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Grow Your Brand with Ideal Followers

Lesson 25 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

Grow Your Brand with Ideal Followers

Lesson 25 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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25. Grow Your Brand with Ideal Followers

Lesson Info

Grow Your Brand with Ideal Followers

I feel like we need to just go back and review the back end a little bit. So I'm going to get on my phone and show you that earlier I showed you how to share once a photo was uploaded. But now I want to show you how to set up that share activity, which is in the crank button on the top, right gear, the blue gear. So when you tap that this these air options in the back end of instagram and again this is in the bonus. We tell you what every one of these buttons do. But right now I'm gonna take you right down to preferences because that's where the share buttons are. So when you click that you can see all the different places that you can share. Teoh and we talked about Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flicker and four Square. But right now I just want to hold still at Facebook because that's the one that we talked about earlier. And I feel like that's the one where you guys will get the most value by going over. So when you click that it takes you, If the default is usually your time mine, So...

if you have a personal account, it defaults and shares there. But if you have a business account, especially if you have multiple business accounts, these air, not all my accounts. I do manage some of these accounts and men on some of these accounts as well, so you can change where you share, too. So I often share to my soupy due account. If that's the content I want to share, too. So it just whenever it's blue, that's where you share to. Now what you need to remember is that it defaults back to the last place that you shared Teoh. So any time you decide to share a photo, you need to make sure that you go back into that gear and change the setting. If you want it to go to a different page again, you scroll down, you go to shared settings and you choose where you want to share it to and it remember it was on super do last time. So if I wanted that to go to my timeline, you simply click it there now to get the accounts live. All you need to do is click on it and it will link to Facebook. You'll just have to authorize. It will automatically say, Are you authorizing this third party app to share over to instagram to Facebook and you authorize it and it will do that. I just want to get a little more clarification on that because I think it's really important you all to know that the gear up here is where those back buttons are. Okay. What? Um, you guys are looking at me like you have your little anybody have any questions that? Yes, a few. So let's get a little bit more clarification. How? When I get it, I only get my timeline is the default. I don't have my my fan page on Facebook, and there's no way to enter it. Here is that is the order from Facebook That I have to do is yours. Do you do have a fan page? Yes. Yes. So you got to Lincoln and it's on the endured. Yeah. Yeah. So I might have to go back to Facebook to do it. Yes. Okay. Great. Thanks. There is ah prompt that you don't see after you already do this, right? That's why it was hard for me to really to show that I want Yeah, It says Facebook would like to manage your pages and you give it the permission to do that right? Then it'll populate all of the pages that you do manage because you manage so many. Yeah, that's what yours. Look, I got the list too. You got the big list. Okay, so you see that every time you do it, you have to authorize eso. Thank you. You don't know that. I didn't know that. Okay, no. So as a manager, how? Oh, so now you know how you can share from Instagram to your clients? Yeah, that's remember I didn't have any clients on Instagram. Yes. So that's a huge take away for you because now you can manage it in share. That's worth the price of admission. Right there. There you go. I just wanted to add that you can also share Teoh to Facebook pages. So I go back, I share it, and then I go back and share it to different ones. So sometimes I wanted her to my timeline and then my business page, So yes, so you can go back and share to multiple pages? Absolutely. Or my strategy typically is to share to my business page and then share the post from my business page to my Facebook page because that helps with Seo in Facebook. They like to see likes comments and shares from post. So if you're trying to get more exposure on Facebook, I suggest sharing to your business page. If it makes sense for the post that you're sharing and then share from that post over to your personal page and not to your personal page to your business page because you're trying to really get some activity and engagement on your business page. Okay, if you have, um, and maybe I missed this before, but what? I've got multiple accounts in Instagram and I want to share to my Facebook page toddling between the two or three accounts and instagram. Is there an easy way to go between those account schedule Graham just scheduled? Yeah, I highly recommend it. Okay, yes, and that's how we manage its You know, I shouldn't say it's easy to manage to accounts because it's time, but it's I would if you're gonna have more than two accounts, I would get a management tool like schedule Graham going So does allow me toe see both accounts at the same time. On is what allow you. Um, schedule Graham, you get Teoh, schedule your post at any time you want and upload it to whatever account so you can schedule it to multiple accounts. You could manage five accounts, 20 accounts. What I'm also curious about is that if I've got a couple of, you know, two or three accounts on instagram and I want to instead of logging out every time I want to log back into another account, is there an easier way to do that? This is it. Scheduled room. OK, but without scheduling posts, I just so I can go into each one. You're gonna either have to toggle on and off in your log in on your phone, or you're gonna have to use a schedule for him to do it. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Okay, great. Okay. All right. So now I want to go back to the presentation, and today we are gonna broke this session. I should say today, focus on so much we're gonna talk about using hashtags and how to attract and find your ideal client doing that and as we mentioned earlier and a lot of you have confirmed this, that when you start you using Hashtags, your engagement goes up. And I didn't know that when I was first on Instagram. I was just posting pictures, things, things about the orange nail polishes I mentioned and in sharing it. And then when I discovered the magic of hashtags and what that can really do, especially when you get super hyper focused with your content, it really, really helps with your with three engagement in the people that you're attracting. And one of the bonuses in the course is our hashtag handbook, which has over 30 care categories that we've created for you with with over 30 at least 30 hashtags per category, so that you have a starting point if you're not sure on what Chasse checks to use, so that all comes with the course, which is great. So it's better to use specific hashtags that target your ideal customer. So for me, those those specific hashtags would be social media, social media, online business I often use spc instigate alive. I use instagram gal tips and instagram expert. So you have broad categories, and then you have niche categories. So specific one specific ones for me or more, the more niche ones that I've come up with that or custom that we've talked about creating and we went back and forth with. And if anyone in the live audience has, ah custom hashtag, I would love to hear what some of those are as well, because I came up with this acronym called Clean Up for All You Beginners that just don't know even where to start with your hashtags strategy and clean. When you use clean up, you get more peeps. That's my saying. And what each one of these, um character stands for is C is four categories and weaken banter back and forth about specific categories. But here, what I want to say is jewelry designer, photographer, real estate agent travel agent. You know what is the category that you place yourself in, and within that category you can come up with more hashtags, and the idea is to really start high in your category and niche down, right? So another strategy is the location. So for someone like me or anyone that has a brick and mortar or conducts business out of a location. You want to use that location? Hashtag So my store is on Cape Cod, but it's in the town of Mash Be, which is in the community called New Seabury, which is in the marketplace called Pump Enough It Out. Big words to spell. And so every time I post for Sue be doo, I am literally using those four hash tags, along with what I'm posting as the product so the product might be necklace anchor, nautical preppy. These are all hashtags that we use in every post. We use the hash tag Scooby Doo, but the locations are for people that are literally searching those locations and finding things to do within the location or to look at visual content within those locations. So location hashtags are really worth doing specifically if you have an establishment like a brick and mortar store, a restaurant, or even if you're a real estate agent and another one that we talked about earlier is to really come up with the events that you attend. So here we are a creative life, so hashtag creative live. It's a really good one for us to be using any conferences that you go to typically. Now they have their own custom hash tag. We came up with one here instead. Gal, I've but more. Or if you're a sports fan, most likely you're You can follow hashtag on instagram and see the visual content being curated. Or you can follow the conversation over on Twitter. So there's a lot of different events that you know you could be using a hashtag for within your business. And Nicole, I think you talked about earlier. Sometimes you go to events and you see the hashtag, and it really helps you engage in the conversation. Yeah, especially. I know. When we went to social media Marketing world, I was actually able to connect with another young lady for Michigan State prior to getting to the event. And I use it a lot to connect with people. I meet them online and like you say, take those online relationships offline. So we use the hashtag strategy. You know, Teoh let each other know where we are. Absolutely. And to that point you can follow Hashtags before, during and after the event. So if you weren't able to attend the event you can actually search it on instagram and look at that content at any time. You don't have to be there to be a part of the conversation and that conversation. That community stays there and you can jump in and be a part of it later. And what I like to say about events is that those air people that are there they're there, people that are attending for the same reasons that you reasons you are. So you know, it's like a like minded personality and someone that's in the same space as you. They're going to that conference. They're interested in the same thing. So most likely they're people that you want to bring in to your community and often to Nicole's point. I connect with people specifically that a using that hashtag before I go to the event. I look at who all the speakers are when I'm going, and I see if they have an INSTAGRAM presence on INSTAGRAM account and I connect with them on Instagram before, just like I connect with them on Twitter before and then when I meet them in person, it makes that conversation that Mets more engaging, inauthentic and I lend you. You've experienced that, right? Oh, yeah, all the time. I mean, talk about building community again before, during and after a lot of times. Business is forget about the after and they miss opportunities that are just right there in front of them. In fact, just a little tip tomorrow. Does everybody know what? Starting tomorrow in Brazil, Hashtag World Cup. So it's gonna be a huge one to watch. Yeah, good point. Yes. So I find that for myself. If I can't attend a conference, I will watch on Instagram to see it curate. And what's so cool about this again, is we started? I think it 200 posts and we're up to over 800 to 1000 from Yes. So if you look at the hash tag, it's to get alive. There are a lot of people that you can connect Teoh and build your community from, and the last one is products. So obviously I talked, You know, anyone in the product product based business, you can really start with the category and then really niche down with the product. Um, you know, even to the point of what? Like if you're cooking something. You can talk about the ingredients. I know that in the health industry, big words like vegan and vegetarian and foodie porn food they're all in their organic. Yeah, they're all in there. And you can just start connecting to the category within the category. If that makes sense, like to niche it down and really connect with what your ideal customer would be if they were following that same hashtag. And I mentioned this earlier. There is an online a cool site called tag board where you can create boards from your custom hashtags, and that's all discussed and detailed in the paid bonuses. But that is a resource for you. Emotions way had some questions. I didn't mean to miss the emotions. I'm sorry. Well, can anyone guess? With number one hashtag on Instagram is over and out. I feel it in love. Yes, love. So I mean, people use it frequently, but the truth is, it moved so quickly in your feed that by the time someone clicks on it, most likely you're not gonna see your post. So I say come up with some other emotions that you're failing and put him in there especially if it resonates like when you're jumping off a rock, you know and you have joy. The emotions aren't ones. The emotions are ones that move very, very quickly of all of them. But they're good ones to practice with so that you can click in and see from the hyperlink where it's taking you and see what kind of content other people are sharing with those same emotions to see if you wanna align with them. Okay, so those of the five really easy to remember sleep categories, locations, emotions, events and products and those of the five that I thought were the best to start with. And as you get more proficient in Instagram, you can really niche down and hone in on your target market. So we talked about this earlier, and I learned this the hard way. When I was first on Instagram, I was putting all the 30 hashtag in the description without words. Just you know, that looks spammy and that's what people say. Really, there's so many hashtag so we really use 30 hashtag. I was told that use the hashtags that's gonna attract your ideal followers, and I did, and it happened, but it wasn't. They weren't always my ideal followers. It was just meet me using hashtags and seeing what was working, and it took me some time to tweak it. And it took some learning to really understand from others. Because I'm learning something new every day, just like you are, that when you put the hash tags in the secondary description, then you can refresh them. You can bring them back to life. You can bring those post back to life. So I know that some of my posts where I got high engagement on months ago, if I refresh Hashtags immediately, I have someone liking and commenting on a post from a long time ago. It takes time. It takes more. It make takes more timeto think about what those hashtags might be. But part of my strategy is creating categories for myself in notes, so that I can easily copy and paste those hashtags directly into the secondary comments without having to think about them over and over again. So I probably have about 20 different notes of hashtag categories based on the types of posts that I'm making, so that saves a ton of time and you can easily tweak it in notes. And it also saves those fast fingers that especially on our smartphones that have typos when we let me type too fast. And you saw earlier that you could just, like, go in there and copy and paste and not worry about the typos Can you copy and paste? Never. No, no for you using it for Instagram. I don't I don't use Evernote on my phone. I only used it on the desktop, so I dont toggle in safe is a coffee and paste. But I think there's a clip a web clipper, Some just thinking about those android phones, huh? Yeah, people were you asking? Can you copy from ever know into instrument? Yes, I do it all the time. Great. Is that what your strategy is? Nicole is that instead of using notes you haven't never note in the new copy and paste it into the secondary comment. Yeah, mostly because sometimes when I'm thinking about things, I'm on my desktop. So if I pop it into Evernote, I know that it's also gonna be on the phone. Great love that efficiencies save time. Small business owner. Right there Would you ever delete the original like hashtag cloud when you're refreshing it or go back later and get rid of it? So you so in order to refresh it, most likely you need to delete what you've done because you're gonna because you can't have more than 30 hashtags in a post, so you would go to lead them. And by the time if you're gonna go back to an old post, those hashtags have already kind of passed through and lived. It's life so refreshing. I call it if this is my verb egx, I call it refreshing it and bring it back to life because I feel like that's what is actually happening. And I've seen it happen. Okay, so we created by the five categories here for creativelive. These are some of the most popular ones that you guys congrats, thes your categories. We thought it be nice to just tease you with a few that are in there also in the handbook that you can download when you sign up. But this is if you're photographer or in the photo space. This if you're in the music, space, music therapy, music, lover, music flow and we went in and we actually research this for you to get the top ones. If you're a designer Fashion designer Design attack Design A life jewelry O. D T is outfit of the day. That's a big hashtag on instagram interior designer design, attack and for all you crafters out there. And I know there's a lot of you have been seeing all your greatness online we have d I Y Do It yourself Crafty decor Crafter, Noon Craft Day crafters and the last category is business. We have entrepreneurs businessman, businesswoman, business opportunities, business as usual daily grind into the job. I love my job. Do you?

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

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I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

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I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

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