How to Add Links to Your Website
Lesson 14 from: Grow Your Audience with Youtube MarketingPhilip Ebiner
How to Add Links to Your Website
Lesson 14 from: Grow Your Audience with Youtube MarketingPhilip Ebiner
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Introduction to YouTube Marketing
01:45 2Why YouTube is Perfect for Marketers
03:05Chapter 2: Youtube Marketing Funnels
3The Direct Sale Funnel
04:01 4The Soft Sales Funnel
04:25 5The Email Marketing Funnel
07:51 6Subscriber Sales Funnel
03:53Ad Revenue Funnel
06:03 8Promotion Funnel
01:14 9Bonus lesson: Laying the groundwork for good design
13:23 10Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Optimize Your Videos for Views & Conversions | Video Marketing
11Get More Views with Better SEO
10:54 12Types of Videos to Make
06:37 13Why Subscribers Matter & How to Get More
06:33 14How to Add Links to Your Website
04:08 15Calls to Action
04:49 16Internal Linking
02:01 17Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Youtube Ads
18Types of YouTube Ads
02:24 19The Quick and Easy Way to Create a YouTube Ad
15:00 20Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 1
09:58 21Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 2
05:53 22Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 3
05:03 23Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 4
05:39 24Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Starting a Youtube Channel
25Intro to Digital Marketing YouTube Lessons
01:12 26Start Your Channel
02:01 27Channel Art and Profile Icon
08:08 28Channel Description and Links
04:35 29Featured Channels
01:49 30Customizing Your Channel
04:05 31Channel Trailer
03:35 32Channel Status and Features
02:17 33Exporting a Video - Settings Reccomendations
06:39 34Choose a Title
03:54 35Write Your Description
03:41 36Add Tags
03:35 37Create a Thumbnail
04:44 38Cards and End Screens
03:02 39Case Study - Analyzing One of Phil's Popular Videos
07:26 40YouTube Studio - Dashboard
03:23 41YouTube Studio - Videos Tab
04:02 42Quiz - Chapter 4
43YouTube Studio - Comments Tab
03:11 44YouTube Studio - Transcriptions and Copyright Tabs
08:35 45YouTube Studio - Monetization Tab
05:25 46YouTube Studio - Playlists
05:44 47YouTube Studio - Audio Library
01:46 48YouTube Studio - Settings
06:40 49Advanced Settings, Branding and Upload Defaults
10:58Chapter 6: Make Better Videos
50Intro to Video Production Courses
01:13 51Bonus lesson: What Type of Video Should You Make
02:47 52Bonus lesson: Plan Your Video
03:30Chapter 7: Conclusion
53Conclusion and Thank You
01:07Final Quiz
54Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How to Add Links to Your Website
in this lesson, you'll learn how to add links to your website in your Youtube videos. The three main places I'm talking about right now are in your video description using Youtube cards and Youtube end screens before you can use cards or end screens to link to your own website, you'll want to associate your website with your Youtube channel. There's a tutorial for how to do this in the basics of Youtube section. Later on, here's an example of a more recent video that I posted regarding podcasting. This is not a direct promotion of a podcasting course that I launched, but More of a tips or tutorial style video where we're giving six reasons why people should start a podcast in 2018. And you can see that I have a link in the description when you're adding links to your description, make sure that it's above the fold. What that means is it is above this show more button. You don't want to add important links below the show more button because it's required to click that button, which is a...
n extra step for a consumer or a viewer to see that link, you also might not want to put it as the very first thing in your description. I used to do this a lot with older videos. But what I've realized is that the first few lines of your description actually show up in your Youtube search results. So if this video shows up in the search results, they'll see the thumbnail, they'll see the title and they'll see the first couple of lines. If the first line is just a promotion of some sort of product or service. This might turn away viewers from even clicking on that video. So you have to balance having something that is short and catchy and tries to get someone to watch the video explaining what the video is about. But also including a link that is above the fold. The other place that I include links is in the card which pops up right there around five seconds again, how you add cards and end screens is in the Youtube basics section of the course. Got a funny face right there. But what happened was this popped up that said get your free guide or read your free guide And when someone clicks on this, both on desktop or mobile, which is a good reason to use cards because they work on mobile devices where most or not most, but a lot of people are watching your Youtube videos and then it has a link to an article about this topic. So this is not a direct promotion. Whereas the link in the description is a direct link to the sales page. This is a soft sale to an article that expands upon what I'm talking about. So they can click on that. Read the guide and let me just show you what that sales funnel looks like if you're curious. So the guide has the six reasons with a little bit more information and then at the end there is a pitch or a promotion for the full class. With the discounted link at the end of the video, let's go to the very end. The end screen will pop up with about 15 seconds or so left in the video. So there you have the link pop up and so I've added to links to the end screen. One is a direct link to the course and one is a link to a video about the course which is a direct promotion of the course. The reason why I have both of these is because Youtube actually requires that when you use end cards or end screens you have to have one clickable link to another video of yours or a playlist. And that's because Youtube wants people to continue watching more content of yours when they have reached the end of your video. So you want to make sure that it's something related. I think this is the perfect way to do it because it's a video related to podcasting and it's actually a video related to what I'm trying to sell, which is the course. So that's how you should add links to your videos in Youtube. Again, if you don't know exactly how to do that, continue with the Youtube basic section later on