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Real-Life Instagram® Successes

Lesson 7 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

Real-Life Instagram® Successes

Lesson 7 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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7. Real-Life Instagram® Successes

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Real-Life Instagram® Successes

So this is exciting because you're my only Google hang out guests. It's actually here. So I didn't get off my shoes, which is good. Hey, so so Joyce Local. So she was able to join us, which is awesome. I met Joy Online The instagram. I think you said you did a webinar going somewhere somewhere line OK and definitely met socially. We met socially, and now we're taking that online relationship offline. She's like, I want to be a part of your creative luscious. That was really great. And joy is a fitness expert goo with, like, inspirational post every time. And she does a lot of selfies and a lot of pitches of her. And so that works for her. And it might not work for you. We can We're gonna talk about that and a little while, but but I want to also introduce Leanne. Hi, I So Lian and I met at a conference in person. I had a vendor take I was speaking and I had a vendor table for Sue be doo and Liam might want to tell the story. Leanne walked up to my table and, like, Okay, you're so not f...

rom Florida because everything you're selling is nautical and really cool. And I need a phone charger. I'm gonna buy that and inlay and bought a hashtag sign. She bought a bunch of my products and then I discovered that she's a social media expert and has her own consulting firm, and we have collaborated a lot. We worked together on a lot of our clients, and it's all because she came to this conference where I was speaking rightly. And do you have anything to add to that? Right now? I saw you and I felt your energy at the table right away. Wanted to get to know you. And I don't know if you remember about on when we when we went back home. I think that Monday night a day later I called you like at 9 30 at night, said, I'm ready to do whatever you're doing. Yeah, so that's so funny. I don't remember the call, but I, like I said, I make myself available was 30 at night. We sleep, we spoke. And so what's so great about these two is that they have their own brands and they're very consistent with how they're posting, and they're both making money within their businesses. So Joy again is a fitness expert on glee and has a staff. And she just grew and into a new office, which is super exciting. And Leanne manages a lot of accounts. She does Google plus LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, of course. Now Instagram. And as I said, we collaborate on a lot of accounts. So I think I'm gonna direct questions to both of you. And this is let me start with Leanne. But I want I want to buy people to know that you have both a personal and featured accounts. I want to talk about what made you decide to have a featured account. Because a lot of people here in the audience and maybe on the World Wide Web as well, are trying to figure out, should they have that featured account? Right. So when I first met you, I only had a personal account, and it was really important here. What one of the big takeaways I took from you Is this kind of separate that because what I didn't want to do with my business was so pictures of my kids and my dogs and the food that I was eating. But so what I wanted to do was share the valuable information that I have to share a great content for social media and attract people to my brand. So I decided to create a featured account so that I get separated to essentially and do business, business, business and personal personal. Sometimes it's like crossover, but usually just is this for business And you're you talk about your featured accountant, how you branded that within the within lime. Hello, Limelight or limelight? Your our company is limelight marketing consultant. So everything we do is green. And so we decided that when we post our content, everything is green that way people know that when there searching in their instagram feed, they see they see our stuff and they know it, they automatically know it. And we always had 1/2 again. We always create. I'm going to give a little shout out to my friends over Camba ways everything in campus because we absolutely love it. It is super easy design app on DNO. They're not paying me to do this design at to create images on social media. That's great. You know, You're also lucky because the follow button is green. So your whole branding totally shines right there. So, joy, how about you? Are you you're You recently started a feature to come, but let's focus on your personal account and how you got started with Instagram and, well, I love social media. I worked at Apple Computer for 11 years, as you know, signing little geek at heart. I still bleed six colors as we say on and I just love technology And I was kind of drawn to how easy Instagram is to use and the fact that you can be so visual on it. And people love to see transformations in our fitness world. So it was really super easy for me to relate to my target audience. And I relate to women, you know, anywhere from their thirties, all the way up to fifties and beyond. So, um yeah, they really want to see that you are a real person, and so I kind of live on my personal page a lot. As you know, I life cast there because I'm not just about fitness. I'm about faith. Inspiration is really big to me. I'm a Christian woman. So I like people to see the whole picture of joy that I have two teen boys. You know that we're busy family. So they get the fact that, OK, she's a real person. She's not like those fitness like that's all she eats lives in breezes because that's not that's not reality, right? Right. That's awesome. So you run a lot of contests and the audience was was asking about contests. And yours is so different than how I talked about product come contest. You do service based contest and you do a lot of great giveaways, and you actually also send things in the mail that I got, which was amazing. So why don't you talk about your contest and how you use that to grow your following and and actually get them over toe, buy what you're selling. Okay, so I love giveaways. I'm a sucker for contest. So I just tried to figure out a way to get people excited about following me. And so I do like a sweaty selfie contest. You know, posters, sweaty picture. I don't care if you are walking your dog. It doesn't matter if you're using a program that I endorse or not, it really doesn't matter. I just want to want to see you out and about getting fit. So that was a really big one where I just posted a bunch I used. I used video enhanced, which is an awesome video program, that we will be talking about this a few days here. Anyways, I just did a like a little collage and myself, working out many different ways and days and put together a little short 15 2nd video and used words swag to put fit, sweaty selfie contest. And then I ran it for just a week. It's really important that when you run contest, you have a very short but creative time to run it. You don't want it to drag on, and then you want to re promote that contest during the week. You want to just remind them that hey, don't forget, it's still on. Tag me with your fit, sweaty selfie conscious. One day I did one week, I did get your socks on because I loved where knee high socks when I work out, where the brighter the better for me way, lovey told bright colors. And so all week people were posting themselves in their work out socks or whatever walking their dog and they're cute box. So that was another idea, and those seem to go over really well. It just brings the energy level up on your page, and it's bright and cheerful and colorful. I live by saying about It's not all about fitness. Like I know who you are from looking at your feet. I and I felt connected to you before we really got to know each other. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Leanne. Let's hear. Let's hear about some of your successes that you've experienced from your featured INSTAGRAM account, how you used and what you've seen happen within your business because you manage social media and for so many different clients. Right, So one of the things about me is a little bit different because I offer social media. So it's a great platform for me to send clients for potential clients to so that they can see what successes we have. And, um, once we started doing one or two instagram accounts, we now do many instagram account. So it's one of those things that we can add to our services that we don't just do the regular Facebook and Twitter and the beautiful thing about convincing somebody to do Instagram is all of the big brands are on it, and they're doing really cool things in that space. And there's not a lot of noise on instagram right now, So being one of the first in your industry is huge and people are really attracted to that. And we can really help them, you know, stand out in such a way that they wouldn't have been able to on Facebook or Twitter right now where it's very noisy. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. We've loved doing it. We love finding images for clients and being really, really being able to talk about their brand, um, in a fun and unique way. Yeah, yeah. And I think you do a great job at the micro blogging within the Post and the description of right the messaging, not just visually. You guys are totally consistent with using lime green Andi shades of green. But you're also giving value and information in the post, which I think is great, right? And then, of course, um, finding followers for our clients is really a lot of fun. And, of course, as we all know, the magic is in the bag using the the hashtag surf Aditi's. I just heard somebody say earlier that that was really relevant to them, Teoh. And it certainly is on Instagram to take advantage of past tags. Great. So while you're still talking and I can look this way and I love to hear from me from you specifically, the advice you can give to people in your space, meaning social media managers or marketing managers who are looking Teoh use instagram for their clients. Um, like, what advice would you give them to start managing accounts? I would look at the dependence on how they're going to do it. I think they need t know what they're doing. Do the research look and see what their clients and client competitors are doing so that you can. There's no need to recreate the wheel, but if there's success stories and other instagram accounts, because it's such a new platform, um, you know, taking that and then and then thinking outside of the box, doing some really creative and fun things with it running contest like joy does, and that's a huge way to get engagement. So really, just being on top of the trends and instagram and doing more with it. And don't just post, you know, definitely do the microblogging through the hash tag. He creative think outside the box. You have Tuesday tips or whatever it is that works for your industry. Show those behind the scenes photos and gets your audience engaged. Great. Great advice. Eso joy. What would you um what successes have you seen since? You know, post you talked about the contest, but But you're selling course you're selling courses. You're selling products, Have you monetizing based on what you're doing quickly. So I came up with some FREEMIUM premiums are basically free products free services that you give away. So in this situation that the case that I meant I do free e books. So I do a five day fat blast e book and I do a, um, recipe book and that house to engage your audience because you're not asking them to purchase anything. You just really want to build a loyal following and build a relationship first because I have a ton of programs in our Beachbody lineup that we could offer a client. But until I get to know that customer until I get to know that prospect and know what their needs are, there's no way I'm going to meet their needs. I'm going to be pushing product at them, and that's not something that I, um I am brave now. So it's more about offering free, getting to know them, getting to know what they're all about and really building a culture and building a community. And once you have them as loyal followers and they say she's real, she's credible. She's trustworthy. She is who she says she is. She wears sweats and workout pants pretty much 99% of time. This is like all foreign to me right now, but they really get to know you as a person to get to know your whole you and they go OK, I can relate to joy. The next time I need something for workouts, I'm gonna go to that person. It's so true. I love the crazy socks you sent me wearing. Okay, tag me. Have me when you weigh. So that's great. Um So Leanne, can you think of one brilliant tip you can give not just in your space, but something that I haven't yet covered. Or that you feel anyone should here because one thing that comes to mind one thing that comes to mind engaged back. Um, definitely. If somebody comments on your photo comment back tag, other people make it a conversation because it's not just posting an image so much more than that. Just was with all social media. But instagramming just have huge opportunity. Teoh have conversations and engage with people and really get to know I like everything, get to know them and talk back. How about you, Joy saying, You know, she's right on the mark. Just really just get to know people, you know, and pretend that they are in your living room, you know, and that you're adding value that you're giving them something that they want to hear as opposed to you pushing information that you think they want to hear. So you have to get to know them in order to do that. Well, you both are an example of me attracting my ideal audience, because aren't they amazing? A couple more minutes, maybe actually have some Q and a with our audience. And with these? Yeah, definitely. You guys are lucky you can ask questions, right? Yeah. Let's actually asked these Natalie and a lot. Um, I have a question. I'm Lynn. How do you connect? You know, beyond Instagram I know you can d m now. Um so for well, for all of you have connected, obviously. So it would be for both of them, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Good. So I love d m. In fact, soon I d, um, all the time we do d m v a video. Basically, you can send a direct message now, through instagram pain on she's in talking about it. It's really cool, cold, cool trick. And then also you mentioned, like, how else can you get them over somewhere? You can also add that link in your bio and then in the geo tagging I actually add a lot of links there, which is my little trick where I add, you know, this is where to download my free pdf or whatever, because you do want to continue that conversation beyond the comments. E dio Actually, yeah, yeah. Can I jump in for a second? So I've seen this. So I'm actually curious, too. So I've seen a lot of people put their website on the Geo Tech section and we are going to go into Geo tag later. But while I have joy and she doesn't, I want to ask this question so you all can benefit. So I've seen people put websites an emojis in the geo tag. And my experience has been every time I've done a website or put something, it literally takes you to where you're standing. So if I'm in my house, I don't want to be geo tagging there because I don't want people to find me. But however, I've been on a few accounts recently where it takes you nowhere and I'm wondering, is that what you do or you? Are you putting a website actually put the You are Ln of my landing page to get my free e book or a landing page to get more information about something that I'm talking about? Is that a hyperlink that you click on? But does it take you to where you're standing when you do that? No, no, no. It's definitely a hyper link to the page. So it's right. It's worked for me. Okay, Lee. And have you done that yet? I did it today, Paying for this. And I put creativelive dot com in the in the Erle in the in the Geo tag. Great Euro creativelive We're gonna definitely die. We're gonna talk more about that. But I just was curious because she brought it up. Thank you. Question around Geo cashing and Beth says they're concerned with geo tagging is that their local neighborhood had had a rash of robberies when people were geo tagging using four squared and they were robbed. So is geo tagging necessary? And how do you keep yourself safe? It's a great question. So I geo tagged my store. So that's why I was curious. Like when you geo tag, is it taking you to the website of the taking to where you're standing so you can put your privacy setting on when you're doing a post? If you don't want it to go to that location. But I would use it strategically for brick and mortar, um, and physical buildings more so than or if you're gonna do a website and it takes you to write to the website That's great. Rather than your location. You're standing experience. So my I just uploaded you attacking my house ends like, Oh, hi. This is where I live. Come visit. Be careful. So that was a good question. OK, so do we have any other questions from our students here? We have these two talented women. Yeah. Oh, um, so, uh, my business partner, I flourish and thrive academy. We try to do a lot of free content and provide some really good information, but we also sell, um courses. So my question is, we have a wonderful event coming up, and it's called Designed to thrive. And its an interview Siri's It is free. We're making it free. But it's a limited time that it's free only for a week. How would I go about promoting that? Um, Thio Thio? You know, you know, they have to sign up in order to receive this, um, for free, but we want to be able to reach as many people as possible because it's a really exciting interview. Siri's Leon, You want to jump in? Sure. So did correct me if I'm wrong, but you have a limited available, uh, promo that you're ready and you want to from from a, uh, highlighted on instagram. We'd love to. Yes, it's way I work with jewelry designers and we're doing an interview. Siri's with amazing jewelry designers and PR people in the industry and store owners and buyers. So really a lot of great information for designers. So I would, you know, run your promotions. Find hashtags of people who are talking about jewelry talking about fashion, other people in the industry. You know, if you typically have an FTO, a search engine optimization started to use, use the same keywords that you want people to find you for, and then find them on Instagram and start talking about the contest and promoting it on Ben, of course, cross promote on all the social channels. So cross through it on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and get it out there. Possible care. And let me add one more thing that so in addition to what Lee answer, which is all great advice, I would tag the image of all of the other designers that you're doing, interviewing and, um, the jewelry if they have, if any of its designer jewelry, I would even tag the name of the They might have featured accounts as well. So you literally and we're gonna get into this. Contact the photo, and when you touch the photo and tag it, all those designer, all the people that you tag will show up in the post. So tagging is another way to give a shout out to the people that you're celebrating That course with promoting that course with Do you have anything to add Now the tags air genius collaborating with designers would be awesome. E I was looking for limelight Limei li and a perfect example of Can I tell this story and was on? Instagram is standout social, and I said to her weight, We're doing a Google hang out in the name of your businesses Line like hope is one like marketing and you're talking about branding. There's a little disconnect. Can we go in and change the name of your account? This happened last week. So he's like, Sure, So you're the instagram girl. Tell me what we need to do. Some like is limelight marketing available? It wasn't but Lee and being the brilliant marketer, she is decided to use their twitter handle because that's the go to. So her Twitter handle is Hello, limelight. So we got that. We changed her avatar from her face to the green light bulbs because it was more about limelight and we rewrote her bio, which is really great. You guys will check that out. And I feel like it's just so much more in line with your branding and your messaging, because it, firstly in was gonna brand herself as standout social. So now it's a hash tag. Stand out. Social is what she's using consistently on her featured account. But we just had a check in before we got on the Google hang out. I said, You know, there's just a little disconnect we might need toe rework this and we did that together. So that was good. Thank you. That's great. We actually have quite a few questions from our chatters, You know that they were having a hard time finding the standout social. So mystery has been way. Have one more question. OK, my question is for joy. I may have missed it, but when you run your contest, do you use 1/3 party app? Or how do you choose your winners at the end. You know, I use the same upset Sue uses in terms like the random number generator, which will allow you to, you know, select any number of people to win the contest. So sometimes I give way more than one prize. And that way it's very fair and, you know, objectives. So yeah, and I don't use 1/3 party service. There are some out there, but I don't use Yeah, just t You know, there are paid services for contest, and I see, you know, bigger brands that have the budget to pay for them can afford to do that. But a lot of small business owners just can't. So you can get very creative with how you do that. We heard from Natalie and Emma. And now, Joy, you know, three different ways and also my soupy jewels account of how you can actually run a contest that works for you. And all three of them are doing it in a different way based on their industry. You've gotta figure out what works for you. But you don't have to pay someone or third party up to get results, right? No, This has been an incredible experience. Just a virtual interactive. I like it. And kudos to leave. Yeah, kudos to land. Because she has to sick kids at home like this is being a mom and being a business owner. Thank you for taking the time and being here. All right, 23. 01 more round. Fantastic. Yeah, It was great. Wow. Okay, so, contests. You guys are all kind of thinking about what you're going to do for yourself. Can I hear any ideas now that you've you anything out of the box? Like I'm gonna try this. I've been thinking about it. Come on, you guys. Just 10 of you. Okay, I've got one. It's actually for a client, but we are going to run now. That school's out and the kids are home from school. We, um I can't say who the client is, but we are going to do a contest where the kids actually prepare the meal and do selfies and posted to instagram. So that's why I'm asking so much about how do you choose the winner and so on and so forth, So yeah, so again, random number dot org's is a website that you just put in the first the for the number of people that have commented, and then it just randomly generates the number. So I go down and pick number seven. If that was the number, because you want to be really fear with who you're picking. So that's what you can use to do that. So that's good. Anyone else? Sandy. Anything coming to you? I saw Mona Lisa. You had your hand up. Did you like the microphone? Good. So something I thought of for entrepreneurs who want to be inspired, maybe something like sharing their favorite quotes to get them inspired for, um for like, daily life and like for being entre more so what really gets them. So maybe to sharing and tagging their quotes. I don't know how to work that out. I love that you said that because that's one of my accounts. I can tell you exactly how to do that. So when I spoke it social media marketing world in March, I heard from so many amazing speakers and there were quotes that were being curated on Instagram with the hashtag s m m w 14 because that was their official hashtag and If you go there, you can see all these great quotes. And they were being created in one of my favorite acts that joy mentioned, and we're gonna hear from later word swag. And so when I got back from this conference, I realized that I had met so many amazing authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders and I wanted to celebrate them and give shoutouts to them. So I created another INSTAGRAM account called the dot daily dot I G. Because the daily I G was taken, meaning the daily Instagram, and the essence of the account is that I Onley used wards wag because it's a quick app for me to really get the quote out. And I only post quotes from people who have actually met in person. Oh, there's a few exceptions when a great quote comes my way, but I really like it to be about people I've met in giving shoutouts to them. So the reason I do this is because now I have these great quotes that are curated and I'm growing a community there of really amazing people, and I'm taking those quotes, tagging them with the user who you know who created the quote. So Kim Garcelle give you an example of someone who spoke. And then I tweet the quote and I get more followers back because I'm tweeting because she's retweeting it cause it's her quote. So I'm leveraging other people's quotes to grow a community of people who I'm attracted to. Did you follow all that? Cause I know that was a lot to process. So quotes get a Thanh of engagement and you need to decide what kind of quotes and what are they gonna look like. So mine look somewhat consistently the same in this in the daily I g. If you go there, it has the same look and feel, and I think we'll be able to pull that up in a little bit if we want to look at that. Um, okay, So in terms of ideas for contests and stuff like that, actually, when I was sitting here just realized that travel tip of the day is not taken and I hope nobody takes it was watching you try on that. I need to like, on the break and get it, but And there's also something called you mentions. Um, your double tap Tuesday. There's something called or the throwback Thursdays and all that everybody in the world uses, which is right. You can travel Tuesday, apparently around also. Great, though that's something. So I thought if I posted a contest every Tuesday like you're doing double tap Tuesday. So if I did it on travel Tuesday for, you know, best tip of the day or something and that's the contest and then I guess my prize would be a top 10. Everybody likes lists. Like you said. Yeah, a top 10 list. I go to a lot of events based around travel. So you know who's saying the hottest destinations in adventure travel are you know what they are for 2014 15 or something like that. Maybe it could update that could be giving out these lists and kind of every I don't know how often update the list, but it kind of just ties all the things you're talking about into into one. You know, maybe not so unique contest, but it takes all the elements you're talking about and combines them into something that may be effective. Yeah, definitely. Now you can't own a hash tag, but you can certainly be the one that people think of when they look at that hashtag and you can go toe tag board dot com to put in your hashtag and write a description. So check that just because you mentioned that I'm gonna throw that out there now is going to save it for later, but real quickly. This I mean, I typically don't post a picture of me, but this was one of my This is outfit number three and like, I'm just a big fan of being me. But on the interface on Instagram on the Web based I love this because it rotates. So what? Someone entertaining. It's very different than the mobile. You know, this is Nicole Tates quote right here in the middle. And again, it's where I share tips from other people and they all kind of look the thing. I typically don't have people in it. And what I again the conversion rate is pretty big here for me. Um, almost 56 people for one post almost there, Almost a six. So, um, and it grew organically from leveraging other people's quotes. So I also used that to pull people over to my other accounts as well and be part of that community. So leveraging one account to grow another count is absolutely a strategy that works while on instagram, especially if you're enjoying doing it. I don't think of this is work. I don't think of all I needed quotes from people that I've met. And now I have 10 more people get quotes from 12. Include the two of you. So So? So this is just the really, um Ah, a new account that I just was inspired to dio based on listening to all these people speak on stage.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

fbuser 4fa60dca

I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

fbuser 4fa60dca

I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

Student Work