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Package Pricing Psychology & Design

Lesson 21 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

Package Pricing Psychology & Design

Lesson 21 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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21. Package Pricing Psychology & Design

Lesson Info

Package Pricing Psychology & Design

Package Pricing Psychology and Design. Okay, this is beautiful. Let me look over here. Our minimum product that we love, the one that we wanna sell the most, the price anchor. What does that mean? That means the best way to sell a $1,000 purse is to put it next to a $10,000 watch. You've reset somebody's mentality on a price. Like if I just placed a $1,000 watch on the table, you'd say, "That's expensive." But if I put a $10,000 purse on the table, and then you saw a $1,000 watch, all of the sudden, like this relative price point sets a different tone in your mind of like, "Oh, yeah, 1,000 bucks isn't that bad." What? 1,000 bucks is a lot of money for a watch! But it's the price anchor that brings the perception in and reels them in to going with the value option, which is your number two. Ask yourself, "Can clients make the jump for Package I to Package II?" It should be between a 50 to 100% increase between those two numbers. And that's stating that your base number isn't already $5,...

000. It's a smaller increase the higher your number goes up. So if you start at 1,000, it would make sense if your second package were 2,000. But if you start at 5,000, it would not make sense if your second package was 10. So just ask yourself, instead of thinking percentages, ask yourself a simple question. "Can the person thinking about Package I reevaluate, reframe, and make the jump to Package II?" If so, perfect. Then you wanna make it difficult to reframe and get to Package III. This should be a significant jump to the third. Not because you're building in a bunch of garbage products, remember we don't do that. We build in things that that persona would want, but we build in everything they would want into this Luxury, Gold, Diamond. Give it a good name.

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