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Naming Convention for Saved Audiences

Lesson 23 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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Naming Convention for Saved Audiences

Lesson 23 from: Facebook Ads Targeting

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23. Naming Convention for Saved Audiences

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Naming Convention for Saved Audiences

are you starting to feel like a targeting wizard yet by now, you know, all the tricks in the book when it comes to targeting. So let's go and wrap this chapter up by discussing our naming convention when it comes to saved audiences, just like we did for lookalike and customs to end up discussing saved audiences. We want to talk about our naming convention for saved audiences. So we'll walk you through three quick examples, there is a slight nuance. So first let's just create a simple one. Maybe I just want to target people who are fans of Steph curry or we can even mix it up and I've been doing stuff carry a lot. So maybe Stephen King, if you're fan of novels or horror novels, It's going to give me the size up here and see 3. million people. So first we always started the name of audiences saved audience underscore this one is really simple. It's just Stephen King interests And then we'd like to include the size of the end. So put 3. I am familiar or you can do some people do and then ...

Just one is fine if it's thousands of decay. So 3.3 million, pretty simple. There's some other things going on here. It's in the US Age 18-65, you don't want to include every single detail because at that point the name will be too long. The gist is that you want people to be able to look at the name of the audience and know exactly what's going on there. So, I mean, I could put us if I'm targeting to multiple countries for that earlier. So again, based off your client's goals. So if you know your clients trying to reach people in multiple countries, but if all your marketing is done in the US anyways, obviously you don't need to put us in every single audience. So there's that one will create a safe audience, should populate honestly quicker than a custom audience. Let's give you guys two more examples. So this one still a combo audience. So again, we can say Stephen King, Kansas city in Qing, I couldn't have behaviors. I could say people prefer high minded, high value goods. I mean this is something totally strange. Maybe you're right and then we've got two different buckets, Stephen King and maybe I'm trying to promote one of his particular stories or movies. So let's just do the shining is a really popular one, shining the film shining by Stephen King. We don't want to include multiple these, all these suggestions, it's going to mention other Stephen King novels. Okay, great. So Now this one, instead of being the 3.3,210,000, I'm saying people are fans of Stephen King and also specifically fans in the shining since they're saved. Stephen King and shining fan 110 K. Get that one hears my audiences, they're ready to go right away. Let's do one more. Okay, this one just to make it fun, we'll do specific. let's say I want to target just men living in phoenix. Maybe Stephen King has a book tour coming up and he's coming to phoenix, so I want to drive some people to his tour. So again, I could then do Stephen King And let's just pretend let's go back in time. 21st wrote the shining, so he's going to sign your copy or maybe it's an anniversary. So we must also like The Shining Stephen King a few years, shining film. Obviously not the band and just for fun. I want to do a connection or friends of people who like page. Hopefully do Stephen King page, but let's just do random long through my page. If it shows up. If not we can just pass on that, you just include that in the name. And so if you're the 1000, it's a personal audience, so maybe increase my radius So free than 1000. Let's just do everyone in this location. Alright, we're gonna open up to. There we go. people. Well, let's give him that on there. Actually, let's add something in here like Stephen King or fans of Stephen King What? Obviously it's gonna be a lot of overlap. Stephen King books, sinking writer, Horror fiction. That should give us enough size. Okay, 1700. So now I can say saved phoenix. Males, Stephen King um 1.7 K. So the more complicated the audiences get, I obviously again, I can't include every single thing, you know, horror fiction, Stephen King, the writer Stephen King books because the audience will be too big. But whatever the gist of the audiences, we want to make sure to include that in the name in here, as well as the size of the end. So I know how big how much spending can sustain when I'm setting up my ads. So that's the way the naming convention works for saved audience. Again, as you can see, there's no real exact true way to name every single audience. Just think of it as three parts. The first part is what type of audience save at the end. You want to have the size and then in the middle you just want to have whatever is going on within that audience and it's a sink way, not going on and on and on, because then it defeats the purpose and you wanna build them in every single thing within the audience. All right, so that pretty much wraps it up for saved audiences. Let's go ahead and finish up this lesson, I think move on to the next chapter

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