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Third Party Video Applications

Lesson 21 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

Third Party Video Applications

Lesson 21 from: Instagram® Marketing for Small Businesses

Sue B. Zimmerman

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21. Third Party Video Applications

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Third Party Video Applications

So we're gonna talk about some third party APS for Instagram and one of my favorites is program. And this I think it costs 99 cents. At least it did when I bought it. Um, I have queued up my phone and put pictures in from all of you who have been using the hashtag instagram instigate alive. So those of you that have been listening and uploading and sharing early this morning, I grabbed some of your photos to show people how you are watching the show, which I was found so entertaining. There's a lot of people watching with their pets and with their kids. And I so appreciate, you know, having six hours a day to watch the show is difficult to dio to have your full attention on it. So some of you were doing yoga while you're watching some of you watching your kids, some of you are working by the side you have to screen. So I thought this would be a really great opportunity to get in here and show you how to create Flipper Graham. So the first thing to do is to open the app and before I do ...

that I'm just gonna bring to your attention. I keep all of my instagram APS in a folder on my phone, and I have quite a few here that you guys can take a peek at that air. Some of my favorites. We talked about Rhona. We talked about words, swag. We're gonna talk more about pick, play post we talked about Dip, Tick. Um, and I'm gonna be talking about programs, but it just makes it really easy. If you keep all of your instagram APS and editors and right here within your phone, the's the the repost Wiz is one of the apse I used to repost other people's instagrams right to my feed. And the eye watermark is the app that I used to create the watermark. So I'll just let you guys take a peek at this. I'm sure a lot of you writing them down or taking a screenshot some is gonna flip one more time. First folder, second folder, third folder. So right now we're going to go to the app Instagram Flipper Graham. So this is what it looks like when you open it. You can connect to Facebook school year recap, create your own. This is for people that are graduating. They're really smart because it's graduation season. They're saying you know what? Go ahead and create a flip program for graduation and just do it right here and you can grab your images from graduation, and I totally can relate to that. So I'm gonna press start, and it opens up your photos. And so I have a lot of different photos albums here, but I'm gonna go right to my camera roll, cause that's where I queued up the pictures that I want to select for today. So I'm going to try to give credit to all the people who I am picking so that you guys can see that your hard work of engaging in interacting and becoming a part of this community is paying off. You're gonna get little shout outs here. Quite exciting, Okay? And I love that someone did an amazing camba right there on the bottom. So I chose 24. Now on Flipper Graham, The more you pick, the faster it flips. The less images that you have, the slower it goes. Now, you you have the opportunity to speed it up or slow it down as well. So once you've selected them and all the blue ones are the ones that I have selected, you pressed next, you see right up there. It says 24 selected, some pressing next, and now I have the opportunity to go into each one and actually edit it. And this was a repose and trying to try to give credit to everyone whose name is here So you can enlarge or make small by just pinching to crop. The photo that you want See, isn't this great? People are eating and cooking. Have a bottle of wine open here. Um, daydreamer Prince, I love this post that you shared. This one's adorable. This little girl is watching and trying to talk to us. That's what the Post said. She's like she's pointing and she wants to say something to you. These are the great comments coming in. It's really fun. Here's one that I really like crafting and watching creativelive those air her paints. So right here is the user name, and this one was like, Let's get this started. I'm so excited. This is a wedding design studio right here. So again, it just takes you know you can crop down any of the videos. So I took these as Screenshots because it was the easiest way for me to grab. Content to demonstrate. I love this one, Instagram notes. Let's do this instead, Gal, I've from Seattle, Washington and this is great. This is Chad is taking a He's on his eighth class for 30 classes in 30 days with Creativelive had to give a shout out to them so he has to monitors going. So he's doing multiple things there. And this is my yoga one that I love. She's stretching while watching, and this is a creative post with the nails and taking good notes. Okay, we have a few more multiple screens going on. She's glad that she has to monitors, she says, Molly, and this is done by grace with here with us. I love that she is really using ward swag and creating some great images. Here's another one. Give a shout out to people who go out of their way for you, Give back. So I'm giving shoutouts to all of you who have gone out of your way to create a post and become a part of this community, and I really appreciate it. And here's our friend Giada and, um the person that posted this, that she's she's crafting while she's watching. And, of course, we got to get this one in. This is great. And there's the interview with Joy and Leanne captured so nicely. We have a few more now, if you so. If you have done, I think I did this one already. You can delete on the bottom Here you can rotate duplicate add text right here in Fla. Program to the image. You can just click on text and say something on one of the images, which is great, and you can move it. So there's a There's a great post with tamer May and another one I love. Okay, so look at the hashtag sign right here on the computer. Everyone's getting so creative with how they're posting and sharing over Instagram and we're seeing all of them. We got this. We got the deck of Post it notes. I love this illustration with, like, colors Did check that out, You guys, I'm going to give a shout out toe with, like colors, and I really want to get the whole image there, so I'm going to just bump it up. Otherwise we're gonna lose creativelive. And I think that's so well done. And here is a really cute illustration by the artists. She said the best time of day for is when she's lying on the grass with her dog and just enjoying life. There's that one and then my one of my favorites. And this is so well done. And I love that She used anchors, of course. Um, hello. Instead, go live for all the great Instagram info. And she did this right. Picks and Stones did this right in camera. And we talked yesterday about how easy it could be to create great visual content using camera. And she used three design elements here, which is really well done, So I'm all set with the images. I think there might have been one that I uploaded twice, but what you do, if you see something you don't like, you just click on the X, and you can delete it. So if you feel like you, um, once you looked at and you edit it down by the cropping and you feel like some things here that you don't want here, you can delete it. You can also put your finger on it and move the order of the flu program, which is really cool because if you've uploaded something and you want to sequentially show the order, especially if you're a crafter and you're showing this step by step by step or a recipe and you want to show the steps that you've done is a, um Then you can just move these around, touch it and change the position. So I, um I'm gonna move this one to the top. That wasted I really like that and as an anchor on the top. And I love that one at the bottom. Oh, I think I want to put this creativelive one to be first. So let's figure out, um, together, I think we can. I'm just gonna show you how to add a hash tag to one, so I'm gonna add it right on this one. So I showed you the text. You get this little text box, you can make it bigger. You could make it smaller groups, and you just start typing right in it and it shows up OK, so it automatically populated instagram, which is I want to instigate alive, Of course. Oh, we need the hash tag in front of it. Here we go. And now what's really cool? You guys, you can change the color of the text, So if you have a branded color and you want the text to align with that, you can pick your color. And I am, like, in pink today, it really pops on that. So we're gonna make this a little bit bigger and Preston Okay, So when you're done playing with all the images adding text overlay, maybe you want to write something on each image that you're uploading now I'm uploading photos, but you can upload, you know, just artwork. Or, you know, I mean, I'm uploading images that you guys create, but you can get super creative with the kind of content you're sharing to make it a little bit more consistent. What I like to do is make it consistent within a story of what I'm sharing. So the story that I'm sharing here is all about being part of this instant awesome community that we're creating, and I'm giving shoutouts to everyone who has become a part of that community and shown some love and taking the time to post and share. So there's 24 moments which are 24 images, and now I'm gonna click next and it takes me right here. Toe, enter the title so we'll have the title be instigate alive. It's kind of a theme here, and I'm gonna put a hashtag in front to remind you all to keep using the hashtag. That's how we see what you're doing. And again, you can move this so I don't want it to be in the way of this great arts. I'm gonna move it to the top, and then at the bottom it says Flipper Graham. So you know that it was created in for program they have branding on there. There may be a version that you can by for an upgrade. If you don't want the branding on your video, you can at the bottom of these air more functions of the app where you can change the speed you can make a go faster. You could make it slower now because you only have 15 seconds and I have 24 moments. It's going to go pretty fast to get through the whole flip. So this is where you what? You can adjust your It says 1.18 2nd vote 1 75 per photo. This is how quickly you can have it moved. The rabbit is faster. The tortoise is slower. Like how they have the graphics right there. So we wanted I'm just gonna keep it right there in the middle and press done. And they have filters as well. So you can go through all the different filters so you can create the mood that you want your video tohave. I'm content with the way these images looked based on what I uploaded. So I'm not going to change any of the filters. And so the and then you can you can add the audio as well, which we're not going to do here right now. But that option is there, which is on the bottom left. So you have a lot of ways that you can really enhance your 15 2nd video in a really, really creative wait. You know, I would the analogy. I would give this to his canvas what you can do on a, um on a post and all the features you can do on a video by Clipper Graham. So since I'm content with the way that's looking, I'm gonna press finished, okay? Or if I want to say no for a second to just go back if you want to preview it before you publish it because if you publish it, you have to start all over again. So there's if you want to check your work, which I recommend you dio in this instance, I think I'm good because of the way I figure, you know, put together this video. But if you're failing like you want to just preview that video and go back and change it, that's how you do it. You would preview and then make your changes. But when you're all content with what you've done, you press finished, and then you say you are ready to finalize your flip a gram and it literally takes seconds to get up there and the circle once that's all complete, you can. It says success and you can share it to any of these platforms, not just instagram, but we're going to stay on Instagram today. We're gonna share it over to Instagram and when you do it, get the titles there and then it lets you know that it was made in flip program. Now, if you want to delete that, you can. I'm gonna keep it here and give them credit, and it brings it over to Instagram. So this is called 1/3 party app. And once you're in Instagram and you press your camera, the last video is right there, and this is what we've created. So I'm now gonna press next, just like we normally do with the Post. And I could trim my video right now because this is longer per second than 15 seconds. What's asking me if I want to trim it? So that's what that scissors is again. You can do a filter in instagram and you can pick the cover. So I'm really liking this one is the cover. And that's why I moved it to the top. And I want to give a shout out to the artist that did this. I think it's really great. So I'm gonna press next and again. You can write a description giving a quick program we can at mentioned flip program. They are on instagram and all these third party app said, I'm showing you, um, you should be following because you can learn from them on Instagram as well, and you could be tagging them. Um, and I'm also going to give a shout out to creative lives so they will see it and of course, instigate alive. And I'll do a hashtag insta go live. So this video will be curated with all the other content that's being uploaded to Instagram Ally. And that's where I got all these images to create this video. So now I'm gonna press OK, and I'm gonna share it. That's the blue button on the bottom. You all are going to be able to go see this video like in seconds. So it's finished. It's there. Last thing in the feed, you guys dying to see it. So here it is. And all again, I just want to give a shout out to all of the people that created these images and took these photos to become a part of this, um, community right here. And you're now being shown on creative life, which is really great. And this is what we're talking about, the more you post you engage. You comment, the more your community connects with you and the more you start gaining those followers that you're looking for because now everyone is going to go in and see who all of these people are that contributed to this and start talking with them and you're going to see your instagram followers grow because we're all trying to gain new followers and gain not not just gain new followers, but a new follows within our community. And this one is an instant, awesome community. And you should all check out these artists that I chose to feature based on their content that they shared with us. So yes, so that is the demonstration for food program. Pretty amazing. So I'd love to hear some feedback from our in studio students were getting a lot online, but please share you doing this. I Teoh that Zwolle on it and it's posted. But the thing is, I got I got it from my, um this is for android users out there. Great. Okay, you can talk because there's a lot of android users that are asking bright. I went to, you know, photos gallery, and when I pressed on it. It said it was un supported. And so I've been flipping through abs to see what I could get it. And then I just went back to my comments. And there was the video so somehow by Magic Android users, I don't know how to explain it, but maybe if it says that it's not there it is. It does work or something so useful program. And you were able to that the clip a gram. I did the video from Instagram. Oh, sure, Yeah, right. Mr Graham. Yes. But you said to find it in the in our in our photo gallery. Once you've created it in football, Graham, it shows up in your photo. Got no, but in the original Instagram one. So anyway, it said it was unsupportive, but it is supported. So try it. I don't know why I love that. Um So I was just going to say I think this works really well for travel because often my aunt always says that I have way too many photos. So this is a way to not have to pick the best one and inundate people with separate posts. You can have Ah, basically a moving collage of photos. So for travel, I think it works very well. And I just downloaded the flu program app and it said it was free. Three. Great. I purchased so many. I have so many. So I didn't know what that it was really great. So there's no reason why anyone shouldn't be flipping right now and creating one right here uploaded. I want to see it. Yeah, I could see applications here for Realtors and, um, as Jen said, people who travel and I want to give a little tour of their hotel room or any of the places where they're going outdoors. I mean, it's a great way to give kind of an inside view, but for Realtors, it would be amazing. Yes, right? Yes, absolutely a great way to include your community and your audience into the content into the conversation alone. Away. You had a question that we have some questions coming up about. Flip a gram and this one's from Maggie in the chat room, and they say, Can you edit your flip a gram video after you publish? Or is it once it's out there, it's final. You can't and that's why? I said you want to do that preview because I will tell you that I've actually spend Ah, lot of times. I think I got that one image. I wish I put that and I can't access it toe edit. So that's the only thing. So you want to make sure that when you choose your images again, the more you pick, the faster it will flip the video that I showed. I'm gonna actually show one if I have it right in here. Yes. I'm gonna show you this video where we should you know, I showed you earlier. This is this you could this almost feel it almost feels like this is a live video, but these are actually photos that my husband and I took when we were on vacation, and he kept taking, like, 10 or 20 of the same. So this is what a really flip program used to be right when you flip the book and you'd look really quickly and it looked like it was moving. So that's the essence of the spirit of what you can dio with photos that are the same. But there's some small movement, so if you want to have that really flip Ah Graham experience. It's keeping it within the same theme. This is telling a story. This is celebrating our listeners that are a part of our community and, you know, having other people connect so and also depending on what you write in, the description will clarify what that videos about. I was just going to say, This is great for any artist that wants to show their animation because it works. Just Voya animator does. So you can do your drawings and show movement right with your character or something. Right? And if you again, if you if you wanted to share, if you want to go really quickly, we can show Mawr so 30 images instead of 12 if you want to get that movement feel like of how quickly it's going. So the more images you put put in the flu program, the faster it goes. Did I see correctly that it's a maximum of 30? I Have you, madam that at 30. Is that what you know? I thought I saw it in the upper right of the screen when you were choosing them. You know, I didn't think to bring them to my attention. I have not gone beyond 24 knowing that it goes too quickly and you can't even see it. If it does so, the more you have. So if you're gonna create that movement, flip a grand like I showed you with the swing. It's okay to have a lot if you're trying to get people to see each image I recommend staying within 12. Yeah, and it's gonna be exported. So you can You can use it on other channels. Yet you can share this other channels. Yes. I'm gonna talk about that a little later. Great. Waited for more questions. Just a comment while you were Did I did download flu program? I did a quick flip. A gram. It is free. It works on Android. It has a little message that says it may not be compatible. Just try it and just move forward and and try toe posted on my posted while I was finishing. It has another option for almost $2 that you can customize and put your logo and other things on it right forever for a price of $2. That's great. Good. I got mine a long time ago. So that might have been up on the android. That's what I experienced. Great. Thank you for saying that, Andrew. Yes, we haven't forgotten about have anyone that can keep adding to the There are a lot of them out there. And I'm glad that you guys are all giving value there. Thank you. Great. Well, what an exciting dive into this after we have won one more that we're getting too, right? Yes, I have some of these cute up. Um, and I just need to go in and find them. I have them on my soupy Zimmerman account. So I told you all that I have multiple accounts, and sometimes I forget where I put the content. So over on Soupy Zimmerman, we have, um this is where I this is where I create more personal information. And what I really love about all of you is that you were actually a part of engaging with me before I came here to creativelive. I didn't know what outfit to wear. And so I bought a lot of dresses, and you all help me decide. So I'm gonna turn the volume on this. Turn it up want to show you Pick play post actually allows you to show sequential videos within one post. And I really like that so that you can You can take multiple videos, save them on your phone, and then upload them to pick play post and right within the app. You can edit them, and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to do it. So I have I'm demonstrating what it looks like after it's created, as opposed to showing the whole that. Oh, thank you. Okay, so this is may asking you all What, you on creativelive instead, Gal, I've June 9th to the 11th fit number three, which is your favorite. Okay, so I did a little crowdsourcing before I came here. I wanted to hear what you guys like, so I got So I created this video. I uploaded it, and you can change the filter within each section of how you want it to look. There's all kinds of grids for the layout, and you could just do it in a square. A swell. I really like pick play post. It just takes quite a bit of time to master. It's a little bit more of a video editing tool as opposed to being right on Instagram and doing those 15 seconds stop and goes, I think that's the easiest for me. The seconds go to is Flipper Graham. And then if I really want to get created and have the time to create something that's gonna take me a little bit more time, I'll do something like this. But what's really great is I did get 23 comments, as you can see, and you guys all let me know which ones you liked, which is create, And it helped me figure out what to bring and what to wear, and this is outfit number three.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

How to Edit and Post Videos to Instagram®
How to Find and Follow Your Ideal Audience
Instagram® Gal Tip Book
Instagram® Instructional How Tos
The Anatomy of Instagram®
Videohance Tutorial
WordSwag Tutorial
InstaAwesome Kit

Ratings and Reviews

fbuser 4fa60dca

I tuned in to the live stream from Cork Ireland a few days ago. It was late into the evening GMT. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun and instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water to rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went storming from one success to another. She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out - because, for a business person who wants to become loved on line, she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who project an image of being wonderful - SueB delivers. Together with @artisancheesecompany, she "rocks" as you say in North America.Thank you for all the help you've given me and my company @changeagentsbranding. PS I've never met SueB - I simply love her ethos on Instagram. Paul O'Mahony @omaniblog


Loved ♥ this class! Watched it over and over, then just could not live with out it and bought it. #suebzimmer, the hosts and guests were all dynamic, inspiring, and entertaining. There were so many great ideas. This course was worth every penny! I've already seen amazing results, and I can't thank you all enough for providing the wonderful experience that you do with Creative Live! You all rock! #indigocanyonsoaps

fbuser 4fa60dca

I tuned in to the course from my office in Cork Ireland - late in the evening for about 2 hours. What I noticed was infectious enthusiasm laced with fun & instructional support. Without so much as a glass of water tro rehydrate her @suebzimmerman went stsorming from one successful session to another.She was so sharp, empathetic & strong in her own skin - just the kind of guide you'd be proud to have.Every day I urge another person to check her out. Because for a business person who wants to become loved on line - she is the ideal coach. I've tuned in to many people on line - many who've projected an image of being wonderful. SueB delivered. Together with @artisancheesecompany on Instagram - she "rocks" - as you say in North America. That 120 minutes with SueB gave me enough to last me for weeks. What I'd have got from the full course, I can barely imagine - but I bet it was phenomenal value. Thank you very much for the help you've given my company ChangeAgents Branding and the people we serve.

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