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Mind Mapping

Lesson 8 from: FAST CLASS: How to Start a Photography Business

Pye Jirsa

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8. Mind Mapping

Next Lesson: Select a Focus

Lesson Info

Mind Mapping

So we're gonna figure out what it is that we wanna do. But first, this is the fun part. I'm gonna show you guys mind mapping. Anybody here heard of mind mapping before? Perfect, perfect. So how many of you do it regularly? Okay, slightly less hands. I want you guys to do it every time you have a new idea. It doesn't matter whether you want to write a book, whether you wanna start a business, when you're competing on, you know, "Oh, what product do I wanna make?" It doesn't matter, do a mind map each time. What your mind map is supposed to be is I want you guys to set a 10-minute timer. Whenever you're mind mapping, it shouldn't be a long period of time. This isn't brainstorming to think of, like, every single possible idea. What this is is you set a 10-minute timer and you start with a central idea. And that central idea can be something, anything. It could be, let's say, choosing a focus for photography, 'cause that's kind of the subject that we're on, right? So you're gonna put focus...

in this little box right here. And then you're gonna map out, "Well, what if I did weddings?" Give it a circle and tie it. And then start putting down what you think shooting weddings would be like. "Well, I probably have some good brides. I have some bad brides, long hours, travel." And keep tying it back to the central idea. This one thing, if you start doing this now, all of you guys online, if you start doing mind mapping with everything that you do, spend 10 minutes, and set your timer, it'll change the rest of your life. It's simple, but it works so incredibly well. So this is to give you ideas. So the 12-Week Business Plan, this is what the mind map basically looked for that. Photography as a Business, this is what the mind map looks for that. Expectations, aspirations, so this is every one of these chapters laid out for you so you can see. In this one, I went through marketing, and then I went through and gave them numbers to see which one is like kind of a priority if I'm just starting a business. But the mind map is like the beginnings of a formulating the strategy, which is your central topic, the plan that's gonna go around it. And then you're gonna basically formulate that into an organized, cohesive series of information.

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