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Combo Audiences

Lesson 21 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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Combo Audiences

Lesson 21 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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21. Combo Audiences

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Combo Audiences

one of the last things we saved audiences. You can do that we want to discuss is create a combo audience. Whereas saved audience can be a combination of all three types of audiences where of course it's a saved audience, demographic psychographic behaviors. It can also incorporate custom audiences and lookalike audiences. So I might have a saved audience of people interested in. Gary banner check just to go with the example we were discussing earlier and I can say also that a part of my look like audience or a custom audience, Maybe I've got a big custom audience. People who have engaged Over the last 90 days or these are the ones that created as examples Web traffic or last one in 80 days. So what I could do is if I have a really big custom audience again, I can just get more narrow with the audience overall. So maybe your client has a ton of web traffic or a big email list. I can combine it with the saved audience and the targeting that I'm trying to do there. So I can say people tha...

t are within this email list that are such and such ages and interested in Gary Boehner check or fans of my page Or people that are part of my 1% lookalike and also making a certain income or living in a certain location. So just like it sounds a combo audience, right? You're creating, you're combining your audiences together and it can also include exclusions. So I could say people have been in this website and exclude people who have purchased. Let's see if I have a purchaser's okay, So exclude purchasers. So of course I want to target people that have already bought and who are also, You know, 18-57 interested in Gary B and our friends and fans. Alright, Really, whatever I want to target. Now, the one thing when it comes to these combo audiences is you can't use the narrowing feature that you can with the saved audience where I can choose multiple customer look like audiences. But this is going to be or not. And so what I'm telling, Facebook right now is people that have been to the dentist, you website in the last 180 days Or a part of my 1-5% look like in Australia excluding my purchasers and all this and live in the US and like Gary B then show them my ad. But what I can't do Is I can't say people who have been to the Web Dennis you website in the last 180 days and are part of my look like audience. Right? I can't narrow in that way when it comes to customer look like audiences, I can just, I'm going to say or write. So I could throw all my custom audiences in here if I wanted and say anyone who's in any of my custom audiences or anybody look like audiences and lives and Brisbane Australia and has two kids then target them, right? But that's or not. And so that's the one feature that's not available when it comes to the combo audiences. But it's still good to some of these, we call these nested audiences combo audiences. Another way of saying the same thing, just combine your audiences together using exclusions again, to make sure as someone moves through your funnel where you have the three stage funnel from awareness to consideration of conversion as they're moving on. You want to exclude the previous stage, of course. So if I'm retargeting video viewers, I need to exclude people that just watch the video, the previous video or I'm targeting website visitors, I want to exclude people have already purchased. Or if I'm trying to get leads, I want to exclude people have already signed up. So just make sure you're properly using exclusions, use these combo audiences. And it's just another way, especially as you're trying to get more narrow, if you're dealing with really big, really large audiences, that's the way you can get a little bit more specific, right? It's the benefit you have obviously don't wanna get too specific as we discussed many times they want to be too small. But if the audience is 100 million people that you'll never have enough money to spend against it. You can add a few of these different combinations together, layer it with a combo audience, a custom audience a look like audience or an interest audience. So then you can match the relevancy of the, the content to that target audience. So that's how you use combo audiences in general. Hopefully you guys should have a good understanding now of how to create good saved audiences. We're gonna go over how to name these audiences properly, to fit in line with how we've named our look like in custom audiences, and then we'll be able to move on from saved audiences.

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