Perceived vs. Actual Authority
Lesson 26 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Perceived vs. Actual Authority
Lesson 26 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Personal Branding
02:36 2Course Organization is Made Up of Strategy and Tactics
01:53 3Personal Brand Manager Inputs and Outputs, Repurposing Content
02:16 4Personal Branding Framework in Action
02:54 5Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Plumbing
6Inception of Products, People Buy from People
04:22Facebook Public Figure Page
22:02 8Boosting Posts
03:05 9Quiz: Chapter 2: Plumbing
Chapter 3: Blogging
10Repurposing Content Process for Selecting People on Fiverr
02:50 11Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36Chapter 4: Networking
12Power Networking Networking
03:35 13Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36 146 Types of Figureheads
01:41 15Building a WHY, 3x3 Goals Sheet
03:33 16Mapping Your Personal Goals
02:37 17Network Mapping
03:17 18Professional Content vs. Fun Content
04:22 19Googling Yourself
20:13 20How to get 10,000 views of your message
11:09 21Quiz: Chapter 4: Networking
Chapter 5: Interviews
22Interviewing and Being Interviewed
01:14 23How to be an Expert Interviewer
03:57 24Applying the Personal Branding Framework
06:27 25Thank You Machine
08:13 26Perceived vs. Actual Authority
07:54 27Quiz: Chapter 5: Interviews
Chapter 6: Visual Content
28Dennis' Personal Brand Manager
11:17 29Amplification: Getting More From What's Working
04:05 30Omnichannel and Omnipresence
04:08 31Elements of a Powerful Facebook Page
20:00 32LinkedIn for Powerful Personal Branding
09:10 33Clients Brands and Relationships
00:15 34The One Minute Video
05:55 35Gratitude Videos
04:54 36Your Speaker Reel
04:22 37Making Money
03:37 38Power Hours
07:44 39WHY videos
06:32 40Making One-Minute Videos
05:49 41Remarketing
08:18 42Repurposing Content Systematically
02:59 43Twitter for Personal Branding
02:43 44Quiz: Chapter 6: Visual Content
Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
45Making Money via the Ascension Ladder
09:48 46WHY Videos in action
08:59 47Quiz: Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
48Using Fiverr to Build Your Personal Brand
05:15 49How to Choose the Right Fiverr Sellers
10:56 50Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
08:15 51Quiz: Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
Final Quiz
52Final Quix
Lesson Info
Perceived vs. Actual Authority
So now we've talked about the different modes of content, the structure of the topic wheel interviewing other people reusing that content using fiber to be able to maximize the distribution reading of that content. Now let's talk about an expert view on perceived versus actual authority. Now in building your personal brand, you have to distinguish between perceived versus actual authority, perceived authority means. I think because of who they're with, because of what they're saying and because of where it's being said that that person probably is knowledgeable, probably can get the work done, probably is someone I can trust versus actual expertise is they actually know how to do heart surgery, they actually know how to get the work done. They actually can do whatever it is that you want to be known for in those particular topics. Now the thing that most people don't understand in building a personal brand is you have to start with perceived authority because if they don't already beli...
eve that you're good, you could be giving them the very best expertise on the planet, but they're not going to trust that they're gonna score right past it when they're on facebook, they're going to see this long article that you wrote or maybe this video interview that you provide, it could be the most amazing content, but they don't first already believe that it's amazing. So how do you overcome that? How do you build perceived authority so that then whatever you have to say, they're actually going to believe and follow. So that when you make a pitch or an offer they're actually going to buy, when you ask them for an email address or you ask them to come visit you or call you, they actually will do that. And that is through brand collaborations. So as you start to build out your topic wheel and you have more people that you're associating with more content that you're producing, more content that you are distributing and boosting on facebook linkedin, twitter and youtube. It's not just the sheer force that's causing people to trust you. It's not like A TV ad during the Super Bowl, you play 15 times, but it's because of the trust of the different connections where people are seeing you across different networks and scott old fred, one of my friends calls that being omnipresent. So you might hear a message from one person you say, oh well Sean said that. So that that's probably pretty trustworthy. But then I hear nomis say that and I hear jeremy say it and say, huh, these are other people I trust. There must be something to this before. I thought like, oh no, that now I don't really believe in that, but oh no, maybe that's that's the way I should be doing things and when you build your topic Wheel type where you have more and more people deeply in any particular topic and you have deeper and deeper content where you're starting to interview them and they're interviewing you, you're going to find that there's overlaps between those audiences. So for example, this is my brand collaboration diagram, everything that we teach you is based on our direct experience. So we know it's going to work for you. We're not just giving you these ideas of something that we think sounds good, this is stuff that we've tested over and over again. So we know it works just like we know gravity works, we don't need to argue about that. So I have a lot of friends that are in the world of health and fitness. So I have the folks who run cocoon for example, which is oxygen water or Matthew Janice sec who runs a skate fitness, which is making fitness equipment, Ed millet or josh snow right, He's in health and fitness because of his teeth whitening. But I also have friends that are in the military. So my friend Phil Randazzo, he runs american Dream University helping soldiers transition out of the military into civilian jobs or could be Omari Broussard who was in the Marine Corps. Now he's teaching digital marketers who are coming out of the marines to actually get a civilian job instead of being like a sniper right? Or enrique marin where he's also into health and fitness because he does boxing and jiu jitsu and UFC but he's also in the military, you see their friends that are in social media and digital but are also intersecting health and fitness that are also intersecting the military and then I have a bunch of friends that are in entrepreneurship, I have Justin martin who's the number one mortgage broker in Denver or Beverly Jackson who runs social media globally for MGM resorts, which is all the hotel properties in the big hotel properties in las Vegas, for example, or George Leath, who is the chief revenue officer at vende esta. These are all friends that are strong in any one of these particular areas, but the power of a brand collaboration is the overlap between the audiences. So what's the overlap between social media, marketing and entrepreneurship? Why have Bradley Bradley is the ceo of light speed, but he's he's a killer social media influencer and he's an entrepreneur. I have Mark lack, for example, who is strong in entrepreneurship, but he's also the young Tony Robbins, right for young adults and teaches sales or Nathan Latka who is an expert in health and fitness and entrepreneurship and social media. Think about where you have people that are connectors that overlap one or more audiences and then it's like buy one, get two free, buy one, get three free because when you're inception one audience, you're able to hit multiple audiences at the same time, right? When you're producing and editing and distributing and amplifying that content and you're making sure that people are able to see your content in sequence, which we'll talk about in our next section, then you're building an audience that's seeing your content from all sides from people that they know like and trust. And when you have a stronger and stronger brand collaboration that occurs through building a stronger topic wheel, you're perceived authority starts to go through the roof, when you're perceived authority goes up. Everything else about your personal brand starts to go up as well, the number of people that come to you, the number of relationships that you're able to build, the amount of content that you're able to build, then your machinery is able to start kicking in as part of your personal brand manager. So that personal brand framework of all the people that are doing tasks to be able to edit out content to produce the videos, to build landing pages to transcribe articles to be able to say thank you at scale, you see more and more of these start to layer over and over and the more you're able to monetize because of the products and services that you have to sell, the more you're able to reinvest back into this machine and that's the symbiotic closed loop process that we want to be able to see with your personal brand, maybe you're just starting and you're not making any money here. So just start with a few fiber tasks start with just a few videos start with just a few interviews start with just an hour a week where you, you are retweeting and following people that you respect and you're just making a few one minute videos along the way. As you start to build this momentum, you're gonna find that you'll have two or 3 of these topics Out of your six that start to resonate and then you'll find certain people within those topics, you can kind of guess who you think they might be, but those people will start to stand out and then you'll build stronger and stronger bonds. You'll have dinner with them, you'll do collaborations with them, they'll interview you, you'll launch products together, you'll endorse their stuff because you believe in it and maybe you get paid a commission, they'll endorse your stuff and then you start to build partnerships And personal brands are about how do you build those kinds of relationships at scale, knowing that you should focus on the relationship and content production side, which is 10% and then 90% of the machinery the system is able to operate without you needing to get involved. That's the beauty of brand collaboration. That's how you connect perceived authority with actual authority
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