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S.W.O.T. Analysis

Lesson 10 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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10. S.W.O.T. Analysis

Lesson Info

S.W.O.T. Analysis

Time to analyze your business environment. So now that we have this competitor listing, we have 20 of our local competitors. We have ideas, not exact you don't need to go requesting price information and all that kind of stuff from your competitors. You don't need to do that. Just ideas. Once you do a little bit of research, you can start to guesstimate, right? Now it's time to do a SWOT analysis. If you guys have been in business school, then I'm sure you've seen SWOTs. Like you guys have seen SWOT analysis, they're really straightforward. This is nothing revolutionary. But where I want you guys to focus are on internal and strengths and weaknesses. External are going to be things that are good to know, things are good to watch for, but a little more difficult to mitigate. Now what I mean is an internal strength, what could that be? Customer service, personality. Those are two things that are very hard to copy, right? How about your ability to do content marketing and writing. Your ab...

ility to put up a personalized blog post, and to show your personality online, and to appeal to a certain persona, your understanding of personas. These are all strengths that you guys are going to have and develop throughout your career and also in this class. But you have to be able to also analyze your weaknesses. And the weaknesses I want you to look at in other studios. There's consistency of work, there's price point to quality mismatches. You'll see it. Okay. There are weaknesses in the way that they might blog. Perhaps they don't correctly SEO and target their local areas. There's weaknesses in terms of how they Instagram, maybe you don't properly curate for each of these social media platforms. I have some examples for you guys. So this is the sheet that you guys have been filling out. And I put in a little example, what we're going to do is you're going to choose four local direct competitors at this point to do the SWOT analysis. So now you have your local business environment, which is your 20. On that document, when you put in direct or indirect, it's going to highlight the word as red or green. If it highlights as red, those are direct competitors. That's what you watch for. So anything on that document that turns up red, I need to focus on this. Okay, that's gonna be your direct, you're gonna take your four direct, and we're gonna do a SWOT, which is workbook three. Where are you strong? Where are you weak? Environmental opportunities and threats. So, if everybody, if every bride suddenly said, film is the way to go, what would happen to our business? We tank, right? If these external opportunities or threats happen, and generally, it doesn't happen like that. The film kind of arena became a major opportunity, did it not? This drive towards film and this look that everybody's so into with their portraiture, this has become an opportunity for some, and it can become a threat for others if it actually dominates. If it actually dominates, and you're not in that area, it can become an external threat. But these shifts in market are external threats or opportunities. How about the shift to digital? Do you think photographers were ready for that one? No, nobody saw that external threat coming. And in a few quick years, everybody's margins were eaten away. And what was once this industry that was so easy and you just had to have the technical skill, a little bit of marketing everything became holy crap, this environment has changed completely. That makes sense? So I want you to be aware of it that it can happen, but here's the problem is that, in your first 12 weeks, what can you really do? In your first year or two years. What you want to do is be aware of those things and be ready to transition and move, but they're not things that you need to focus on right away.

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