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Voicing Section

Lesson 13 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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13. Voicing Section

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about the Voicing section.</b>

Lesson Info

Voicing Section

OK. Now let's have a look at this voicing section in the bottom, right? So the default is polyphonic, which basically means we can play more than one note at the same time. However, we can change this to mono if you wish. So right now I'm playing a chord and now I'm going to switch it to mono and play a chord and notice it's just playing one note. This might be useful for base parts or lead parts. So only one note will be voiced at a time in mono mode. OK? Going down, we have Legato. So this means that the envelopes and the ele Os will only re trigger after all of the notes are released. So let's just change this envelope here. So you can see I'm playing different notes and it's actually going through this envelope. If legato is off, it will go for the envelope every single time. A different note is retriggered. Let's just deselect mono. And here you can see Polly and it has the number eight. So on Polly here, this is actually how many notes can physically be played at the same time. S...

o how many notes on your keyboard. So right now I'm playing three notes for changes to two for one. It's not actually playing the chord. So let's change this back to eight and below we have this zero of eight. So I'm playing three notes. It's saying I'm playing three of eight, play four notes, 567 and eight, eight of eight. If I play more than that, it's not actually playing all these notes. It's just choosing which ones to play. Cos I'm playing more than eight notes there. I was literally just playing a load of notes on the keyboard just for that example. And if we change the voices here as well, you'll notice that this doubles. So when I have two, it doubles. So this is how many notes are in the voices now. So if I play three notes saying six, because there's two voices. So three times two is six. If I play three voices and I play three notes, this will say nine and obviously fourth, I play three notes, it would say so on and so forth because it will multiply the number of notes we're playing by the number of voices. So this is actually the total notes, including the voices going down. We have this Porto dial. So this allows you to collide between notes just gonna make the attack time a bit quicker. However, if we have always checked, this means every note will be Porto because if this isn't checked separate notes will not have Porto. Only legato notes are only when of her notes are held down like this separately, but always means they will all have ball to me do no matter even if they're played separately, it's gonna make the attack time a bit quicker. We can also change the Porta mano time here. Let's just decrease this a bit and we can also change the curve for the Porto here as well, So we can bend it so we can pull this curve inwards. So it seems slow and then quickly jumps towards the destination note, we can pull it outwards. So this will bend closer to the destination though. And when it's in the middle, it'll be great out. OK. So that's this voicing section in the bottom, right? I hope you found this lecture useful and I'll see you in the next one.