gonna be the same basic strategy here. So instead of me pushing, if you were to go on watch on my Facebook page, you never see it or even my blawg. I don't sell anything on my block. You can't buy anything from the only below. You can go on my fan page and purchase anything from me, but you'll see every single week I'm promoting some sort of content video, blogging, post etcetera. And so that's where that's the direction I take. Where I'm promoting the content were consistent with our content. The contents job is to generate traffic and produce leads. Okay, From here we can have an entire follow up sequence to produce sales and then follow up with those sales, which is the reason I include that AF magical step that's like 202 level. But once you have existing customers, it's easy to make secondary and tertiary sales from those customers. Um, let me ask you guys does this makes sense. Is this, um clear to you guys because I don't want spend too much time on it, cause I wanted I want to bring this down to ground level and apply this to YouTube, so every week or try to every week. I create unique, original YouTube content. I promote the crap out of that content, which I'll be showing you guys on day three. And it's all in the with the intention of building my audience, getting more people, strengthening my reach. Teoh. Increase my leads and then take people through, ah, sales process where if they wanna learn more for me, they purchase my programs, coaching etcetera and then follow up with them. And they have even other funnels and stuff. That's a simple is I keep it. Too many people try and complicate everything and say We have to be doing a 1,000,000 things You don't need to be doing a 1,000, things. You'll be doing three things. You need something to get you traffic. You need something to cops, your leads and you need something that sells your stuff and that's it. Eso simple This So there's my MLM pyramid scheme, and if you just get to your friends and they get to their friends and no, we're okay, that doesn't work. OK, so let's bring this down to ground level and, um, finally get to this first step, have our slide that you guys were gonna get so bored off video optimization. Okay, So what exactly is this? And what do I mean by video optimization? Um, obviously using the word. Every video must be optimized for a specific he word phrase. And that's where we start is with identifying key words. Because the big mistake most people make when they decide. Okay, James, you convinced me I'm gonna do. YouTube is they don't know what to create constant about. So they just create constant based on what they want to make. Um, so instead of that, we want to make content based on what your audience wants, what they're really looking for. Because Google and these other search engines, it's not like 1999 were like, you type in something you're looking for the answer something, and you never get an answer like they're good. You Googled works, people get what they're searching for. In fact, we showed an example. If any of you ever wanted to go to Google and typing armpit fat, you're gonna get a video over the top on how to get rid of armpit fat and ah, that's that's how we're talking about and that's a video. I showed you guys a little bit. That's from Lizzie Alto. 44,000 views. That's why it has a views because she already had an audience. She doesn't even produce videos weekly. But because weaken get videos ranked and found in Google and YouTube for perspective keywords. So Step one. Video optimization is finding the right keywords. What is your ideal customer searching for when they go to sites like Google and YouTube? I told you guys remember the beginning. Today, YouTube is the second largest searching. People are going straight to YouTube searching their questions, looking for answers, and they're getting them in the form of video. And if you're lucky enough to get your video on the first page of Google, uh, you just need to ask Tough. What is your audience searching for? Let me give you some more examples. This is on my channel page. Uh, I actually did this from you. See something, Bart? Any videos? Ah, I did this from the most My most viewed videos. Like I said, I don't have, like, 1,000,000 view videos or anything like that. Um, but these air ranked from my easily my top six Most viewed videos. Let me show you why they're my most viewed videos. It's not because I did something necessarily so outrageous. Funny, amazing, miraculous. In the video, um, I just followed a really simple thing. This is the 1st 1 almost 90, views when you go to YouTube and type in learn flare moves, which is what you do when you juggle the bottles. I dominate the first page with three different videos. When we look at this next 16 steps to more subscribers, the video title is called How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube. It's about how to get more subscribers on YouTube when you search it, How to get more subscribers on YouTube Mind comes up. It's like, so simple. But for a lot of people, they never even thought to to think that way. Let's look at another example. YouTube Custom thumb Now. Same exact thing. Here's what's really cool is just to show you an example. This video has 26,000 views. YouTube custom thumb now, But look at this. You check the analytics on it. First referral from YouTube surge when people typed in you, Tim Custom thumbnail 9613 view. So 1/ of the total views are coming from people typing in that specific one. Now there's other ones, like YouTube thumb now, uh, in Google, it's getting searches as well. Sometimes people just have been custom film now, so it's overlapping to other keywords. But when you identify your keyword, you can start to see where your views can come from on, let me tell you, views by themselves don't mean anything when we know that the views air coming from someone who wants to learn flare or they want to learn how to get more subscribers, they want to learn. You know how to do X y Z. We know who they are. Don't way. They're very targeted. They're very interested there, hypersensitive to your information. And they're probably gonna take action with you much faster than someone that was aboard at work. Clicking a button and a viral video popped up and said, Yeah, watch this because I got nothing else to do. That's why a lot of people do have a lot of views but don't have any other attraction to what they're doing. Did that make sense? Cool So now we're gonna do a fun little hot seat with you guys. I want to ask. You know, everybody, this is the type of questions you want to be asking yourself. Quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions. You ask yourself. Whoa. Another tweet of all. Look at that. I didn't come up with that one. Um, quality of your life is determined by the quality of questions. You ask yourself. So what is your ideal customer searching for? Figure out what your customer wants and give it to them in a video. Simple enough is that we kind of create the foundation for all this stuff. The long term, strong foundation for all this stuff. Not a flash in the pan. I'm gonna make a viral video today. Um, So are you guys ready? We're gonna do some. We're gonna do some hot seats. They don't want to volunteer and go first. No, no one does. I'm just gonna pick you guys if you don't. So here's how it's gonna work. We're going to five minutes of each person. There will be a timer. Right. We're gonna let people know when. Yes, you don't have to be afraid, because it's actually gonna be, like all on me, because I'm the one that giving you the strategy. So, um, Charles, we're gonna start with you because you're on the end. And here's the deal, guys. So we have five minutes. Hop on up here. Yeah, and getting getting the microphone. And, um, I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I'm gonna give you some suggestions. I want all of you guys do you have another microphone? I want us participate. If you have an idea for Charles or anyone else who's up there, the same goes everyone on the Internet. That would be like the most cruel thing to, like hide. Hold that to yourself. We're all here to help each other. And, um, if you think all my ideas and stuff I do come from me, you're wrong. I'm inspired by the countless of hours I spend wasting my time watching other people's YouTube videos so we can all help each other. Uh, Charles, go ahead and just share a little bit about, um, your business and how you kind of want to use YouTube with all that what my business is called Drug talk TV, and it is an educational slash talk show that deals with drugs and drug testing. It's something that I came up with based off the fact that I've spent 13 years in the medical and laboratory and drug testing field from the other side of the spectrum from the big corporate side of it. And it really just wasn't something that spoke to me on a, I guess, spiritual level on integrity level. And when I got out of that business, I wanted to help people individually and help people that might have concerns or questions about that. And I think is you can see in the last year with some of the initiatives, such as in Washington and Colorado, that things have changed on that front, and I want to reach out and give peace of mind of professionals and creatives who might have questions around that that realm of you know, because I love that you're starting from. It's a passion and something that you care more about the message. But, um, how do we measure that? It's that it's working for you like our Is this something you're looking to monetize its something You're just like this is, you know, just in the my part time or I'm gonna raise money with this like I need to know. Like, how do we measure your success with with this? Okay. It's absolutely something that I want to monetize. Its a very educational product for me. I have all this information that I can put out there to help, um, help people understand what it can and can't do. There's a lot of facts around drug testing that people don't understand if they're not in the business. A lot of things I've seen from the other side of the business, you might not know, such as the fact that drug testing isn't always something that the company chooses to do because of drug testing. It's because they get breaks on worker's comp insurance, so they're not really that concerned about it. It's all about money. It's all about saving money. And because of that, everybody's drug testing program can vary. And by getting this information out, I hope to be able to develop products that further that information and then, of course, help myself out and buy products. Do you mean like information training? Absolutely kicks and stuff. Okay, so So the end goal is, ah, selling digital products or even if it's physical. But it's it's information. Physical. Um, digital physical products. Um, who would you say is your ideal audience? Ideal customer? Um, I'm trying to reach out. Um, you know, everybody's got the stereotypical view when it comes to drugs and drug testing. It's a very controversial topic, and like many things out there, I think there's a wide spectrum, whether it's linear or you know, another view you take of it. You have, ah, very far side, you know, conservative, right wing viewing. You have a very far left wing view, and the people who use drugs fall into that whole spectrum. And I'm of the mind that there's a lot of people that are professionals that are hard working people who may do something. It's not necessarily socially acceptable that have questions, and they're not involved in that world. And that's really who my audience is. OK, so here is we're gonna do lightning around really quickly. You got to figure out what those questions are, and you got to translate those those questions into your keywords. We're gonna do this in a moment with the Google keyword tool, so it all makes sense. But I'm gonna need you to get really clear on a ton of questions, topics and more specifically, the keywords for each one off we're doing YouTube videos. I would still want your I could see you having, like, really long videos, but I want you to keep him obviously as short as possible and have a call the action in every video. For right now, you've got to kind of get clear on what that called action would be. What you what you want people to do, which is gonna be to sign up for something to subscribe to opt in? Um, you know, maybe just a newsletter where once a month you are a week, you're informed people with more content, more information. There's a lot of people that are doing things like this where it's all about, like using YouTube is a platform to get awareness out. Ah, one guy that's done amazing. As the guy Info wars, Alex Jones talks about all kinds of stuff that, like no one else wants to talk about. And, you know, they have millions and millions of views I think they're in, like, the 1,000,000, mark right now. So it's a great model toe look at, but ah, it's it seems pretty cut and dry would just get consistent. But make sure you have your keywords and have somewhere where you're capturing information, the contact details from your viewers so that you can go back to them and follow up in market to them. We'll call it that. We'll just we'll just turn and burn these really quickly. So thanks. Shapes. Yeah. Thank you. Don't worry, we're we're still going with you, all right? Not five minutes. Then you're done for the whole Thank you. All right. Yeah. Come on up. They tell us in, like, 30 seconds. What? What you do and how YouTube is gonna play apart into that aesthetician. Also known a skincare therapist and just started my business taking clients in October. Are you local? I am. And it's the clock. OK, Ok. Do you have ah, brick and mortar? Um, like actual place? Or is like people come in your home or no Ideo Ah, studio with hair salon. Awesome. Awesome. Um, So let me ask you this How, um what would be the steps for acquiring a customer right now. If you look at someone who is your ideal customer, maybe that was just just came into your studio last week. Like, how did they find you? How did they How did you close the sale? Take me through that process in, like, 30 seconds. So, um, the stylist I work without the hair salon on the only aesthetician, which is fabulous, said they have been referring people my way and also yelp. So how do they refer him to you? They give you the phone number and they call you up. I am present out in the phone. So I get to meet them and tell them a little bit What I dio maybe do like a little hand massage or something. And so you give him a little test for free. And I've done compliment relaxing. That's great. Well, brow wax just so they can see my work. Also get the repeat cool. So I just want to let you know that, like what that is, and what you're getting business right now is like, that's not marketing like that's just it's it's what you're doing and you're getting clients But when you actually start putting in some great marketing, it's just that's where you'll see the results. And because works a local, um, local business owner. We could do some really exciting things where she could be creating videos that her keywords are not gonna be things like, What do you think when your keywords would be someone going to Google Vaccine Issaquah? Okay. Perfect. Yes, I'm not gonna type out or right out in sickle on here, but, uh, you know e can't see this. It's it's load f quality camera. They can't see that. Um, for all they know, I spelled it right, but she's she's on the right track. Her key words are going to be in the title of our video. And all that stuff when I showed off visit are gonna be like waxing are or, you know, whatever their look coming into Dio Issaquah or Redman's Yeah, exactly. And the videos. You don't necessarily need to be this like Marie for Leo, where it's like every time answering questions and answers you can literally have for something like a local business owner. You could just create however many key. Where'd you find that's how many videos you make and and put him out there. And they could be pretty much like many advertisements that say, This is what we do. This is what we provide. Blah, blah, blah, blah. You can throw case studies, happy customers. Like when you have a few people come in. Maybe go ahead. Do you mind if I get you on camera? Like, say something? Or maybe I could take a picture. You and you could write a little blurb for me and, like, throw those in. But you wanna have a call to action in every single one of your videos? And one of the best called actions I've seen with local business owners do is they say whatever it is you want, Teoh recommend Go to my go to your website, but you can also have the phone number on there. You can have the physical dress. You have all that stuff, but a great called action to say When you mention this video, I'll give you a free 15 minute hand massage or something like that. On your very first time here, I get it gives people the incentive, but it also gives them air you the knowledge that they found me through my videos. My videos were working. Jacket. OK, and here's the thing. You don't even need to be on the camera for your videos. If you didn't want to. Like, I don't want Teoh, you can literally take a still camera. You could take 10 to 15 pictures. You giving you stock images of someone else doing, You know, all the stuff that you do like in action. Like like the hand massage and stuff. And you can put that Is it like a, um, photo collage with a voice over? Oh, yeah, that's gliding. Welcome to Brooke Store. And where we teach our We show you this and we do this for you. And we offer that blah, blah, blah, you know, to get a free 15 minute. You know, they're just many little little things. That's at a basic level. Okay, that's like the barn on this. Why won't you do these air your local videos? How we doing on time? We have one minute left. One minute left. Anyone want to shout out anything? You guys can interrupt me with local videos? Um, Sheena Last. She says different videos on different types of waxing. There you go. Thank you. So I'll do It s oh, so local videos can be like a simple is like simple commercials based off the keywords what people are searching for If you wanted to go bigger, if you want to expand, you start going off of topics like our Internet users Suggestion. Where what are the bigger questions? What are the things that people can do to, uh, look younger or t feel better toe, have better skin all that type of stuff and just start doing just like Alejandra? When she says, I got local clients, I'm gonna make a video about how to organise your home. All of a sudden, the rest of the world not just her local town, wanted Teoh. So at the very least, you need to start here with just local business videos. But you can go big and take this. Yeah, any questions or any feedback from you guys in, like 12th It would also be great. Do different like skin conditions. So be like, what do I do about Rosie show? What do I do about acne? Absolutely thought this is great. I appreciate this, You guys. Thank you, Charles Mags. You didn't give him any feedback, so great. Okay, we're onto the next one. How do I spell your KR? Okay, 30 seconds. Tell us what you've been doing and what's been working. What's not working? Uh, okay. I run integral cock dot com, which is ah, calculus website. It provides free videos to calculus students, usually calculus students who are struggling with it, but sometimes calculus students who just want to take their education further and learn more cause they're nerds like that. That's awesome. Um, what's been working? I've got the consistency going. I have a lot of videos. I'm getting some traction. I'm seeing things, you know, double the over the months, a month from the year before. So it's it's working. It's happening, but slower than I'd like it to. And what I think I'd really like to do is figure out a way like you said James, to move away from the AdSense monetization, which is, you know, pennies for your effort toward, um, something that's more effective. I don't think I'm providing people with, like, an action to take or, um, somewhere to go. Something to do so that they can really get more involved with me or purchase a product or something like that. Do you know the age of the of the students? Are they high school or college? It's usually seniors in high school. Ah, lot of college students and I get a lot of adult learners in their thirties forties, all the way up to seventies who are coming back to school but primarily concentrated in college. Have you captured an email lists at all? If you have any contact info from people I do. I have an email list, but it's it's not gigantic because I think I have maybe 500 e mails and they're people that have seen your videos. Yes, so the first thing I would love And do you have any? You've said you have some products that you've tried out and stuff like that. Yeah, So I'm gonna give you a model throughout the days of how all of us are not just crystal, but how we can be selling products from our videos. Here's the first thing I want you to. Dio is to survey that list and asked them 2 to 3 questions. One of them is. What is your biggest struggle that you're having right now? What do you need the most from me? And you can give some some multiple choices. But I I don't know. You probably would mind. No. All right, off the bat what they're gonna answer. But that's what you're gonna create a product around because videos air free and you got it. 600 videos. But so some people will be like, Well, all my answers air right there for free. But you've actually created another problem which could be solved in that with 600 videos, people don't know where to start. They don't know where to go. They don't know what's connected, what's not. And if you could give people something that's just like, this is a 30 day course or it's just like this is what you do, Day one. This is what you do day to our week, one week to you. Given the assurance and the convenience that they're gonna learn it, they're going to get it, and they know when they're going to do it by. But when you survey them, you're gonna get really clear on exactly what it is. They're looking for. And then you're just gonna follow that whole thing that I've already said. The whole TLC where if you have your videos, you're going to send them to a page that captures the lead, and then you're gonna produce sales to what I would recommend is a low cost membership. It's like $10 a month, $20 a month, okay. And you and you keep him in there. But we can discuss more since we were five minutes. Like, sure. What? What type of products and off toe offer them. But I would always start with a survey to get really clear him. What is that you guys really need? Okay, Um, also, how have you done in the past with keyword in your videos? Are you just saying this video? I'm gonna just make it this title. Like, how do you choose your titles right now? Yeah, well, it's interesting, cause I think some people I would I would picture people in two buckets searching for something real broad, like calculus help. And they're looking for just somebody who can help them or they search for the other bucket. They search for a specific topic. They need help with partial fractions, integration by parts like whatever calculus topic it is. So the either search for the specific topic they're struggling with or just I'm struggling, I need help. Calculus help. So, really, my videos have just been driven by the title. The you know, the topic, the specific topic it is. And people find me that way. I'm not sure how well people are finding me for things that are broader. Like calculus. Help. Yeah, So here's a simple solution to selling a product. Getting customers. Before you create the product, you decide what it is you're gonna create. Ah, four week calculus, boot camp. Or, you know, maybe it's a midterm study because, like you could totally time. This is something Live right in time for finals or something like this. Thistles. Your course. It's a boot camp. This is what Louis house and I taught on our launching. Ah, Internet business back in December. You create the boot camp. All you need is an outline. All you need to know is what you're gonna teach and you sell and promote it using you know, your funnels of getting you know you could even create a video on it. You could build your listening, emailed a list about it. You're selling people to alive virtual program. That's that's taught over Webinar so they would get on a call with you once a week for a couple weeks. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe it's for one week, every single day. For an hour. However it's structured. Teoh, you're in charge, right? And you're teaching it live. But then you're recording it just like we record live here. I didn't have the course before, and people are already purchasing it. Now we're creating it live, and you could do that same thing. But when you have the recordings, you can sell it again and again and again and it works. And it's how I created my first course, and I am. I recommend the same for you. Awesome. Any suggestion from people before we kick her off from the Internet? Quite a few people agree with what you just said, James, about creating the course and selling it and like it in a Siri's package value. Have you been able to answer questions and answers like you and a life doing that whole thing like, Well, I'm stuck on this. You just help me here? Yeah. And you're that you immune from the line like, Yeah, let's let's work this out together. So it works, and you can charge a lot more than, like, 10 box because it's live. It's real. It's there. They know what they're getting at the end. Yeah, they're getting the solution. So totally okay. A good. Yeah. Awesome. Thanks. Randi. Yes. Tell us. Tell everyone in 30 seconds how amazing this thing is. It's the coolest thing in the world for anyone with a smartphone. And basically it's a Kickstarter project, and it turned into a product. But my problem is kind of two fold here. I want to sell this, but at the same time, I really want to educate people on how they can actually create their own projects because everyone has ideas. Problem is how to get from there to prototype. So I provided prototyping service, but obviously this is taking up all my time, which is my big problem right now. I don't think that's a problem. I think that's the solution. I think the journey of what you're doing with this is what we all want to know about we're sitting at lunch talking like How did how did you do this? What do you mean? You got a three d printer home? How does that work? What do you You're doing it right now If you can figure out a way to leverage the current struggles, the time, all that stuff and it just making you know, that extra step to let people know where you're at in the process, the value you provide because I've never created a physical problem, actually tried to do choose once. And let me tell you, that was not easy. Eso I know like what you're going through and you're dealing with overseas manufacturers and stuff. No, um Stover in Minnesota. Really? That's amazing. Is it just the black? Just the black parts. It's just the part that's holding the phone here, and it's also a windshield mounts of this contain. You can take this often. Stick it on a suction cup in the car. Uh, so what I want to do right now is showcase how it's being used and actually create a mill amount movement and try to get all of those backers all backers to ah showcase how they're using the mill amount. A couple things for you. What I see cause I love this and I put it in its own call on this idea the concept of the going bigger picture. This is where Rand is going for the bigger picture which is teaching people how to create physical products. I kind of see, like, you know, if you're creating a course around this ah, product, there's something amazing because you kind of have, like, how to come up with a good idea as, like, one section how to create it, how to create the idea and then how to market it. And this kind of this like three pronged because that's kind of what you need to do. You need a great idea. You need to create it, and you need to sell it. Um, and I really love that. And I think you could be doing a channel similar to Marie where it's Q and A. Here's a question on someone stuck here with this. What do they dio? You can answer the question. So creating a platform on YouTube where you could encourage people to be asking their questions like you called action. First few videos is. Let me know what questions you have so I can answer them in an upcoming issue and showcase your products. People can. You can do all kinds of fun stuff to engage with them. People can mail in their stuff or send you their prototype. And you can like, What do you guys think of this? Is it cool? Will it make it? How should we mark? You become the platform for them to t help them grow as well? That's on a whole nother tear, and that gets me more excited than just making a whole channel dedicated to this. But there's so much cool stuff weaken we could do with this, I think. Ah, smart strategy. Thinking outside the box is you could send this to every awesome youtuber that has views and be like, I want to give you a couple of these. I'd love for you to do a little for you. I'd love for you to do a little pitch and promo for my mil amount, and here's one for you and a couple for your friends. Maybe you want to use it in a video, blah, blah, blah. It's yours to keep. You know that to me is one great way to do without? Because what was your issue is time. That doesn't take a lot of time getting other people Teoh leveraging other people Teoh promoted. The next thing I would do with this guy is understand that you're still gonna have people searching keywords. You're still gonna have people saying Tripod, They're not going to say universal tripod for any type of smartphone they're typing in Best tripod mount for my IPod, IPad or IPhone. That's tried about Matt for my galaxy. Whatever. You need to capitalize on those keywords and make simple little videos that are just demo videos. Um I mean, you could get those all done while we're here. You know, we got film studio with lights and everything and just simple like, you know, the mill amount 2000 includes adjustments for every type of camera you can think of. And you don't have to be in front of camera. You can just voiceover and the call to action is to get yours. Now click the link below. Go to our website because let me tell you, someone is typing in. I need Ah, camera mount and they find a video on it. We're gonna wasting time. We're going to click on that link, and we're gonna buy that thing because that's what I need is 20 bucks, and that's fantastic. It's a no brainer. So, um, I gave you three things there. Do you have questions? And do we have feedback before we kick Randy off or audience feedback? I know this is like lightning round guys, so yes, I think that, like James said, just, like, really document the process. Because as you build that platform, you're gonna have this amazing story of, like, here I did it and here were my results. And since you don't have the marketing results yet, but you're building them, that's gonna be just amazing. So make sure you're really doing good tracking and all that stuff. Yeah, and I actually bought this tripod slash mono pod hybrid here to do just that so I can carry it around with me, but and remember, a story is a protagonists in a conflict. You're supposed to have bad things like I don't have the time. Like how this thing is not selling it. This didn't work you need to be showing that it's not all peaches and something else. That's that's definitely what the Internet wants to. They want to know. You know how you even did the Kickstarter experience. What was that like? You know what you learn from that? They want to know those type of questions, right? Well, tell my story in 2013. Boom. All right, get out of the seat. Take your camera with you. Do this. Rachel. How to our a c age? The l tell us 30 seconds or less literate about yourself and what you I want to create. You see videos about, um, I am an artist and illustrator. Um, I I have had my business for about a year. It's when I quit my day job. And I have been in that blindly stumbling through learning how to market. Um, and I have found a lot of progress. I have at this point, I have I'm just to the point where have too many too much to dio And what are you doing with all that? Um what is it that you're doing? I What do you mean? How My how are you spending your day, I have to much work. Um, too many clients panicking. Panicking isn't doing any. No panicking doesn't do anything. Now. I want what I want to do. Ultimately is get, um, more clients that pay me more money so that I can be more choosy with my clients and take clip. So you've taken on too many clients at low prices. Now, you feel very busy all day. Yes. And not quite having any financial anyone else ever felt that way. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I hear you on that. Who is your ideal customer? Who are who? Your customers right now, necessarily, like my customers have are really different. Coming from all walks of life, he only I get a lot of local customers because when you search illustrator in Ann Arbor, I come up. That's great, but I'd like to move to kind of more nationals. You can do this anywhere, right? Exactly. Awesome. Um, how do you want to use YouTube with all this? What's your idea? I think I think partly I want to get more client doing more interesting work. I also would like Teoh, um perhaps come up with a product helping people to learn to draw or, um, just other getting people passed a lot of fears. They have around drawing and art in general and creation and design. Um and so my ideal customer, I haven't really pinned down my ideal customer. That's OK, That's OK. So you have a least one, though. I think you're trying to like and trying encompass that perfect person. But when you have someone that you enjoy working for and you're like, I actually had a fun time that's your deal customer. Yeah. So this is what I want. Take Either I started interrupt you. But here's what. Here's a simple is your strategy can be when you know your ideal customer. You just have to figure out a way to provide value to them besides the that's value, by the way on and then put that in a video so that if they're not ready to toe hire somebody at, but they've seen a video where they're learning something, there's a lot of different ways and go. I love the idea. I put these lines here because thes air other businesses, these or other income streams like we have, with a few of our are in. See audience members so far. If you want to create a product teaching, Um, I support that 110%. It's that there's definitely a line there because it's something different and you can be, um, creating tutorials, Photoshopped tutorials illustrated for tutorials. All that and it's great stuff. And people that do do that get tons of use and tons of traffic. And it's a great business model. If you're going after getting clients, you can start thinking out of the box here about well, since I'm this kid gas artist, illustrator, graphic designer person, what type of value can I give my ideal customer? Maybe I have branding advice. Maybe I have marking and advice for them. Maybe I can tell them what type of colors work on a website and a logo. What colors mean? And these type of answering these type of questions and staring these type of things are automatically going to say you're no longer a designer. You're no longer coming because everyone thinks that they're they're diamond dozen, and every graphic designer there knows that when they go to 99 designs and see that there's people taking their job that's that's the problem. It's how did to transfer your knowledge to be something that is people are willing to to pay a living wage for. So if you could go back to past past ideal customers and just say, What are some like questions or things you're struggling with right now? Just give me started. But once of all started, like because you're a business owner to do you have the same question that they have and you like I know some of these answers like I got this and you could just start sharing those, um and then it's like, Hey, you know, go to my website. You can check out my portfolio and some of the work we've done. You can use past exam customers and showcase cuts. Customer success story, another feedback ideas. Skies thrown. Not only once audience Internet Okay, a bit overwhelmingly there, like she's one of us, an artist. So you have a lot of potential clients out there, but they would love to see maybe a new illustration from start to finish. Oh, anyone can do this and you can do multiple different kinds of art form and doing like before and after, like a client case. Study makeover. It's like, Here's what They came to me with disaster, right? Look at what I did for him. You're bragging about yourself without bragging about yourself and your showing. You when you Yeah, exactly. When you teach, everyone loves a before and after photo like people have lost like £50. So it's the same thing with a website or a brand. There's a ton of stuff you can dio make sure that, you know, if we're staying on the left side, your your illustrator freelance business, you just have those strong called actions. And we're gonna get clear on this over the next few days. Where we sending people? How we doing on time? We're just a tiny bit over what you now have to bring everyone else up for a second. Kate, are you ready? Sure, sure. 30 seconds, everyone. What your business is and how you plan on using YouTube. So I teach women about creating financial freedom, and I've got this book coming out in September, and what I'd like to do is figure out how to leverage video to promote the book, but also just other like I just launched are launching, Of course this week. Very similar to what you just described called money love. So I'd like to use video to drive traffic. Basically. Hello. That's why we're here. Hello. Hello. Uh, if you go to Marie for Leo's channel and you look at some of the most viewed videos, like in the top five is one on how to manifest. There's, like, one on, like, abundance and stuff like that. Those at the top because she chose keywords like that. And that is a huge topic on YouTube. Things like law of attraction that you don't necessarily want maybe go down that route. That's fine down there. But But that's what people are looking for. I mean, I think the key were Law of Attraction has surged over a 1,000,000 searches every single month. Every single I thought I was gonna have to do, like, get out of debt. Yes, you should, Dio. Absolutely. But But you need to go after those. Like how to attract more money, how to be more abundant. I mean, you could even do things like money meditations. Those keywords exist and they're and they're searched heavily. So we're going to the keywords. It's gonna be a simple as starting with those, like it's really simple, because that's what people are searching for. Do you can either do a Q and A style video. Or just like, Hey, today we're talking about how to manifest more money. We're gonna show you in three simple steps out of being bada boom. So here's what. Here's what I want to ask, because I think it's simple. We need to talk about called action in a second. But if there's anything that you guys have topics for, help you what are financial money related things that people most people don't like talking about? It gets a little awkward. Maybe the Internet or into your people can inspire Kate to create videos about Let's share those. In a second meantime, you need to call the action. And for you, it's definitely to get him to sign up for something. I love Kate. Um, sorry, Marie's format, where even though we have a YouTube video here that you're putting out one a week, she takes the video and she puts it in her blawg, which will be showing more about this. And there's additional content resource is because what I did actually did a survey to my all my subscribers. And I said, How do you like to digest content? How do you like to learn? And the overwhelming number? One response. I asked video I asked podcast or audio reading with number one Winner was a hybrid of video and text, and we probably all do it. We get to a blogger, posted someone sharing, we click the play button and then we scroll down and kind of see if we get a summer another. At least that's what Ideo um and so that's why that could be really powerful. We will be talking about how to do that effectively on Day three. But I love that because when we get him on your blawg, go to Kate north of dot com, we're gonna have like, Oh, there's your header at the top with you, that's you, and you're gonna have like, Oh, there's an opt in box over here so they can subscribe. There might even be like a little something over here. There's gonna be something down at the bottom. There's all these ways that people can subscribe. Enjoying your list for more value. So questions on that or anybody from the Internet? Yeah. A couple people have the suggestion of doing a trailer for your book. Yes, I'm definitely going to do that. They really liked that That idea and and starting to tease people that the book is coming out now. And your videos? Author of the fourth. What is it like? Forthcoming. But what's the word you could forthcoming book money, love story. Cool. Anything else from people before we kick her off? Amina says maybe managing specific types of debt that might be helped. Smart. I like that. That's great. Definitely Keywords like like like loans. And yeah, that would do is actually see if anyone from your audience or your from your list would like to be one of the persons of toe focus on in your book. So maybe call out to volunteers to see if they wanted to join that Good idea. Case studies are like that. Get off. Awesome. Okay, my turn. I'm just kidding. Oh, okay. How we doing? Did that help it all or did it, like, totally confused you guys and make things way worse? I really wish like I did the math. I'm like, Yeah, it's about 15 minutes on each person. And when I realized how much that quickly adds up, so obviously is for the next 2.5 days of the next two days will be honing those strategies were getting really clear to answer all your questions. So don't at any time don't hesitate to ask questions. Um, how we doing over there? Was there any, uh, any other questions? How did I love people see back from that? Because I love doing stuff like that. I just feel like I had to rush it. I apologize. No, I think was a grain. Her exercise and the Internet were wonderful participants and shouting out ideas. And I think that, um I just see that a lot of people are identifying with a lot of you in the in studio audience going Oh, we can think through this and have ideas creatively. Awesome. Good job, guys represents awesome. E. It is not easy to do is say you guys are, you know, representing all your friends and other colleagues out there in the world. So good job. It was probably for all your Internet people were gonna like resonate with one or two people. That's the type of business I have. That's the type of stuff I want to be doing. So just be paying attention to them, not just for the next three days, but beyond. So this first step, now that I gave you guys kind of a basic strategy or at least a direction to head in, hopefully the very least over I gave you guys a direction. Maybe you already knew, and I just kind of, you know, gave you the thumbs up. Um, we're gonna We're gonna dive even deeper with this video optimization, and we're gonna start doing some keyword research. Why keyword research? We need to figure out exactly what your ideal customers searching for. Um, and we do this by using the Google keyword tool keyword research tools. Really simple tool. And anybody can go to it at any time. I'm not even give you the u. R l for it. You just go to Google and type in keyword tool. It's the first result. Sometimes it's a second, depending on how your browsers are set up. Google keyword tool. Um what? This is sure you guys an action step in a second. What this is, uh, is basically data that we can pull from Google as to the search habits and behaviors of people that are going to Google. It on Google is the, you know, the market share majority. Most of us use it. I think it's 70 something percent. People use Google to search the Internet, and we know that people are also using YouTube. YouTube is owned by Google and YouTube videos, getting that it into Google. And let me tell you, if I could get you guys to get your videos embedded into Google, that you've hit the jackpot and that's that's the big you know, prize right there. And so that's why we go to Google. We see what are people searching for because what you think they're searching for is probably not it. It's like a little tweak, like maybe there was an S on the end of your word or they did it in a different past tense. You're gonna see examples in a second. So here's what I want you guys to write down. This is really important cause this is our action step. This is gonna be your guys his homework, and hopefully our Internet people are following along this into your homework for the evening. You don't necessarily need to find 30 keywords tonight, but what I like to do you saw how Marie's process waas for everybody who tuned in in summaries interview. She goes through. She spends a day or so looking at just the questions that people are asking and those become her her keywords or her topics. And I I do a different approach. I go to the Google keyword tool and I choose 30 keywords, and it's like you really only need to do this one time and these could be 30 videos for 30 weeks or 60 weeks or, you know, two years. Um, here's some settings. I just need you guys to write these down. I'm gonna go do this with us, live in a moment, but I want you to have this down because you're gonna be doing this on your own, and you need to remember what I shared. I don't want you going what James say. You're looking for 30 key words that your ideal customers searching for we're going to use a phrase search show you how to do that. We're gonna ignore the column that says competition. I threw that in there, cause every time I teach this someone goes, What about the competition column? So you're gonna ignore it? And then I like to look for big keywords things that air search 12,000 times a month. Now here's the deal. Our local business owners ignore that because say you're Brooks Layered Town name again is a quad. It's a quad x y Z. Even if it was like a sequel. Plumber is not search 12,000 times. Things like you know how to put makeup on would be like hundreds millions times, but those were me very narrow in focus. So that's OK that they're gonna be really low, you know, your city and neighboring cities, Graphic designer illustrator. That's okay if they're really low, because there you're gonna be the only one doing it. You know, there's not anyone else smart, smart is you guys to be doing that in your town, which is which is why it's so great to do local search. Okay, so those are the three big things and then what I want you guys to do such people at home is This is This is just how I do this process I like to call. It's like panning for gold. We're gonna go into the Google keyword tool, and when I find keywords, I like, I put it I put the keyword into this first column and then I'm looking at two other columns of data monthly searches and the amount of results or video results that come up when I type that keyword into YouTube. So we're going to show that to you guys in a second. So when you'd actually guys do this exercise, that's that's how I love to do it. Just take a piece of paper and draw three columns. You put the keyword or keyword phrase those air synonymous, so if it's like how to jump higher, it's still a keyword, even though there's a bunch of words in there how many searches a month it's getting? And then how many other videos in YouTube show up when you type in the keyword and it says it up there at the top? Okay, so we're gonna go, uh, to the computer in a minute and fix that so it won't be too confusing. I remember the first time I ever got a coaching client. I was really excited. Slash Nervous. Probably more nervous than anything. Um, I took this. This was several years ago. I took this individual through all this stuff. We found these great keywords like we could do all this stuff and of Innovative said, This is great. This is awesome. But was the point of that? Why did that matter? Why do we even need to do any of that? I realized, like a lot of people don't know. That's why they don't do it. People are searching these things, and if it's not your stuff coming up, it's gonna be somebody else's. And like I said before, it is quality versus quantity. We don't need to have a ton of views if the views air fake if they're coming from the wrong target audience. And if we could get great views from the people who are searching what we're creating content on, we're gonna get much better results. So who is watching will determine what they dio. You have someone great niche I was in, Believe it or not, which we built up a two million view channel was in the dating space. It was advice and coaching on how to get your ex back. So he just had your heart ripped out of your chest because the man or woman you loved dumped you. You guys can go over to our channel and learn how to get them back. How to get your ex back. And if you can imagine someone saying, like how to get my boyfriend back, like the desperation in that the motion behind that, like you know what they're searching for? You know not just what they're searching for, like, but where they are, like what they're going through. And when you can create content based right off of that Taylor to that specific person, you can have so much greater results than just like my welcome video for anybody who wants to see it. So that's that's how I approach all this stuff so it does matter. And when you take the time to do it, it works. So a lot of people at this point might also be going crap. I've made 600 videos, and I never thought about this. Did I just waste the last two years of my life. Yes, you did. No, I'm so getting here. Is I really? This is over. Get out here. Something really cool. I decided not to work in December and January, which was awesome. I took, like, the first, like, month off like I have ever done in my life and because normally I'm a workhorse and it was amazing, but to be honest, I didn't really take work off. I was still doing like things and gave me the opportunity. Oh, like, free my mind and just, like, tinker around with things. And I was one day looking at a couple of my ET videos and going, Oh, my gosh. And this is what happens with most people. A flat line and it actually in a flat line again. That's OK. Um but if flatlined, that's what happens when we have to get a little views, you know, because you launched it and you promoted to friends and their friends have promoted and stuff like that. I was like, How do I fix that? How do you know? Is this a gray video? At least I thought it waas How do I improve it? And whole I did I did this in 30 seconds and you can see Point Jay. I got an additional 2700 views, and here I got an additional 2800 views. And what I did took less than 30 seconds to Dio. All I did was change the key word. So the key word for the video was actually called How to create a video. That was what it was about. It was what to say in your videos. And I realized, James, I teach this stuff. I'm not even doing it. And the video was called What to say in your videos? Well, I found out no one searching that, but what they are searching for, how to create a video. So I changed. All I did was change the title, and it boost up in the rankings don't even get number one. It was like number six or something. And boom, 2700 views. And I did this around like beginning in December. So, like, you know, in very little time and got me that. And I said, Oh, let me try it with another video And I had one on how to create video testimonials like No one types that. But the key word social proof gets searched a lot. And I got me 20 2800 views. So, yes, you could go back to your old videos and you can change the titles. You can change the tags and changes descriptions which were showing all of you guys how to do on day three. Make sure you're there for that, because that's where a lot of the magic happens once we've uploaded our video to YouTube. So now we're going to go to the laptop and, um, pick some keywords. I'm gonna try really quickly. This might be really challenging, but we're gonna give it a shot. I'm gonna try and use the key word for all you guys and start to give you guys an idea. Um, of how we do this. So here we are, inside the Google keyword tool. All we need to do, like so easy is type in a generic broad keyword phrase right here. And when we press that search button, we're gonna get 100 suggestions from from Google as to what people are probably searching for in that same gives us on idea for what people? What to create content. This is why we do it. Not just not just because we want to optimize our videos, but because we need to have inspiration and source of like, where should I get my content from? Okay, um, So, Charles, You mean like you think someone would would search and maybe have a question about saying, What would that question be? Are just something kind of generic? Maybe just a two word phrase. Amazing. I love that. This is gonna get a lot of searches, I can tell you that right now or how to, like fake passing a drug test really does. Bear with me, you're gonna have to type in these little captures. I x. Okay, So while it's loading yoke, you'll come down here. Now, remember, what do you guys wrote down? What did it say on your paper? On what I need to be doing the broad exact or good eso we ayan checks The broad and I made it phrase and we're gonna ignore competitions. People go. I found a great keyword, but it says high or medium competition. What I shouldn't use at home. No, ignore it. It's That's out of your mind. That's totally for something different. So here is the key word that Charles chose passing a drug test. It gets 8100 searches a month. That's great. Even though I said, like 12, like, I'm still very happy with that keyword for you. I think that's a great keyword, but look at what else it does. Notice this. Guys and girls, uh, pass a drug test. It's 90,000 psi. So you thought passing a drug test would be great keyword, but passed without the I N g. Just the leaps and bound more searches. So I would actually make a video called Pass A Drug test, Not passing a drug test. The better keyword obviously, is way more searches. Um, and if we went to YouTube and typed in, that would be the next step. We go to YouTube, we type in, pass a drug test, and we see how Maney video search results are there. When I type that in. And you're just gonna put that? Um, I don't We don't We keep this up here, but But in those three columns, you just put that in that third column. And if if you have somebody is that don't have very little responses. Are results in YouTube. Those are the key words you start with. Okay. So I would go through here and even just starting with this, um, I'd scroll down and say, pass a urine drug test. Boom. There's a totally different video or type of content. Um, I would avoid that one even drug testing, like completely different keywords. You should have a video on that. Um, does that make sense? Is that is that clear with you? Awesome. Because I want to continue. Give me. Give me something. Weaken typing. Even if you want to go on a bigger scale, that's not local. I'm totally fine. It's up to you. This is your moment waxing. Okay? The problem with waxing is what anybody want to tell me what the problem with that is. Car ski. Exactly. That's so broad that we're gonna get, um 823,000. But here's the rial. Thank you, Charles. Here's the real issue. Even if you were video, got number one for waxing. You don't You still don't know what people are looking for? You want to know what they're looking for? Uh, this is why I will show you the armpit fried example. In a second. Liz, the fitness instructor, could have done videos like how to lose weight, how to get in shape. But we know that she only targets women. That guys don't go public. All this armpit fat I have Let me get rid of that. They just say, How do we get a bigger chest like it is different Burbage for them, Right? So you tell me here. Here's eyebrow waxing. Is that something you dio? There's a few Were 22,000 searches a month for eyebrow waxing. That's one of your keywords. You could totally make a video about that on. You could crush that, um, waxing kits. Still very broad car waxing kit. You know, I want you'd want to be very careful with that. And if you see something that's popping out, I don't know if you can see that screen, but things like leg waxing do that, too. Let's see. Even that could be careful, because that sounds like but body of a car. But just keep in mind, um, let me see male waxing What the sugar wax. Could you do that? You do. Sugary? Yes. Okay, sugar wax gets 15, searches. You see what I'm saying? These a lot of demand for this topic, and you can create videos for this. Um, male waxing gets way more than I would have thought. Same here. There's body waxing back, waxing you get. The idea is are you clear? You have any questions on that? You just You just make that list, choose your keywords. But for you guys, your homework's gonna be 10. I want to see 10 tomorrow morning, OK? I'll give you that little bit. Had how many searches a month using the phrase surge, and then how maney results that gets in YouTube. So you would take a moment. I'm not gonna show you how to do it here. But you tell you taken take in one, like Hollywood wax don't know Brazilian. There you go. And you would, which could be that. That sounds like a great one. That's a great Qiwei, really is. No, I mean the keyword guys, guys, that's the key word. And I'm surprised because people don't know what that is exactly. So that's impressive. There you go. So you would type that in just type in Hollywood wax into youtube dot com at the search bar, and it will stay up at the top of the small, like 5732 video results. You're just gonna write that down? You're gonna go for his many key. Would you have so many viewers to choose from its It's insane. Your problems going to Which one to do first, Krista is easy for you. You already know. Give me one. Um, do you want to do broader specific? I want Let's start with Broad and then I want to see how specific I get with you. Calculus. Help. Have you done this before? Decibel calculus, Right, guys? Yes. Spelling help. That's what I need. 12,000 searches a month Mass help even more broad 110, calculus problems. You have a video called calculus problems? No, you know, has 22,000 has more searches than you say that people are only coming to you because they don't like what calculus, but they need to do it. But I when I see Calico's problems there, to me, the energy behind Nike, where it is someone who actually really likes calculus and wants to learn about more, like, look at more problems. Okay. Yeah, that has calculus. Help has the desperation of, like, I can't do this. And I'm gonna cheat by looking on you too. Oh, me. Okay. Caboose problems is like, Well, I don't have anything else to do today. So sorry. I didn't mean to go. Nerd voice on you. Is that Okay? Um so can I just ask you a question? Yes, human. So in, um, in a niche like mine, you know, I am looking more at people who, you know, go for calculus help. And they want help with, like, the specific talk topic that they're struggling with, or that their homework is, like do on tomorrow or something. But for calculus problems, is that something that you'd imagine? Like, I make a video and say, like, Hi, I'm Krista and I have a whole website that's full of, like, tons and tons of videos about calculus problems. Go check me out. And it's like specifically a call to action video. No, give only for Brooke and Randy that I do. I even want uhm maybe maybe Rachel, if you're doing your services, do I want people actually selling in your YouTube videos. You. She was actually not a place for selling for 99% of us. If your local business owner and they found you in Google, you just need to tell a little bit about what you dio and given the next step. If you sell physical product, here's what the product does. Here's how you get it. But for something like what you do, people are going there for the information. They're going there for a calculus problem. So what are you going to give him? Kaka's problems? Hey here, three of the most challenging calculus problems. Maybe they're, like, unsolvable. Or maybe they're your favorite. Or here's three, you know. Here's the problem. If you know the answer, typing in the question box below who? You know, stuff like that, You know that. But that's what they're to me when I see that someone is actually looking for someone in nerd out with. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of this. Okay, Great. Do you want to go? You want to dive deep? Are you good? Are you clear? Because you can You can go back to all your videos and make sure they all have a keyword, right? Yeah. And I would type in the specific topic name like I would do initial value poems. I would do trig metric substitution or whatever on then, maybe. Sorry. And then maybe, you know, people are flux capacitor or sure, Yeah, exactly. Yeah, but I think you know I'm kidding. Thanks are like passed drug tests. You know, I think I've seen some people type in Triggs up instead of trying a metric substitution. Each one of those air different, right? Yeah. And in a preview, did that make sense? Like, if someone do you guys know that there's a different keyword between calculus, help and help with calculus? You guys, No, that's completely different or even. Um, give me another one mast. Our calculus problem and calculus problems. Two completely different keywords. Okay, make sure you know that. The distinction. Okay, so that's fantastic. Cool. Any Let's do this. What do you want? What do you want to go after? You want to go after, like, someone typing it? Let's do that real quick. I'm gonna just take your spot for you. I answered your question. Uh, we're gonna type in What? For your mill amount. What would people type in, like IPhone tripod or something? Our tribe 2400 searches a month, and Tripod Mount obviously gets more. You could even do like keywords like IPhone stand. Um, IPhone tripod is a great one. Okay, so these you literally I want them to all we'd like differ. I don't want you to use make one video and upload it 15 times with all these keywords. But if you could find, like, different ways to make these videos like we saw your puppet video at lunch, which was awesome, I Hopefully that's online. So other people can go google you and find it. But to find creative ways, just just showcased the product in different ways and use the key. Word is like the number one thing and have the same called action every time. Like to get your hands on the on the mill amount for just 24 95. Click here. Okay. So keep thinking of creative ways, you know, outsourcing it, finding people, leveraging other people toe to make those you want to look at something else. Well, on the other side of the business, inventing. Oh, yeah. Hey, what do you think someone would type in? How do I create my invention? Um, let me just type in how to. This is where we start getting creative guys where we can go. Like, what else would they be searching for? Has nothing do with inventions? Like, how do I Patton something? How do I get How do I protect my content? Stuff like that. How to invent invention. Help is a little low. How to invent a product. See how you invent a product is really low. Invention ideas is a great one. You wouldn't want to do new invention. See this one? New inventions. That's for people that's looking for something cool that they could buy. Okay, that See how these words like when you really you step in their shoes like, what is this person really searching for? Um, let me see. What's this 74 inventing great great keywords. Still really big and broad, but you get the idea, but think of other things. Like like, how do I How do I patent my, um um you know, uh, factory how to get it produced overseas stuff like that. Like those type of questions Where they at every step of the process, where they searching for, like, even things like how to sell physical products, how to how to sell my my product. Those are all questions people are gonna have along the way. Good, Good, good. Cool. Rachel, you ready? Um, so maybe how to hire an illustrator? That's a great one. Um, spell illustrator, right, Gus? Yeah. So are oh, it's a bad one. Look at that. Really low. The good thing you didn't make a video about it because you would have said, James, your stuff doesn't work. I only got six views, four of them or mine. What is that? Um, I I want you to even go bigger than things like that. I mean, you just do, like, illustration or, um, freelance illustration. Yeah. Looks like there are a lot of things on how other people can become illustrators. I know. And that's what I want to make sure we're not. We're not touching on. Um we could go down the past of we now graphic designer like those were really competitive keywords with things like 99 designs and other like, logo creation companies. Uh, This is why I like getting That's why for you, I want you to get into, like, the questions people are having. Branding is a huge word. Things like, um, you know, what is branding right? Could be a video for you. Yeah, branding. If there's ones like Brandon Examples brand strategy. Um uh and then obviously we can spend tons of time here if we want to type in. Like, I mean, obviously there's a lot of people doing this, but here's why Type in photo shop tutorial three under 1000 miles, and it just goes on with tons of best Photoshopped tutorial that you convince eso Um, there's some different options. Or do you have any questions? Um, no, I think I'm just gonna have to brainstorm. I feel like my keywords end up being kind of broad, and they dio it's challenging, like I think I think even doing your local and harbor area, I think doing a video or two like that as well. So your ranking for videos is great. Um, but but I want you to obviously continue to go bigger expand, and those are gonna be those big questions like What are business owners asking? Right And you can go any direction with really can, like, what's bringing What's a good logo look like? You know how to choose the right logo, choosing the right colors. Um, we'll try something like best. Let's just kind of go down this path and see what happens when I'm typing. Best should typing colors. But, um, you know, this is where we might we might read up, reach a bunch of dead ends. But this is why we do this instead of just making a video. Because I would have thought how to hire an illustrator. My come up with something I know. And sometimes it does. You know, when your place illustrator for something else. Ah, Web page design, uh, obviously gets huge, Um, Web design colors is really low, but things like, I mean, even though this one's kind of low, it's only 2400 Web design color. It's something that people would want to, you know, want to know about, um so you can you can play around with these as well. You can go in a lot of different directions. Directions Okay, so let's dio maybe, um, let's do one of the like, manifesting. It's just for fun. What's the How to manifest goof now it. So that's not that much, but manifesting 33,000. Well, okay, um, there's something funny I did recently what it was like. I did like a comparison between leg how to make money and how to save money and was like, How to make money is like this. Like, how to save money is like this. It's really funny. That's what you getting to know? The behavior of people, uh, how to make money or how to make more money, how to make more money, see what happens. No, I think I think even how to make more money was, like, way smaller than that. People either want to not to make money or not. Um, none. Press search. That's a good 1 10,000 searches make more money without the how to is really good. Um, you want to stay away from the like I'm selling you on a business opportunity necessarily. Like how to make money from home. Yeah. You have an email address, then you have a business? Um, yeah. Like making real running online. You want to stay away from. I'm my opinion. Um let's do Let's do like some of the debt. Yes. So, um, get out of bed and we're paying off debt. Yeah, it's good. 6000 pay off debt without the I N g 22,000. OK, so pay off. Paying off your credit cards is great. Pay off credit card debt calculator. There's a ton of those out there, so I wouldn't waste your time with that. Get out of debt. 40,000. Search is Obviously there's going to be highly targeted, but not are not targeted. Heart highly competitive on Google, but in YouTube there's, like a fraction of people that are actually doing that. So I went through a little bit with all of you guys. How was that? Was it? Was it like, painstakingly awful, Or did it make sense? You guys are good. It's helpful. Okay, good. Um, how we doing? Do we have anything from the the Internet? Any comments are gonna just take it. We do have a lot of questions related, Teoh the amount of keywords. So, uh, here's one question from Shay J. Should use just one keyword phrase for each video or combined as many as possible. What is the optimal number of keywords? How many videos per keyword? Um, and the list goes on and on. So I said we want to make the list. Doesn't is irrelevant. Whether we want 30 keywords or 600 keywords. You have 600 videos. That's that's irrelevant. It's one keyword per video. That's the rule. So even though with Randy, we were like, Oh, I pod Mount and IPhone Mount and Tripod mount for IPhone I don't want him Rio uploading the same video 30 times. It's got to be one key, unique keyword to one unique video. Um, and ideally, if we could do that on a consistent weekly basis, we got it. We're doing it now. We just need to how to make the videos and make him look awesome.
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I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.