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Geotagging & Consumer Info with Q&A

Lesson 29 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

Geotagging & Consumer Info with Q&A

Lesson 29 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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29. Geotagging & Consumer Info with Q&A

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Geotagging & Consumer Info with Q&A

OPEC. We have a couple of questions of sure appropriate. Yes, Yes. Great. Yeah. We actually had one that just came up on Geo tagging this from char scenes in the chat room. They say how my geo tagging be effective for folks who don't yet have a brick and mortar store like an actual physical location. Can you, geo tag in other ways? Sure. Eso So, actually, you know, let me think about that. I think the best way. So So whenever you have, if you're selling a product and you know, let's just say you're but you sell baked goods, but you don't have a physical retail presence yet. Um, but you have you sell to people who do you know, maybe you're re selling products to bakeries and other stuff. Um, a good example of this. This this actually is a good segue into, ah, one of our brand clients. Quick bar. We'll get to that. So quick bar is a protein bar. They don't have a real retail presence, actually use our product. And it's a way for them to look at ah, different locations. That may may be a ...

good fit to carry the brand or the product and stuff like that. So, you know, even if you as a business don't have a retail presence, most likely you're doing business with other businesses that have retail presence. Who may want to do business with you, who may want to carry your product so you want to learn about them. You want to see. Make sure that if it's a good fit for your product or if there's an opportunity so just kind of being ableto be aware of the geo tags and essentially location, uh, media location based media makes you more aware and see. Can I get some insight on whether hey, is this Is this an opportunity that can I learn more about this retail presence that might be a potential distributor customer do business together? That hopeful. Yeah, I know. That sounds great. Thank you. Um, we Maryland two has another question about geo tagging. Can you only geo tag when you take a photo and post? Or can you geo tag later with a post that you plan to post later or on a photo that you previously posted? Yeah. Unfortunately, you know, Instagram is all about in the moment So you kind of have Teoh. You can't really go back and edit the photo after the fact, which really messes with the Hey, I gotta posted a certain time to optimize my likes. You know, you can't really go back in Geo tag it. That that's a drawback. Um, with Facebook, you can, but no. With Instagram has, unfortunately, you can't. Okay, Thank you. Yeah. So this is just basically showcasing my point of Hey, I'm looking at, you know So, Sam, I'm a flower shop and I'm looking at photos nearby, and somebody took a photo of the, you know, Rose Garden. And I can see that through the geo tags. I click there. Hey, guess what? All these people are interested in flowers, and I'm a flower shop and we're nearby. What's going on here? I see an opportunity. Um, so you can kind of use this product now to kind of engage with potential customers that you I think it would be a good fit. That's just one example. Um, yeah, and that basically kind of brings me back to the point of your You're basically creating more opportunities with geo tags. Hash tags are great. opportunities as well. I'm not discounting that. You know, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be worried about hashtags it all. But you should also be aware of Geo tags I'm in if the idea refurbish furniture, but I do it in my home. But I do sell it to our do it for our local shop, but it's not really close to me. Is there a way to geo tag without necessarily being my home? Yes, yes, that I struggle with that. I purposely do not geo tag anything taken at home just because I want to at least keep my some sense of privacy. Um, you know, you can basically, you can create any with geo tags. You know, you don't have to tag that exact location somewhere nearby, so you can kind of just pick a location. You can create a new location that is, just call it your business somewhere. Um, you know, and it's just separate from your home. I was just wondering if there's a way for us to search different locations or is it just strictly, like what's nearby? Can research like can I search New York? And I searched L. A or Is it just what's around me? Yeah. So, um, it's complicated with, with our product, the free version. We don't allow that. It's definitely some of some of the stuff that, you know we charge for for enterprises. So because they have lots of needs, they want to be able to search. They want to be able to search for the competitors and all that stuff on, and we build tools for That s a long, long answer to short answers. A long, complicated question is yes, it's it's possible. We just charge for it. Yeah. Yes. Can you just geo tag a city and not a specific location? You can. You can. People have done that, and it's It's definitely interesting, because it's not. It's just way too broad. Um, you know people because you can't with that. Typically, people will just hash tag the city. Um, yeah, you can, but I just don't I don't see it as a Zaveri. Valuable stewed. Broke two broad. Yep. So here's, you know, another example. Real world example where somebody tweeted, uh, well posted a photo of a tweet of where they could get their IPhone fix and actually locally. Um near my office. There's a computer store that could do that. So if they're using a product, they could respond to this person and say, Hey, we could do it, Yeah, unique promotions. So one of things, if you're doing stuff, you know, people are doing a lot of hashtag contests, and it's great, but you're going to get engagement from all over who were not necessarily relevant to the area. You know you're going to get customers you know, just likes and followers and hash taggers from, you know, from the other side of the world, potentially. But if you're doing kind of like you asking people to geo tag, you can't just geo tag from their home or, you know, across the world they actually have to be at least near you. So, as a retail small retail presence, I think Geo tag based contest may have some more merit. No, and really, it's all about, you know, getting the foot traffic, uh, getting, you know, getting people in the door for a retail presence. And so I think there's definitely merits to looking at the Geo tags. And then okay, so now this kind of takes Segways into. So now you have all this stuff. Um, we're going to talk a little bit about kind of the analytics, um, taking, uh, looking at the location data to the next level. Um, with the free tool right now, You know, you can kind of look at the data. You can look at the feet of people taking photos at your location. You kind of have to check that every day and what's going on. And for a small retail presence, you're not gonna get a lot of content anyways, um, unless you really popular. And if you dio, then it starts to become can unmanageable. And we have tools for that. So we have an analytics product. Unfortunately, it's not a free version. We can't um yeah, just for us. We just have to charge for it because we can't make it free, can afford to make it free. But what's really cool is now you can kind of get aggregate data of, like, location based analytics. Still like no brands like Phil's coffee and other retail brands that use us. We're gonna like whole foods can get analytics of photo consumer generated photos at the retail stores So, for example, what are some kind of example? Stuff that we show? Ah, here's some some sample data here. We're showing for a certain period. We track a few several locations. It's generated a total of 415 photos, five videos. This is the engagement. How many likes how many comments? How many people posted those comments Very similar to other competing products, but also focusing on location based stuff. Peak hour, peak day. How many photos per day? Kind of. What are the tags your consumers use? Uh, who do they talk to? Talk about, all that sort of stuff. So how how house can this benefit you? Um, well, for for I would you know, I am not very. I don't want to be sound sale. See, And this is not a good fit for any business. I think it is for our paid product. It's a certain type of business when basically, when when your data gets unmanageable, I think you want to use some tool that will help you kind of understand that data. You know, when you look at, you know, brands pay for tools like, you know, if your your Nike and looking at the hashtag Nike. It's like at least one every second. People are hash tagging Nike. You can't have a person sit there and just look at every photo and try to make sense of it. It just doesn't make sense anymore. But as a case study, so so then you know those types of companies start to look at tools that can help them understand the data. Um, so here's an example of Clif Bar. They look at, you know, they use our tool. They analyze content, use it user generated content. They see Oh, what's what's going on with people posting their photos taken CEO that hashtags these air You know, the throwback Thursday TBT. You know, running volcanoes, no filter gluten free. And with that they can. They can drill down into any of these data sets and look at the actual photos that are tagged that. So it's It's pretty neat, you know, like like similar tools. We can show them the engagement by time. So you want to know when I went to post, you kind of have an idea of Oh, this, You know, at four o'clock we get a lot of likes you know, that's that's like our engagement. It kind of slowly goes up, and then it kind of just tapers down. So, like, this kind of like morning after two afternoon, this brand, that's when the engagement goes up when they post up. So that's where their consumers air on. So you got it. They should, if they're true, distinct the sinking, thinking about kind of getting more engagement out of the content. That's kind of that. That's the window. Same thing with days. And then we also kind of summarize the data. And, like, here are your top photos of the week. Um, here's your top photos ever. However, you want to slice and dice it top, you know, based on likes based on comments. So you know the photos that has the most comment. Engagement isn't necessarily the one with the most likes. As you can see here. This one has 1700 likes but 38 comments, but this one had 262 comments. Very interesting. So, you know, if they're looking to create engagement terms of comments, um, you know, these are the types of content they should be producing, or if they're looking to create engagement terms of likes. Maybe kind of This is the kind of like the scenic stuff is the type of content they should be producing. So we kind of give them the data, and then they can kind of synthesize it and make a decision. You know, like a business decision. Our strategic decision. No, we want more comments. We want more likes. But looking at this data, they can make informed decision Oh, a value add that's not seen in a lot of other products. And that's because with Instagram So we provide demographic and analytics. Um, if you are on instagram and you signed up, you never had to. Unlike Facebook, you never had to say, Hey, I male female born at you know, this time and that time. And you know, my racial profile. I don't have to disclose any of that, um, with instagram. But unlike Facebook, the Facebook has all that data. Instagram doesn't have all that data, but we are able to kind of derive that data based on your instagram feed. And that's that's ah value Add that, you know, for our brand customers they really value. Um, yeah, and that's really pretty much it with in terms of analytics. And we also have some other fun products we have. Ah, what's called the cool photo wall photo wall? This is another one of our products. Um, it's just photo waldack spectacular dot Co. And essentially, it's a live instagram. Well, uh, it can work with Hashtags Geo tags. Brands have used it for events and, you know, whenever you have an event and you had, like, you know, maybe a photo wall photo booth and people take it and have it hashtag it within like and I know 15 seconds, it'll pop up on this wall if you have it on the big screen display. That's the product. And it's it's great for festival concerts, conferences and events. With that, they Yeah, actually, I think you won t. Oh, yeah. So I wanted to keep it here for a couple of questions that I had just comments. I wanted to kind of reiterate what we talked about today. We talked a lot about a hashtag strategy and I really like that you talked about people. Kind of. Would you call it hijack crash tagging crash check. I never heard of that I really like that. I think that's worth tweeting because I discussed this earlier with my personal hashtag Scooby Doo, where I was actually impressed that someone locally on the Cape used my hashtag Scooby Doo to get more followers. And I complimented them because it aligned with my brand. It wasn't like it was a sneaker company in another state using my hashtag So OPEC's point. Nike, I think, is the number one hashtag being other than love the world around the world. So people are using it in hoping to get more views. But you don't want to be that spammer. You don't want to be that person person that's not authentic. That's not honest. And it's really important that when you have your hashtag strategy that we talked about earlier today that it aligns with your brand. The other thing, the two of the things that I was so glad that you presented it, was the Pinterest to be able. Teoh. You know Pinterest is such a dynamic platform for a lot of creative on. I'm sure most of you are on there because of the back link and the fact that you can go in and not get lost and taken down the Pinterest tool and spent two hours there. But just stay on his website in Just Pin Your Instagram someone's. I want to say this out loud that are worthy of pinning because Pinterest has very high standards, very gallery esque visual images and you want don't want to paint pinning random photos of people. It's more product based or visual like nature. So I love that that feature is also there. And then, lastly, this whole geo tagging that you spent so much time explaining in the details which I love because I touched on that earlier today. We talked about it, that idea take for my store, Sue be doo, And I do love that when I click that hyperlink. Not on Lee. Do I see all the photos that I've taken? But I see all the photos that my customers have uploaded using that same geo tag. So for any of you that have a brick and mortar, a physical location, it's important to tell your customers to use the geo tag when they're actually Instagramming. And I think the best way to do that is by having it on you know, printed brochure in your store or to make your own sign to really encourage people to use the geo tag when they're in your location. I see this done a lot for restaurants where they actually pick a winner on, and they feature the so whoever's taking pictures of their food. They feature that person once a month on the back of the teepee with their instagram handle, and on the front it says what you need to do toe win to be a part of their promotion. So they're encouraging people to take pictures while they're in their establishment, and then they're giving them a shout out, meaning they're on the back of the teepee, and it's their instagram handle. And of course, that person's gonna get a ton of new followers. Um, so I really like that. And then the geo tagging strategically where you, um, can't just kind of fake it. You have to be in the vicinity to do it on Ben. What? You talked about where you can create your own. Did you call it custom Geo tag? Custom location, location. So if you don't want a post from your house if you're an artist you absolutely want toe move in another location if you're gonna upload an instagram photo so it doesn't go to destinations you recommend right or picking a public location or something like that, Yes. So for me, like when im walking my dog in the woods, it says, Well, flee the town of wealthy that that would work. And and then the other thing that that I like that you talked about so much was for the artisans like Holly that actually deliver what they create toe another physical low, take location and using that as their geo tag and piggybacking on their marketing efforts and letting people know that you are associated with that establishment for your business is like Kudos to you that you actually create art and sell it somewhere. And in your post, you can literally say this is a place where I sell what I create and you could celebrate that every time. And you will become part of their visual story in their geo tags and back to that user generated content. So there was a lot that a lot of value that gave us here today, and I even like hearing it over again for me was good. Even though I touched on geo tags, Jill talked about it a little bit as a real estate agent, but a Z, a small business owner. There's all these great strategies that you can use to geo tag. And so I suggest that people really start doing that on Instagram. He's one of thank you for this. Great. Now we still have more learning to come. I can't believe that this is so instagram packed. My mind is melting. Thought that the ice cream we saw that maybe was nothing. I e turn an ice cream sundae. We could make that happen for you, I'm sure. Okay, so we're gonna do a recap of Day three. And it was packed. We had two amazing guests. It's like this is what? I don't know what day was my favorite. They were all great but video boy, You know, I know a lot of you are not using video. You haven't even started using video today. We just learned so much about the value of video, Andi, and how it can really explode your business. Ben gave a great demonstration today that I even learned more from how to use video hands. And we talked about Flipper Graham. We talked about the stop and go right there in the app that everyone is capable of doing without having to open up 1/3 party app if you want to do that. Then we talked about sharing your instagrams to multiple accounts to multiple platforms and to not feel like you have to share it out all the time and that you shouldn't be sharing the same instagram picture everywhere and to share what's comfortable with you. I showed you the back end on where to. You know how Teoh match it upto share it out. You go into the back end of the gear and you find out which Facebook Post page. You want to share it too. So just be really aware of that as you're sharing out to Facebook and you don't want to do it frequently we talked about sharing out to Twitter and for those of you that have a presence on Tumblr on four square, you can also share it out there and embrace your super fans. Like if I could hug all of you, I totally would. I am just like so excited about how many fans have come our way into this wonderful community that creative life has created for us through the hashtag insta gal. I've and I just feel so honored to be standing here and sharing all this with you. And then, you know, this is this is so important because we had so much going on in three days. Um, Justin, my producers like this. I've never I've never had this many guests, meaning just money. Google hangouts is a lot of information. I'm like I can handle it, I promise you and I wanted them to come on because I know that each and every one of them would add so much value to the course as a whole. And they really did. And so you need to decide what is right for you, because there was a lot here, and I don't want you to feel like you have to do all of it. In fact, I think you should really commit to doing something. Writing it down, celebrating that success and moving on and not feeling like everything that was being taught for the past three days is what you need to do now you need to do what's right for you. And baby steps are totally fine. One small success could just be that perfect new follower that became your client and you started making some money from them. So just remember like there's a lot here and baby steps. So now when I talk about the course summary, let me hard for May. There was a lot. You know, we started out with visual storytelling in the art of visual storytelling on Instagram and how compelling that can be and how your stories can be told from third party APS, just from the photos from the filters from videos. You tell the story the way you want to tell the story, and your story is going to be different than every other person's stories. And that's what the beautiful thing about his room is. I mean, you've all told me it's the happy place to bay, and I want you all to be doing the happy dance on instagram. Um, keeping your content hyper focused. We talked about that featured account is where the best place to be hyper focused and for those of you that just don't have the time to manage a featured account, and you want to keep it in your personal account. I suggest you go in there and maybe clean it up a little bit. If there's a lot of pictures of the Babys, are the cats of the dogs or the pancakes? You know, just just clean it up and make it more focused on what it is that you do for a living and what your industry is. And you can grab people's attention with that bio with 150 characters. Make sure you use that length of one euro and to have a perfect avatar photo because everyone sees it every time you comments, including in the direct message, as you saw today and you want to use all the strategies that we talked about to make your brand stand up, we talked about and, you know, posting pictures of your clients or your customer behind the scenes thought leaders books that you read. There are so many strategies that you can implement for you, and I want toe always. I remind you that what is gonna work for you for someone else might not necessarily work for you. you really want to figure out what strategies are best for you and maximizing your reached sharing out to other platforms. And that's what we talked about today. And I think because you can do that on any post you want to, you can really, really grow your instagram following. I mean, I, um I think my combined followers across multiple platforms is over 10,000 people, which is pretty amazing. And that did not happen overnight that, you know, that took me two years. I committed to the platform. My secret to the growth I know has been the engagement that I give. And, um, you know, if I had to pick one thing, it would be engagement to the community and that the been what the community has given back in their in their content to me so that I know what I can keep giving to the community to help the community at large. And if you have that overall mentality as you approach this and from a place of giving and not getting or not selling, I can guarantee that you'll have so much success on Instagram. So remember, you want to make sure you grab your user name or user names now that you're gonna have a couple of different ones. A lot of you told me that you're opening up featured account. Some of you even message me that you have to. Now you want to really define that your niche. Like what is it that you do that is so different? And how anyone else does it in your industry and become a leader in your industry on Do you want a post hashtag? It's amazing contents because content, Because when you dio, people will find you and follow you and big part of your tribe become part of your community. Your super fan. And I can't just reiterate this any you know I want I want to hit home with the engagement. It really is that engagement that's going to make you a success. And so I'm gonna all I'm gonna give you all the badge of being an insta grad because this is it. This is the insta grad, and I just wanna leave you with a wholehearted Thank you. This'd me inside the Chinese food box. That affair I barely could fit in. But I did it just because I had to get instagram picture of this amazing full size Chinese payback

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

fbuser 4fa60dca

I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

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I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

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