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Engaging with Your Community

Lesson 4 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

Engaging with Your Community

Lesson 4 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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4. Engaging with Your Community

Find out how often you should be posting to Instagram® to reach your target audience.

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Engaging with Your Community

we are talking about why Instagram is such a great place for visual storytelling. And, you know, even though the app is free, I do want to say it's your time that you're investing here, right? And you're gonna you can share photos and videos. So 15 2nd videos as well. And this is a really great stat. Another opportunity for you to be tweeting and taking a screenshot. This is pretty impressive. I'd like to actually hear from you all. How many times your checking in a day? Because 57% of people check in one today and at least 35% of people check in multiple times a day. So who here? I'm checking in more than that. So I'm really curious who's checking in on Instagram to really yet to really falling a lot of food spotting. So I'm posting food porn all the time, and I would point hashtag important always. And, um, yeah, I'm doing multiple times a day and that was actually going to be one of my questions. Help me much much. Yeah, Yeah. So when I first started using Instagram, I too, was I wa...

s posting too much. I was posting four, sometimes five times a day. I have found that my sweet spot on my Soupy Zimmerman account is twice a day. And I even figured out what time of day to be posted where I get the most engagement, which we're gonna talk about later. Anybody else want to say how many times that checking in? I don't know. I just I actually just look at my foot whenever it I'm on my phone. I just pull it up. Is that the first thing you're pulling up? Yeah, actually it is. And then maybe Facebook, but instagram, like way more because of the immediate engagement urinating on your poster? Yeah, that and just because, like looking at everybody else who I'm following and getting involved in their community and not wanting to miss their posts. So, yeah, I feel like it's sucking a lot of my time and attention, but it's really fun addicting, so something I want to share with you all. I take a good hour every morning. Teoh kind of have my creative space and mindset beat for the day. Sometimes it's with my dog in the woods walking, and often it is looking at instagram, but not my engagement, but the place where I'm getting inspiration from others who I'm always learning from because I don't know everything. There's always more to learn. I mean to John. I love learning from Josh. Her success story has really been inspirational to me as well. So I think spending time there to do market research toe actually start seeing the accounts that are going to give you inspiration and help you along. Your successful journey is really great. We've got a lot of people online to the red Scorpio, Ashley colder and hung Sickle press. They're checking in constant like too much. Maybe that would be my teenage daughters. Yes, So, as we all know at this point, or should, how you know it, Instagram is quick. The response back is quick. I'm gonna say it's easy once you start using it. I mean, to a newbie. They might not think that easy is the word that comes to mind because, like anything else that you start doing it, you know, it takes multiple times to get used to it and to do it to own it and to be really proficient with it. But what I love so much about it, and on I managed to of my five accounts every day. One is my Supes Amendment accounts, and that is me being spontaneous. That is me sharing life's moments. And that is me, you know, chronologically, leaving my legacy, my digital footprint, my photo album because I don't leave, but I don't have photo albums anymore, So that's what that account is, and it's become a place that I teach with each post. So if I'm posting a picture of my dog in the woods also telling you why I'm doing what I'm doing, you know why I'm geo tagging. Why? I'm at mentioning what the hashtag stand four so that when you come back to me, you'll get that value. And it's not just all about Soupy Zimmerman, but there's value within the Post on Ben. Also my other account, the dot daily dot I G, which is the daily I G. So those two accounts I manage every day, um, and enjoy doing that, and it's those air creative spaces for May. I don't think of it as work. I think of it as a place where I can creatively express who I am and what's important to me and my business. I want to just pause for a moment. And what John said really resonated for me about owning a platform and really becoming proficient in the platform before moving on and feeling like you need to do more. Especially as a small business owner. I think it's really important Teoh master a platform and not feel like because someone's on Twitter or Pinterest or Facebook that you have to be there all the time, too, Um, and that I love her story, that instagram with all she used to grow her business. It's so inspirational and with a little phone and the other thing I want to mention which is the fourth bullet point. Here is the exclusivity of what you share on instagram so you can make it a place that that is where you just share the content so people come back for more. So if you're leaving me tips on travel or on food, you know, just you know whatever or do how to make jewelry. You're not sharing that everywhere else, and I feel like it's a bit more special and I'm getting content from you just there so you can make some of your content exclusive and it could be just once a week that it is exclusive. Okay, so this is really cool because we just heard from two really big brands, right? Surfer magazine and Dunkin Donuts. And then we heard from data and instagram can be an equalizer. Anyone can start a business. You don't need to have a website. All the big brands are there, and you certainly should be following some of them and learning from them. But you can start your business on Instagram and really grow it. So again, people come here to see great images, right? They want to see images like this. You know how that makes you feel is you know, if you love surfing, this is this is the place to go. They do such a great job captivating their followers on every single post. And when you look at their feet, you're going to see that engagement is just amazing. So I you know, I think of instagram as an ecosystem because back to that word community, you really see a community growing in a physical environment and even though it's virtual, it can become real like it is here, like we're experienced in the live audience. And I love that the community expands as you grow more followers like my community. Like even from the week that I've been kind of leading up to teaching. This I have connected with so many people who are just were so anxious and excited for this course toe happen, and I feel like I'm bringing them in to my instagram feed and I'm connecting with them in my community is growing even more, and then they're sharing by at mentioning some of their friends to follow the content. So it's it's really a great place to grow a community now. This is one of my favorite quotes of all times. I have not yet met Bob Berg, but I have an interesting story to share. I did this quote in ward swag again. All the images that you're seeing that look like a rainbow have been done in ward swag. It's one of my favorite favorite app that I use, and I did this quote not giving credit to Bob Berg when I did it, because I just saw it and I have a plaque in my my bathroom that says this. And when I tweeted it, I got a notification from him thanking me. And he then no one of his followers, which is Frederick. She saw the quote, and it wasn't giving credit to him. So she made it a point to tweet me back and say it was his quote. Did Bob Berg see it? And Bob Berg then tweeted me to say, It's all good, it's OK that you don't give me credit. And Frederick started following me because Bob Berg went on toe watch a webinar I gave. And so these two are already connected. I have not met either of them. She was just protecting his quote in saying, Wait a minute, you just You just created something that's not you know, you haven't given credit to the author. So what happened next was she started falling me on instagram and watching the videos, and she gave me some of her stats that have happened since she she had. She had been on Instagram, but not really using it. And then she started watching and seeing how you could be successful from doing from watching a webinar, and she said. I've gained many followers in one month that I have gained in the previous 11 months. After just listening to a few tips of how to tweak what she was doing, she said her likes have increased by an average off 500%. And then she said, It's directly credit to your hashtag strategy and talking about why you should have one, and we're gonna go into this later. But I thought This is a really interesting conversation to share because again, the your community and people who follow you will self correct things that you're doing and telling you if a word spelled wrong or if something's not quite right and you can go back and fix it or you could go back and be part of the conversation. So now I have two new super fans because I clearly have connected with them on Twitter and Google plus now in Facebook. And it's just all because of this quote that I hold dear to my heart that I shared on instagram. Pretty cool, huh? So you know, I talk about community, I talk about building on authentic community and I like to you know, another word that's synonymous with community, for me is a tribe and a tribe, in my opinion, is a group of people who just love what you do and want to be connected to you. And when I went out to Victoria, BC to speak at this conference, these people who are also all speakers became part of my tribe. You know, we hung out together. I taught them all how to get on instagram way were having dinner. And, you know, I was like toggling their IPhones and helping them get going. And and now where? You know, even though they're far away, we are connected on instagram and engage and have stayed connected. And what's really exciting is that I am going to be doing a live conference in Boston and for these great people kind of come and be there for May. So it all started, you know, just just getting out there, interacting and attracting your ideal follower. And so this is in person. And now we're taking it back on Instagram by keeping the conversation alive and staying connected. And I think some of you in the audience might know some of these amazing people. So you need to figure out what do you want your community toe look like, Is it Mom's isn't entrepreneurs, is it? Designers, is that bloggers? Because you can find them, you can search them and you can bring them in to your account. So clearly Instagram is just too big to ignore. This is one of my favorite slides again, back to a stat slide here, which is great for taking a screenshot or tweeting these users. These 200 million active users are active, Really active. I mean to your point, you're checking in on your phone all the time. I know people who have just exploded on Instagram and a short while and have had very successful businesses being launched, which are we're gonna be bringing on a few of those guests later today and Google hang out, which I'm so excited for you to meet. But the operative word here is active. You know, I find I don't know about you, but I find that on Facebook lately, I am not getting the engagement on my post that I used to get. It's a little bit more challenging, especially on my business page, but on Instagram, it's blowing up all day. So, of course, that positive reinforcement takes me back to Instagram so that I can engage and be a part of conversation. So this is the number one marketing tool that you want to invest in and my invest. When I say invest, I mean, invest your time because back to being a small business owner it is so hard to have the time to do it all. I think that's like the re occurring theme that I hear all the time. When I coach other business owners and I try to help them figure out their social media strategy is just really fitting it in. I don't want you to feel like you have to fit Instagram in. I want you to think of it as becoming part of what you do every day. Like for me, it's like brushing my teeth. It's not work. It's fun. It's what I love. It's where I connect. It's where I grow my followers, my tribe, my super fans, and I really think that you all could do the same. So we're gonna talk about high quality engagement Now. Double tapping on a photo is like, I like it really is. It's like the laziest form of engagement, in my opinion. And if you knew that Instagram, that's OK, you can start there. But I want you to up your game. I want you to, like, make a commitment today, toe. Actually go into five accounts that you like and leave a comment. Ah, comment brings a smile. Ah, comment makes people feel like what they're doing is being validated. And then to take it one step further, as I mentioned earlier, is when you repost someone's content, that's as good as it gets. That's like saying I am endorsing everything you're showing me here. I want to show my community what you are doing because I think it's awesome and super fans reposed. And I know that you're all super friends, right? So check out this engagement rate when you compare Instagram Facebook or Twitter really worth taking note of taking a screenshot tweeting it isn't that amazing. Yeah, so it's no surprise why people are spending more time here. That engagement validates what you're doing. You feel like you're time that you're putting into it is being noticed. People are coming. People want more. So one of The things I love so much about Instagram is that there is less noise or no noise. When you go into that feed, you're not seeing games pop up. You're not inundated with ads. It's you and your feet on your terms. What you want to look at. It's just like this peaceful place, and you can go there whenever you want to see it. You know, it's like from, you know, some people view it with nine images at a time. Like I said earlier, my preference is one. I like to focus on the content and really take in the value of the post. But I want you to really think about that notification, that notification tab and going in there, especially if someone's engaging in you so that you can comment back and be a part of the conversation to them. Uh, with you know, you what you're saying that, um, Instagram isn't as distracting is like, say, Facebook and Facebook has changed numerous times. I feel like every week there's a change to it. But Facebook also owns Instagram. Do you feel I mean to have any idea that it may change also because Twitter also changed recently. When you say change what he refers format of it and how it looks and something changed this past week, which is really exciting. I don't know how many of you noticed, but within the app when you go to of filter, there are now editing filters within the filter. So there's 10 things you can do every time you post, you know, and it's great because, you know, they're trying to keep you on Instagram, as opposed to, I think, 1/3 party app. But for me, I love that I can now edit my photo really quickly if it's not quite right. So when you say change, I am one that celebrates change. I always have. I mean, part of the reason I think I've had 18 businesses is because I get a little bored and I need to move on, and I like Changi like shaking it up. So I think that they're doing it for a reason that's always gonna benefit the community that they're serving. And I think that's the attitude you need to have. And if they're making changes, they have the right to you're not paying for it. It's their business so I'm good with change and I can't predict what they're going to be doing further. But all I can tell you is that the change that they made this past week, in my opinion, has been amazing for the user. Has anyone experienced the new filter? Yeah, you guys loving it? I thought it was there and I just didn't find it earlier. You know it's there. And I made announcement on my account the INSTAGRAM expert account Ivan account called at the Instagram expert. And that's the place to absolutely check out if you are looking for tools strategies to stay top of your game on instagram. The Onley thing I post on that account is really how to rock it out on instagram for your business. So we made an announcement the day it happened. We listed all the 10 new filter well changes within each filter, so there's 20 filters that you can use, and within each filter there's things that you can dio. So just in case you weren't spending enough time with with that photo, you can now make it even look that much better. So I think that's good news for people that I really need toe enhance their photo. So I This is another slide I put in recently because I really want you guys to understand the kind of engagement that happens. And Alex Biden is also a B school armory for polio be school or who I have connected with, and she's a successful business. Cope. And here's what she had to say. Instagram helps me build my brand by allowing me to educate my audience in a fun way on what my business is all about. It's simultaneously allows me to generate new, incredible hot leads when my existing with my existing audience, when my existing audience tags their friends. It also allows me to interact with my audience in a personal way my audience loves when I leave them love on instagram love meaning comments. It might feel scary at first because you will be repelling people, but you will simultaneously be attracting the right kinds of people and high quality leads. So Jan tear earlier comments When you were saying that some people left, that's OK, and according to Alex, who's this amazing life coach and her handle is her name. He want to start following her. She's experienced so much success by the act of her followers tagging their friends to say, Come check her out because what she's showing me is worth following. It's kind of like what has happened on creative lives Instagram feet. So I want you all to know, Of course, they have an INSTAGRAM account, and they post this course. And there were. When I last looked, there were over 358 comments, which I'm like, so excited about, because now I can go in or my, you know, my assistance could go in and see who is commenting there and bring them into my community beyond the creative live feed. So again, you can look at instigate alive and creative live to see the community that's exploding right here live as well as on the world wide audience. And here's another example of people when people say what visual content to share, sometimes you can simply grab testimonials and make them look better. These were shout out that I got before I came on that we're just making me feel a little bit more. He's being here, and I'm really enjoying reading all the amazing comments that I'm getting, and it just validates that what I'm doing is what people really are learning. So now's a great time for questions you mentioned. You have, what, six accounts? Five or six? A kind of How is it easy to switch on the on the phone between accounts? Okay, how would you manage that? It's a great question, Yes, and there is a reason I have six accounts because we talked about featuring in niche ing down, so each one serves a different purpose. I have people that people on my team that managed for of my six accounts, but we we use a Web based application called Stata Graham, which I'm gonna be talking about in detail later. And it's pay. It's a paid version of how to manage multiple accounts. It's great for anyone who is a social media manager or marketer who is actually wanting to monetize running other people's instagram campaigns. And it works really, really well. You can decide when you're scheduling what time of day and you know when you want it to upload. And you can even leave the secondary hashtag strategy in the comments. So that's how we're doing it I am not literally managing the six accounts those air scheduled. Okay? Yes. You know, cotton, um, back to what you were just talking about. So I'm curious as to like how you actually engage further with people. So people that have, like, at, you know, mentioned their friends, like, check this out. How do you go about engaging? So when people on my account mentioned three of their their friends account, I will go in to the people they mentioned to see if I want to follow them. But even if I don't follow someone, I always go in and like and comments. I'm very, very selective now at who I'm following because of where where I am and you know, just the amount of followers I have. So I'm really I want to see people's feeds that I'm really interested in seeing. But at the same time, I want to let people know that I so appreciate that they're following me and I will go in and leave comments even if I choose not to follow. So I don't feel like you should follow because they're following you. You should have your standards be what they need to be for your business and do it because you're learning something and it's gonna add value. So being nice congest be liking and commenting or re posting one of their quotes or something that they're sharing a question about. If somebody and I've seen this happen once before, where you post something and somebody goes on and comments but doesn't really comment on the post, they more or less do a sales, the kind of thing. Can you remove that from them? Yes, you can. And those are exactly the kind of post that I remove. Okay, someone's coming in and they're like, Come follow me. Get 10,000 followers, make money on Instagram like there's a lot of spammers out there doing that. I delete the post, and that's in the bonuses of how to do it. But it's simple. I mean, you can just go in and yes, there's a way to do that. Okay, great. Thank you. So my question has to do with engagement. So my business is built around adventure travel. That sort of my niche. So is one way to get people to engage further, to ask questions like, say, for instance, um, I don't know you. You post a picture of a certain destination and you say, Hey, tell us what your hot new destination is for 2014 or something like that. Is it appropriate to ask a question to get people to comment? Yes, so call to action is absolutely something I recommend doing. But don't expect people to leave a comment until you've built a trust trust in the community because it's sounding kind of desperate if you're starting with questions, um, so for you, I think following GoPro because they're pretty amazing. They have a corporate account. And then there's like 12 other GoPro counts because you're all about adventure travel and they're really great accounts of follow. And just look at it, what people are liking that they're posting so that you can start seeing what might work for you based on the engagement of some other people doing the same. I don't the call to action, I might say, instead of tag three friends or or at mention this is click the link in my bio to do X. So right now, on my personal account and at the instant Al Ive my bit, Lee is the sign up for this course. So I often say on all my posts, click the link in the bio to hear more about how you use Instagram. Do you know, in the, you know, june 9th to the 11th and then they'll click the link in bio. And I think that's why we've had so many people sign up for the course beforehand is because I'm really trying to drive traffic now that link in my bio will change and can change at any time. So depending on where you're trying to drive traffic to yeah, about the handle earlier and not to put a number in the handle. But I do know somebody that I think created an account with one name and then maybe deleted it and then went back in to retrieve it and couldn't Is it frozen for a certain period of time? If you I don't. If you deleted an account, I think that name becomes available to whoever tries to get it. Okay, so there's no waiting period or anything. Not that I know off. Okay? Not that I know of. We didn't have it. We have a couple questions. If you want to pass the like. I hang on for us. Um, we have some coming on on the chat room as well. This one comes from Morbid Cafe, and you have mentioned repost. Now we just want some clarification. What is the correct repost etiquette? Now they say, I don't want to seem like I'm passing someone else's photos off as my own. When is maybe too much for repost. So in the repost app, it gives credit to the source, and you can decide whether or not the description of what they wrote originally becomes a part of your description or you can change it. I always tell people to give credit to the source and, you know, let people know there's There's a couple of accounts where I love the photography that they share, and often I'll repost it. And ironically enough, those are some of the post where I get the most engagement because they're just amazing photographs. So Katherine asked for a photography business. I'm concerned about copyright watermark, or if it's possible for people to steal my photos on Instagram way, have in the bonus how to do watermarks on Instagram there is you can download I watermark, and you can absolutely leave your websites or an icon. I use my logo for one of my businesses or, you know, one of our guests coming on later. Holly does that every single image. And that might be a good question for me to ask her as an artist, as an illustrator. So you should be protecting your images if you feel like they're yours and you don't want them shared and someone else to take credit for them because I've seen her that that has happened and you want to avoid it, especially if you're creative and you want your images to remain your own and you can make it really tiny at the bottom. Let me just throw it on account that I want you all to go to. It is my favorite. Can you believe I'm saying this word? Favorite instagram account? Okay, you guys ready? It's called pumpkin dot sunshine. This is an account where the artist has their name, their watermark on every single picture. The mother is the photographer. She's from New York City. She is a professional food photographer. Her daughter is in seventh grade. She is sunshine. Pumpkin is their little dog. And the story of the vignettes and the photos of that account is going to make you smile every day that you open up your INSTAGRAM account and that's that's a good goal toe. Have right to make people smile. You're gonna be like, talked about that. That's a great again and she's in seventh grade. This girl is just amazing. Awesome. Mona Lisa has a question. Yes. Question about following people. So should we be careful about who we following? Are you touched on earlier? Should we follow a lot of people? Should we follow the art? Potential clients should be followed People who inspire us. What is your take on that? So my take is you should follow people who are gonna entertain, educate or, you know, inspire you. You know you want Teoh. Um, there's no, there's no rule here. It's what is going to give value to you for your business. So it and it's not a numbers game. I really want to say this out loud. Everyone starts with zero, and it's all OK. You absolutely just really need to focus on attracting the people that you want to do business with. that you love doing business with and following is really so that when you open up your feet and start looking, you're getting value, you're learning something. So that's that's the way I look at, like who to follow. And I do want follow people that where I'm not getting value from with their posting. And that's okay, too, right? We have one more question and then we'll let you get back into it. So all classes says we are a start up. How do we balance company pictures that show are kosher with relevant material that our audience would like just to give you some background? They are a search engine for classes, and they've been posting inspirational quotes and pictures of people taking the classes. Those are both great weird going into all the strategies of what to post and how to post soon. So they teach it online classes. You said what they do there, there, a search engine for classes. Wow, that's nici Really nitty. Yeah, I need to think a little bit about like, specific content to them, but I think when they see all the strategies that we're going to show, you'll get some idea. Great. Yeah, Their question was mostly about balancing the culture of what they're doing with the relevant media. I always love saying, showing behind the scenes and showing people that work in the company to humanize the brand. Andi, I think again teaching what it is that they do in a way that's creative, that adds value in the content. So even if they showed a picture of a sunset, they might be teaching something in the description. So I This is what I say when I speak onstage. Often I believe anybody in business with a pulse should be on instagram and that you can have a strategy because I've seen results for every single industry. So when you look at these two accounts, these are two of my six. This is what it looks like when you look at it on the web based application, not the mobile. I wanted it to be a little bit more pronounced here. So this is the instagram expert, and this is my sue. Be doo dot cape cod. So that's my store on the cape. So I want to tell you, when I first started the account, it was Soo BDO underscore Cape Cod. And then I saw Pumpkin and Sunshine's account, and I like the dot better. So I changed it because you can do that. I just thought that dot looked a little bit class here, and I liked it more than the dash. So know that you can change your user name from dot to dash. At least I was able to and the reason that it's there because my stores on the Cape Sue be doo was taken. The word Cape Cod has a lot of relevance, especially if you are in New England and you travel down to the cape in the islands. So anyone is looking for a retail destination on the Cape. My store comes up frequently, so I've learned I figure out how to attract my customer into that store. But I want to share something with all of you. This account used to be part of my personal brand, and this is an example of mean itching it out and taking it away from Soupy Zimmerman. I used to share all my sue be doo a content within my personal space, and it was just too awkward. It was me, my dog, my kids, my medication Super du, my customers, My products there was too much going on, and to Jonah's point, my customers didn't want to see that. So after this past summer, I created this account specifically for anyone who likes preppy nautical products, clothing, jewelry and accessories that I sell at my seaside store on Cape Cod. Okay, so this is a really cool way to think of Instagram. I am not a great writer. I will admit that, um and I like that you can essentially be microblogging on Instagram, and I know some bloggers that actually use it to drive traffic to their blawg. So it's telling the story in your post if you don't have time to write a block because it's important to have blog's on your website. But this is a good way to drive traffic to your website as well. So this is an example of an idea, you know, just there was a visual image that I could come up quickly for you all, which outside of my story hand drew this sign when we had grand opening this year, Memorial Day weekend. I hadn't had one made of my oh my goodness, I'm not telling people to follow me on Instagram as soon as they come into my store. So I created the sign and then I created the actions of what I wanted them to take in the description, which is what you can see here on the right. Andi gave them instructions to your point. Ask a question, tell them what to do. Make it easy. And so there's a way that you can say first, do this Dent. Then do that and then do this. So for me, it waas follow my account tag, Scooby Doo because I'm the only one pretty much using that hash tag frequently. And then I'm telling them to Geo tag, Scooby Doo, we're gonna get into geo tagging a little bit later. But I'm just going to say to you when you have a physical location, Geo tagging is a way to tell people where you are located in the post. Because when you physically click on a geo tag, it takes him in maps to your location, and my store is down. This really wind e road that often people say, Oh, my God took so long to get here it and how to get here like it's hard to find eso. Geo tagging makes it valuable, especially if you have a physical location. So this is just giving tips right within the post and teaching people how to do what I did. So I wanted you all to understand, I wrote. In my opinion, when your customers and fan post on your behalf, you're growing a targeted community. To me, this is Instagram's success. And then I had reposed someone reposted that Charmaine reposted that So that's why I put that there. She took what I did, and it was an example of teaching. And she shared that to her followers because she's relatively new on Instagram and she wanted to show her followers like some tips that I was teaching. So that's like the highest level. Remember, we talked about likes, and then we talked about comments. And then the Golden Crown is when you get re posts and people are sharing it so you know, bite side bite size value within each post is what I think in small businesses can handle. You know, it's it's writing on a block post that takes two hours is really challenging unless you have a team. So this is why I really love talking about Instagram as a microbe log, because then people start smiling. Okay, I can do that. Like the word blawg for a lot of people is just like, Wait, I have to do one more thing. But if you want to figure out how to use it within a zoo, a piece of your instagram content, it really works well as just small, digestible content and value that you're giving. And like I said, it's so much easier to create than on Instagram. So Shar style is a perfect example of someone who is a blogger and has an amazing INSTAGRAM account. She is all she's a fashion and style blogger, and she's amazing. She just hit 100,000 followers, or which is a views on her Blawg. But she uses Instagram to drive traffic to her blawg, and she shared with me that she knows exactly went to post because when she wants to hit the teenage market, she knows that it's before they go to school, and when they come home from school and when she wants to hit the mom, it's after drop off and after dinner. Right? So she has this down to a science of when to post on Instagram for her business. And I love what she told. You know, I e actually emailed her before coming on. It said, Share with me some of your tips. I see that not only do you have these amazingly beautiful photos of you as a fashion blogger, but I just saw, like, three with your nephew. How do you mix it up? She's like, I'm so authentic. I don't want to appear fake. If I'm not wearing makeup, that's cool. I'm hanging with my nephews. She doesn't want to be untouchable. She doesn't want to look perfect in every post. And that works really well for her. But she is certainly someone toe follow. She's not a model. But when you go to her feed your you're gonna think that she's a high paid fashion model because she is owning her space, doing what she loves as a fashion blogger. So these are all things that you can dio Um, right now, there's four things that you can do you can like for me. I told you earlier I managed to accounts and I am posting on the go. Do you not think I didn't on instagram post before I came here? Yeah. I mean, I was up at 4 30 cause I'm on East Coast time like I have to do an interim post because I'm just so excited. So this on the go business is really the way I roll. But if you need to sit down and plan it out, you can do that as well. Um, you know, I did in the time. I mean, I'm literally investing for me. It's 3 to 5 minutes. Do a good post for you guys. That might be more 10 to 15. But when you get the return of investment meaning the engagement and the likes and the comments, it's really time well spent. And, um, what's really cool too, is that you can bring and I won't talk about this a little bit later. But this is something I wanna kind of Segway into. You can bring your content back toe life after it's died down on instagram with your hashtag strategy, which I'm going to share. So when I say that, what I mean is, you're using hashtags to attract your ideal follower in your comments, your secondary comments and after about for me, it's, I know it's six hours because I look at my stats, it kind of dies down, and that's when I know I can share it over to Facebook or Twitter. But on certain posts, where I've gotten a lot of engagements, I will refresh my hashtag so you can delete them and refresh them. This is a little bit more advanced, and I want to make sure I'm talking to everyone That is already, you know, beginner, intermediate and expert level. So I'm going to go into this a little bit deeper. But I want you to know that if you're feeling like, gosh, that was such a good post and no one's commenting anymore, there's a way you can bring it back to life and this whole business of it being chronological and contained, I think it's just amazing again back to that scrapbook analogy where it's literally your digital scrapbook, and I never got into scrapbooking. I didn't have the time to do what I was teaching on stage at q B. C, but I totally appreciated the photos, and I love it when someone says to me, You have the picture from when you spoke a Victorian like, got it in mind scream feet, Let me find it. I could go on iconic Square and find it and then drop it in email and send it to somebody. Iconic Square is the Web based place where you can look at your instagrams. So I know just because I have it all in my scrapbook and my I'm calling it a scrapbook, I'm calling it a photo album because that's what it is for me as much as it is a great business tool. So think of it as you know, this appetizer. You sit down in the appetizer to this long term relationship. You know, you're just starting and then you're engaging and you're getting new followers and then they're coming in and they're commenting and they're liking what you're sharing. And I'm just thinking in my mind that I'm so excited cause one of the Google hangouts, the two girls coming on, have formed such a close business relationship with this appetizer concept. They didn't know each other, and they are like working together with contests and promotions that they're doing. I'm just thinking like, What's coming ahead for you guys to hear? This has been incredible learning so far. If your brain isn't buzzing with ideas and inspiration, then I don't know drinks more coffee. Stay tuned because I'm just thinking about all these different ways. Are you getting inspired to me? I'm getting inspired. I'm getting inspired reading the chat rooms. I mean, a lot of people here are at different stages in their experiences with Instagram's. We've had a lot of people kind of curious to know your opinion on there, where they're at with their Instagram accounts, and now might be a good time to take some of these questions. Sure, all right things. Question comes from Bird in a tree in the chat room. I don't know what that means, but I like that account name. Good accountant. That's a good one. Now they say that I'm an artist and I share my personal and my business on the same instagram account because I feel that people want to get to know the artist behind the work as well. And do you think that that's a good idea? Is that something we should keep doing? Or do you think it should be a separation between accounts? I think it's a great idea. It all depends on whether that artist has the time to manage to accounts again. One of the guests that we have coming on, Holly is an illustrator and an artist, and she had a personal account when he used her as an example and she sat at a workshop. I did, and I convinced her to start a featured account under so excited. Think about this because she has a featured account which has exploded because all she's showing is what she is an artist at doing. She is leaving her full time job to be doing this full time to be an illustrator full time, and she just told me that, and she's gonna be on later. So So it all depends on I, you know, is an artist. Holly shows. I don't even think she shows any pictures of her. She shows behind the scenes and her markers and her tools, but I don't see her, so there's no right or wrong here. It's what feels best for you and as an artist, I know it's time and time managing to accounts just might not be in the cards right now until you're making the money that you want to be making. But I know that Holly has taking the art out of her personal account, started a featured account and is now making a full time living doing what she loves.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

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I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

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I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

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