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Serum Introduction

Lesson 2 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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Lesson Info

2. Serum Introduction

<b>In this lesson, you will learn a quick introduction to the Serum Synthesizer.</b>
Next Lesson: Serum Overview

Lesson Info

Serum Introduction

Hello and welcome to this lecture. I'm going to give you a quick introduction into serum. So Serum is a wave Table synth. And with this wave Table synth, you can actually import your own audio and create custom wave Tables. Serum was developed by a guy called Steve Dudder. And once you learn the basics of the synth, it's actually quite simple and straightforward. So in this course, we're going to be showing you the features in serum. If you've ever used a synth, like native instruments massive before then you'll be able to pick up serum pretty fast. If not, don't worry, we're going to show you exactly how to use this synthesizer in this course. So it does have some similar features to other synthesizers. However, it's also got some of its own unique features. So I'm excited to be presenting you this course. I hope you found it useful and join me in the next lecture. We're going to have an overview of this synthesizer.