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Introduction to the Course

Lesson 1 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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Lesson Info

1. Introduction to the Course

<b>In this video, we will explain what you will learn in this course.</b>
Next Lesson: Serum Introduction

Lesson Info

Introduction to the Course

Thank you for joining us in this course. We're really excited to teach you sound design and synthesis in X first serum. So Thomas is gonna take you through the basics such as oscillators, filters and envelopes all the stuff that you see in the first window. And then I'm gonna show you how to use effects and the modulation matrix to expand on the sound that you are making. And after this, I'm going to show you the global settings. So thank you again for taking this course. We're really excited to get started and we'll see you in the first lecture. Happy Synthesizing.