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Always Positive, Always Affirming

Lesson 31 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

Always Positive, Always Affirming

Lesson 31 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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Lesson Info

31. Always Positive, Always Affirming

Lesson Info

Always Positive, Always Affirming

Always positive, always affirming. I've been doing this to you guys this entire class. I affirm with body language. So, as I look at you, Paige, I go, "yeah, right." And then you smile and you nod back. You have to. Yeah. Don's looking at me. You got me. Matt back there. You been quiet, but he's nodding. He's like yep. You do that because it's just natural, human tendency. And when you get somebody on the same wavelength as you, you can start affirming through body language and nodding. You do value that, don't you? That is something you would want, isn't it? Tonya, back there. That is something that you want, isn't it? And it's so easy to agree and to nod and to get that body language, and you know that when you're on that path that they're in tune. So, I want you to watch for it. Do it, and then watch them. And as they nod back to you you know that I have them engaged, let's go to the next piece. We always affirm with words like yes, absolutely, of course. We use positive vision stat...

ements. This is things like "Can you imagine..." "Wouldn't it be amazing..." And this is the big one, we avoid negativity like the plague. Steer clear. Steer away from no's. I can't do that. That's not who I am. That's not what I do. That's like an immediate kind of slap to the face, right? Someone came to you and said something they want, that's not who I am. Oh, well shoot. Sorry. I didn't know who you are. So, we're gonna strike "No" or "No, we don't do that" from our vocabulary.

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