Day 1
1Why YouTube
1:09:51 2Case Study: Skype Call with Marie Forleo
29:34 3Case Study with James
11:27 4YouTube in 3 Steps/Video Optimization
1:16:59 56-Step Video Creation Process Part 1
28:17 66-Step Video Creation Process Part 2
22:57 7Hot Seat: Script Writing
29:49Day 2
8Student Script Review
12:42 9Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Randy
20:10 10The Right Camera
08:39 11Do it LIVE! Live Filming Case Study: Kate
20:33 12Your "Shoestring Set"
18:12 13Recap of the 6 Steps
18:42 14How to Make Videos WITHOUT Being on Camera
18:12 15Editing for Non-Editors
26:16Day 3
16Contest Time! Students Share Videos
26:16 17Warp Speed Editing
18:07 18Visual Storytelling with Stu McLaren & Dean Rainey
51:46 19Visual Storytelling Q&A
17:45 20The Video Aftermath
52:18 21What Happens Beyond YouTube?
24:42 22The Video Aftermath Part 2
09:46 23Case Study: Jeff Rose, Financial Planner
06:17 24Promoting Your Videos
19:45 25Contest Winner Revealed
13:34Lesson Info
Warp Speed Editing
each and every one of you spent a lot of time editing and I knew this was gonna happen. I warned you a little bit of it. And it sure enough, turned into some drama and some headaches and some little stress, Some extra driving that was, you know, late at night. And that would never be what I want from anybody. And this is why it becomes so hard for me to do what I do. Because this is where people stop me like I'm never doing that again. That was stupid. Like you want me to do this every week. I have a business strong. I have customers of service. And so this is where what we talked about before. Most business owners fail with whatever they're doing because they they look at everything in their businesses, another job, another hat to wear another thing on the to do less What? I'm gonna encourage you guys right now and we'll talk about this for a little bit. Is how to become more efficient or how to create warp speed, video editing or video creation. And so what I kind of want toe do here...
is talk a little bit about how we can start to create the systems and, um, and let go of some of the stuff we don't. And Kate said it best when she said, Once you know how to do something or you know what it is that needs to be done, it's 100 times easier to get someone else to do it, because it's one thing to say Here, just make me a video. It's another thing to say Okay, so what I have here is a step by step spreadsheet, and you're just gonna follow these steps and do this every single week for me, And that's really what I want to get people to do. And it's absolutely possible I do it. Renee, Christine, uh, of Richmond. Business is a fantastic example. 20 minutes a day. She doesn't video a day, and it takes 20 minutes a day. You all have 20 minutes a day. She has two or three kids on. She runs to other businesses, and she's making a video a day. This is oh, possible. Let me show you some of the systems I have in place that I think is gonna get you very excited and it's going to start to start to see the themes, the commonalities, what people like Marie, myself and others are doing First. I have kind of this like idea bin, and there's a system for that for content creation, for coming up with new videos. And for me, I use a great piece of software that I love called base camp and base Camp costs a little bit of money, but it's a great way to organize projects between you and other people in your business. Other people in other businesses that you're collaborating with on everyone who's ever used it. That I talked to you is like That's it's changed my life. ITT's changed my business because you can organize things in the projects to do list due dates and you stay on top of people. It stays organized, so what I actually do is I'll create a project off YouTube video ideas, and this is our light bulb eso. I'll put my ideas in here and then when I'm ready, I actually have ah buddy of mine who writes a lot of my scripts with me, and so we will take a day Teoh, take these ideas and go into writing mode, and one of these things you're gonna start to see is that magic word that Marie says I use the word Chungking, but she's she says, Batch ing's. And so it really comes from the idea of like they're multitasking isn't really that effective. And if we can just focus on one thing at a time and do a ton of it, we get really efficient. Just like by the end of your guys videos, You were so much more warmed up. The same thing happens with everything else you dio. So we'll have like a writing day where we right anywhere from 3 to 7 scripts and honestly, when it's when it's like the same called Action at the End and you have some of the very similar things. It's like filling in the blanks, you know? I mean, and we'll just we'll just write as many as we can in one single day. Then I can go one or two ways I've done both, but I'm in. I'll just share both of them with you. But I want to, um, for most you guys, that won't necessarily. This first option won't be the best way I completely higher. Ah, film crew and And they They charged me for the day and I come out there and we say, You know, we're gonna film videos in one single day, and they had it. So they like the work. My work's done at that point. But what if you know what? If you don't have the money, what if you don't, um, aren't ready to spend that yet? How can we still do this on a budget without us having to do it? So you have your own film day. Okay? Where? Like I said, we're talking about the set. The shoestring set. We have the set, all all ready to go. You have your lights all set up. And if you have, if you have to break it down because it's like a bedroom in your house or another room. You know, you use little pieces of tape or something to market with, so you can always set it up the night before. But you want Teoh Anyone who's ever done anything with film those that, like part of the set up in the lighting, that's like, what's going to actually take a ton of work or it can. It could be a lot of time. So I like to always have that stuff ready made. I don't wanna waste any time with that. So I'll do that the day before so that we can focus on entire day and afternoon between 3 to 6 hours just on filming these videos. And I will do the jump cut for my videos. For some of you guys that fit great. Some you guys like. I just kind of want to talk for 3 to 5 minutes. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. But I will encourage everybody to batch your videos in one day. But now we're brought to where most you guys air interested? Now what have all these videos and really only took me a few hours making these videos. But now what do I do now? Um and this is where we can get very creative and how we get this done without house having to edit it. Here's one way that I recommend it, recommend you doing it the very next video. You dio you at it yourself and you record yourself doing it. You use screen flow or camped Asia, and you film yourself. It's gonna be a kind of a long video, but you're basically creating on instruction manual for what you dio and the Mawr detailed step by step, you can get the better. Okay, so I have a video saying so here my 10 shots and I like to cut him at this bar, and I put them together. And then I like to have some text coming up with right point. And maybe if I need some B roll footage and blah blah, blah, blah, blah, right? And so then you have this instructional video of how to edit my videos. And this is gonna be really important, because now what we want to do is just find somebody who can do it for us, and you can find somebody a great place to start looking is oh, desk dot com. I told you guys about a site called Task Rabbit, where you can find local people. You can go on craigslist. You can, uh, do what Brooke did and share it on Facebook, saying I need some help desperately, and you will find someone, and you just it's just about finding someone with what's within your budget later today, when I show you the results that have been coming in from my video and results that you guys I'm getting from your videos. And when you start to know your numbers, you'll know that it's it is okay to spend money on your videos. If you know that a single video can bring in X amount of dollars X amount of leads and those lead, they're worth X amount of dollars you go. This is how much I can spend on my videos. And then when you don't have to worry about that anymore, that's where magical things start to happen. So I like to have some sort of training for somebody that's generic, not just for one person. It's like so if that person is gone, I can replace them with someone else and say hello. Just watch this video I made for you. Okay, so we can look for someone on oh, desk on on Task Rabbit. If you have task rabbit in your city locally, whatever you know, it's so easy to find someone. Ah, college student. Um, you know, little Billy down the street, who is better at everything than we are. There's all the technical stuff, has all the Mac products. So then what? Well, then what I want to do is I want to make him a member of my Let's say, this is our person and here's kind of the steps I go through. This is our editor. I bring him in on my base camp and I'll have, like, I'll give him things like the footage is in. And I know this kind of sound like gonna look really weird, everything. But this is the only way I know how to teach this. So I have. We have the footage in the drop box. So here's all our files of the raw video. We put that in the drop box for him. He's a member on base camp, so we keep all of our conversations in reverse chronological order, and we can see you know where we are with the project of scripts in there as well. Probably have some script notes on their for that for that video, and he has this video already gone through, so he knows what he's supposed to do. And if I have any specific notes like, Oh, hey, There's a part in the video where I drop an apple. I want to sound effect in their oven apple crashing or smashing or something like that. And we're like, Okay, great. You know, just give him a few notes. Um, I could really be that simple if you spend the time here to actually walk someone through the style you want, even if it's like going to YouTube. I've totally done this before. Go to YouTube and look at other videos and say, I like how this one came out. I really like this. I need you to use this style blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you tell a person like before I hire you, you have to watch this 37 minute long video and send me an email saying You understood it. You wash it, you got it. All that type of stuff, you know, great, your training, someone to do this for you. And from there. What they do is they make their rough cut and they show me the rough cut. And then I just make changes, and I use a little piece of software called Jing, which is a great free tool where, as I'm watching the video, I can pause the video and and record myself saying, Okay, Jr, because that's my video editors name. I didn't really like what you did here. Let's change this and add a little piece of texture. Great. And I'm making a video for him. What? You could see my mouse and all that type of stuff on. Then I could just send that little video off to him. And these are my notes. Also in the base camp on What is so exciting about this is like, Oh, my gosh, Wait. James City is gonna make this warp speed editing. But look at all these steps and these things we have to do, and I got to go back. I might as well just do this myself. Uh, the first time I started hiring out and putting people on my team, I had a piece of software, and, um, I needed it to get installed on my website. And I went back and forth with my with my my, uh, my part time guy. He was my freelancer assistant at the time, and ah, 20 emails back and forth, back and forth and we couldn't get this thing working like I could have just done this myself by now. Why am I doing? Why am I even doing this is wasting time. He finally got it. Hooray! We accomplished what we needed to Dio. Two months later, I needed to install that same piece of software in another website. A sentiment email said, Hey, remember that piece of software X y Z we installed two months ago? I need you to do it on this site the next morning. Done. And that's where if we can think far enough out if we can see the big picture. If you can think long term, this all this work up front. All the work you guys have done these three days or 2.5 days is preparing for the future of becoming much more efficient thinking like a business owner, thinking in terms of systems, thinking of how can I not do this at all? How can I let go of this completely? And let me tell you, it is so hard to do on so many different levels, especially when I have an editor make my videos for me, and I'm like That's not what I wanted, but it's like, but I can't be doing all that you guys can't be doing all that yourself. I did want you to experience, you know, the pain of it off. Like so, you know, like, I shouldn't be doing this. And that's a good thing. Okay, so, um, this this was a, like, a lot thrown out. You really quickly. Are there questions on that from you guys Did that? Did that make sense to you? See how you can find people. You can get someone ano desk for very inexpensive that can help you out and support you. And when people are doing creative work, they want stuff for their film reel and stuff. They're willing to work a great rates to help so they can get stuff out there Any any questions, feedback or anything from the Internet? Yeah. Teach. General has a question. How much would you suggest that they pay for a film crew? So the film crew that, um, that I hire it costs between to $2000 for a day of filming, like an afternoon of filming 4 to 5 videos and and the editing of those videos, which in my opinion, is actually a great deal. And I'm really happy with that. Um, but you know, that's their job. Like that's their business. And you can, like, make your own, you know, Motley Crue film crew there. So, you know, like someone who knows how to operate a camera and everything. I just I just If you take anything away from all this is stop trying to do it yourself. You shouldn't be doing that so friends don't let friends from alone. Here's the deal Way spent all morning sharing you guys videos, and I'm so happy the feedback that you guys were giving it just makes me so happy that you guys are so supportive. But now we're starting to get to the really exciting stuff. What to do with these videos now that we put him on YouTube? Because all the stuff we've done today the last two days was to get you to a point to say this is a video worth getting views. I mean, that's the real say howdy. It views. Make a video worth being viewed, right? And you did that. You've got that and people are loving your videos, but there's a ton of other stuff that we could be doing, and we're gonna be talking about that for the rest of day. And the good news is anybody out there who's made a YouTube video before today? Who's had videos that were six months old? Two years, three years, four years? Whatever these things that I'm about to share with you, the strategies, these tricks, these tips, all of these little action items can work on old videos. You can bring back toe Life a video that was buried way down in YouTube and hasn't had views in months. And that's really, really exciting because I know you put a lot of time and videos that you did a long time ago and you probably gave up on it, and I don't want you to do that. Um, are to process maps that have really become the core of my teachings, and we'll be talking about a lot of these today. But if someone like Marie for Leo, who let's say she just came to the table with the most amazing views, our video's in the world but weren't getting the views I could hander these two process maps. Her team could look at him and they could go and get their three million views. So, like everything that I have, no, that's taken me five years of nerdy testing and like seeing what works and what doesn't are located on these two pieces of paper that everyone who purchases going to get these and you guys are gonna get these as well with one on the left are the seven things that I do. Every time I upload a video, you see most people start making mistakes. Even when they're offloading their video to YouTube, There's there's little things that most people don't even think about how we write the right description. Title tags. How even named the video file makes a difference. And we were talking about Ah lot of this stuff today. But then there's what we call the video aftermath. Now that your videos on YouTube, how do we keep getting it to get views, not just views, but views. Every day we use on a consistent basis so that you could make sales on a product you made 4.5 years ago. Still, today and tomorrow and years to come. That's the video aftermath. It's not 17 steps isn't seven thing things. You have to do it. 17 different options that you have. Okay, quick question from Scott. Is there a way to raise it down your own video size for Dropbox so they can edit it in relinking and final cut pro to help save money? And I don't I don't I wouldn't know the answer to a technical question like that. I don't think that there that there is that's always an issue we have with with big video files and transferring them. Um, so that's why if you do something like, if you have someone overseas is gonna be, you know, even more challenging. We've done things where we do export the video, like as a raw cut, and it just lowers the quality, and then we can send that file. If you have someone local. Actually, you know you can do it. Brooke did and said, Here's the thumb drive Goto work, and that's why it's always great to have a local person. So, yeah, that's that's always the biggest Hurley run into is like If my guy is on the other side of the states or the world. How do we get that that footage to him? We've done things when we have taken the original video. We've exported it from our editing software, and it's a lower resolution lower size. But you can't get that resolution back as far as we know. Um, so it's not that crystal clear HD anymore, but you don't have to edit it, you know? I mean so, like, you're always gonna have to make some sacrifice somewhere. If you're trying to save money and do it on a shoestring budget. That's why the end goal, if we can get a your own Motley Crue right, would be awesome.
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a Creativelive Student
I am POSITIVE that this is going to be an AMAZING course! James ROCKS and is an AWESOME teacher with REAL actionable steps! I am UBER EXCITED to see this! :-)
a Creativelive Student
I just started this course and its really great, very interesting and fun course, James is a great teacher.