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Lesson 32 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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Lesson 32 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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32. Wrap-up

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Alright, so congratulations you guys on finishing the course, super proud of you, you made it. And just to summarize in this course, we've had the great opportunity to go through the targeting capabilities of facebook, we've hit on saved customers look like audiences and more than that. We've tried to teach you guys how to implement this for your clients. Dennis has talked about how to overcome obstacles, like gaining access, how to do pricing, whether it's your first time or you've been doing this for a while and and most importantly how to get the results right? How to drive far away from your clients and how setting up the audiences translates to success on facebook. So what are the next steps if you want to make money? Look selling facebook ads on fiber is a huge, huge opportunity. There's all these people selling other kinds of gigs but helping clients make money. Facebook ads is the easiest way to do it when you have your package is set up properly when you know how to onboard cl...

ients, when you know how to prepare reports, when you know how to niche down into exactly who you want to be able to serve. We've created that menu for you so that you can price your setup building campaigns and ongoing optimization. We have documents on how you can do your reports as you see on how you can overcome the most common objections and problems because when you have these in place, you can start selling your first gigs and know with confidence that you're using facebook the way it was intended. So we hope you guys appreciate the course. Again, congratulations. If you have questions or run into problems, encourage you to go back through. And also to remember that we have the downloadable PDFs and guys going over the glossary and the menu, like Dennis, talk about some other information and best of success and luck to you guys moving forward. We'll see you on the fiber platform. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah.

Class Materials

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Suggested Menu Pricing
Success Tracker
Strategy Audit.pptx
Strategy Audit.pdf