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The Laws of Attraction Marketing

Lesson 3 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

The Laws of Attraction Marketing

Lesson 3 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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3. The Laws of Attraction Marketing

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The Laws of Attraction Marketing

Let's talk about the laws of attraction marketing. And this slide is one of those slides it's had to grab recently because this just popped up in my I don't know, Facebook feed. Or maybe yeah, no, this was on Google plaster. I forget where we know this is on Instagram. She mentioned Google plus. So she discovered me on a ghoul Hang out that I did with Martin Shirvington, who is a Google plus goo that I met in Social Media marketing camp. And he's gotten me on Google. Plus, I don't want to confuse Jewel by telling you to get on Google. Plus, but amazing things happened there as well, and I did an interview with him and she saw that interview and then Googled my name in ITunes. And I have been doing podcast interviews this year, 30 40 interviews, I say yes to pretty much all of them that have come my way. And she she searched and found some interviews. I did and listened in and mentioned a few one from the basic podcast and one from my good friend Mike Gin Rich and mention them in the po...

st. And then she also mentioned my friend Mia from the Media Connect, and she put all this together in Instagram. I took a screenshot of it because she does pets, like through my dog in. And then I threw in her quote that she created in ward swag, which will be hearing more about later. So I created this whole image in 1/3 party app called Septic That will be talking about later as well. But I just wanted to give her shout out for giving me a shout out. And this is my idea of shutout for Shadow. Like when someone is going to take the time to create something like this that's so awesome. I feel compelled to share that with my followers and teach them to do this. Get in the habit of giving shoutouts to people that make a difference in your business that help you that are cheering for you and you confined visual content by simply taking a screenshot or just, you know, grabbing a quote somewhere. Okay, All right. So with the law of attraction comes emotions, right? And you want people to basically fall in love with your brand, and again it's I'm gonna be saying this throughout the next three days. It's just really being authentic and connecting to the people that you want to work with. So have it be on your terms. I mean, you're attracting them to you, but make sure it's what you want as well in return. And there's certain concepts that go along with this that I want to talk about. One is being completely open and honest and all that you share. You know, just be transparent the way that you do business. And don't worry about what people think about you do it because that feels right for you. The other is to always tell the truth. And if you're not to say it because you want to build a tribe, you know, people that trust you that want to do business with you. And if you make a mistake, admit it. It's okay. We're all human and then being vulnerable, I mean, do you not think that standing here on creative lives I don't have my moments of feeling vulnerable, but it's all good because I'm here and I'm teaching and I'm loving this and it feels really good to be here, but you've got to be a little vulnerable to get what you want sometimes. And we, you know, we've all been there. So you know, even if it's creating your first video on Instagram and you're like a video, I don't know how I could do a video. Just do it. It's OK if it's not perfect. It's good for people to see your progress as you go along to see that first place. And if you guys go back and look at my instagram post from my very first post, it was nail polish. I had no hashtag. It was like orange nail polish. I had no idea what I was doing, but we all start somewhere and it's important to toe let people see your progress because that's what people celebrate is your progress. And then, you know, just if all else fails, I say, Be funny, like have fun. Don't be so serious. This is me getting my little light bulb on. This was a gift I gave to everyone over the holidays. It's a plastic lightbulb with Smarties inside because I have so many smart friends and I didn't know what to send everybody, so I sent them a little light bulb because they always have great ideas. And I put Smarties in him because I wanted to make a point of, like, how much I cared about them and how smart I thought they were. And of course, I had taken Instagram like and be funny doing it like I don't document so much of my life on Instagram because for me it is my digital scrapbook. It is the place where I leave on my personal account. Soupy Zimmerman, what I'm doing every day. And if you want to know where I am, you just go to that feed and you can see it. I don't have photo albums anymore. I have instagram and it's amazing and you want to be supportive. You really want to be supportive to those that that help you get to where you are, Teoh. You know, if you want to give a shout out to someone else to help to teach them where they've gotten. Here's an example of an amazing shout out that my good friend Jill Boudreau is actually gonna be on a Google. Hang out with us later, and I did when we were at again social media marketing camp I created these plaques just like I have the hashtag signs. I created this plaque for Crisp broken because this quote has gone viral on instagram and Tumbler and has literally been reposted a 1,000,000 times. I mean, he's That's the number he gave me Any wrote literally a 1,000,000 times. And this is a quote. I have to read it aloud. Don't settle, Don't finish crappy books. If you don't like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you're not on the right path, get off it. How profound is that like, is that amazing? And going viral on Instagram is literally just a yellow notepaper that someone he and wrote it. It's not even a pretty image, but the message is so impactful that that's what resonated for people. And so Jill and I just stood there with signs, and we're like, I'm gonna give a shout out to Chris because he's just often so that's, you know, that's really sharing and giving shout outs so you want your real value to shine through. And by the way, sunsets are definitely eye candy that everyone in the world loves to say. You can't get enough, especially of the sun sets here in California, they're amazing. So sharing. If you know if you see a beautiful sunset, it's okay to share it. But you might want to write a description of why the emotion of that sunset or what's the value you're going to give me with the sun set and not just post the sunset, but maybe have it be part of your hashtag strategy, share what it is about your brand that's making you think about how wonderful the day is and just how you feel from looking at that sunset. Okay, so this is a new section where we're going to get into the user activity, and we're gonna actually start using the app, which is exciting, right? So is there anyone in the audience that doesn't really have that's on instagram but not really happy with their account, the way it's set up that we can have okay with their user name. Oh, we have a lot. So we have to pick. You guys might need to help me, because I think it would be a really good opportunity to do a little, you know, back and forth with picking the right user name. Please go ahead. So, Sandy, let's start with you. So I have sandy lip goods, which you set up for me back in February and nothing else has been done. You got your name. Which is good, right? I got my name, but I don't have my business name. I mean, that was part of it. I didn't know what it was doing and some of this other stuff at the time, but, um, you know, do I just do it under my own name? I mean, is it important that it is so sad? So let's tell everyone what you do for a business, okay? I'm a travel consultant, and, um, the name of my business right now is we may travel easy, and my goal is to help busy professionals enjoy having their vacations, their travels leave all the worries in the planning and the details to me. Okay, so this is a good question. So you have your personal account, and then you have a business, right? So there's two things that you can do. You can either keep everything within your personal account and have that primarily be the space that you are in the travel industry or you can set up a featured account, which I'm going to be going over in detail. But right now we'll just kind of briefly talk about this, which is what I think so many business owners need to understand, because what I see more frequently with small businesses is that they're mixing so much of the personal in with the business, and it's really confusing when we land on your feet. I have no idea what you dio, and so because this confusion and there's not like a lot of value, like visual content or value that I'm getting, I might not follow you. And so I think it's really important to have a clear feed of content that's both visually stimulating. As Aaron and you know, Surfer magazine don't condone it has or set up that featured account. So you need to decide if you wanna handle two accounts, which can be challenging because again, we're talking about time and toggle ing on and off with those two accounts, or if you want just your name to be the brand of your business. So you know. So I think at the time that we set you up, it wasn't quite. Was your waiting my name? Yes. Right. So if I wanted to use Instagram just for my business, I could do it under my name. Absolutely. And in your bio, which will talk about is where you can specifically say who you are and what you dio. And then could I have a hashtag with my business name? Course you And then that would always follow up in my account. Yes. Yeah. And so we're gonna talk about custom hashtags and why they're important and relevant in your business and which ones are important to your industry. But yes to all of that. Okay, with a little bit better. Yeah, that sounds like the way that would be worth. So I think we need to get your bio going. Essentially. Yes, but by the time you leave here, you're gonna be Oh, terrific. I'm gonna be like right behind you. Eso Here's some rules of thumb When you're setting up your instagram account for the first time, if you can match it up to your Twitter account, that's a good thing. Because when you at mentioned someone on instagram and share it over to Twitter, they'll get a notification under that same user name. Otherwise, when you share it over to Twitter and you think you're gonna at mention that person, it's not the right one. They're not going to see it. So you need to do a little research to make sure that whoever you're if you're tweeting someone's at mention that it is really their Twitter handle as well. So I always say that that's a safe place to start, cause I'm assuming if you're on Twitter, you thought long and hard about your Twitter handle, and it works for your business. Um, so you know, that's rule number one. Number two is you do not want to have any numbers if you're in business on instagram in your name after your name, unless it's part of your brand name. Um, the numbers is saying my name's taken, so I'm gonna be number 12 because there's 12 people that also have my name. Okay, so there are work arounds. That's the good news, and I have a work around for every single business. Trust me, I have five instagram accounts, and I think that by putting just a dash between your name or a dot and your first and last name. You might get your name that way. So there's some research that you can dio by by searching, and you want to make sure that the name is easily searchable and it matches up on your other platforms. And don't just have a random instagram handle name because you want to be on instagram. You know, it's really important, like Aaron said, to have the connectivity on every social platform. So when people land on you, they feel your brand essence in your in your post in your bio in your avatar and everything that you dio okay, but it's all flexible if you're feeling Oh, no, what did you just say that that I did wrong? You can easily go in and edit and change. It's all good, so you want to be authentic, as we said, and in doing that you want to do, you will attract your ideal followers. You will not attract fake followers that do not align with your brand, and you can easily tell when someone's message is just not authentic. You can see it, especially if you're you know often when you start falling account and then you start seeing content that doesn't align with what you started following. For me, that's a sign of unfollowed, because that becomes a waste of my time because time again, we're gonna go back to time is our most valuable possession. So if you wanna have, if you want to give the the value you need to make sure that you're always being authentic and really promoting who you are and what your brand is all about, So a real quick story. This is my rock star 24 year old assistant back home who found me from doing a search on YouTube, instagram for business and the video I did with James Wetmore. James name keeps coming up, and I know that he's spoken here. Video I did with a Google hang out I did with James. Wetmore came up and she watched that. And then she watched six hours of my other YouTube videos, and then she sent me a message on Facebook saying, I'd really love to talk with you. I hate my job. I'm trying to figure out what to do next, and I just love what you're doing. I'm like, Where do you live? She said. Framingham 15 minutes from my house. No joke. Okay, so how, like we were just destined to be. Oh, so I'm like, I need an assistant. Like I need help. I would love to Have you interned for May like, Come on over, Let's say for this is the right fit. So that was in January, and she came over. She worked for me for over a month to make sure she was the right fit. She is amazing. I can't imagine my business without her. She has so much to do with this awesome slide deck that you're all looking at. And she is so happy in a job for the first time in her life, she's 24 that she loves. And I just feel so blessed that she found me on YouTube because I did this Google hang out. Isn't that cool? And so here we are departing. We always do our little hashtag find together. Whenever we leave for a trade show something, I take her with me or take Morgan with May I take one of my assistants with me? I celebrate these young, smart, passionate entrepreneurs and really want to help inspire them to do what they love like that to me is success is working with people like that. So I just want to share this story because this is really important to May. So again, I'm really focusing on this authentic, genuine peace because I want this to really be what hits home with you guys, especially today. You don't comment on things to be popular. You coming on things because you want to. You don't jump into a conversation because your friend did, or because Chris Brogan's there or James Whitmore or somebody that you worship, is there. You you comment because that is who you are. And that's what you like to dio and that, you know, to be part of the conversation that you're looking at on Instagram. You know, I've had some people leave negative comments on posts that I have, which I'm totally fine with keeping their because I think it's important for people to know that everyone you attract, it's not gonna love you and fall in love with your brand. And that's OK and like how you handle negative comments on Instagram, you can absolutely delete them if it's really offensive. But I think if it's challenging you to be better. And I recently had someone leave me a comment saying how unprofessional one of my YouTube videos were. And I totally agreed with him because it was one of my first YouTube videos. And again everyone starts somewhere. And I was rambling on way too long and, you know, the content wasn't amazing. And that's okay. So I told him that. And then he came back and thanked me for being so real and authentic and understanding that, you know, his opinion mattered. So I think you could turn negative things into positive things. So I'm curious, you know, Has anyone and the world wide audience or live audience had something negative happen online? And you? How did you deal with it? Let's start, actually start with our students. I recently had somebody on Google hangouts say that we shouldn't post anything that wasn't ultra professional. And I'm of the mindset like you. You start somewhere If you look at James Wetmore. If you look at Marie for Leo, their first videos aren't ultra professional. They started somewhere. So my thing is, I get people to start where they are. Start with the equipment you have start with the content you have and grow from there. And I and I wrote that back, and he thinks thing as well. Great. I love that. Yes, it's called starting and not in. You know, I'm like into the school of progress and not perfection. Right? So my question is about not necessarily a comment. But, um, when you notice that there are a few followers that have stopped following you, um, you know, how do you deal with, you know, feeling the sort of angst of Oh, no. You were excited. You got, you know, x number of followers. And you go on tomorrow and you've lost five. You know, have you That's sort of a negative thing. Not necessarily people posting, but that's still feedback. Yeah, that's a good question. I don't pay attention to the numbers like that, and maybe it's cause on my I have a lot of followers on my soupy Zimmerman account. It probably happens every day. I'm just not worried. That means they weren't meant to be a follower, like they're not your ideal client or following, but, um, yeah, like how you're dealing with that is like so it's upsetting you a lot. Right now we're thinking maybe it goes for with along with what you're talking about. The genuine interaction goes a long way. So maybe, um and about your content. So maybe they just, you know, started to follow and then realized Oh, maybe this isn't exactly for me. So I'm just kind of thinking, okay, I'd rather lose ah couple of non genuine followers or people that are really necessarily a good fit to gain less, but better and more interactive followers. So that's sort of what I'm think. So let me give you a tip. If you lost someone that you really want to have follow you, What you can dio is you can go back into their feed like some of their post. I say 3 to 5. This works every time, by the way. So right now, like and leave comments again, authentic comments on posts that you really think a relevant and add value. And they will see that in their notification. Remember that Anatomy of instagram, the notification button, you will see that they will see that you've commented and they might say, you know what? She's really actively engaging on my content. Let me let me give her another chance. I love that. So after the engagement, I love it totally up the I'm telling you It's not just double tapping. It is writing a comment, and sometimes it's challenging because it's on your phone and not on your computer. But a comments on Instagram is golden. We're getting feedback online from noodle on It and Hans Vehicle Press that they both have perfectionist, procrastination, hang ups, which is not necessarily negative experience. But you know, it's it's getting started. Yeah, so again, just starting is is it just start because no one's gonna fire you. It's your business. That's what I say. No one's gonna fire you if it's not perfect of every word coming on. My mind was in perfect. I mean, it's really you know, we are all human and you just have to start. And when you start and you start seeing like and a new follower like, doesn't everyone look at their phone and like Oh my gosh, I got five new followers Day 10 new followers today. It's exciting. It makes you feel good, and this is why the teenagers air added all day you know, I think it's just like there's this this feeling you get when someone's liking what you're doing. And so I say, Just start. Are you a sex thing? Yeah. Okay, so let's talk about your ideal follower. You know, what does that person look like? I want you to envision like if you're to pick your avatar of that person that you want to follow you. Sometimes it takes a little research and you can do that on Instagram. You can go in and literally find people that you love or that you think are your competitors, and you can look and see what they're doing. You can see who they're following, and you can start following some of those same people. You can follow anybody that you want on Instagram. So just really, you know, envision that person. And so this is a good example. Joy is gonna be on a Google hang out later, and I love connecting with people who are happy doing what they love to dio over and out. Like That's my those are the people like to follow the people that I can learn from and grow from and be better every day doing what I dio and I know that my ideal client for my online business is our women, primarily 40 and older. Like That's my sweet spot teaching women how to promote themselves online so that they will be more successful because I think women and 40 and older have given up so much to be a mom and kind of lost the pace of social media and staying on top of it and understanding how to use it. And they feel like their kids know more than them, so they're challenged with figuring it out. So I love it when the big light bulbs come on for them and they're like, I get it, I can do it. And that's what Instagram, in my opinion, has done with a lot of these women. So I know that that's my ideal clients. So that's who I try to look for to attract Andi just looking to make more money with their business. So I'm curious if anyone here knows exactly who their ideal client is. Have you guys thought about it? Figured it out? Yeah, Tracy definitely are ideal client in our jewelry designers, all levels who are wanting to get their jewelry on more of their dream clients and raving fans. We want to help them in the business aspect. So that's good. We're very sure, and I can tell you that so many of the people that you are connected Teoh are also connected to me. All these Julie designers, like I love that we did the Google hang out together. We didn't meet in person. Your community has become part of my community because I'm able to help them understand how to use Instagram to grow their brand. And this, you know, the fact that you know specifically who you're attracting is essentially a lot of the same person I'm attracting. So that's kind of cool that when you cross over in someone else's community that you know and you grow your community because that's really what we're trying to do, is growing in your community online absolutely right. Have a lot of jewelry designers in your community that we didn't even know. So it's good, right? It's all good. Yeah, thanks for that is good. So we're gonna talk about being consistent with your brand and again, this this is really you know, I think that This is a key to your success. And I have, As I mentioned earlier, I had five accounts and now we have six because I have this great in single live account. And the reason I have so many accounts is because I wanted consistency in each of the feed based on the content of that business. So, first and foremost, you really need Teoh. Define your niche, okay? And know exactly what that is. And our next guests coming on does that so beautifully. So I would love to use data from simple green smoothies, as at the example, cause she's the next guest and I want to tell a little bit background about data and why she's so insanely successful on Instagram. So I actually did a Google hang out with her this past summer. We know each other from Marie for Leo's be school, and she, I knew, would be a great person to interview because her instagram account is amazing. I'm just going to show you so you can all kind of jot this down. She was on instagram with her business, and she has a partner, and what makes her account so amazing is not on Lee. Is she showing you how to be healthy? So there's this category of fitness and health, and then this is categories of smoothies. But they took it one niche further to green smoothies. So everything in their feed is all about the delicious, insanely gorgeous photos that go into making a green smoothies. So their content is basically gorgeous fruits and vegetables, and occasionally you'll see some people in their feet. And so I'm just really excited to have gotta on, because her entrepreneurial journey as a small business owner is so inspiring. It is the American dream, like you have no idea. And Giada was the 1/3 person on my panel at Social Media marketing world sharing her story, and I wanted to have her be on alone because I knew that she would give so much value to all of you. So is there anyone here that feels like their industry is up here and you need to niche down? You dio you want to talk about it? Well, I'm a woman's coach, and I basically coach women who are having successful businesses, actually 40 and under, and they're reaching this point that they're feeling overwhelmed or anxiety or their different fears coming up around being bigger and having a successful business. So I've been doing like, health quotes and different things, but I'm not quite sure what to focus on, like, shy pick one thing. Or is it like, a very show? You? How long ago did you start? Is a a couple of months for the instagram. So it takes a while to know what's working. It really does. And to know where you're going to get the most engagement and your followers are gonna end up dictating the direction that you post your content in. And something might surprise you completely. And it might need more about you. You know, my it might be something about how you became like, I don't know your back story. But if you begin your journey to being a healthy person or feeling like a life coach, they might want to know what inspired you to get to where you are and share a little bit more of your personal journey and what it took tow Start coaching makes a lot of sense because I want to know you more, you know, I want to know you if I'm gonna hire you as a coach and what gives you the authority to be that coach? What was your experience that brought you here? Is that how it's a lot of sense? Yeah, yeah, cool. So try. That may be another One of our students has a question about this, but we have one online eso nube, I guess There newbie here. Like, how does Instagram help people whose business is not visual at all? I mean, how does someone who's business is not visually oriented take advantage of Instagram because it's such a visual medium. That's a great question. I get it all the time for people that have service based businesses. And I really think that you can create visual content on the content that you share. So, for example, if you're a blogger, you can you can take a screenshot of that blawg post, especially if there's an image on it and share that. What did they say specifically what their industry is? I'm just curious. Also, you know you can find like if you're on other platforms. Often one of the strategies that I use is I will take a screenshot of a Google hang out that I've done and share that Google hangouts image on Instagram to get more people over to my YouTube channel so you can use it as a way to drive traffic to your other platforms, especially if you're not feeling like you're getting engagement on some of those platforms. But I also think that if you it's gonna come with posting and figuring out what your followers are interested in. But if you share in your description what you're an expert at or what your industry is along with the visual content, remember, we talked about that fund set that everyone loves everyone. Also, people love cute puppies and dogs, and I'm not saying post that all the time. But if there's a way to connect what you do with some awesome eye candy in the description, that's another idea. And then the 3rd 1 is one thing that I often do is the strategies. I repost something from someone that I think has awesome visual content, and that is the complement of all compliments. There are 3/3 party ask sweet that you can download to do a repost, and when you repost someone's content to your feed. It's kind of like a retweet. Or when you share on Facebook, you're literally sharing that to every single person in your feet. And frequently you'll see people do this that do contest to get people to repost like that. So those air three ideas that come to mind great, Great. I'm getting an answer here. They are doing an online course on resume writing, so that's there. Okay, so I have a client who was actually a coach for college students, and he often gives tips. So the tips are done in a really appealing graphic way using third party app. And so I would love to get a tip on. How do you know if I was a college student and I really wanted to start? I need to learn how to write a resume. If you gave a tip a day or tip of the week hashtag tip of the week, you know, and I started learning something from you how to create a better resume. Then I would start falling your account and telling my daughter and their friends to start falling in their account because they're all looking for jobs. So that's yeah, So there's ways to extract your knowledge and put it out there in a graphical way using third party APS. Well, I think we're ready to get started with the hang out. Awesome. I'm so excited for you guys that you're excited to. Yeah. Hi. Hello, Beautiful. How are you? Thank you. Let me grab my questions. I was, like, just getting too excited to look at you. I get my questions back. So John, I gave Did you hear that? A little pre story I gave on you. I missed it. I e talked about you a little bit, but I would love for you to share your story on how and why you started using instagram. Yeah, so really, it was by accident. I think I am just like everyone else where I was really resistant to start yet another social media platform. And being on instagram just felt like something that I didn't have enough time for. And how would I ever make money off of it? But I really found it as a place for me to share. Uh, me and my business partner are healthy obsession with greens, movies and, uh, really kind of prepping to get hyper focused and sharing just about greens, movies and not about everything that I was interested in when it came to health and wellness and being a healthy mama and trying to get good food and my daughter's body. So for me, green smoothies and instagram, or like a match made in heaven to be ableto amplify the message of the good stuff that was happening with green smoothies? It's great. It's awesome. I can dig a little deeper. You can definitely you can definitely dig deeper. We might have some questions at the end, so that would be great because you're on alone. It makes it easier. So I wanted you know, so much of your Your success is really due to how hyper focus you are with your visual content. Can you talk about the benefits you've seen, you know, from posting with such purpose there, and you mentioned to me that you very, really share people in your post. You find that the engagement is so much higher when you share the fruits and vegetables and the high quality quality photographs. And yet I'm teaching and saying to humanize your brand on Does show some pictures of yourself but you It's a little counterintuitive to the way that you do it because you have to decide what works for your business. Yeah, so we do humanize our brand through personality, and we know who we're talking to, like we're talking to just people to make healthy just happy, you know? So we definitely use verb, ege and our captions of, like rock on your awesome and really adding that fun energy to our post. But with Instagram, you're really telling a visual story. So I look at our instagram feed as a canvas. It's just these beautiful photos. And you know, you don't have 30 seconds like you do when you meet someone an elevator to give them their your 32nd pitch. You really have three seconds toe. Either they fall in love with you or they just move away. So when someone clicks on our profile, we need to be able to tell that story really quickly on what we dio. So if I mixed all of that up with us, you know, hanging out the club and you know, here's what my daughter she's riding her bike today. And then there's a green smoothie. Someone's just gonna think I'm another person just posting about my life. But when you look at Temple green smoothies, you see all of the photos, and every post is about green smoothies. Even if I humanize it by, I mean on our feed. Right now there's a video of my daughter slurping green smoothies. And so there's this personality. There's a human being drinking, bring smoothies. But it's still about green smoothies, right? Yeah, that's good. That's good. So, you know, So as I mentioned earlier when I first when you and I first our Google hang out back this summer, I think Correct me if I'm wrong, you had 130,000 followers. And now where you at? Right now? Our 315,000 followers. OK, so just to let you know, I would have to check. But I think that's more than Dunkin Donuts and Surfer Magazine are very close. And this is Giada and her partner, small business owner. So I would love for you to talk about the evolution of your Instagram account. Like what? You what you did when you first started because we already heard from someone from the worldwide audience that was just stuck on how to start. Because we all start somewhere and where you are now, which is it? Been two years or 18 months. Yeah, well, we started our simple green smoothies account July 2012. We didn't even have a website at that time, so I'd love to just dive into that because I think so many people listening get overwhelmed with having to start a website. So talk about Instagram at the Hub. Yeah, Like I said, I was really resistant to starting Instagram and I actually, all they had was an IPhone three at the time. And, um, if you saw the photos that I post in the beginning, they were very grainy and you would be like, What is this? And I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea what I was doing with Hashtags or anything like that. I just knew that I needed to share these recipes with more people. And so one of the things that was really intentional was taking the attention off of me. It wasn't about me. It was like, how can I add more value to the people that I'm communicating with. So a lot of people with Instagram they might post a picture and then say, Get the full recipe on my blawg. Andi, that's not social Media's about anymore. You want to build the trust and the action happening right there. So we include the recipes, exact measurements. So people get all the value and the facts and the information right there, and so that people resonated with was that they could just log on to their phone, see the recipe, make it in their blender in their kitchen, and it was easy, so whatever you can do to kind of make someone's life easier. But I noticed that the photos were grainy with the IPhone three, and at this time my business partner, Jen and I. We were broke like we had no money. I mean, John was buying fruits and vegetables on WIC, which is government assistance toe like get groceries and things like that. We didn't have a lot of money at this time, so we were bootstrapping to the bones, and I just big my husband. I said, I really need an IPhone for like, please, like, can I get an IPhone for and he let me do the upgrade with us not having much money. But it made a world of a difference of telling the visual story on Instagram, and at that time I was only posting photos 2 to 3 times a week. So it wasn't like constant photos all the time. But every post that I posted was valuable. Had a lot of good content that someone could take action on right then and there. And for that I know you just mentioned about getting shout outs from other people just really interacting with the community. You know, I think when you try to be on too many different social media platforms, you spread yourself too thin and you can't really have an authentic conversation. So I didn't have a website. Wouldn't have Facebook. Nothing. It was just simple. Bring smoothies, instagram. So I could really invest my time and energy and that base to have real conversations. I was just finding every day other people who were into green smoothies and liking their posts and saying, I like green smoothies, too. And then the cool thing is they would click and be like, Well, who is this person liking my post. They go to simple green smoothies and I'm just not another person. They see this visual story being told and they follow from that. It was really just being able to kind of connect with other health influencers that would give a shout out. And maybe you get 800 more likes and we're like, Oh, my gosh, we have 800 followers. This is awesome. And then it was like, you know, someone else who might have a 30,000 followers saying, Hey, check out simple green smoothies and then 3000 followers and we thought we were in heaven like yes, like, this is so cool. And so it's kind of just really, how do you add more value to people? And that's all I was doing was trying to figure out how to interact with my community and really helped. Um, yeah, well, you've done such a great job for sure. Two things that you said that I really wanna hit home with is the value you give on each post and that you're not telling them to go off Instagram to get the recipe. So in the description, that is where you write the value and you I mean, it's just follow other health accounts that have, you know, supposedly share recipes. But you have to go to the blawg and sign up for their list to get it. And I love that you give it all right there and you're building trust. As you said and community. The other thing that you said that I'm smiling about is when when you and I spoke, you were not on Twitter yet, right? And you recently joined Twitter. I'm just curious, are you? But you got simple green smoothies, so it matches up. Are you actively sharing anything from Instagram over to Twitter or you're still holding home base? We're still holding home base like a technique that I say. The singled out technique is just focusing on one social media platform at a time before moving on toe Another one. So, yes, we could be all over the place and we could be on Twitter and Pinterest and and we have our presence there. We really invest our time and energy and two platforms right now, because that's where we feel like we really believe in. No comment. Left behind were there to answer questions and add value and guide people that, like that's what we're here for us to help people on. We just don't have the bandwidth to do it all over the place. Is it our goal to be on Twitter in the future and, like, really amp it up over there for sure. But we just really love nurturing our community where we're at right now. Okay. So I just what you said no comment. Left untouched. I'd love that. That's that really resonates for me that you are literally responding to every comment, which must be a full time job for someone with your account. Yeah, absolutely. So So what advice would you give the small business owners listening in? Because you were that small. You've exploded, obviously. But you were there, and, you know, I want to know. Um, you know, if you were to give, let's just maybe three easy tips that they can actually take and do maybe even today. Like, what would you tell them to get started? Three things. Yeah. Yeah, I would really hone in on who you want to target. Who are you reaching out to for us? Our number one dream customer is a mom just like us, a busy mom. So knowing that human beings are multidimensional, they're just not then toe health there in the other things, too. So, using a hash tag outside of your industry, even, you know we can search for people in our community using the hashtag health or the hash tag green smoothies. But if we're targeting moms, we could also use the hash tag, you know, 33 weeks and look and say hi to a mom there and really reach out to her and let her know that we exist. So being able to think about your dream customer, the person that you want to reach out to and thinking of all the different hashtags that they might use that you might be able to reach out and connect with, um would be one tep. Another one would just be permission to experiment and fail. We fail often and are that there? I love that way. Throw spaghetti at the wall is like our full time job, and I know that social media can be so vulnerable because you're just out there. The public, your mom. Everyone can see what you're doing. So it's Gary to post things that you're not sure are gonna resonate are going to stick. And so we've done things where we've used a lot of graphics on Instagram. You know, a lot of text in the recipe on the photos, but that works really well on Facebook, and it doesn't work well on instagram, but we did it like we had a whole canvas feed of graphic heavy photos which just doesn't work for our audience in that way. So we did it. And I think it's really important that you give yourself permission to just try things out and see what works. And then you can always delete photos. So that would be the third test is Don't be afraid to delete. So you're photo is not matching and really telling your brand story than you kind of You have permission to delete that photo? Yeah, Okay, we do have a question online question for you, If that's great. So High Data. Welcome to Creativelive. Our our viewers want to know. How does Instagram drive revenues towards your business? That's an awesome question, and I love to answer a question like that so Ah, lot of people. You know what I said with social media. They're kind of, like, Where, what? I don't have any time. And where is the R a y? Where's the return on investment? Why would I spend all my time and energy? And it's really a full cycle. You know, Social media is the place I like to look at is like the dance club. This is where you're meeting people and getting them to know who you are and you know and trust you and like you and then your blog's your website is kind of like your home. So that's your house, and you don't go to someone's house unless you trust them. And then the third thing is your bedroom. That's a very like intimate space. And so that's where your email list happened. So we're very intentional on giving calls to action for a community to join our email less so that we can have deeper conversations with them there and we sell. We actually have a fresh start 21 day cleanse, and so we sell a cleanse through our email. We don't try to sell through social media. That's where we have conversations. We add value, but we do have a cleanse that we sell. That has done extremely well, has allowed us to build a sustainable, profitable business where both my business partner and I do this full time. Andi, It's amazing. So just being able to differentiate that the Instagram does lead into building a list that if you have a product that adds value to your community, that you can actually sell it and they want it, they actually ask for stuff from us for more staff from a. So that is how we kind of our sales cycle. We have a free 30 day greens movie challenge, which helps them take action to get off of Instagram and join our email list. And then we can promote in sell products that way. That's great. That's awesome. I actually bought your 21 day cleanse and the recipe. The recipes are insanely delicious, and I was so happy Teoh to be a part of your success. So congratulations. It's such a great story and I can't wait to see what happens next for you. Thank you. So alright. Thank you

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

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I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

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I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

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