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Getting Started

Lesson 2 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

Blitz Metrics

Getting Started

Lesson 2 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

Blitz Metrics

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2. Getting Started

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Getting Started

So one of the benefits to advertising on social as if you can dream it, you can target it. Now. Traditionally target was geared towards demographic and psychographic essentially is based off of brands, personas or avatars. You would target mediums where these said personas might be likely to visit. For example, let's say I was trying to sell some athletic shoes to young male adults who like sports. I might run my ads on ESPN or other sports mediums over time. This leads targeting based off brand overlaps initially this is how tardy online worked as well. So if I believe my personas were to be found on certain websites, blogs or channels, I would pay to have my ads displayed there. These were like the dark ages of targeting. Trying to hit a target with a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle is never a great approach. Social media has changed the game. Now you can target very specifically, even down to one exact person if you want it. Yes, that is possible in this course will even show you ...

how to do it, but it's not about just targeting tricks, even though it's fun for your friends, serving your ads are just one person. Sounds cool, but that's probably not gonna help you scale results for your clients in order to do that. You'll want to be utilizing all the targeting features at your disposal. For this course will be focusing specifically on facebook targeting and in short, there are three types of audiences you can target on facebook, they're saved lookalike and custom audiences. By the end of this course, you'll better understand the differences between each of these types of audiences and know which combination of audiences you should be using for your clients. So let's get started.

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